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Cataclysm Guide v2.0 (4.0.6)Follow

#1 Oct 07 2010 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
Updates: I have updated MM to it's new best spec as well as some other information involving the rotation and such. Added Agile Shadowspirit Diamond to meta list. Also added some comments in the preparing to raid section under Aeth's quote.

FAQ: If you have any questions please take a look at the FAQ. Some questions will have you check back here for more in depth information.

Hunter Abilities/Focus Cost
Beast Master
Preparing to Raid/Theorycrafting
Additional Information

Wiki wrote:
Rugged stalkers of the wild, hunters roam the wilderness with their animal companion by their side, to track down and slay their targets with deadly accuracy. Preferring to use ranged weapons to stay a safe distance away and get the first shot undetected, hunters are extremely powerful at locating their marks and eliminating them.

Hunter's Wiki Page

With 4.0.1 comes a huge overhaul to hunters. Mana has been replaced with focus. Focus is what pets have always been using and is very similar to energy used my druids and rogues. Hunters will have to learn to manage priorities to achieve the best possible dps.

Pets have also been overhauled. While they still maintain their types (cunning, ferocity, tenacity) they have had their abilities overhauled to provide essential buffs and debuffs to the hunter and raids. The damage has been somewhat normalized through all three types. While ferocity will still maintain and edge on dps and tenacity will still be great pets for tanking there will no longer be that one pet everyone takes to a raid.

With pets providing buffs similar to other class buffs look for hunters to be there to provide those if the raid composition is missing something. So be prepared to take out certain pets if your raid is going to be missing a buff or debuff.

Also World of Warcraft is going to a 41 point talent system. This means that each spec will have a 31 point tree. When you choose a spec you HAVE to put 31 points into that tree before you can move onto a different one. Each tree will have it's own mastery, passive trait, and spell.

New Hunter Abilities:
Cobra Shot (Level 81):
Deals weapon damage plus [ 6% of RAP + 950 ] in the form of Nature damage and increases the duration of your Serpent Sting on the target by 3 sec. ( Aspect of the Hawk : Generates 9 Focus. ) 5-35 yd range, 1.5 sec cast

Aspect of the Fox (Level 83):
The hunter takes on the aspects of a fox, increasing your focus regeneration by 20% and allows you to Auto-shot while moving. Instant, 1 sec cooldown

Camouflage (Level 85):
You camouflage, causing you and your Pet to blend into your surroundings. After 3 sec., you will enter a camouflaged state for 1 min, making you untargetable and providing stealth while stationary. While camouflaged, you and your pet’s movement speed is reduced by 30%, but the damage done by your next attack is increased by 15%.
You can lay traps while under the effect, but any damage done by you or your pet will cancel the effect. Cannot be cast while in combat. 45 Focus, Instant, 1 min cooldown

Widow Venom:
A venemous shot that reduces the effectiveness of any healing taken by 25% for 30 sec. Only one Venom per Hunter can be active on any one target. 30 Focus, 5-35 yd range, Instant

Focus Costs:
This is going to be a very simple, basic list of all the focus costs for hunters. While we are getting used to focus and their costs this list will be beneficial to see all the abilities together to try and get a better feel for the new rotations or priorities.

Arcane Shot - 25 focus
Camouflage - 20 focus
Kill Command - 40 focus
Multi-Shot - 40 focus
Serpent Sting - 25 focus
Trap Launcher - 30 focus
Tranquilizing Shot - 35 focus
Widow Venom - 15 focus

Revive Pet - 35% of base focus
Scare Beast - 25 focus

Beast Mastery:
No spec specific focus requirements

Aimed Shot - 50 focus
Chimera Shot - 50 focus

Black Arrow - 35 focus
Explosive Shot - 50 focus
Wyvern Sting - 35 focus

Steady Shot and Cobra Shot do not cost focus but instant give back 9 focus.

Edited, Feb 8th 2011 9:34am by Hyolith
#2 Oct 07 2010 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
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#3 Oct 07 2010 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
This page will be focused around the Marksmanship Spec.

Spec Traits:
Spell: Aimed Shot - A powerful aimed shot that deals ranged damage plus RAP*.31+776.
Trait: Artisan Quiver - Ranged auto-attack damage increase by 15%.
Mastery: Wild Quiver - Grants a 14.4% chance for your ranged to attacks to also instantly fire an additional ranged shot for 100% normal damage. Each point in Mastery increases the chance by 1.8%.

