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So, how has your DPS been in 4.0.1?Follow

#1 Oct 27 2010 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
Overall mine has been better than it was at 3.3.5, although some fights are relatively close (a couple % points more generally).

Last raid week (two weeks ago, actually - didn't raid last week) I went through as fire (non-mastery/ffb) and did relatively well, I believe averaging about 12-14k dps per fight (depending on the fight, of course). Last night we went through 10/12 heroics (saved H sindy + lk for thursday) and I was hitting higher numbers with arcane (reforged a lot of stuff into mastery, pretty much anything that had haste on it) and my low-end dps was around 15-16k. On Saurfang I lead the raid with about 22k dps (lol 97% arcane blast, if I would have gotten an innervate I could have went 100%!), and on BQL I got the 3rd bite and hit 28k (first bite was a fire mage that pulled close to 35k).

Arcane blast crits (yay fun): highest normal fight crit was ~100k. highest I've seen so far was 155k on BQL after the bite. average crits are around 40-50k.

While arcane is super easy, it isn't really 'fun', but I know that will be changing come 4.0.3 when we are leveling and our combat ratings get nerfed. Fire will take a serious hit for the same reason.
#2 Oct 27 2010 at 7:59 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
Mine has been decent enough. Frost was uncompetitive, arcane seems to be working well and haven't tried fire yet. Managed 10-12k dps in ICC10 hc and was usually 3rd (beaten by a lock and feral druid), not that stunning in the grand scheme of things but on a personal level I don't feel that I've got any worse (unlike most hunters I've played with, who seem to be struggling). I think I'm being a little conservative with my mana at the moment and my gearing and gems aren't optimal.

I looked at world of logs after my last raid on the mage and the class seems to be well represented on the top dps boards.
#3 Oct 27 2010 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I haven't been raiding (Lack of Guild) but on the random heroics I've run I have pulled about 10k on the bosses that allow me to cast for more than a few seconds.

I know this is not the type of info you were looking for, but prior to the patch as an Arcane spec - I was running in the 7-8k range.

Now I can eaisly hit 10k.
#4 Oct 29 2010 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
I'm a little surprised to hear that Frost is uncompetetive coming out of the beta.
It's well known that on beta, frost is top dog right now, no one can beat my evil 17K in heroics, let alone other mages.
Curious indeed.
#5 Oct 29 2010 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
I'm enjoying the hell out of fire right now. It feels good leading ICC in Damage and DPS, and I love not having to worry about mana so much as I used to; it seems very efficient.
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#6 Oct 29 2010 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
BillyRayValentine wrote:
I'm enjoying the hell out of fire right now. It feels good leading ICC in Damage and DPS, and I love not having to worry about mana so much as I used to; it seems very efficient.

Too bad it is the exact opposite in beta. with how it currently stands as fire you can't go longer than 3 minutes with molten armor turned on.
#7 Oct 29 2010 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Even with proper gem and evocate usage? It's shocking that fire is THAT much more mana hungry than frost is. Granted, as 'the Frost guy' I haven't done extensive personal testing as arcane or fire, but I do like that the trees are finally getting more and more into their own unique niches.
Arcane = careful balance of mana usage, with high mana usage spells.
Fire = GO BOOM, good ol' glass cannon.
Frost = slow and steady wins the race. More utility, more snares. Frostfire orb is just devastating in PvP.
#8 Oct 30 2010 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, I'm having to Evocate and use Mana Gems/Pots during longer fights, but this is really no different then what I'm used to as far as raiding, especially pre-4.0.1 when I was Arcane.

As far as damage, I went to ICC tonight, and man was I on fire, no pun intended. On the bosses we downed (Sadly only Saurfang and Festergut; Rotface was uh...yeah) I was leading on DPS and overall damage by a very wide margin; I think on Saurfang I did about 9700 DPS, with the closest competition being 7100. Total DPS was around 8.7K, with 7.3K being my closest competitor. I'll take that all day long (at least before Cata comes).

I've yet to raid as Arcane or Frost in this patch, but given what I've seen with Fire...why would I want to?! If it ain't broke...
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#9 Oct 30 2010 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
BillyRayValentine wrote:
Yeah, I'm having to Evocate and use Mana Gems/Pots during longer fights, but this is really no different then what I'm used to as far as raiding, especially pre-4.0.1 when I was Arcane.

