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What blows....palidian tanking.Follow

#1 Oct 15 2010 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
288 posts
Tanking is no longer fun.
Holy power mechanic sucks my ....

4.0.1 makes me want to cancel my acount.

Edited, Oct 15th 2010 3:24pm by Osarion
#2 Oct 15 2010 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
It's not that bad.

The HoPo mechanic will take some time to get used to - and the WoG/SoR usage of HoPo is new to me.... But after a little practice - I've started to figure it out.
#3 Oct 15 2010 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I'm beginning to think Borsuk might be a troll. Sure my old pally with a 239 average ilv can tank alright if people stay on HIS mob, but I'm wonder how the HELL anyone is supposed to START tanking now? Try entering a STARTING heroic in the tempered saronite set with a few titansteel pieces. The mobs will DESTROY you. Well they would if you were capable of holding threat for 2 seconds. I thought the idea was to ATTRACT new players, not make them want to cancel their subscription.

Take the quest I 'attempted' last night. Has nothing to do with heroics mind you but bare with me. I rolled in on a still leveling pally that trounced the group the night before the patch, and agroed the group of seven mobs. (Argent Valiant's field training I think?)

I killed one. ONE mob. And got erased. An expansion should NOT make old content that much more ridiculous. Going from 'lolIkilledyou' to 'omgmakeitstopmakeitSTOP!' overnight is just a retarded decision on blizzard's part.

Actually tanking? My 239 pally was taking a TON of damage from Nexus bosses... NEXUS! An instance he outgears so ridiculously it's insane.

I'll be honest, the new mechanics COULD be fun, but as it stands they've made a LOT of bad changes that have lead to new tanks being an impossibility, and they're making old ones seriously reconsider tanking.
#4 Oct 15 2010 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Sirfailalot wrote:
Sure my old pally with a 239 average ilv can tank alright if people stay on HIS mob, but I'm wonder how the HELL anyone is supposed to START tanking now? Try entering a STARTING heroic in the tempered saronite set with a few titansteel pieces. The mobs will DESTROY you. Well they would if you were capable of holding threat for 2 seconds. I thought the idea was to ATTRACT new players, not make them want to cancel their subscription.

I'm not sure why people have the idea that a starting tank in barely adequate gear (read: doesn't even have gear from normal 5 mans) should be able to tank groups of heroic mobs with little or no risk.

A starting tank has 65 levels to learn how to tank and use CDs properly. You can practice every single heroic instance on normal mode first - learn the pulls, learn the mob abilities, and learn the bosses. In WotLK though, you didn't even have to know the instances. You just slap on some tank gear, jump into a heroic, pull a group, and faceroll your way to victory. That's a BIG problem for the game.

There is so much exaggeration coming from players in this patch, it's unreal. If you're having trouble in current heroics, it's a L2P issue. The paladin tanks I've seen in heroics (running Arms on my warrior to try to figure out the mechanics /gasp) have for the most part done wonderfully. Threat is hardly an issue, even when I Mortal Strike -> Rend -> TClap -> Bladestorm.
#5 Oct 15 2010 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Did I SAY I wanted things to be FACEROLL easy? Hell no, but I also don't want them to be so idiotically difficult that a player can't even get started. Tempered saronite was more than good enough to get a jump on wrath heroics before as long as you made sure to get the trinket from reg Hol and maybe the rep chest and boots from Wyrmrest. (Lets see.. Rep pieces from there, the Titansteel helm and shield, probably the trinket from reg ToC.) Okay so maybe the T.Saronite gear on it's own needs supplements.

But seriously, You would consider that undergeared for starting heroics? I'm not even talking H ToC, I'm talking H UK or H Nex. And I'm betting the tanks you're running heroics with have all been ilv 239 and up. All the reg gear in the world won't allow you to hold threat at ALL with current dps threat. Cooldowns? WHAT cooldowns? No group is going to wait for 2min each pull so you can survive trash for 10seconds. They will kick you immediately and find an OVER geared tank.

There's a very, VERY large difference between 'Challenging' and 'omigodimonfiremakeitstop!'. These heroics never REQUIRED you to have 20k+ to tank. Ever. I tanked in 3.0 and never had a single complaint when I showed up with 17k if even. Nowadays if you aren't so geared you're touching the 30k mark you may as well reroll a dps.
#6 Oct 15 2010 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
I rolled in on a still leveling pally that trounced the group the night before the patch, and agroed the group of seven mobs. (Argent Valiant's field training I think?)

