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The new Disc - sound offFollow

#1 Oct 24 2010 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Even though the Smite is Awesome thread started out being about, um, Smite, I'm starting a new thread because I wanted sort of a poll. Except I'm too cheap to be able to do a poll at the moment. So use your imagination, 'k?

No matter what the mastery says, it seems clear to me after playing it for a while that Disc has moved away from absorb-healing and now is centered around smite-healing. Agree? And if so, do you...

1.) Love this.
2.) Hate this.
3.) Medium-emotion this.

#3 for me, because I think it's a neat idea, and although I miss mitigation healing in its old form, I think this is a cool thing to replace it with. However... I'm not able to bring myself to do it. I thought I would love it because I've always enjoyed my offensive capability as a Disc priest, but there's a difference between having the option to cast offensive spells and relying on offensive spells. It's definitely an uncomfortable feeling for me to count on an offensive spell to do defensive stuff. I see damage hitting a friendly target and I want to shield it, or heal it. Ignoring it in favor of burning the enemy down just feels wrong. This is compounded by me not really being able to count on Atonement to hit the right person (although they've done great things with Atonement overall - yay for proccing DA!).

To me, the old Disc feels gone and I'm not sure the new one fits me personally. I could probably get used to it with practice, but I'm just not sure it will be my thing. Not QQ though, because like I said, I think it's neat.
#2 Oct 24 2010 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
Eh, I dislike it to be honest. Want to melt faces? Specc shadow. When I specced Disc, I did it so I could heal my party, provide downright ridiculous damage reduction and survivability, a very neat buff and so on, not melt the face of bosses. Sure, it's a 'fun' mechanic, but that doesn't make it any more of a healer thing to me than Vampiric Embrace and Devouring Plague is.

Ruined Disc for me, to be quite honest, which makes my Priest a very sad panda. Guess I'm all shadow now, not even offspeccing healer.
#3 Oct 24 2010 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
Here you go:

Teacake Says...
Disc has moved away from absorb healing and now is centered around smite healing. Agree? And if so, do you...
Love this. :4 (14.8%)
Hate this. :6 (22.2%)
Medium-emotion this. :17 (63.0%)

Edited, Oct 25th 2010 6:47am by dadanox
#4 Oct 24 2010 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
I like it. A little bit of extra dps can't hurt. Priests have always tried to sneak in a little dps. Now you can do it while replenishing your mana and healing as well. The choice is yours.

You can stack 5 evangelism, healing with every smite, then pop Archangel for 15% mana return, rather than Hymn of Hope, where nobody get any heals while it channels.
#5 Oct 24 2010 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'm going to be a ******* just because I can. I 1) love the idea and really like synergy between offensive abilities and heals, but 2) hate how it currently works in WOTLK. Because of the fact that disc can still be played WOTLK style right now I'm stuck on 3) and medium-emotion this.

All in all the idea is good, but it needs to be tweaked and I need to see it at 85 before I can honestly say I like or dislike it. They need to make up their mind about whether they want Disc to use Smite or Heal as a primary heal and adjust Strength of Soul accordingly, while completely fixing Atonement, Train of Thought and PW:S on the road. As it is now, talents like Soul Warding (which should be core to the spec) aren't going to be worth picking up.

While they're at it, they could simplify holy a bit too. The niche-appeal is outstanding, but literally every damn spell in that school has some kind of synergy with another spell - it's just too confusing for me to play right now. I can put out nice numbers, but I never have a clue whether I'm actually playing it optimal or not.
#6 Oct 24 2010 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Here you go

Thank you. :)
#7 Oct 24 2010 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
Thematically, I love it. Discipline to me seems like the "balance" tree. Priests have always been creatures of two worlds, the Light and Shadow. Discipline is the tree that blends the two and gives you causing damage to heal. They're what TVTropes calls a "Yin Yang Bomb", blending two thematic opposites together to achieve a goal, which I like.

That said, as an actual in-game mechanic, it strikes me as having to give up the best of both worlds to do what each tree specializes in, just not as effectively. Also, as teacake said, it just feels strange. It might be because we're just not used to it yet, but when you're used to either watching health meters and healing those that go down, or making a single health meter go down, ignoring directly healing people so you can indirectly heal them feels not right.
#8 Oct 25 2010 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts

edit: That old tree in the post is a trip.

