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Nab Demonology Question 2.0Follow

#1 Nov 12 2010 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Okay, so I asked a stupid question, and figured it out on my own eventually, but this time I read, and re-read the talent trees several times and I really don't know what the farg I'm doing wrong.

My BE Warlock is now Lv70 and in Borean Tundra. I got past the stuff with Warsong Hold before 4.0.1 and then got side-tracked into other stuff.

4.0.1 hit, and earlier today I took him out for the first time. I saw that Felguard no longer has taunts (which makes me a sad panda) and it looks like I'm meant to use Voidwalker when solo. So I bring out my blueberry which I haven't touched since before I RaF-granted levels from Lv31.

I read over spells, and talents, blah blah, and go to pull mobs.

The issue: My Voidwalker is holding, like, zero threat whatsoever at all. Seriously, the initial Immolate damage pulls threat after the said blueberry uses its supposed "high-threat" basic attack. The only time anything ever hits the little blueberry is if it decides to fight an add.

Is it better to just say '***** it' and forget about the voidwalker and pull out the felguard and just burn everything to death before it can hit me more than once or twice?

It almost seems like I'm supposed to do nothing but Hand of Guldan and Incinerate. HoG and Incinerate x2 will kill anything my level outright anyways. But this seems kinda lame, I thought they were trying to make classes more interesting to play, not less interesting? And I don't like the idea of having to channel Soul Harvesting every other kill because I keep getting hit every pull. And Drain Life seems to have been massively nerfed, btw too...

What am I doing wrong?

For talent/gear info.
#2 Nov 13 2010 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
My blueberry doesn't hold anything either (lvl75 Destruction), though I swear he got a little better post patch. I have him out when I want the bubble, use the succy when I want the CC, and the felhunter when I want the buff.

Lyrailis wrote:
just burn everything to death before it can hit me more than once or twice?

Smiley: nod

Works for me at least... Smiley: grin
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#3 Nov 13 2010 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
So, what the hell is the point of the blueberry in the first place, if it can't hold threat whatsoever? The in-game description tells you that it is a tanking pet, and it is meant to keep stuff off of you, but the smallest of your spells rips threat right off of it...

They should buff the threat output of those things or something.
#4 Nov 13 2010 at 8:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts

Bubble and consume shadows are nice. I mean he'll hold threat and take a beating if I let him. Like when I'm attempting an elite I'll give him a couple seconds, then CoA, corruption, Immolate and watch my aggro until I'm ready to pull off of him. Something like that... He'll also tank a couple of extra adds if I pull multiples.

Certainly no hunter pet though.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#5 Nov 15 2010 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Even Hunter pets have issues unless the Hunter is going the Beast Mastery route.

The Felguard is like a tank'n'spank pet meant to combine and replace your Succubus and Voidwalker. Not as good at holding aggro, but does way more damage. Just keep him out and drain tank. That's where the new Drain Life comes in.

The way I rolled while leveling as Demonology was to keep the Felguard out and just aggro a bunch of mobs. He'd chew through two or three on his own while I drain tanked two or three more. Drain Life heals you and the Felguard at the same time. Win.

There's supposed to be a balance between damage output and aggro. If you generate crazy damage, you shouldn't be able to just stand back and let the pet take the damage. Imagine an Arcane Mage with a tanking pet. That'd just be imbalanced. If you want the zero durability loss, go with the Voidwalker and just use whatever low aggro spell you've got. Bane of Agony and sit back and wait.

The safe route is usually the slowest. That goes for all classes.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#6 Nov 15 2010 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
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Mazra wrote:
Even Hunter pets have issues unless the Hunter is going the Beast Mastery route.

The Felguard is like a tank'n'spank pet meant to combine and replace your Succubus and Voidwalker. Not as good at holding aggro, but does way more damage. Just keep him out and drain tank. That's where the new Drain Life comes in.

The way I rolled while leveling as Demonology was to keep the Felguard out and just aggro a bunch of mobs. He'd chew through two or three on his own while I drain tanked two or three more. Drain Life heals you and the Felguard at the same time. Win.