I killed one. ONE mob. And got erased.

Did I SAY I wanted things to be FACEROLL easy? Hell no, but I also don't want them to be so idiotically difficult that a player can't even get started.

So you don't want it to be "faceroll easy" but you want to be able to, pre-80, jump into a pack of seven level 80 mobs and kill them all while taking no damage?

Then again, I know those mobs. Converted Heroes for the A Valiant's Field Training quest. I used to fly down and land on the middle one of a pack of seven, as any spec, and kill them all while taking no damage. Ret, holy, prot, it didn't matter. Partly because their HP was lower than most level 80 mobs, partly because they hit for nothing. Maybe they've been scaled properly now, I'll have to go check.

Either way, pulling 7 mobs that are higher level than you and dying without a healer should be NORMAL.
#7 Oct 15 2010 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
Personally, I don't understand why I logged on to my pali (Gargameth, Nordrassil) after playing him for 3 years, and found a toon that was utterly foreign to me. Sure there were some useless talents that needed nerfing, ok make a tweak here or there....but this is a complete wipe of the entire tree, glyphs and rotation. No other class was modified in such a way across the entire spectrum.

So much of 4.0 is awesome: permanant glyphs, reforging, combining currency into one, etc. But the complete overhaul of the Pali's was a bit much.

That said, I've plopped my talents where they seem to make sense, got a few glyphs, put some crap in my action bars and rolled into a few 5-mans. It is utterly clumsy and produces only moderate threat (which given the monster dps put out by mages and others now means a ton of taunting). I'm sure it will get better over time.......but man why put me through such pain?
#8 Oct 15 2010 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
wkshannon1 wrote:
That said, I've plopped my talents where they seem to make sense, got a few glyphs, put some crap in my action bars and rolled into a few 5-mans. It is utterly clumsy and produces only moderate threat (which given the monster dps put out by mages and others now means a ton of taunting). I'm sure it will get better over time.......but man why put me through such pain?

It's an attempt to change the AOE-fest mindset. It's going to be rough, considering that even the hardest hitting heroic mobs won't kill a DPS through heals, but it needs to be done.

I feel partly to blame, of course, for being one of those prot paladins in BC that bragged about tanking Heroic Shattered Halls whole rooms at a time without CC. I'm trying to make for that now in two ways:

1. I don't taunt off people who obviously pulled the wrong target. They need to stop being stupid, so I let them die. All non-plate classes have their durability costs raised, so it's even better. They die and I taunt off the healer.
2. As a healer, I don't heal those same people and I pray the tank is either slow to taunt or refuses to. Again, let the bad players pay for their bad playstyle.

Gonna quote myself here..
I wrote:
Threat problems only happen when someone attacks the wrong target. In PoS, I was doing 4k, a DK was at 6.5k, and a hunter and mage were maxing at 2k. The hunter and mage were pulling off me, and it was usually that fifth caster way off in the back I'm waiting for Avenger's Shield to hit with. The DK never went over my threat.
#9 Oct 15 2010 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I'll concede that that shouldn't have been normal in the first place Ehcks. But the fact is, it WAS normal. I don't see why Wrath content needed to be made so much more irritating just because CAT came out. If it had always been that way I wouldn't be quite so pissed about it :( I need to get that trash pally up to 80 but right now I'm too pissed to log onto him, I have toons that can handle that fight without even blinking so I can see the startling contrast. (They're on separate servers so no I can't just buy him nice purples at 80 and faceroll.)

Actually on my 236 (Average ilv) War I lose about 8-10k health if I don't burn them down fast enough. likely more. That just don't seem right.

As for NEW content being like that, I'm ALL for that. As a matter of fact I kinda hope it is. But I don't like content I outgear hardcore to smash my face still. (I don't mean that pull with this, they outleveled me and I'm in a mix of saronite and cobalt gear. Had I not have trounced them before the update that would have been a completely acceptable asskicking.) In t10 and t9 quality gear, heroics meant for pre t7 geared tanks should NOT be hitting me so hard. Something is wrong there.
#10 Oct 15 2010 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Sirfailalot wrote:
These heroics never REQUIRED you to have 20k+ to tank. Ever. I tanked in 3.0 and never had a single complaint when I showed up with 17k if even. Nowadays if you aren't so geared you're touching the 30k mark you may as well reroll a dps.

First off - Not a troll - Slow week at work....