Edited, Oct 24th 2010 10:29pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Oct 25 2010 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Old posts that are barely relevant a side, I miss the absorbiness of Disc as PW:S seems weak now.

Hopefully being able to get involved with some serious mastery rating will help. Still haven't raided since 4.0.1 do to having a friend visiting but hoping mana isn't to bad so I can push some stats into mastery to see if it helps at all.

Also need to gussy up mu Smite macro as it is currently non-existent.

/cast Smite [harm][help, @targettarget] is what I'm wanting yes? Having to target mobs is really annoying when I'm trying to heal.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#10 Oct 29 2010 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
I think I like the new disc, but haven't quite found my feet with it yet. Its just taking some getting used to, partly because I've never really played dps, partly because of the new need to know who is within 8-yards of what and for how long and partly because I haven't played in a while. The smite thing works perfectly for most fights but not so sure for the odd fight where my heals need to be directed, say, if there is a lot of movement or ranged dps taking a lot of damage, mana can run low then too. Found a couple of uses for PW:barrier and I like that. At least, as I've just returned to the game after a year off, I've never played disc as some kind of bubble-spam, so I can't miss that!
#11 Oct 29 2010 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I ran around solo for a while doing dailies just to test it in a controlled environment and see if I was being needlessly hateful. But nope, it's true: my shield is for crap now. Which means it really is Smite heal or GTFO. I'm going to GTFO for a while (not saying forever). I still think it's a cool idea, but I personally feel like I'm giving up too much of my healing power for the boost in offensive power, and the balance isn't to my liking. When I do need bigbig heals fastfast, I don't feel like I have them. Penance is awesome, but it's not superman.

I shall try again at 85 or if they make more changes. Meanwhile I'm still trying to find my feet as Holy. I had to take Spirit of Redemption out of my PVP spec because of that damn bug. :(

Edited, Oct 29th 2010 10:41am by teacake
#12 Oct 29 2010 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
To be fair, PW:S isn't that weak at the moment? I used to get roughly 2K non-crit heals on my PW:S glyph, which means my PW:S absorbed for roughly 10K. The patch has changed that to 1.7K non-crit heals, aka 8.5K absorb. That 1500 lost absorb isn't going to make much difference, tbh - especially not when soloing.

The reason you feel like you lack big heals is because you can't really use Greater Heal yet. If you need a BIG heal NOW, odds are you've done something wrong regardless though, and aside from Flash Heal, there's nothing that would be able to save you. Even if you were holy.

As for Smite, I tried disc yesterday on Valithria (the IcC encounter that you beat by healing the 'boss' [a good guy] up to full rather than killing someone), just to see how effective it would be, and the results were... somewhat surprising. I was able to keep up with my paladin companion by using Flash Heal + Penance + Renew, which means that throughputwise, disc is in a more decent spot than it was pre-patch. I did one attempt trying to heal the boss up through Smiting the adds near her, and while it was lots of fun three-shotting things (Valithria-healers get buffs that give +10% healing/damage done per stack), it didn't seem too effective. It should definitely be so in other situations though - as soon as we end up doing something that isn't heroic Sindragosa again, I'll give Disc more tries in raids. I'm not exactly 'through' with holy, but I've worked out the spec again and am ready to try something new.

Also - what Spirit Redemption bug is that, Tea?
#13 Oct 29 2010 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Mozared wrote:
Also - what Spirit Redemption bug is that, Tea?

You die, you’re an angel, you die again, and you’re stunned. Both as a spirit at the graveyard and when you rez. Until the BG is over or you’re kicked. Your PVP trinket won’t break it. No debuff shows in your bar.

It’s a really rotten bug. I had to spec out of Spirit of Redemption too.
#14 Oct 29 2010 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
It is also possible that when we get more Mastery, our shields will again be more uber. However, I am much less the bubble spammer than I once was. I still like to bubble spam, but I don't do as much of it when it isn't necessary. The smiting is fun when I can work it in.
#15 Oct 29 2010 at 7:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
To be fair, PW:S isn't that weak at the moment? I used to get roughly 2K non-crit heals on my PW:S glyph, which means my PW:S absorbed for roughly 10K. The patch has changed that to 1.7K non-crit heals, aka 8.5K absorb. That 1500 lost absorb isn't going to make much difference, tbh - especially not when soloing.