Talent Preview:
Tier 1:
Go For the Throat: This is a decent talent, allows your pet to regen focus when you crit with you auto shot. Crit for MM isn't that high, but this talent is better than rapid killing to be able to move down the tree.
PvE: C

Efficiency: Reduces the focus cost of arcane, chimera, and explosive shot. This is a pretty good talent, reducing focus cost for shots is usually a good thing to have, it will allow you to better time your priority list.
PvE: B
PvP: B

Rapid Killing: This talent is really only good for leveling. There is a potential for this talent in end game if there are a lot of adds to deal with, but most people are concerned with bosses and not trash. So against a boss with no adds this talent doesn't do anything.
PvE: D
PvP: F

Tier 2:
Sic 'Em: Reducing focus cost for your pets. This will help them with some focus dumps. Allows for a bit extra damage.
PvE: C
PvP: C

Improved Steady Shot: MM should see a bit of steady shot. Even though right now it's looking like arcane shot is better than chimera. Throwing out 2 steadys for some focus regen should be done anyways, which will in turn proc this talent. Haste is going to be a major stat in Cataclysm
PvE: B
PvP: B

Careful Aim: This talent used to be above 60% health, now that it's 80% I don't know if it will be all that popular. You will probably need to pick it up to move on down the tree, but the time a boss will be from 100-80% usually won't be all that long.
PvE: C
PvP: C

Tier 3:
Silencing Shot: Very solid situational shot. Now that it doesn't do damage it won't be macroed to every shot. CC will probably be a bigger deal in Cataclysm than it is now and this should be a useful shot to have. In pvp this is an excellent shot to interrupt casting.
PvE: C
PvP: A

Concussive Barrage: Unless there is a lot of kiting to be done this talent doesn't do much in pve. This is a nice talent to pick up for pvp though.
PvE: D
PvP: A

Piercing Shots: Great talent to have. With the damage aimed shot has been doing the bleed effect will create a lot of extra damage. A must have.
PvE: A
PvP: A

Tier 4:
Bombardment: With the damage reduction of multi-shot this talent won't be as useful. It would be nice for dealing with trash but that's about it.
PvE: C
PvP: D

Trueshot Aura: Provides a 10% increase in attack power to all party or raid members. Unless changed, blood DK's Abomination's Might will override this spell.
PvE: A
PvP: A

Termination: This will be very helpful for the end of fights when trying to finish off a boss. The extra focus regen is always very useful.
PvE: B
PvP: B

Resistance is Futile: If this can be procced by the tank simply strafing the boss around and causing it to move this this will be a talent worth having, otherwise you might not get to see much use from it. This will definitely be a solid talent for pvp when your enemy tries to run away from you.
PvE: C
PvP: B

Tier 5:
Rapid Recuperation: Excellent talent rapid fire is used as often as it can. As I have stated before any focus regen is really great to have.
PvE: A
PvP: A

Master Marksman: This is a must have talent. At 5 stacks allows your aimed shot to be free and have no cast time.
PvE: A
PvP: A

Readiness: Instantly finishes cooldowns of all abilities. A must have talent to be able to use such things as rapid fire and kill shot for a second time immediately.
PvE: A+
PvP: A+

Tier 6:
Posthaste: Reduces the cooldown of rapid fire by 1/2 minutes. Great talent to have to get the most out of those abilities.
PvE: A
PvP: A

Marked for Death: This is kind of an interesting talent. As long as it doesn't override a glyphed Hunter's Mark application then this will be a nice talent to have to reapply HM.
PvE: C
PvP: C

Tier 7:
Chimera Shot: The final talent in the MM tree. It refreshes your serpent sting and also heals you for 5%. If the damage holds up to be useful this will be a very good shot to have. With the recent changes though, chimera shot has gone down in popularity.
PvE: B
PvP: B

Leveling Build Hunter vs. Wild or Pathing: This is a good build if you would like to level up using the MM spec. It provides a little bit of CC with Concussive Barrage and some extra damage to those mobs that try to flee with Resistance is Futile. I did not grab Termination because mobs shouldn't be under 25% health for very long. At the end you also have the option of either using to get Hunter vs. Wild for some extra stamina or Pathing if you aren't having trouble staying a live. If you would like to see more details about this build you can check it out here.

Raiding Build (8/31/2): This is an optimal build for MM hunters. With the new patch coming it's been shown that you are getting more focus back from using non focus cost shots like Kill Shot where the focus given from Termination isn't worth it. Marked for Death has proven to be useful as it applies hunter's mark without needing to waste a GCD to apply it to another target when you switch targets such as during Halfus, Omni, or V+T.

It has also been shown that with the new cast time reduction to Aimed Shot that it's better to drop Serpent and Chimera, and maybe arcane from your rotation during Careful Aim (so the first 20% of the boss), and also hard cast Aimed Shot.

1. Apply Serpent Sting.
2. Fire Chimera Shot when available.
3. Fire! Aimed Shot only during Master Marksman procs.
4. Arcane Shot focus dump.
5. Steady Shot focus regen, but remember to use it in pairs to gain the Improved Steady Shot haste buff.