There's supposed to be a balance between damage output and aggro. If you generate crazy damage, you shouldn't be able to just stand back and let the pet take the damage. Imagine an Arcane Mage with a tanking pet. That'd just be imbalanced. If you want the zero durability loss, go with the Voidwalker and just use whatever low aggro spell you've got. Bane of Agony and sit back and wait.

The safe route is usually the slowest. That goes for all classes.

The problem is, though, IMO is that the "DEMONology" Warlock should be focusing on their demons. The way it is now, the demon barely enters the equation, and you end up doing nothing but Hand of Gul'dan and Incinerate if you choose to fight mob-by-mob (I never really liked AoEing crap down, just not my style).

You said "Pets don't hold aggro unless you're BM". Beast Master hunters focus on... *gasp* making their beasts more powerful, and the BM build itself focuses around the Beast.

The Demonology Warlock should do the same -- focus around the demon more than the Warlock himself. No, the Warlock shouldn't be doing all the damage while the pet soaks all the incoming damage. The Warlock should be casting spells that make the demon more powerful (kinda like what Kill Command does for a BM Hunter), so that the Demon is doing a lot of the damage, rather than the warlock doing it. Instead of giving us something like Kill Command, they gave us..... Hand of Gul'dan. A spell that kinda-sorta buffs your demon, but does a huge amount of direct-damage. Errr. Okay, that doesn't make much sense. Hand of Gul'dan sounds more like a Destruction spell to me; it is a freaking flaming meteor kinda thing. That belongs in the Destro tree. What we should have had was a spell that causes a demon to royally smack the mob like Kill Command. THAT feels like a Demonology Talent/Ability.

So, if Warlock pets can't hold aggro, even the so-called "Tank Pet", then why even _Be_ a Demonology Warlock in the first place? If your demons can barely do much of anything, why not pick Destruction, or Affliction and just burn everything to death? IMHO, they ruined Demonology Warlocks by taking away a lot of the Felguard's utility. The Felguard itself was the main reason a Warlock would go Demonology in 3.x. It, along with a bunch of talents that increased the Felguard's effectiveness and of course the occasional Metamorphosis, was the whole point of the Demonology warlock, right?

Well, they take Felguard's taunts away, making it so that it can no longer be a tank pet (it was the only pet that had CHARGE!), so now it is like "Why even be a Demonology Warlock?"

I will probably find myself respeccing, and trying to re-learn how to play Warlock....

Probably end up doing Destro and just burning sh*t down before it gets to me, but that makes me feel like I'm playing a mage... oh well.

Edited, Nov 15th 2010 7:55pm by Lyrailis
#7 Nov 16 2010 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
But if they buffed the Demonology Warlock to be on par with a Beast Mastery Hunter, would you be willing to give up your health regenerating abilities?

Lyrailis wrote:
Well, they take Felguard's taunts away, making it so that it can no longer be a tank pet (it was the only pet that had CHARGE!), so now it is like "Why even be a Demonology Warlock?"

I'm not sure why you think a charge is paramount to a tanking pet. Yes, it's awesome, but it's not exactly a tanking ability. My Druid's Cat Form has a charge. An Arms Warrior has a charge.

And to answer your question: "Why even be a Demonology Warlock?" ... Because Felguard is OP for leveling. I'm not sure what you're trying to kill where the Felguard's lack of a taunt breaks the game for you, but perhaps you should stop trying to solo dungeons. My own Demonology Warlock's Felguard can solo a cluster of mobs without issues. Hell, I healed (on my Druid) a Felguard tanking Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle.

You have a talent specialization that allows for crazy burst damage and an insanely powerful AOE DPS pet, and you want your pet to tank stuff for you as well. No, you can't have the cake and eat it too. Should we be giving Fires Mages a tanking pet as well? They don't even have any heals to replenish their lost health.

Sure, you can have a pet that tanks for you, but you'll have to sacrifice some DPS - which is what you already did. I'm positive that if you bring out your Voidwalker and open up with Bane of Agony and Corruption and just wait, your pet will hold aggro long enough for the mob to die before it reaches you. If you open up with Immolate and Incinerate before the Voidwalker gets in any kind of damage, naturally you're going to pull aggro and get hit.

That's why they saw fit to give you heals.

To quote myself:

if they buffed the Demonology Warlock to be on par with a Beast Mastery Hunter, would you be willing to give up your health regenerating abilities?