As far as damage, I went to ICC tonight, and man was I on fire, no pun intended. On the bosses we downed (Sadly only Saurfang and Festergut; Rotface was uh...yeah) I was leading on DPS and overall damage by a very wide margin; I think on Saurfang I did about 9700 DPS, with the closest competition being 7100. Total DPS was around 8.7K, with 7.3K being my closest competitor. I'll take that all day long (at least before Cata comes).

I've yet to raid as Arcane or Frost in this patch, but given what I've seen with Fire...why would I want to?! If it ain't broke...

After you posted I was curious why your numbers were relatively low: your crit chance is super low for fire to be reliable. I would respec to arcane until you get more crit. Also, you should mostly be matching your socket bonuses, especially those that give +7 spellpower or more.

@jay re: fire length in fights
If you follow the normal fire rotation with molten armor (in cataclysm at 85) you probably won't last longer than 3 minutes unless you are throwing a scorch after every cast (huge dps hit)

Right now fire has been great, doing upwards of 15k dps on most fights and going the length of the fight isn't an issue. It is when the combat ratings get demolished is when it really hurts, as fire is (and always has been) extremely gear dependent.

Edited, Oct 30th 2010 10:09am by Anobix
#10 Oct 30 2010 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
So are you having to rotate between molten and mage armors? Sort of like arcane does at 85?
#11 Oct 30 2010 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
Anobix wrote:
BillyRayValentine wrote:
Yeah, I'm having to Evocate and use Mana Gems/Pots during longer fights, but this is really no different then what I'm used to as far as raiding, especially pre-4.0.1 when I was Arcane.

As far as damage, I went to ICC tonight, and man was I on fire, no pun intended. On the bosses we downed (Sadly only Saurfang and Festergut; Rotface was uh...yeah) I was leading on DPS and overall damage by a very wide margin; I think on Saurfang I did about 9700 DPS, with the closest competition being 7100. Total DPS was around 8.7K, with 7.3K being my closest competitor. I'll take that all day long (at least before Cata comes).

I've yet to raid as Arcane or Frost in this patch, but given what I've seen with Fire...why would I want to?! If it ain't broke...

After you posted I was curious why your numbers were relatively low: your crit chance is super low for fire to be reliable. I would respec to arcane until you get more crit. Also, you should mostly be matching your socket bonuses, especially those that give +7 spellpower or more.

Well, I was dumb and didn't fully read the description of Fire Mastery; I thought it applied to ALL fire damage, not the DoT effects. I might reforge to get as much crit as I can.

While the numbers say about 34% crit, it seems to be much higher when I'm raiding.

"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#12 Oct 31 2010 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
jaysgsl wrote:
So are you having to rotate between molten and mage armors? Sort of like arcane does at 85?

I haven't heard any reports that rotating armies as arcane is a good idea. You should really just be sticking to Mage armor so that your burn cycle lasts longer, etc. For fire (note: i'm not in the beta) is that you pretty much have to just use Mage armor (glyphed) to stay afloat. Which I think is pretty poor planning. IMHO they need to redo MoE (so it is based off of final spell cost, not base, for arcane and some other buff to make it not just crit as fire doesn't get many at 85 right now) and or give another form of mana regen for fire.
#13 Oct 31 2010 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Granted, the stance swapping is popular on beta, or it was a couple weeks ago, but that doesn't mean it's right, of course. I may gobble up that second spec just to check things out.
#14 Oct 31 2010 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Anobix wrote:
jaysgsl wrote:
So are you having to rotate between molten and mage armors? Sort of like arcane does at 85?

I haven't heard any reports that rotating armies as arcane is a good idea. You should really just be sticking to Mage armor so that your burn cycle lasts longer, etc. For fire (note: i'm not in the beta) is that you pretty much have to just use Mage armor (glyphed) to stay afloat. Which I think is pretty poor planning. IMHO they need to redo MoE (so it is based off of final spell cost, not base, for arcane and some other buff to make it not just crit as fire doesn't get many at 85 right now) and or give another form of mana regen for fire.
Alternatively, they could find a way to buff scorch(not necessarily on damage, either) to make scorch cycles a more viable option.
#15 Oct 31 2010 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
That or what if we had combustion give the dot value as mana back as well as creating the secondary dot.
#16 Oct 31 2010 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Anobix wrote:
That or what if we had combustion give the dot value as mana back as well as creating the secondary dot.
Perhaps a percentage of your total mana based on the number of DoTs currently on your enemy.