You really want to keep ISS up as much as possible. It'll be tricky to achieve so you'll have to work at it.

During Careful Aim:
1. Cast Aimed Shot, also use it during MMM procs.
2. Steady Shot

After that you can go back to the normal rotation.

Arcane Shot
Kill Shot
Steady Shot
With the new buff to Arcane Shot it will be a big focus dump for MM so it it used a lot.. Kill shot I believe will be the one glyph ever spec has. It allows for 2 instant Kill Shots on a 6 second cooldown. Steady Shot is the next best glyph after all of those.

Silencing Shot
Trap Launcher
There aren't too many glyphs that benefit MM. Misdirection I believe will be a glyph every spec uses. It allows you to instantly send some of your threat to your pet and immediately after send more towards the tank allowing you to be able to focus on dps rather than threat. You can get a bit of focus from Silencing Shot. Lastly, I picked trap launcher just because nothing else really fit. Less focus to throw out traps might be useful.

Aspect of the Pack
Feign Death
Mend Pet
There isn't much to choose from, these are the exact same in all three specs. The others left don't really provide anything special.

Edited, Feb 8th 2011 9:18am by Hyolith
#4 Oct 07 2010 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
This page will be focused around the Survival Spec.

Spec Traits:
Spell: Explosive Shot - You fire an explosive charge into an enemy dealing fire damage. The charge will blast the enemy every second for an additional 2 sec.
Trait: Into the Wilderness - Agility increased by 15%.
Mastery: Essence of the Viper - Increases all elemental damage you deal by 8%. Each point in Mastery increases elemental damage by 1.0%.

Talent Preview:
Tier 1:
Hunter vs. Wild: This provides some survivability but since there is no talent that boosts attack power from stamina this talent isn't as useful.
PvE: C

Improved Tracking: Changed from damage to haste. Haste is very useful for SV and really all specs. Very useful talent.
PvE: B
PvP: B

Improved Serpent Sting: This is a good talent provides some burst damage for applying serpent sting which you should always have up on a boss.
PvE: B
PvP: B-

Tier 2:
Survival Tactics: This is a good talent for pvp, not so much for pve. Helps with defensive cooldowns and resistances.
PvE: F
PvP: C+

Trap Mastery: Good talent to have. Provides extra damage to the ticks of black arrow as well as immolation trap and explosive trap.
PvE: B
PvP: B-

Entrapment: Good for a little bit of CC, more of a pvp talent or if some CC is needed on trash, but could be nice when used with trap launcher.
PvE: D
PvP: C+

Point of No Escape: If your crit isn't already outrageously high then this might provide a bit of extra crit, useful when used with trap launcher.
PvE: C-
PvP: C-

Tier 3:
Thrill of the Hunt: Excellent talent. While no immediate increase in anything, the ability to have some focus refunded is very helpful
PvE: B+
PvP: B

Counterattack: Not useful at all for pve but can be pretty useful in pvp. Though the point of pvp is to never be that close anyways so it's probably rarely used.
PvE: F
PvP: C

Lock and Load: A must have talent that has a chance to cause your next 2 arcane or explosive shots to have no cooldown or focus cost.
PvE: A+
PvP: A+

Tier 4:
Resourcefulness: This is good for both pve and pvp. Black Arrow has a 30 second cooldown, same as traps. Being able to lower that cooldown is really good.
PvE: B
PvP: B

Mirrored Blades: This will be extremely beneficial in pvp. Provides some great defense for hunters while in deterrence. Not really that helpful for pve.
PvE: D
PvP: A

T.N.T.: This allows your fire traps plus black arrow to proc LnL. Extremely good talent to have.
PvE: A
PvP: B

Tier 5:
Toxicology: Excellent talent, increasing the damage of your dots is really good since SV damage thrives on BA and serpent sting.
PvE: A
PvP: C

Wyvern Sting: Great CC ability for both pve and pvp. With more CC coming around the corning look for this shot to find itself come alive again.
PvE: C
PvP: A

Noxious Stings: Increases damage done by your serpent sting on targets. Also if dispelled the dispeller will be inflicted by wyvern sting.
PvE: B

Hunting Party: Great talent to have, provides 10% more agi.
PvE: A+
PvP: A

Tier 6:
Sniper Training:Good talent especially when being able to stand still. Even if you have to move you have a few seconds to run and stop and this spell won't fall off.
PvE: B
PvP: C-

Serpent Spread: Good for spreading serpent sting to other mobs. While there won't be as much aoe during trash pulls anymore it can still help provide some extra damage.
PvE: B
PvP: D

Tier 7:
Black Arrow: Another dot that provides good elemental damage for SV hunters.
PvE: A-
PvP: B+

Leveling Build: Tier 2 was the hardest part about this build. Survival Tactics could be good to help get away from angry mobs but it's usually pretty easy to kite and get away. I picked up Mirrored Blades to provide some defense against caster mobs when you are getting low on health. If you would like to see more details about this build you can check it out here.