Edited, Nov 16th 2010 2:38pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#8 Nov 16 2010 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I'm not sure why you think a charge is paramount to a tanking pet. Yes, it's awesome, but it's not exactly a tanking ability. My Druid's Cat Form has a charge. An Arms Warrior has a charge.

Because, a pet that has charge can actually *get* to the mob faster. With no Dash talents that we can give our demons, it takes that stupid blueberry forever and a day to slowly crawl over to the mob TO hit it (since its taunt is now a MELEE attack, it can't even taunt on its way over to the mob). Therefore, you have to just stand there and wait.... and wait.... and wait... until it finally gets over to the mob before you can start attacking it. The sooner the pet reaches the mob, the sooner it can start building threat, and the sooner you can actually start DPSing it. Hence why as a hunter, I prefer pets that have charge over those that do not. The split-second stun is also nice too, but nowhere near necessary. I just want the pet to get to the mob ASAP.

Even if you open up with Bane of Agony, and just stand there and do nothing but wanding, I've found that the Blueberry nearly loses threat. Forget about casting anything else.

And yes, I don't care if they nerf Demonology DPS, or move more of its DPS to the Pet. As far as Self-Healing, every class except hunter has it. Even _rogues_ have Self-Healing now. Hell, they get a permanent HoT as long as you keep killing mobs now. The thing about hunters, though, is that they have Feign Death, something nobody else has (well, Rogues have it kinda-sorta).

I just want my friggin pets to actually, uh, tank like they're supposed to. That's why I started demonology back in 3.x in the first place, to be honest. I like tanking pets.

Like I said before, Demonology locks were fine in 3.x. They had a nice balance of DPS, self-healing, and the pet's tanking ability. In 3.x, you could still easily rip threat off your bet, but Good God, at least you could cast a couple spells before you hit the yellow line. And the pet had Charge, so you didn't have to wait 5+ seconds per pull for your pet to get over to the mob.

Another note about Self-Healing, it appears they nerfed Drain Health, so now our only self-healing is a channeled spell that works almost just like Glyphed Evocate. Drain Health used to actually, you know, drain a noticeable amount? It seems after 4.0, I cast drain health and I don't really see much draining going on at all. So other than our EvocateSoul Harvest, what Self-healing are you talking about? All I see is a roughly 50-60% of your max HP over 6-ish seconds once every 2 min. And it can be interrupted, quite easily so, if you get hit while casting it.

And another note:

I'd be fine if they'd nerf the blueberry's damage in exchange for it actually being able to tank, but eh, it has to actually BE able to tank which currently, it simply is not. The only way it can actually hold a mob is if it decides to attack some add that I wasn't hitting at the time. As I said before, I was able to pull threat off of it by casting *one* spell -- Immolate. The spell that does "half damage now, half in DoT". The initial damage from Immolate was ripping threat off it. Seriously.

Edited, Nov 16th 2010 9:02am by Lyrailis
#9 Nov 16 2010 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts

You know one thing that helped my pet hold aggro back in my hunter days was to send him out early. After I'd kill mob #1 I would immediately send him to get mob #2. While he was doing that I'd loot mob #1. By the time I'd looted, skinned, and ran into range I could kill #2 and not have to worry so much about aggro. Of course I also remember stacking spirit so I didn't have to stop... Smiley: rolleyes

If it's taking him a long time to reach the mobs without a dash you could health funnel to him before he got to the mob, and probably bandage yourself to get your health back up as well. I mean with that extra down time there's potions, lock rocks, bandages, food, etc. It could be another way to make use of that extra 4-5 seconds of downtime.

That's odd though that's he's losing aggro so fast. I can't say I've noticed that much trouble with my blueberry post-patch (though if I'm trying to have him tank something I never open with immolate). I thought the Felguard was supposed to be awful overpowered for you Demonology folks though? Like it was supposed to be the tank/DPS/awesome-everything-in-one-package kind of minion or something? Perhaps I missed the memo...

Edited, Nov 16th 2010 9:03am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#10 Nov 16 2010 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Voidwalker tanking was always sucky. I remember trying to do my Doomguard quest as Affliction a couple of months back with my Voidwalker losing aggro to Curse of Agony. I agree that the Voidwalker's tanking capabilities are underwhelming. Haven't tried it post-patch, but it sounds like they messed up something in the transition.

