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Smite is awesome.Follow

#1 Oct 13 2010 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
No Grid is messing with me but asides from that Smite is insane.

I can cast it all day with going OoM. Will move Spirit into haste after I raid depending on how that goes.

How goes Holy and Shadow?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 Oct 13 2010 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
I look forward to giving a try later.
#3 Oct 13 2010 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
I agree smite is awesome. You can basically go from almost oom and pretty rapidly build yourself up to full. I've glyphed for smite and set Power Auras to show me when Holy Fire and ArchAngel are castable. I bound Holy Fire, Smite, and ArchAngel for mouseclicking on hostile targets within Vuhdo, and show targets on myself and tanks for easy clickcasting on my raidframes.

We will have to see if the mana return is nerfed, since we shall laugh at Blizzard's mana depletion scare tactics.

#4 Oct 13 2010 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
It balances out in Cata, tbh. You just about break even there - I doubt it needs a nerf.
#5 Oct 13 2010 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
Would love to give some Shadow feedback... if only my UI wasn't borkd all the way to hell and back. I just can't figure out how people even bother trying to dps/heal without a third-party UI. I can't properly time all my casts and so on with the stock UI. Just can't be done, when there's milliseconds and perfect timing that separates the mediocre dps from good dps.

Personally, I so far dislike the patch since it made my game nigh unplayable, and hid half my characters.

Change is good, often... in this case, not so much. Too much simplification. We'll see how things go once my UI is back up and running perfectly.
#6 Oct 13 2010 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Let me preface this by saying that my experience has been very very limited; I am a level 44 Priestess and I only got through 15 minutes of the dungeon before the server restarted.

I don't really like the whole smite mechanic from what i've seen. It was tough for me to target a mob and watch the healthbars and switch back and forth between friendlies and non-friendlies, and I'm not quite sure how to set up my "rotation" (although healing is less rotation heavy per se).

I LOVE that Penance is available at low-levels now. It is a wonderful utility.

So basically I'm looking for recommendations on how to use the smite mechanic (keep in mind my level) or an alternative Disc spec that doesn't rely on smite. Is that even viable now?
#7 Oct 13 2010 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Makonaako wrote:
Let me preface this by saying that my experience has been very very limited; I am a level 44 Priestess and I only got through 15 minutes of the dungeon before the server restarted.

I don't really like the whole smite mechanic from what i've seen. It was tough for me to target a mob and watch the healthbars and switch back and forth between friendlies and non-friendlies, and I'm not quite sure how to set up my "rotation" (although healing is less rotation heavy per se).

I LOVE that Penance is available at low-levels now. It is a wonderful utility.

So basically I'm looking for recommendations on how to use the smite mechanic (keep in mind my level) or an alternative Disc spec that doesn't rely on smite. Is that even viable now?

I was having the same issue with targeting, also when things die you have no target. Likely going to change Smite/HF to be @focustarget macros and just focus the tank. Then I can still be targeting part/raid members and Smite away.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#8 Oct 13 2010 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
While I have thrown my hands up in disgust over the UI issues and thus haven't gotten close to trying these things... can't you just use mouseover macros for all the normal stuff and keep the hostiles targeted by hitting Tab every time a mob dies? I can't recall having had to use focus targets since the shackling of adds in early TBC raids, nor actually targeting a raid/party member from start to finish. Everything I can do to them I've got on mouseover macros, and it's generally faster to just mouse over the Grid/partyframes than actually having to click any of them.
#9 Oct 13 2010 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
The way I do it is to show the tank's target in my raidframe, then all I have to do is click that. It keeps my eyes close to the health bars, rather than having to scan the screen and manually select the target myself. Macros that use assist or mouseover, or using the Clique addon with things like the focus frame or its target are all possibilities.
#10 Oct 13 2010 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'm beginning to believe that the Smite glyph isn't really going to be worth it for PvE. It'll be nice while soloing high health mobs, but for a healer, keep this in mind;

A) You lose a glyph slot.