Raiding Build (1/9/31): This build can have a few variations, especially with tier 2. You could grab Survival Tactics for some extra defense or to drop threat on bosses. You could grab Hunter vs. Wild for some extra health. Other than that it is a pretty typical SV build. Only 1/2 in Serpent Spread. When AoEing with Multi-Shot you don't need Serpent Sting to really apply much longer as you'll most likely be spamming Multi-Shot anyways.

1. Apply Hunter's Mark.
2. Apply Serpent Sting, refresh as needed.
3. Fire Explosive Shot when available.
4. Apply Black Arrow, keep on cooldown
5. Arcane Shot focus dump.
6. Cobra Shot.

With patch 4.0.6 and the damage reductions to Explosive Shot and Black Arrow, SV is no longer the leading dps hunter spec. It has now switched back to MM. But, SV will still lead in heavy aoe fights such as Magmaw and Maloriak. So it is still wise to keep it as your off spec for those types of fights.

Explosive Shot
Kill Shot
Serpent Sting

Explosive Shot is a must, Arcane used to be a viable option but with the new balances Explosive Shot trumps all else and Arcane is barely used anymore.. Kill shot I believe will be the one glyph ever spec has. It allows for 2 instant Kill Shots on a 6 second cooldown. The last will come down to the numbers. With the change that the glyph of serpent sting now provides an extra critical chance on the ticks it is worth it over anything else as it should be on the target 100% of the fight.

Wyvern Sting
Trap Launcher

Misdirection I believe will be a glyph every spec uses. It allows you to instantly send some of your threat to your pet and immediately after send more towards the tank allowing you to be able to focus on dps rather than threat. Wyvern Sting is really the only other glyph that deals with SV. Lastly, I picked trap launcher just because nothing else really fit. Less focus to throw out traps might be useful.

Aspect of the Pack
Feign Death
Mend Pet

There isn't much to choose from, these are the exact same in all three specs. The others left don't really provide anything special.

Edited, Feb 8th 2011 9:22am by Hyolith
#5 Oct 07 2010 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
Here is a list of the first tier of Cataclysm raiding. This is tier 11 as well as some other pieces that could be useful when reaching 85. The hunters set is called "Lightning-Charged." These are item level 359. These have been acquired from MMO-Champion.

Tier 11 Hunter:
Lightning-Charged Headguard
Lightning-Charged Tunic
Lightning-Charged Legguards
Lightning-Charged Gloves
Lightning-Charged Spaulders

Other item level 359 mail pieces that will surely be looked into are:
Moccasins of Verdurous Glooms - Feet
Viewless Wings - Cloak
Fluid Death - Trinket

Item level 349 pieces which can be obtained with Justice Points through Heroic Cataclysm dungeons:
Vest of the True Companion - Chest
Gloves of the Passing Night - Hands
Willow Mask - Head
Hillside Striders - Legs
Wrap of the Valley Glade - Shoulders
Belt of the Dim Forest - Waist
Amulet of Dull Dreaming - Neck

Also the gear for Arena Season 9/Rated Battlegrounds has been released. You can view those here.


Delicate Inferno Ruby
Delicate Carnelian

Fracture Amberjewel
Quick Amberjewel
Fractured Alicite
Quick Alicite

Rigid Ocean Sapphire
Rigid Zephyrite

Lighning Dream Emerald
Sensei's Dream Emerald
Lightning Jasper
Sensei's Jasper

Adept Ember Topaz
Deft Ember Topaz
Deadly Ember Topaz
Adept Hessonite
Deft Hessonite
Deadly Hessonite

Glinting Demonseye
Glinting Nightstone

Haven't seen any

Agile Shadowspirit Diamond

Socket Bonuses:
If the socket bonus is agility, get it, otherwise it's not worth it unless the item has all red slots.

Edited, Feb 8th 2011 9:25am by Hyolith
#6 Oct 07 2010 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
With the new expansion comes new enchants. Wowhead has a great list to work from in their new database, as well as the new reputation rewards recently posted on MMO Champion. In this article I would like to post some of these new enchants that will probably make their way onto hunters once they reach 85 (or before).

Arcanum of the Ramkahen

Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal

Peerless Stats

Greater Mastery

Greater Critical Strike

Greater Critical Strike
Greater Speed

Assassin's Step

Dragonbone Leg Reinforcements

Ebonsteel Belt Buckle

Gnomish X-Ray Scope
R19 Threatfinder
Safety Catch Removal Kit

Mighty Agility

There is a new tier of glyphs now called Prime glyphs. These new prime glyphs are for a lot of the major shots fired. Just like in the old system you can have 3 prime glyphs active, as well as 3 major and 3 minor.