Second - I the above quote is simply wrong. The word "Required" might techincally save the argument, but the standard answer to new tanks looking to get into heroics was always: Def Cap (Heroic) + 24,000HP *Roughly (Though you could technically enter with less) If you wanted to show up to the group and have people know you were serious - You wanted to start out with about that much. 17k is a very conservative estimate... Maybe you could argue for 20k - and confining yourself to some of the easier instances - But I don't think 17k & H.UP, H.Oc etc.... That seems a bit unfair to try to assert that. *Edit: I started at 20 and struggled with the RNG - so it's do-able, but not great...

Now a days you want to be about 10k higher than your estimate. 30k ~ is about Naxx level tanking. I'm not downing the LK on a weekly basis and I'm currently self buffing to 42ish (I think). I recall our DK MT was around 32k in Naxx and that way out classed my mere 29k (After buffs) *Again - these are all estimates for the average player in an average 5man or raid.

Edited, Oct 15th 2010 3:19pm by Borsuk
#11 Oct 15 2010 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
288 posts
the holy power concept is clunky to say the least. a more accurate description would be that it is terrible.
Threat generation on main target as well as secondary targets is gone.
I seem to have lost my taunts
My toon can no longer win fights i had previously had no isseus with, only change being this bu11sh1t patch.
#12 Oct 15 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
24k for starter heroics? I once tanked sapph in 3.1 or 3.2 (I forget which) in gear that gave me about 21-23k health BUFFED. The heals said I was easier to heal than most tanks they saw. I handled KT's adds on that SAME run. I tanked naxx25 on my dk back in 3.0 as an unholy tank (As in no ds spam.) in blues with a COUPLE of purples up until Gluth who ate my face because I forgot to put my tank helm back on and got critted.

I'll give critproof though. That was easy enough to reach at around 17k or so with the trinket from Hol. And yes, for Starting heroics, you don't walk into H up with that much and expect to tank it unless your heals are damn good.

I'll put it this way, I did my first H ToC clear with around.. I think 20k self buffed if even. Easy run, no wipes, and the heals were like-geared (They just knew to dispel the poisons, as did I). Wrath heroics (icc instances aside, those places would DEVOUR you at these gear levels.) weren't made all that hard. Unless I'm just amazingly lucky/stupidly gifted, and I'm neither.

EDIT: And Yos, for the taunts have you tried training? Mine are both right there on my bars.

Also try this /castsequence reset=7 Judgement,hammer of the righteous,holy wrath,hammer of the righteous, judgement,hammer of the righteous,shield of the righteous

I put out more threat doing it by clicking the spells separately but that should hold you on single target. Just remember your AS whenever you have a free second or so. As much as I'm ******** about this I still hold threat amazingly well when the dps don't suck and remember they can't AOE right off the damn bat anymore.

And Holy power.. yeah it goes up too slowly for prot, that's my biggest issue with it. If they started us off with 3 rather than 0 and made it NOT regen automatically in combat (as in out = regen, in = you have to use CS or hammer.) And made hammer have like a 50% chance to generate 2 then things would be PERFECT,

Edited, Oct 15th 2010 5:23pm by Sirfailalot
#13 Oct 16 2010 at 1:22 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Ehcks wrote:
Gonna quote myself here..
I wrote:
Threat problems only happen when someone attacks the wrong target. In PoS, I was doing 4k, a DK was at 6.5k, and a hunter and mage were maxing at 2k. The hunter and mage were pulling off me, and it was usually that fifth caster way off in the back I'm waiting for Avenger's Shield to hit with. The DK never went over my threat.
An additional thing to note is that if you take a moment and mark an initial target with a skull, you'll notice the people pulling off you will do so a lot less often. At least, that's been my experience since the patch on my tank(to be fair said tank is a DK, but it should still apply).

I'm pretty sure you can even make a macro for one click marking. If you really want to be a pro, you can then use that macro to move your mark to the next target.

As a DPS, I really haven't had trouble with aggro pulling except when the tank makes a habit of switching targets after a pull, so knowing what target they plan to focus on makes life easier for everyone.
#14 Oct 16 2010 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Sirafailalot wrote:
I'll concede that that shouldn't have been normal in the first place Ehcks. But the fact is, it WAS normal. I don't see why Wrath content needed to be made so much more irritating just because CAT came out. If it had always been that way I wouldn't be quite so pissed about it

Well to be fair, before Wrath it wasn't this way. It actually took some effort to tank. Between the CC, maintaining uncrushable (and making sure not to let mobs ever hit you in the back) and working mobs over one at a time because Tank aoe threat was like it is now, normal hasn't been normal for quite some time.