B) Your rotation changes, and as we're not trying to be a DPS here, this might not always optimal. Currently, we ideally Smite five times and then pop Archangel. Sometimes we might end up only having two or three GCDs to spare, and while throwing in a Holy Fire instead of that first Smite should be a slight DPS increase there, you'll have one less stack of Evangelism to use Archangel with. The thing is that your 'optimal rotation' becomes longer, and as a primary healer you might not be always able to get it in there. Especially not since you replace your first Smite with a Holy Fire, which means you don't get Atonement's heal in.

C) For a second, lets just imagine that grabbing the Smite glyph and going HF>SmiteX5>Archangel bumps our DPS by, lets grab an absurd number and say 50% over the SmiteX5>Archangel rotation. Instead of 5K DPS we're doing 7500 DPS. That's pretty cool but we are still playing a freaking healer. We should focus on keeping folks alive - DPS is what you do in your spare time, and I can guarantee that adding in that Holy Fire will at least once per fight impede your ability to heal.

Also, like I said, I became more interested in trying a Borrowed Time-less build. Result of these two considerations is that I might give this spec a whirl at 80, with those glyphs. Depending on how stuff looks like in Cataclysm, I might actually sod Inspiration and fill up Veiled Shadows while grabbing Desperate Prayer. I'm feeling radical!
#11 Oct 13 2010 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
My Smite macro automatically checks Target and ToT and casts Smite on whichever one is an enemy. I generally just keep the tank targeted at all times so I can hit one button (no mouse involved) for both heals and harmful spells, then use Clique or mouseover macros for healing the other frames.

I haven't got a big chance to test it all yet but I'm looking forward to it. I was casting a lot of Smite before anyway so that part may not be a big learning curve. I am going to have to download Satrina Buff Frames or similar to put up a nice big count of my Evangelism stacks, though.

Edit because Moz posted while I was:

Mozared wrote:
C) For a second, lets just imagine that grabbing the Smite glyph and going HF>SmiteX5>Archangel bumps our DPS by, lets grab an absurd number and say 50% over the SmiteX5>Archangel rotation. Instead of 5K DPS we're doing 7500 DPS. That's pretty cool but we are still playing a freaking healer. We should focus on keeping folks alive - DPS is what you do in your spare time, and I can guarantee that adding in that Holy Fire will at least once per fight impede your ability to heal.

With Atonement that's also extra healing on the lowest health target (most likely the tank) near the mob. I'm not saying that's automatically worth it, but in some situations the cumulative benefit may be. Once Cata actually drops it'll likely be a different story, but I suspect for the duration of Lich King we will be OP enough to play with stuff like that. Especially since we've got more glyph slots to spare then we did at this same time last week.

Edited, Oct 13th 2010 3:37pm by teacake
#12 Oct 13 2010 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
People Who Responded wrote:

Thank you! All very helpful. However, I am a bit macro-retarded. Any specific advice on how to set these macros you guys were talking about?
#13 Oct 13 2010 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
With Atonement that's also extra healing on the lowest health target (most likely the tank) near the mob. I'm not saying that's automatically worth it, but in some situations the cumulative benefit may be. Once Cata actually drops it'll likely be a different story, but I suspect for the duration of Lich King we will be OP enough to play with stuff like that. Especially since we've got more glyph slots to spare then we did at this same time last week.

You speak truth Teacake. The thing is, the way I see it, HF>SmiteX5>Archangel just about breaks you even in terms of usefulness as SmiteX5>Archangel. Sometimes you get more profit, another time you don't. I should probably also keep into consideration that you can actually go SmiteX4>HF>Smite>Archangel for a mind-numbingly high heal on that least Smite. Nevertheless, if you basically 'break even' but have to use a glyph slot for it, I'd rather use the old-fashioned tactic and use my glyph slot for something like Holy Nova. Or would I really, if I'm disc anyway? Dammit, now I have to reconsider!
#14 Oct 13 2010 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Makonaako wrote:
Thank you! All very helpful. However, I am a bit macro-retarded. Any specific advice on how to set these macros you guys were talking about?