Below is a list of glyphs that will be commonly used by hunters. If you would like to check out the full list of glyphs you can view them here.

Aimed Shot
Arcane Shot
Chimera Shot
Explosive Shot
Kill Command
Kill Shot
Rapid Fire
Serpent Sting
Steady Shot

Bestial Wrath
Freezing Trap
Ice Trap
Silencing Shot
Trap Launcher
Wyvern Sting

Aspect of the Pack
Feign Death
Mend Pet

Edited, Jan 11th 2011 9:38am by Hyolith
#7 Oct 07 2010 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
Malazee's Pet Usage and Flowcharts

Pet Specs:
Cunning Non BM:

Cunning BM:

Ferocity Non BM:

Ferocity BM:

Tenacity Non BM:

Tenacity BM:

New Pet Abilities
Here is a complete list of the new pet abilities data mined by the folks over at MMO Champion.

Utility Abilities
(Pets with a - E are exotic pets tamable only by Beast Mastery Hunters)

Bloodlust / Heroism
* Ancient Hysteria (Core Hound - E) - Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 30% for all party and raid members. Lasts 40 sec.
Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and be unable to benefit from Bloodlust or Time Warp again for 10 min. / Instant, 6 min cooldown

* Spirit Mend (Spirit Beast - E) - The Spirit Beast heals the currently friendly target for {1237.75+((RAP*0.35)*0.5)} plus an additional {475.97+((RAP*0.35)*0.335)} over 10 sec. / 25 yd range, Instant, 40 sec cooldown

Stamina Buff
* Qiraji Fortitude (Silithid - E) - Increases party and raid members' Stamina by 584.76. / Instant

Critical Strike Buff
* Furious Howl (Wolf / Dog) - The wolf lets out a furious howl, increasing the critical strike chance of all party and raid members by 5%. / Instant, 45 sec cooldown
* Terrifying Roar (Devilsaur - E) - The devilsaur lets out a terrifying roar, increasing the critical strike chance of all party and raid members by 5%. / Instant, 45 sec cooldown

Casting Speed Reduction
* Lava Breath (Core Hound - E) - Your pet breathes a double gout of molten lava at the target, reducing the target's casting speed by 25% for 10 sec. / 30 yd range, Instant, 8 sec cooldown (No longer deals damage)
* Spore Cloud (Sporebat) - Dusts nearby enemies with spores, reducing all enemy targets within 6 yards casting speed by 25% for 9 sec. / 6 yd range, Instant, 12 sec cooldown

Attack Speed Reduction
* Dust Cloud (Tallstrider) - Your tallstrider kicks up an obscuring cloud of dust, causing all enemies within 10 yards to have their melee and ranged attack speed reduced by 20% for 8 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 40 sec cooldown

Movement Speed Reduction
* Ankle Crack (Crocolisk) - Snap at the target's feet, reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown (Replaces Bad Attitude)
* Frost Breath (Chimera - E) - Your pet simultaneously breathes frost and lightning at an enemy target, slowing the target for 5 sec. / 30 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown (No longer deals damage)
* Time Warp (Warp Stalker) - Slows time around the enemy, reducing their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. / 25 yd range, Instant, 15 sec cooldown

Healing Debuff
* Monstrous Bite (Devilsaur - E) - Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received by 25% for 8 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 8 sec cooldown

* Venom Web Spray (Silithid - E) - Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 5 sec. / 30 yd range, Instant, 40 sec cooldown (Up from 4 sec, no longer deals damage)
* Web (Spider) - Encases the target in sticky webs, preventing movement for 5 sec. / 30 yd range, Instant, 40 sec cooldown

Silence / Interrupt
* Serenity Dust (Moth) - The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that interrupts the enemies spell casting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec. / 25 yd range, Instant, 1 min cooldown

Armor Reduction (Sunder Armor)
* Tear Armor (Raptor) - Tears at the enemies armor with the raptors talons, reducing it by 4%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 6 sec cooldown
* Corrosive Spit (Serpent) - Spits poison at an enemy, corroding their armor, reducing it by 4%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec. / 30 yd range, Instant, 6 sec cooldown

Increased Bleed Damage
* Gore (Boar) - Your boar gores the enemy, causing it to take 30% additional damage from bleed effects for 15 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown
* Tendon Rip (Hyena) - Tears at an enemy's legs, increasing damage taken from bleed effects by 30% for 15 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldow

Increased Magic Damage
* Fire Breath (Dragonhawk) - Breathes Fire on the target, increasing magic damage taken by 8% for 45 sec. / 40 yd range, Channeled, 30 sec cooldown
* Lightning Breath (Wind Serpent) - Breathes lightning, increasing magic damage taken by 8% for 45 sec. / 40 yd range, Channeled, 30 sec cooldown