I don't know, my research isn't all that scientific. I haven't done any math. All I know is my shield is breaking sooner against the same mobs doing the same dailies than it was before. Combined with how uncomfortable I am with Smite healing, Holy just feels way more powerful right now. And I still feel like I have decent offensive capability, with Smite glyphed and Chastise.

Mozared wrote:
If you need a BIG heal NOW, odds are you've done something wrong regardless though

Bear in mind you and I do different things most of the time with our priests. This just isn't true in a battleground situation at all. I haven't done something wrong if I'm not everywhere at once, but I do have to be responsive to emergency situations. And there are plenty of cases where riding up just in time to provide a BIG heal NOW is what saves the day.

Mozared wrote:
and aside from Flash Heal, there's nothing that would be able to save you. Even if you were holy.

You're right that Gheal isn't much use for what I'm doing regardless of spec. With Disc I have Shield, which to me feels much weaker than it was before, PoM, and Penance, if it's off cooldown, else Flash Heal. With Holy I have PoM, CoH, the instant heal from Renew (small, but something), the instant heal from Holy Word if I'm in the right state, Shield to help them run away if necessary, or to absorb a little damage at least. None of those are very big impressive heals, but taken together that's 4-5 instants I can cast while moving, and/or while running toward my target, in quick succession, and combined they often get enough of the job done for me to have time to stop and cast a longer heal. I also have Guardian Spirit in my pocket, which as a panic button I find vastly preferable to Pain Suppression. Again, sorry I have no math and that makes my "evidence" nothing but anecdotal, but anecdotally, for me, Holy just flat out saves more lives. Including my own.

Some of that is because I'm not doing Disc right. If I'd stop having a panic attack long enough to let Smite do some healing, that would probably be different.

Emmit already spoke to the SoR bug but really what pisses me off the most is that 9/10 times you end up with the deserter debuff, and therefore don't get the honor at the end. Such a waste of time. Hate.

Edited, Oct 29th 2010 9:21pm by teacake
#16 Oct 29 2010 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Anecdotal is fine with me Tea, I respect your play as a priest and experience tells me that if you're at least a semi-skilled player, feelings are as good as maths.

I guess your point is right - I could argue that disc overall still isn't bad and that PW:S still makes a lot of difference, but I can imagine it being worse in BGs than it was and not as good for solo.

Disc currently shines in different situations, and I'd just suggest you give it another try to find it merits, if you feel so inclined. Standing back and Smiting delivers a whole bunch of combined HPS and DPS - following it up with some hefty PW:Ses can still be devastating in the right place.
#17 Oct 31 2010 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
Disc currently shines in different situations, and I'd just suggest you give it another try to find it merits, if you feel so inclined.

This is good advice. Particularly since both specs (all specs for every class for that matter) are bound to change a lot between now and whatever point in Cata we all start getting bored again. :) I keep telling my husband that if he could find someone to pair up with who could play that Disc/Smite spec well, they would probably be indestructible. I can definitely see the potential.

I'm going to revisit it periodically. And then I'm going to try both again at 85. I'm not ready to commit to a "main" spec yet.

I'm also likely to do more PVE in Cata than I did in Wrath, so my range of activities will be wider. So your point about different situations is a good one. It may be that I never have a "main" spec because I change between the two so frequently depending on what I'm doing that day.
#18 Oct 31 2010 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
I just realized that I have never smited in a bg. I wonder how it would be to show target of target on my raidframe, head for Wintergrasp, and smite heal away!
#19 Oct 31 2010 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
teacake wrote:

This is good advice. Particularly since both specs (all specs for every class for that matter) are bound to change a lot between now and whatever point in Cata we all start getting bored again. :) I keep telling my husband that if he could find someone to pair up with who could play that Disc/Smite spec well, they would probably be indestructible. I can definitely see the potential.

I'm going to revisit it periodically. And then I'm going to try both again at 85. I'm not ready to commit to a "main" spec yet.