If you haven't tried out the new Felguard, I suggest you give it a go. It's extremely powerful now.

They didn't nerf Drain Life, they just shortened the cast and thus the healing per cast. Other healing methods include Healthstones, Death Coil and Fel Armor. Fel Armor returns 2% of your maximum health every 5 seconds, something the Beast Mastery Hunter has to spend talents on getting (and it's every 10 seconds for the Hunter).
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Nov 16 2010 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
just gotta chip this in... they DRAMATICALLY nerfed the healing from drain life. you can no-longer drain tank old bosses. but they did increase the damage it does to the point it can even be considered a replacement for shadowbolt in affliction rotations (though i think this requires really high haste)
#12 Nov 16 2010 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Jenovaomega wrote:
just gotta chip this in... they DRAMATICALLY nerfed the healing from drain life. you can no-longer drain tank old bosses. but they did increase the damage it does to the point it can even be considered a replacement for shadowbolt in affliction rotations (though i think this requires really high haste)

I remember draining almost 400 per tick of Drain Life... I was a bit 'bleh' to find out that it is only 296 now after 4.0.

Given that they increased the mobs' damage they do to players, Drain Life won't let you drain-tank a normal mob, let alone anything Elite, unless you were maybe 80 with purples.

Edit: Looks like my only course of action is to simply respec Destro or Affliction and say "***** demo". But this leaves kinda sour taste in my mouth; I already have a mage. If I wanted a 2nd mage, I'd just roll one. Problem is, this warlock is already Lv70 and has 445+ Leatherworking and Tailoring. I'm not going to just dump that less than a month away from Cataclysm.

Edited, Nov 16th 2010 3:03pm by Lyrailis
#13 Nov 17 2010 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

Decided to give the felguard a try.

So far, it seems O.K. if the fights are fast. He will actually hold threat better than the blueberry (which is kind of retarded -- a DPS pet with no taunts shouldn't be doing 2-3x more threat than a tank pet with taunts!), and his charge-stun is still there; it will usually hold a mob long enough that it dies before ever getting to you.

And, since I had to do that steam elemental zap with totem quest in Borean Tundra, I had to send him in first and with 2-3 melee attacks, he held threat against a HoG crit (though it pushed me to yellow threat). Said crit almost killed the mob outright.

If you do demo, felguard is still the way to go, I wouldn't expect to solo any elites though; the felguard is a LOT squishier. At least Health Funnel is shorter and heals for a lot larger ticks. Too bad they didn't do similar with Drain Health...

Another update:

I did some more experiments and it seems like the best way to do it, is to make a Macro for Immolate:

/cast Immolate

Open with that (make sure you have LoS and are within range; the pet will attack and the spell will fail if you're out of range/don't have LoS), follow with Corruption, then Hand of Gul'dan.

The Felguard should hold aggro until HoG lands; the mob should be rooted and only have 1-3k left on it (if you crit with HoG, it is dead period lol). But since HoG places a root on the mob, it can't actually hit you unless it has ranged attacks. The mob should easily be dead by the time the root wears off, from having 2 DoTs, the Felguard, and you. If the mob still has a little HP left, you could try casting Incinerate, but the DoTs and the Felguard will probably kill it before you even finish casting in most cases.

Alternatively, if HoG is down, Incinerate spam works too, especially if Molten Core procs.

I tried adding Bane of Agony to the mix, but that seemed like unnecessary overkill. Even if something did live long enough for Agony to do its damage, I'd be pulling way too much threat anyways and end up getting killed. Soul Fire? I haven't found a use for this yet in standard solo single-pulling.

The kinda nice thing about this, is you should never need Soul Harvest or Drain Health or that HP>Mana spell that I can never remember the name of. Your Mana regen should take care of that for you, though your Felguard may need a health funnel now and then, but you should heal back that HP easily between battles with the new HP Regen formula.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 8:35am by Lyrailis
#14 Nov 17 2010 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Given that they increased the mobs' damage they do to players, Drain Life won't let you drain-tank a normal mob, let alone anything Elite, unless you were maybe 80 with purples.