Increased Physical Damage
* Acid Spit (Worm - E) - Your worm spits acid, causing the enemy target to take an increased 4% physical damage for 25 sec. / 20 Focus, 30 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown
* Ravage (Ravager) - Violently attacks an enemy, causing the enemy target to take 4% increased physical damage for 25 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 15 sec cooldown

* Sonic Blast - Emits a piercing shriek, stunning the target for 2 sec. / 20 yd range, Instant, 1 min cooldown (No longer deals damage)
* Sting (Wasp) - Your wasp stings the target, stunning them for 2 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 45 sec cooldown

Physical Damage Reduction
* Demoralizing Roar (Bear) - The bear roars, reducing the physical damage caused by all enemies within yards by 10% for 15 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown

* Clench (Scorpid) - The scorpid clenches the enemy's weapon with its talons, and disarming their main hand and ranged weapons for 10 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant, 1 min cooldown

DPS Abilities
* Bite - Bite the enemy, causing {187.74+((RAP*0.35)*0.40)} damage. / 25 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 3 sec cooldown
* Claw - Claw the enemy, causing {187.74+((RAP*0.35)*0.40)} damage. / 25 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 3 sec cooldown
* Smack - Smack the enemy, causing {187.74+((RAP*0.35)*0.40)} damage. / 25 Focus, 5 yd range, Instant, 3 sec cooldown


Pet FAQ:
What is the best pet in 4.0.1?
Frankly, there isn't one. It mostly depends on your preference. You will probably always choose a different pet whether you are soloing, raiding, pvping, etc...

What pet should I bring to a raid?
It depends on your raid composition. Check out Malazee's Pet Charts from Petopia. This will be extremely useful to determine what pet you should bring.

What is the best PVP pet in 4.0.1?
It all depends on what you and your teammates can provide. If you need a root or stun then you can bring a Silithid, Spider, or Wasp. If you need interrupts you can bring a Gorilla or Moth. If you need a healing debuff you can bring a Devilsaur. It just all depends on what you have and what you will need when deciding on a pet for pvp.

Will pets have their new special abilities in 4.0.1?
As I understand it yes they will. You can find a list of them here.

What are the difference between Cunning, Ferocity, and Tenacity pets?
Cunning: Cunning pets, like spiders, have a mix of offensive and defensive abilities and are particularly useful in Battlegrounds and Arenas.

Ferocity: Ferocious pets, like cats, can dish out damage but can't take it as well.

Tenacity: Tenacious pets, like turtles, are more defensive and can occupy an enemy's attention while you stay at range.

What is the best tanking pet?
It comes down to preference. You should definitely be using a tenacity pet as they have high stam and armor. Other than that it's pretty much take your pick. Each pet provides a unique ability that can benefit you one way or anything., such as a knock back from a Rhino, or interrupt from a Gorilla.

What is the best soloing pet?
Again it depends on you and your situation. The exotic Spirit Beasts can bring you some heals while soloing. Tenacity pets can tank for you. Pets can bring you different buffs or debuffs.

The pet I'm trying to tame is level 12 and I'm level 60. Will it stay at level 12?
No, when you tame a pet that is greater than 5 levels lower than you it will automatically level to be 5 levels below you. So your level 12 pet once you tame it will become level 55.

What is the best way to level a pet?
Simply by taking it anywhere that gives you experience. So taking pets to instances or questing is usually the best way to level a pet.

Edited, Dec 21st 2010 9:55am by Hyolith
#8 Oct 07 2010 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
Aethien wrote:
Preparing for raids:
Step 1: Know the damn tactics.
Step 2: Come prepared, all your gear is properly gemmed and enchanted, you have enough flasks and statfood for the entire raid (and then some) without relying on someone to drop fish feasts for you all night long, you have enough ammo with you to last you well over one raid, you have enough food and drink to last you the entire night if there is no mage and your gear better be repaired and at 100%.
Step 3: Know your limits, don't try to get into raids you can't handle dps wise.
You might get some fat loot there, but you'll also make a bad impression on the raid.
Making a good impression and building a good reputation for yourself will get you much further.
Step 4: ASK QUESTIONS. really, you'll make a much better impression on people by saying "Hey, I haven't done this boss before. I know all the strats but could you give me a quick run through of how you do the fight?" than by keeping quiet and @#%^ing up or performing badly.

There's a few key elements that make you an awesome raider.
And suprisingly (*cough*NOT*cough*) is that it's all between your ears.
Use your brain, learn from your mistakes, pay attention to your surroundings.
Don't stand in the fire for 2 seconds, know that it can come and be prepared to run out (run, don't jump! jumping can cause WoW to think you're at the place you jumped from until you land making you take extra ticks of damage).
Being able to not @#%^ up is a massive part of being a good raider.