I was thinking something like "Improved Scorch" having a chance to reduce the cooldown of Evocate, myself.
#17 Nov 01 2010 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Sort of like the new Combat Rogue ability where finishers reduce the cooldown?
How about Hot Streak consumptions instead, or something like that?
#18 Nov 01 2010 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
ooh, what if mage armor allowed you to evocate while moving!

while that isn't directly a fire-mage thing, I think it would be awesome.

But yeah, maybe Hot Streak consumption reduces the CD on evo by 10 seconds? Although it would be completely imba at the moment, it would balance pretty well with 20% crit chance at 85.
#19 Nov 02 2010 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Impact would likely be an interesting choice as well. Still reliant on the RNG, but since it doesn't get changed by critical strike chance, it might be a better choice for a mana return talent since you can balance it at all gear levels much more easily.
#20 Nov 02 2010 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
My dps seems to be about 1-3k higher than pre-patch, I guess, something around there. I'm fire and have now reforged all my extra hit into haste. Reforging it all into mastery got me probably a little higher, but it's just a little more enjoyable for me with higher haste, and since I'm staying in the top 5 most of the time, I'll just stick with this for a while (maybe. probably). I'm not really having any more problems with mana than I had before, well, maybe a little, but not enough to whine about it yet. Our frost mage is having fps issues, so he can't keep up with me right now, but when his puter is in shape, he keeps up fine. This is an issue of skill, though, he's the kind of player who will outdps most people as his offspec, and I'm the type who struggles to keep up with my gear's potential.

I am trying to use fireball as my main nuke, but keeping ffb dot x3 up. It's kind of a pita, and I need to set my scorchio to make the sound like I used to have scorch make -before- it drops if I want to keep doing this. But I don't think my dps is much different when I just use ffb as my main nuke and just skip the fireball altogether.

Right now, I'm playing with one of kyth's specs for some more aoe damage on trash (and maybe the beasts and valitrhia this week), but I haven't really gotten the hang of it yet. Kind of throws me for a loop with the reticule for bw. :) Other than that, it's fun, and easy. I think one of the biggest mistakes I keep making is using combustion right as my LB is assploding. I'll have to keep an eye on that. I'm using combustionhelper, but I haven't kept an eye on my LB as well as I should.
#21 Nov 03 2010 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Finally got some DPS numbers on a fight. 8800 or so on Patchwerk as arcane, not that it says much. Don't think we had replenishment, either. So the mana was a bit of an issue.
#22 Nov 03 2010 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
I didn't know your mage was still in heroic 5man gear :p
#23 Nov 03 2010 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Our tank for our 10 mans had some issues with having to travel for work around the time ToC was first coming out, so I took up the torch and geared up my DK to fill in the void. I haven't played my mage very much since, so was stuck with what I had gotten from T7 and T8 dungeons(Ulduar wasn't very good to me beyond a few tier pieces) as well as a few emblem items. So yeah, she's a bit less geared than I would like.
#24 Nov 05 2010 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
My RL/friendly competition is going fire this next week. He's going to kick. my. ***. :) I look forward to being schooled. :)
#25 Nov 16 2010 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
For me as Arcane it has been an absolutely crazy increase. Arcane can be boring but I like the mana mechanics. It makes me actually have to think about a change in rotation to recover or pace things in non burn phases. Just wish ABarr and AE could play more into everything. The crits are insane though, on Lich King I have a running bet on how long it will take me to pull agro off the tank with or without CD's Gems and Pots. It happens at least once a fight if I don't slow things down, especially in the beginning.

Thing I find hard to quantify is my DPS as firm number. It can vary so much between phases and bosses due to mana levels and time requirements. It easy to say my DPS hit 40k on a fight that had 30secs to it and I crit like crazy compared to a fight that takes 5 mins and many phases. Then you show and overall DPS of 8k but your damage totals are through through the roof. You almost need a chart of each boss and only do comparisons on that boss with others on the same boss. Am I wrong here?

#26 Nov 16 2010 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
I reforged my items for hit, since I am good and above on that for arcane. Dont we need haste, i am only at 600 haste, i would love to reforge more towards mastery, does haste count that much for arcane anymore. with only 600 i am pretty slow but still do good dps, pls let me know. thanks
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