Smiley: dubious

I'm fairly certain you can still drain-tank stuff as Affliction. Maybe not as Demonology, but why would you? I don't try to heal with my Feral Druid.

Demonology has changed a bit since Vanilla. Back then it was the closest thing you got to being a Hunter. Basically, the three talent trees opened up three styles of play:


With the changes to Demonology, it's moved towards being an AOE "toe-to-toe" tree. You get an AOE pet (Legion Strike, Felstorm), a channeled close cast AOE, and finally a cooldown that increases your damage mitigation and opens up more AOE (Immolation Aura, Shadow Cleave) as well as an AOE taunt(!). It's fairly obvious that the tree focuses on jumping into a group of mobs and dishing out pain in large quantities to everything. The Felguard is squishy because he's not supposed to tank stuff - you are.

That said, the Voidwalker is broken. I had a chance to get on my Warlock and test it last night and yes, it's broken. Horribly. Can't hold aggro and does less damage than anything else. Only thing it's really good for is the bubble so you can drain-tank some more. Which is fail.

My suggestion to you, if you want to remain Demonology, is to change your mindset about the spec's role. Drain-hunting is dead, at least until they fix the Voidwalker. If you want to sit back and pewpew while your pet gets shredded, start a Hunter.

If you want to solo elites and stuff, go Affliction and get the Voidwalker out for the bubble. Affliction has crazy survivability and the bubble is overpowered when you combine the two. Good stuff.

In any case, I suggest spending your first 100g on dual-spec.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Nov 17 2010 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

I updated my post...

But anyways, I think this will do for now. I just won't solo elites (not really interested in trying to learn a whole 'nuther spec right now lol, I just want to get him to 80 for a crafting character mainly). Maybe in Cataclysm I'll examine him more in depth and learn the class more... but for now, he's my Tailor/LW... I need to get him up so I can do Cata stuff ASAP, so my discoveries in my updated post will work for now. Thanks for the advice, though!
#16 Nov 17 2010 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
On a completely different topic, are you having issues remembering names and such? Don't take this as a critique, I'm merely curious. You mention Drain Health and 'that HP>Mana spell'. Drain Life and Life Tap are sort of essential spells to a Warlock and perhaps it's because I grew up with it, but I can't for the life of me understand how someone gets to level 70 without remembering Life Tap.

Like I said, please don't take it as mockery, I'm just curious. I've got this hypothesis that it might be linked to the performance I'm seeing in random dungeons. Like the Death Knight who didn't know what Dark Command (taunt) was, or the level 80 Paladin who kept referring to his Blessing of Might as Blessing of Power.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Nov 17 2010 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
mixed in with demonic empowerment the voidy can generate some pretty decent threat, and it now has a proper taunt, which means for 5seconds after using it the mob WILL attack your pet, so it's pretty good for holding a target off you / running and bouncing the mob around. also now that soulshatter drops 90% of our threat it means we can get very low threat compared to our pets. don't give up on the blueberry, it still is a potent tank. the only thing that is broken is the auto-use of it's taunt, just doesn't seem to happen... but then again it's better on manual anyways as it only works if the mob is targeting someone else
#18 Nov 17 2010 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Oh yeah, forgot about Soulshatter. And 90%? Holy crap.

I'll have to test some more tonight now. Always a good excuse to dust off the squishy.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Nov 17 2010 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
yeah, tis the only to defeat the bloodlord in zg i find
#20 Nov 17 2010 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Heh, you said 'tis'. Smiley: sly
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#21 Nov 17 2010 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
yes, i'm british and I use some older sayings :p
#22 Nov 18 2010 at 5:34 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Mazra wrote:
On a completely different topic, are you having issues remembering names and such? Don't take this as a critique, I'm merely curious. You mention Drain Health and 'that HP>Mana spell'. Drain Life and Life Tap are sort of essential spells to a Warlock and perhaps it's because I grew up with it, but I can't for the life of me understand how someone gets to level 70 without remembering Life Tap.

Unfamiliarity with the class and somewhat bad memory.