It's a normal thing for everyone to mess up from time to time, it happens and if you're unlucky it even wipes your raid.
No big deal, as long as you're man (or woman) enough to admit that you made a mistake and smart enough to learn from it.

Another thing you need to do is have vent/ts and a microphone.
Announce when things happen to you that changes how people interact with you.
Do you need extra healing? did you mess up and need someone to cover you in whatever you had to do? are you taking over for someone because they can't make it? need to do something people need to react to? SAY SO!

But your guildies don't have/use microphones? so @#%^ing what, you can.
You can't use it for another reason? find a way to fix that.
You don't have a mic? they're only $5 for a cheap one, no point not having one.
You're afraid to talk over vent/ts? stop being shy and just talk, people won't hate you for it.
Even if your voice is annoying as hell they'll appreciate the communication.

Applying to a guild:

Fill in the questions properly and be honest.
Use proper english and don't answer questions with one word.
Tell the guild as much relevant info about yourself.
(relevant is the keyword here, I want to know that you tinker with your gear, spec, enchants etc on for an hour before you go to sleep. I do not want to know that you ********** while doing so.)


Some comments to add when you are preparing to get yourself into raids or dungeons. One of the biggest things is to make sure you are hit capped. That's at 961 (8%) for those who don't know. There is usually a HUGE surplus of haste on gear. It is very easy to reforge any gear with a huge amount of haste to hit. When you are hit capped you can go ahead and start reforging extra haste/mastery to crit (if it's not already on that piece of gear). As stated above come prepared with flasks and food, you don't have to use flasks in dungeons but food is very beneficial. You can fish up a stack of fathom eels and make some skewered eels that will last you a while. A stack can last me 2-3 raids, depending on how bad we are that day.

WHU wrote:
120.109 Hit Rating = 1% Hit
179.29 Crit Rating = 1% Crit
128.057 Haste Rating = 1% Haste
179.28 Mastery Rating = 1 Mastery

Attack Power
14 AP (attack power) = 1 dps (auto-shot)

1 Agility = 2 AP
324.85 Agility = 1% crit
1 Agil = .55 Crit Rating

Global Cooldown
1 second

Hunter Stat Conversion to Pet
Pets Gain:
42.5% of hunter AP
100% of hunter hit as both hit and expertise (so if you are hit capped, your pet is hit and exp capped)
100% of hunter haste
100% of hunter crit

67% of hunter stamina
50% of hunter armor


72.5% of hunter stamina
60% of hunter armor

78% of hunter stamina
70% of hunter armo


Stat Priority:
1. Ranged DPS
2. Agility
3. Hit Rating
4. Crit Rating
5. Haste Rating
6. Mastery Rating

There are at points where these change by a significant amount. You really only want to get Haste to where you are casting 1.66 sec Cobra Shots which is really easy and in the 600-700 range I believe. If you have an excess of haste like I have it's best to reforge it to hit to get hit capped or crit, depending on if your hit capped or what type of gear it is, since you can't put more crit on an item that already has crit.

Agility is overall the best stat, it gives the most dps and hunters will even be using the wrath cloak enchant (+22 agi) because it's much better than the +50 crit.

Edited, Feb 8th 2011 9:32am by Hyolith
#9 Oct 07 2010 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
Useful Links:
Elitist Jerks
WoW Insider
Shandara's Spreadsheet

Edited, Dec 21st 2010 10:25am by Hyolith
#10 Oct 08 2010 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Try to make the info much more compact, people just aren't going to read a complete level by level spec guide when you can just post that spec in one link and explain the spec in 5 lines and give just as much information.
And glyphs I would just cut out all those that aren't commonly used (which is half or more of them, probably).
In general, try to explain things in as few words as possible so people will read it all, you don't need to be super awesome detailed here.
Also, include some of the basic introduction to hunters that the old FAQs had so this can function as an introduction to the class as well.

Oh, and check for grammar/spelling errors:
"It's easy to understand why SV can because focus starved" Smiley: wink

Edit: Yeah, the guide needs a lot more general info.
And another monstrous piece of work: pre-raid info, what I had planned to do was figure out the best 2-3 pieces for each slot pre-raid along with a FemaleDwarf profile of the best pre-raid setup and basic tips and tricks that a hunter needs to know before starting to raid. (stuff like moving with Disengage, how to handle your pet and more general raiding tips and tricks).

Edit 2: One thing I have to say though, go Hunters! We're the first class with a new and updated sticky! So you get a rateup for the first post from me, the rest you don't get until the Sticky is improved Smiley: tongue

Edited, Oct 8th 2010 8:45am by Aethien
#11 Oct 08 2010 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
Thanks for the feedback.

I've been checking out your FAQ and trying to get some tips. A lot of the theorycrafting hasn't been done yet. So once Cataclysm hits I can get all that information. I do have your preparing to raid guide posted on my blog, well part of it at least so I can go check that out.