Poldaran is right though. It's just Wrath brought about the age of laziness in WoW.

It's not hard to macro a skull to a mob as the tank. All you need to do is tell the dps to attack skull. If they can't do that then they deserve their incoming repair bills. I'm looking forward to seeing some tanking (and DPS) finesse in 5 mans in the upcoming expansion.

The Brute Force AOE style of WotLK tanking hasn't taught players any skills. Drop Wrath's generation into a Burning Crusade heroic like Magister's Terrace and most would likely writher and die in their own QQ.
#15 Oct 16 2010 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
I'm pretty sure you can even make a macro for one click marking. If you really want to be a pro, you can then use that macro to move your mark to the next target.

You can keybind the marks pretty easy. They are all there in the keybindings menu. I have a little row of keys set up for marking but skull is the most useful to get to in a hurry when you want your DPS on this target now.

I haven't re-installed WoW yet since building my new puter last weekend yet. But I am getting curious about how good/bad my pally will feel compared to before.
#16 Oct 16 2010 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
True, I wasn't around much pre bc, did no end game. I was still into monster hunter back then :P But for the never let them touch your back thing, yeah that's still around now. It's just that healers have gotten so insane it doesn't matter unless you're actually fresh to 80 and can't take 3 seconds of beating.

Actually there's even an addon to autoskull your target after so many seconds. It can be inconvenient if you have to swap your target for too long though. (I REALLY hope it isn't bannable.) Called Skull me.

It's been amazingly useful in what few runs I've done since 4.0.1. I'm actually enjoying myself, it seems about 90% of the threat scare is from casters doing absolutely retarded amounts of dps. I still say new tanks just getting started are going to have to wait till Cat or find guild groups sadly. They just will NOT have the power to pull the threat. Even in full regular instance gear.
#17 Oct 17 2010 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
2 things i didn't really see mentioned. First Holy wrath hits everything and had its cd reduced to 15sec, basically available at the start of every pull. Secondly, mastery(increases block %, every block reduces damage by 30%) is your friend, reforge as much of your gear to it while staying hit/expertise capped.

I do miss about 30% of the damage i was doing while tanking(usually around 6k in a 5man, now i can barely do 4k) although single target damage seems about the same or maybe a little higher with AS glyph.

#18 Oct 20 2010 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
678 posts
Well, it's the first serious gameplay change I've seen hit my prot paladin since 2.4. I'm a little shocked to see my aggro generation so heavily altered, and the new holy mechanic does seem very un-polished. So what's there to it? Adapt. Learn rotations, mark, and forget about our signature consecrate tanking. We do take a lot more damage now, and we output significantly less. Holy shield as a proc seems very odd too.

Good : New mechanics, hopefully with content rightly adjusted to it (current content feels clumsy).
Debatable : I'll see far fewer prot tanks if this holds running into Cata.
Bad : Fewer tanks means longer waits in LFG for non tanking classes,
Say what? : Blizzard had expected non-tanks to tank easy heroics by switching a few pieces of gear. This change seems to indicate the opposite.

Bottom line : L2P new mechanis, reroll or change specc.
#19 Oct 21 2010 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
Eh, I personally don't have any problems tanking as a pally. Addmittedly my pally is not geared for 25 man ICC (or rather I'm rather picky about tank gear in my groups and I wouldn't take myself as tank...) but in heroics and 10 man ICC I have no problem holding aggro even against other well geared dps'ers.. I don't feel that we take unreasonable damage in 5 mans, although when I did tank 10 ICC I will admit I had troubles staying alive on Sindy... but blizz explained the damage taken:

Ghostcrawler wrote:
We looked into your findings, and the armor numbers reflect an intentional change meant to cover the armor increases players would get between levels 81 and 85. We should have been more explicit with the rest of the announced Cataclysm changes that physical damage would go up. (It only affects creatures higher than level 80 -- bosses in this case -- so this change has no current PvP ramifications.)

Now that our live class balance changes are slowing down* and players are starting to learn their class changes, we can get a better idea of whether players are struggling more on content that they used to be able to clear. We've made some Icecrown and Halion changes already and we may need to make more.

Nice job on the analysis.

* -- We are continuing to make Cataclysm changes for classes. We will extend these to level 80 and / or hotfix when we think it's relevant.