I leveled my warlock from 1 to 31 a couple years ago, not that far into BC. This was on a different server than my alliance characters and was only a little side-project. Then, I got pretty much "done" with Alliance, several 80s and what-not, and became Curious about the Horde side. This is about the same time that mom started the game, and we did a pair of Alliance characters with Recruit-a-Friend. Well, we also decided to do a couple Horde characters too, and so we went to that server.

I wound up using the Recruit-a-Friend's level granting feature to get my Warlock from 31 to 60. More time passed, where I did nothing but level his Tailoring and Leatherworking.

Then I brought him to Outland, and it took some tinkering but I eventually learned how to play the class for solo PvE and I leveled him to 70 and then put him on the shelf again. This was like 2-3 months ago. During that 2-3 Months, I used mats gathered by other characters to get his Tailor/LW to the 440s.

Fast-Forward to patch 4.0.1 and the fact that Cataclysm crafts probably take at least Lv75 to uncap, and I decided to take him out and level him again, hence the OP.

As I haven't played Warlock as much as I have, say, Paladin, I'm not as familiar with the names of the abilities. In fact, I tend to think of abilities as what they do, not what they are named. "Drain Health" is Exactly What It Says On The Tin, but then so is "Drain Life". They both mean the same thing. As far as the "HP>Mana" spell I mentioned above, I couldn't remember if that was called Life Tap or Mana Tap, but I recalled exactly what it does -- takes a chunk of health and converts it to mana. That, and in 4.0.1 I hadn't need to use it a single time, so I kinda forgot what exactly the name of it was.

Like I said, please don't take it as mockery, I'm just curious. I've got this hypothesis that it might be linked to the performance I'm seeing in random dungeons. Like the Death Knight who didn't know what Dark Command (taunt) was, or the level 80 Paladin who kept referring to his Blessing of Might as Blessing of Power.


I can understand the Blessing of Might/Blessing of Power confusion -- Blessing of Might in 3.x gave Attack Power. It could be understandable that one would call it "Blessing of Power" because that's what it actually does (or, rather, did until 4.0).

As for the DK not knowing what Dark Command is, that's a whole different ballgame when a player doesn't know that an ability exists... or did you mean that he knew that he had "a taunt other than death grip" but didn't know it was called "Dark Command"?

I had that problem when Death Knights were first released (and I'm still forgetting the exact name of some abilities, esp from the Unholy and Frost trees, as I played exclusively Blood in 3.x) -- I kept forgetting what exactly the abilities were named. This isn't a failure to know my class (I know the abilities exist and what they do), it is just me forgetting exactly what Blizz named it.

And no offense taken, I can understand the concern and curiosity.
#23 Nov 18 2010 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I meant that he didn't know the name. He knew it existed, but he didn't recognize the name.

Maybe I'm just a bit eidetic when it comes to these things, but it baffles me when a high level player doesn't know the name of one of the more essential abilities of his or her class. It's akin to a long-time player not knowing what a Mage or Rogue is. Smiley: lol

That's why I was curious. Some people suffer from disabilities that prevent them from remembering stuff as well, and I wouldn't want to step on toes. Others are a bit more casual when it comes to knowing their class and do fine without knowing what "that HP>Mana thing" is.

In any case, I'm just being rudely curious. Not trying to be all 'Oh, you don't know it's called Life Tap? So you're some kind of nub?' (arrogant is the word I'm looking for, isn't it?). I just have a tendency to be slightly blunt when curious. Smiley: grin
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Nov 18 2010 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
some people are just overly forgetfull :p for example i suffer from a mild case of dysnomia.. which basically means i'm useless at remembers nouns... so you'll hear me refer to.. well most things with a name as "thingy" rather than what it's called cos the name always eludes me, so don't worry about forgetting the hp>mana thingy, i do it all the time too ^^ lol
#25 Nov 18 2010 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
That, and in 4.0.1 I hadn't need to use it a single time, so I kinda forgot what exactly the name of it was.

Yeah, that's been surprising to me too. In 3.x I had to choose between PvP talents and replenishment, now I get them both with points to spare. It's for the best though; all I know is when I use the HP > mana thingy it makes the Mrs. upset when she's healing me. Grumpy is bad.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#26 Nov 22 2010 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
202 posts
Mazra wrote:
Heh, you said 'tis'

'tis or GTFO
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