I'll definitely work on it today in a bit.
#12 Oct 10 2010 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Read up on EJ, they probably already have most of the relevant info.

And pretty much all the basic things that are in the old FAQ's are still good enough to copypasta and update a little.
Hell, most of that basic info is stuff that Azuarc typed up for the very first FAQ.
#13 Oct 10 2010 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
Alright, I'll take a look at that a bit later today. I'm in the process of trying to update some of the wiki ie. at least the talents section.
#14 Oct 10 2010 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Why not make the wiki link to this thread for now and copypasta and edit this into the wiki once it's done?
Then you won't have to do double work Smiley: tongue
#15 Oct 10 2010 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
Because the wiki is all wonky to me. The talent pages are in tables which I don't understand how to make so I have been just copying the talent information from wowhead into those tables. Some spells aren't even around anymore but those are in the database and I don't know if I can delete those. Plus some spells and talents are brand new so they need to be added.

I'll get around to it eventually.
#16 Oct 10 2010 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
You should be able to edit the wiki's to look at how someone built the tables, but if you need help go and send a pm to our wiki admin, I'm sure he'll be happy to help. I'm not terribly wiki savvy myself.
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#17 Oct 10 2010 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
This is what the BM talent page currently looks like after I edited the table for the new talent system.
#18 Nov 02 2010 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
Unless I'm just missing it, do we happen to have some place to see what would be the "best" specs for pets within each grouping? Or any specs that would optimize pets' dps? I just picked up my hunter again so I'm still trying to figure this all out =)
#19 Nov 02 2010 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Unless I'm just missing it, do we happen to have some place to see what would be the "best" specs for pets within each grouping? Or any specs that would optimize pets' dps? I just picked up my hunter again so I'm still trying to figure this all out =)

You can have a chart.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#20 Nov 02 2010 at 10:12 PM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Unless I'm just missing it, do we happen to have some place to see what would be the "best" specs for pets within each grouping? Or any specs that would optimize pets' dps? I just picked up my hunter again so I'm still trying to figure this all out =)

I'll look into it. I know Malazee's thread in the petopia forums (in the pet section here) has those pictures horse posted but it doesn't offer any complete specs. I'll look into actual specs tomorrow.
#21 Nov 03 2010 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Thanks to the both of you. I know about what each pet does, silly Horse =P, it was more towards specs within each 'tree.'

I guess it would be pretty obvious... dps pets, pick up dps talents... but wasn't sure if maybe there were actual cookie cutters out there for each one.

Can't remember where I read it (maybe it was here... I've been trying to research a lot on hunters, specs, rotations, etc.) about Arcturis (the spirit bear in Grizzly Hills) being part of the Tenacity tree but is used for dps and not tanking? So it's just been confusing to me. I keep constantly thinking that he should be tanking for me... though he does put out some pretty decent dps like my ghost kitty does =)
#22 Nov 03 2010 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
I'm pretty sure spirit beasts are all ferocity but it would be kind of cool if they had them split into different specs like that based on the pet because I know in Cata there is a new spirit crab called "Ghostcrawler" and that should be tenacity and not ferocity but I'll see if I can find anything.

EDIT: I have added pictures of all three trees in both BM and non BM. You can view those here.

EDIT2: Fixed

Edited, Nov 3rd 2010 3:08pm by Hyolith
#23 Nov 04 2010 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
Awesome thanks =)

And yeah, I was pretty sure Arcturis was in the tenacity tree,but I guess I was wrong lol.... Darn you bear and your weirdness!

Thanks a bunch again! I just picked up Gondria last night as well, so I'll have to get her specced up =)

Edited, Nov 4th 2010 8:45am by xNocturnalSunx
#24 Nov 04 2010 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Awesome thanks =)

And yeah, I was pretty sure Arcturis was in the tenacity tree,but I guess I was wrong lol.... Darn you bear and your weirdness!

Thanks a bunch again! I just picked up Gondria last night as well, so I'll have to get her specced up =)

Edited, Nov 4th 2010 8:45am by xNocturnalSunx

As far as I can see looking through petopia and wowhead all spirit beasts are ferocity. But since I do not have the bear myself I cannot confirm that 100% but I can say I'm probably 85% certain it's just ferocity since the Spirit Beast family is in the ferocity section.
#25 Nov 05 2010 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
It's funny, because when I checked again while in game last night, sure enough... my spirit bear is fercity. Weirdness. Either way, thanks for those pet builds. I'll work on actually speccing them right soon.

Edited, Nov 5th 2010 9:24am by xNocturnalSunx
#26 Jan 11 2011 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
I have updated the information to the best of whats come out so far. Added a stat priority towards the end.

Updated SV information as I was WAAAAY off in a few cases and simply tried to correct in accurate information.

Anything else, let me know.
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