My Smite macro looks like this:

#showtooltip Smite 
/cast [exists,harm,nodead] Smite; [target=targettarget,exists,harm,nodead] Smite; 

If you copy and paste that into a macro (type /macro if you've never made one before), then drag that to your toolbar and bind it to a key, then every time you hit that key it will check both Target and ToT and cast Smite at whichever is the bad guy.

I find it's easiest to keep the tank targeted, although in situations where damage may vary widely (such as PVP bosses), I keep the boss targeted and use similar macros to heal whoever he's hitting at the moment.
#15 Oct 13 2010 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
teacake wrote:
Makonaako wrote:
Thank you! All very helpful. However, I am a bit macro-retarded. Any specific advice on how to set these macros you guys were talking about?

My Smite macro looks like this:

#showtooltip Smite 
/cast [exists,harm,nodead] Smite; [target=targettarget,exists,harm,nodead] Smite; 

If you copy and paste that into a macro (type /macro if you've never made one before), then drag that to your toolbar and bind it to a key, then every time you hit that key it will check both Target and ToT and cast Smite at whichever is the bad guy.

I find it's easiest to keep the tank targeted, although in situations where damage may vary widely (such as PVP bosses), I keep the boss targeted and use similar macros to heal whoever he's hitting at the moment.

Thank you very very much. I'll have to play with this later tonight

EDIT: Set this macro, and I'm in love with smite healing now. It's wonderful, and it is fun.

Edited, Oct 13th 2010 5:29pm by Makonaako
#16 Oct 13 2010 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
Also, Healing UI like Vuhdo and other addons may have the option to indicate what spell to cast on mouseclick for a hostile target. I simply went to Vuhdo's spell definitions for hostile and entered Left click - Smite, Right click - Archangel, then show targets. No macro needed. But macros are cool too, and I certainly use my fair share of them.

Holy Fire doesn't take much time, and I often can squeeze in 5 smites before holy fire is off cooldown. The increase in dps equates to more healing. I have yet to try it in a raid though, and I am certainly open to change.

Sadly, Satrina Buff Frames hasn't been updated in a year, so I am focused on using Power Auras instead.

Edited, Oct 13th 2010 9:59pm by dadanox
#17 Oct 13 2010 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't had much chance to test anything out, but while going through the shadow talents, I noticed that there turning Shadow word: Death into a useable spell! If you spec correctly it can act almost like a life tap, that deals damage to your target also.

I could deffently see it having filling as a priest's Kill Shot, since it does more damage on mobs 25% or lower, and in boss fights, I could see that being the time when you could use a mana boost. Then again it has been a long time since I played shadow, and really have had no time to test it out in battle.
#18 Oct 13 2010 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Well. Smite was awesome. Until they just shut off Atonement and took my toy away without warning or explanation. Wah.

The Honorable dadanox wrote:

Sadly, Satrina Buff Frames hasn't been updated in a year, so I am focused on using Power Auras instead.

I dowloaded a mod called Raven from WoW Interface. It does buffs/debuffs, cooldowns, and notifications, and seems to have some promise. The only glitch I'm having so far is that I can't right click buffs to remove them.

Edited, Oct 13th 2010 10:28pm by teacake
#19 Oct 13 2010 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
... Wachu talkin' about, Willis?

It seems to be working fine for me? I set up some awesome new graphics with PowerAuras to indicate Evangelism, too.
#20 Oct 14 2010 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
... Wachu talkin' about, Willis?

It seems to be working fine for me? I set up some awesome new graphics with PowerAuras to indicate Evangelism, too.

That's what I did. I set PowerAuras to have Evangalism using it's own graphic with a huge stack count that takes up the entire icon, which is displayed near mid screen. I am also watching the availability of Holy Fire and ArchAngel, so that they pop up when ready.

