Hi there:
Would anyone care to share helpful hunter macros? I'm having some issues with mine. I never fooled around with them too much in the past, but now that I am using the dungeon finder (sweet!) I've created some.
First - I have an /assist macro obviously, and I was just typing in the tanks name when we zoned into the instance. But last night I was grouped with someone who had umlauts or other special characters in their name. Is there any way to copy/past their name into the box?
Second - I'm trying to make my basic PvE, soloing start macro. I did the basics - hunter's mark, pet attack, and I can get autoshot to begin after that but if I try to do hunter'smark/petattack/black arrow, it tells me the spell isn't ready yet. (cooldown I guess). Is there a command like "wait 1 second" I can insert there?