This isn't just pally tanks, but all tanks. Either way, I enjoy the changes, and don't see why anyone would suddenly decide to do instances while they level as dps rather than tank just because of this. I will definitely be level'ing my non-ret pally as prot in cataclysm. To be honest, dps and heals have to think just as much as tanks do, so unless you're too lazy to do your job there's not an easier job as a pally. There's only jobs where the lazy can get by less noticed.

I understand that people don't like change, but i really really wish people wouldn't qq in public about their inability to adapt to change. I used to post in these forums mostly because they were the one forum I didn't see this in. I'm very saddened to see so much of it here now. Sorry, I've always loved the pally class and dislike people giving us our well deserved qq rep :(
/end rant

I'll try to be good now... And btw, it was refreshing seeing some people I remember from the past stepping in and setting people straight. :)
#20 Oct 23 2010 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
343 posts
I'm loving this thread.

I won't spend much time on WotLK tanking. I think this says it all.
Poldaran is right though. It's just Wrath brought about the age of laziness in WoW.

Glad to see I wasn't the only one. 6969 was time to watch a movie while tanking.
Starting with the biggest change, Holy Power. It brings us back to the screen, watching our PRIORTY rotation, and forcing us to change our spell choice as we charge it up. I like to think of it as a Master's Wheel. 3 rings of threat. In the most outer ring, you'll find your starting agro, or casters who don't care to get so close to our Shield of Rightenous(SoR) or Smite as I like to look at it. With those you can pull them in with our Avengers Shield(AS) or keep minor agro with Holy Wrath(HW). Our Second ring, usually those casters coming in because or AS or incoming mobs. Consecration(Con) and a solid Judgement will keep them coming closer or inside easy agro. And then your inner ring. Hammer of Rightenous(HoR), and Seal of Truth(SoT), and Con to some extent. Tab targeting is a must here. Build stacks, and hit that SoR or Crusader's Strike (CS), depending on the situation, on your lowest threat target. Pop AS whenever the cd comes up (love that proc) and you should be fine.

Coming back to to Poldaran's thought and Arthoriuss's comment, DPS need to learn AGAIN, to watch that Omen meter. I personally have 3 80's, 3 lvl 51, and a 73 lock. DPS is BORING, epically in WotLK (though I'm liking the changes to Hunters and Shamans...the classes I've messed with since 4.0 and have hope that Blizz has kept up the work and made DPS something to enjoy again). So with Cat and 4.0 they have one more thing to worry about, as it was in BC. Watch your agro and focus fire! As for our part, I agree with Poldaran's comment.
An additional thing to note is that if you take a moment and mark an initial target with a skull, you'll notice the people pulling off you will do so a lot less often. At least, that's been my experience since the patch on my tank(to be fair said tank is a DK, but it should still apply).
I'm pretty sure you can even make a macro for one click marking. If you really want to be a pro, you can then use that macro to move your mark to the next target.
Or even a kill order! Skull, X, Square...ect.
Keybind them, use them! I personally use Raidicon, aviable at Curse. I haven't since 4.0 came out, but for the most part I've been lvling new guild members, so I haven't had the need. But I'm assuming that you just need to goto the ToC file and update the version or load out of date UI's. One click and they know which target you will be ontop of, or which one you've switched to. DPS can also make a macro to auto target Tank's target. If you are oldschool, it's usually "F2", "F". Not that hard.

In closing I like this one from toolofjesus:
To be honest, dps and heals have to think just as much as tanks do, so unless you're too lazy to do your job there's not an easier job as a pally.

Though Blizz has done a good job on making the number-crunching a bit easier for those of us you don't visit our beloved EJ site (LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU GUYS OVER THE YEARS!!), they have made playing a toon much more fun. Starting with, YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY WATCH THE SCREEN MORE THAN 75% OF THE TIME!!! :-) The changes, even from someone who doesn't like change, are great! It will take some time to learn, to adjust. But in the end I think they have made the game so much more interactive and playable that more and more people will stay with WoW and contintue to make it worth Blizz's time to keep this game at the #1 slot.

Raidicon no longer works. I've found a replacement called RaidIconBar. Go figure. Actually I like it better. Mark your targets guys!

Edited, Oct 24th 2010 6:05am by Simskin
#21 Oct 24 2010 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
678 posts
After a week of fooling around with my paladin (he's my main but I'm on a raid-break so I mostly log on my leveling priest these days), I'm happy to report I like the changes after all. It requires me to do more, which is good. And having my rotations altered by procs ain't as bad as I thought.