I ran a quick guild run of a 5 man to find what keybinds / spells I was missing, and other than bosses not working as scripted and us getting booted out of the dungeon, it was all good.
#21 Oct 14 2010 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
Allright, I've managed to crowbar the most important addons back in, and I can say Shadow is... well, it's the same old Shadow. No real difference in dps or playstyle at the moment. I downright love how I get pretty much hitcapped from talents alone and can thus just stuff more direct damage stats in all slots, but one thing's for sure. Mastery is utterly ******** at this point. May get better come 85. The only thing I've noticed is that it's far easier to throw in SW:Death now than it used to be, since you have room for at least one more GCD within the MB cooldown period.

Any Shadowpriest wanting to truly maximise their dps at this point just needs to head to the dummy and blast away until you've run out of manawater at least twice. Get the habits right and just stare at the dot uptimes and time your casts perfectly within the MB cooldown. When you get this right, you should be able to squeeze out more dps than you used to.

Still fiddling with SW:D to figure out how the <25% hp = Cooldown Reset mechanic will affect me in raids, especially since it now gives mana if it doesn't kill the target... or yourself. Going to ask a healer I know to keep an extra eye on me after 25% mark is reached, just to see if this is a proper nuke mechanic or just a quick mana regen tool for now.
#22 Oct 14 2010 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
... Wachu talkin' about, Willis?

Some time last night I noted that Smite wasn't making my health bar go up at all, so I Googled "Atonement not working" and found a big ol' pig pile of whiny priests. I don't know how these things work, if it could be working on some realms and not others? Anyway if it's working for you consider yourself lucky. :)
#23 Oct 14 2010 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You know there's an 8 yard max range on it, right? That basically means a mob needs to be in your melee range for the thing to work on you.

Anyway, I had a play with Holy and hot damn it is FUN. The spec is probably the most complicated spec that currently exists (no really, what other spec has 15 different healing spells that are ALL used for different situations while not even counting CDs?), but really, try it, it ROCKS. Chakra just works so nicely and it's just plain fun to literally have a rotation for every imagineable situation even aside from having stuff like B&S to assist your fellow raiders with. This is how disc felt at the start of WOTLK, but better.
#24 Oct 14 2010 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
You know there's an 8 yard max range on it, right? That basically means a mob needs to be in your melee range for the thing to work on you.

Yes I do know. I can actually read, yay me! It was working as intended one minute and then not the next, despite me doing nothing differently. And I'm far from the only one having the problem.

Mozared wrote:
Anyway, I had a play with Holy and hot damn it is FUN. The spec is probably the most complicated spec that currently exists (no really, what other spec has 15 different healing spells that are ALL used for different situations while not even counting CDs?), but really, try it, it ROCKS. Chakra just works so nicely and it's just plain fun to literally have a rotation for every imagineable situation even aside from having stuff like B&S to assist your fellow raiders with. This is how disc felt at the start of WOTLK, but better.

Stop trying to tempt me, devil man!

#25 Oct 14 2010 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I've been having the problem as well now, actually. Just did a heroic where it felt like just not working at all. Seems to have to do something with changing specs. Hmm.

Also, I'm not kidding you, Holy *is* fun =P. I've done 4 or 5 heroics with it now and pretty much got the hang of the basics. Chakra is sick. You want to be a resto druid? Renew Chakra literally is sufficient. What, tank healing? Heal Chakra, kaboom. Need AoE healing now? A few seconds ramp-up time with that first Prayer of Healing, but then suddenly PoH, CoH and HW:Sanctuary. As it is now, this is going to take months of learning to completely master, but will be fun from the get-go.
#26 Oct 14 2010 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
Also, I'm not kidding you, Holy *is* fun =P.

Fine. I'll put it on my second spec. BUT I WON'T LIKE IT.

It may actually be a while before I try it because I haven't even gotten a good chance to play with Disc yet and I'm not sure I can learn 2 things at once. :D
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