Okay, now that I've actually played some of it, I can comment on it.
Vashj'ir was kinda interesting, though as a herbalist, finding those Stormvine was a pain in the *** with all the glitter and bubbles and crap.
Hyjal I'm liking a lot more. Maybe because the underwater thing got old after the first 150 quests. Maybe because I like being able to jump on a rider and go AFK while I fly to wherever. It feels less isolated, which I guess is the point.
I like how they turned leveling into sort of a story. The cutscenes and the phasing was really nice. On the downside, the zone being so linear and so long, I have no desire of ever pulling another character through it. I guess I could go the other way around and just do Hyjal instead, which is probably what'll happen.
Dinging is getting more boring as we go, to be honest. At least when you're low level, you get something new every other level, which is every hour or so. I spent the better half of an entire night grinding quests and hit 81 some five hours later. Okay leveling speed, but the reward was underwhelming. A talent point to put in the tree, but there's nothing exciting left to spend points on. Thrash was a huge letdown as well. And the only new stuff I can look forward to is Stampeding Roar, which is next to useless and the Mushroom spell, which is completely useless for a Feral.
My fun so far has been to stack so much Mastery that my Rake crits now two-shot stuff.
Edited, Dec 13th 2010 3:55am by Mazra