A visionaire isn't someone who takes you from somewhere where you are feeling aweful to somewhere where you feel better, that's easy. The hard part is taking someone from somewhere they are comfortable at to somewhere where the visionaire KNOWS they'll be better, but only he knows. In this respect, I was feeling too comfortable, but I'm having more fun now.
#22 Oct 24 2010 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
I think overall the tanking changes have been done well. Defence is a thing of the past. The change to make all the classes talent in crit immunity (a la feral druids) was the right decision to make. It was a stat that made initial gearing down right hard for some players but became meaningless as you geared up. Strength now gives us Parry rating and Parry rating will have the same diminishing returns that dodge has making it easier to balance the two stats out by just looking at percentages.

The Prot Paladin mastery combined with the new and improved version of Block mitigation is a really, really good pick up for us too. A 40k physical hit that was blocked prior to 4.0 would have seen maybe 3k mitigation whereas now the block will mitigate 12k(30%). Block has now become a great form of mitigation. Getting to 102.4% at 85 should be possible making Prot Paladins seems like a really good non spike damage MT.

You really need to forget about the AOE threat capabilities and start concentrating on getting your marking and line of sighting skills up. Come Cataclysm CC will be very important. Your going to have to learn when to hold back on spells that cleave, make sure you target casters with you Avenger's Shield and LOS them behind pillars or walls. In quite a few dungeons you wont be able to survive tanking entire trash packs so the aoe threat nerf will be a moot topic once Cata hits.

#23 Oct 26 2010 at 1:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Simskin wrote:
Or even a kill order! Skull, X, Square...ect.
Careful. You try to push DPS too hard too fast, their heads will asplode. Smiley: laugh
#24 Oct 26 2010 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Poldaran is totally right about marking the mobs now.
Pre patch we could just run into any group in a hc, pop aoe and be fine. we were lazy but the dps were lazy as well. Its been a long time sice ive seen the skull used in hc's and dps have basically been allowed to attack whoever they please as it didnt really matter to the tank.
Now its a different story though. As dps i have seen the tanks starting to mark up, and as a tank i have started to mark the skull myself. Still with the lazy dps issue is that they dont seem to understand how things have changed for us now and quite often in the past week i have had dps attacking the group before my initial attacks have even hit a mob or pulling some extra mobs from the next group, just to be nice to me, as you know, we are incapable of deciding when to engage the next group.....
Its been a while but I have started to let dps get themselves killed now if they have been told once already.
learning curve time for all it seems.
#25 Oct 27 2010 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Marking still isn't entirely necessary. It really just depends on your gear lvl atm. Now that I'm very comfortable with the 'rotation' and the amount of HP I need to feel comfortable in a random dungeon I'm back to averaging 5k+ dps while tanking. Make sure you're tanking with a slow 1-hand wpn and if you have enough HP use at least 1 dps trinket. FYI: 2pc ret + 2pc prot (t10) + pvp gloves(+5% crusader strike damage)is very OP now that we don't have to worry about defense rating.

For most pulls just tab every 3 gcds or so until you are down to 3 mobs. Remember Holy wrath is your best friend after AS and HotR at the start of a pull and for picking up 'extras' your noob dps or healer pull. I only use consecration for pulls larger than 6 and even then I'll leave it out if i get several AS procs to fill gcds with early.

Always prioritize AS>HotR>HW for trash, don't worry about holy power except to get HS up for large pulls(which you can do with a WoG prior to the pull if you have HoPo from the previous pull).

Unfortunately it looks like Blizz is not done modifying the class yet, so be ready for another round of changes.

Edited, Oct 27th 2010 8:27pm by mahlerite
#26 Oct 28 2010 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
One thing that is related to this, but doesn't seem to have been talked about....

We keep saying DPS need to start to think... Well so do the Paly Tanks. I was in H.HoS last night as a Disc. Priest healer. We cleared everything just fine up to the room where you meet Brann (Just prior to the 3rd boss 'event')

So the Paly tank runs into the room of (what?) 4-6 giant/golem things. He attempts to pull all at once. I waited as long as I could, but he started to go <50% and I'm a relatively weak healer ~ So I didn't want to risk it. I shielded, HoT'd, and dropped a PoM on him in slightly longer than 3 Global CD. The tank lost agro and I got 2-shot.

Tanks need to also adjust to the new agro situation and start to manage pulls accordingly. Yes - DPS probably needs to adjust more. But the days of arrogantly strutting into a room and pulling everyone while you ALT+TAB to browse the internet are over....
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