While obviously I haven't played as long as most everyone else here who posts on a regular basis, I can say that, for me anyway, when I can't get my head around a class, to go away for a while and then to come back to it at intervals usually leads to some sort of facepalm experience where I mutter to myself imprecations about why I never understood this or that in the first place.

Sometimes, it just takes a while for the new brain pathways to get active.

I would imagine that this would be doubly true for someone that knows a class very well and then has it changed entirely. Unlearning isn't an easy thing.
#20 Oct 31 2010 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
I've been farming rep in Dire Maul, and will pull over 20 level 60 elites at a time, kite them around while holy nova takes them down. If I go overboard or stand still, they will interrupt my spellcasts and beat me down. Then it hit me, if I get into trouble and see that I cant catch up with the damage, PW: Barrier. It may not be stellar in a raid, but in a pinch while soloing, it's an awesome shield that absorbs 41k damage and prevents spellcasts from being interrupted by damage. It's kind of silly to end up a ghost with PW: Barrier still unused. It also seems pretty easy to cast, even while being beaten mercilessly.

On another note, I beat a druid friend of mine in a duel, then he shouted on vent that he forgot to respec out of resto. So, after he respec'd we dueled again. I happen to have reflective shield for fun, and I sat there and smited him for healing. Since I also have the smite glyph, I got into a nice rotation keeping Holy Fire up, smiting, Archangel. He made a nice target dummy and I won again. Had I pulled out PW: Barrier, that would have been awesome.
#21 Nov 01 2010 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Disc is a monster 1v1 with reflective shield, since smite heals you for a good amount when you can spam it. As for smite healing, i like it a lot in melee heavy groups but i'm guessing there will be many raid bosses where it will be terrible since 8 yards isn't really that much range.
#22 Dec 07 2010 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
Cataclysm is up. For questing I've got my reflective shield, a choice of smite or holy nova, and the mobs are going down smooth.
#23 Dec 07 2010 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I've dinged 82 and am halfway through 83. Healingwise, stuff hasn't really changed for me yet - normals ended up being fairly facerollable with players that aren't total morons (guildies).

As for questing - barring shadow, it would seem that disc is the fastest. I use the Glyph of Smite, and generally just go Holy Fire > Smite until the mob dies. I barely use Archangel - keeping up 5 stacks of Evangelism means that you get 40% Smite damage when Holy Fire is up, and that's too good to pass up on when soloing. Holy's Chakra is cool, but it runs out of mana too easily, and it also lacks a decent shield. It also lacks Reflective Shield, and you can't pick up Evangelism 'till 83.

Holy Nova is........ no, really, don't, it's not worth bothering with. If I AoE down approximately 4 mobs at the same time as disc, with the Holy Nova glyph, it takes down about 50-60% of my mana pool and something like a full minute of constant spamming. Not only is it way more intensive to keep up, it's also not worth it until you can take down about 6+ mobs at the same time with it.
#24 Dec 07 2010 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, rotating through several mobs with Reflective Shield, Holy Fire, and Smite till dead seems to be less effort than trying to holy nova down a group. However, I have found holy nova a good way to run around and tag / gather up several mobs.
#25 Dec 07 2010 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Just shy of level 82, using my Holy spec but leveling with my husband. Smite Chakra is lovely for what little DPS I need to do. Dungeons have not been a challenge so far - haven't dropped dangerously low on mana yet and been more than able to keep everyone topped off all the time.

If I were going to solo I'd be tempted to have a shadow leveling spec and a healing spec for dungeons though. What little I've done with shadow post 4.0 has been fun and the mobs go down crazyfast.\

Edit: and as for gathering a bunch of mobs, I dunno how you can even test that. Gathering more than one on my server with the insane crowds has been rare.

Edited, Dec 7th 2010 10:20pm by teacake
#26 Dec 08 2010 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Yeah, rotating through several mobs with Reflective Shield, Holy Fire, and Smite till dead seems to be less effort than trying to holy nova down a group. However, I have found holy nova a good way to run around and tag / gather up several mobs.

Shadow Word: Pain, my dear Dadanox. Deals more damage, has a longer range and prevents tagged mobs from instantly hitting you.
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