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My healy druid just hit 80.... help!Follow

#1 Sep 20 2010 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
1,419 posts
Hey everyone. I've gotten back into the game after a 4 month hiatus where I had to work up in the boonies with no real internet connection and I have no laptop.

Now that I'm back, I just got my druid to 80 but I could really use a point in the right direction. I'm used to pally healing, and druid healing is really different to me. I need to look at what I should be gemming, take a look at my spec, and start getting gear so I can move into the ToC and ICC ready range. I know to use elitist jerks and other resources, but if anyone knows of stuff that has really helped them out, I'd like to be pointed to them.

Also, I obviously just got nourish and use it quite frequently, but other spells like lifebloom seem very mana intensive and I really don't know when to use them. A little help there would be greatly appreciated.

#2 Sep 20 2010 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Once you have the gear, 5-man dungeons (heroic or not, it doesn't matter) become extremely tedious. Rejuv on the tank and just spam Wild Growth. Yeehaw!

Looking at your stuff, you're moving in the right direction. I'm noticing some +hit gear there, you're probably transitioning from leveling gear to pure healing gear, so it's cool, though. Basically, just get stuff with haste, intellect and spirit on it. Stamina sort of tags along on all gear that isn't green, so don't worry about that.

Haste lowers your GCD which is very important for Rejuv spam in raids. The lower GCD, the more Rejuvs you can cast out before you have to start over, increasing your HPS. Crit is useful if you're 4pT9 (because then Rejuvenation can crit), but if you're going pure raid healing (which you usually are since people love Paladin tank healers), you're better off not stacking crit. Get your spell power up, get your mp5 up, get your haste up and you become a beast.

I think I forgot to mention that mp5 is pretty awesome earlier on. Yeah, you want mp5, because you'll be spamming Rejuvenation non-stop and while Innervate does give us the equivalent of a Healadin's Divine Plea, we lack the massive intellect pool of the HL Healadin, so we don't get as much out of Replenishment. With the right trinkets and enough spirit, you basically never run out of mana and you can just spam that Rejuvenation button while you sip your favorite alcoholic beverage.

Taking a look at your talent build, you would probably gain more from losing:

Natural Perfection
- Crit is not really useful for anything except tank healing, which you won't be doing much of in raids, and you can survive without the crit in 5-mans anyway since Nourish is such a crit beast.

Improved Barksin
- PvP talent.

1 point in Living Seed
- You really want to only go 2/3 in this one, because if you find yourself in a position where you have to spam Nourish (only case where Living Seed is useful), you'll find that your beast Nourish crit rate will keep this nice little thing up nice enough. One point better spent somewhere else.

Instead I'd get:

3/3 Revitalize
- Godly in 5-mans as you should be positioned between the rDPS and the mDPS, causing everyone in the group to get hit by the spell. It increases your mp5 considerably.

Empowered Touch
- You can get this for early 5-man healing, since you'll probably use Nourish a lot.

Improved Tranquility
- Highly underrated talent. Reduces the cooldown on Tranq to 3 minutes or so and enables you to use it whenever you want, because you won't pull huge aggro (0% aggro gen when maxed).

Looking at your glyphs, you should replace Glyph of Rejuvenation with Glyph of Wild Growth and add Glyph of Swiftmend to the mix. Swiftmend is going to be your "Oh ****" button in most cases. Having it not consume a Regrowth or Rejuvenation will enable you to use it more freely, especially earlier on.

Glyph of Innervate is a nice touch. I roll with it as well, primarily because I'm lacking a bit of mp5 and because it enables me to use Innervate on others and still get some myself. Sharing is caring, y'know?

Some people might advise you to get 3/3 Celestial Focus for that extra haste, but I've tried it and I really don't think it matters until you start end-game progressive raiding, in which case you'll be close to haste cap anyway, lul.

It's a good idea to get the ilvl 245 idol fast. I believe it gives you something like 200 SP as long as Rejuvenation is running somewhere, which it should almost always be doing. You can opt to go for the ilvl 264 one instead, but you might want to save those EoF for T10 (since we love the 2p bonus, yes we do).

Anyway, you're familiar with EJ and their Resto guide is pretty solid, so I'd say you're all set. Going to be a change to go from a direct healing class like the Paladin, where you have to be casting something almost constantly, to an on-the-run healer like the Druid. Those 20k bombs aren't going to happen much, but the increased mobility is a worthy trade-off in my opinion. Being able to run and heal at the same time is just epic fun. Especially the survivability given when you roll 3x Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Regrowth and spam 1s Nourish. Hell, rolling the three HoTs alone is enough to keep most people up through some serious focus fire. I've healed a Frost Death Knight who tanked in DPS gear by using that technique alone. The constant flow of healing means you will be keeping people topped off more than on your Healadin. You don't wait for them to drop before you throw a bomb, you throw up those HoTs as soon as possible, because once they start dropping, you're in a world of pain.

That's why you need the Swiftmend glyph! It's the closest thing to a Holy Shock bomb you'll ever get. Smiley: grin
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Sep 20 2010 at 9:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
baveux wrote:
what I should be gemming

Concentrate on either spellpower or haste before the softcap (see the EJ thread for numbers). The two are within a few % of each other throughput wise, and which one is higher is gear/spec dependent (haste will often be preferred for 25s for the reason Maz listed). Don't worry about gemming for mana stats, you should get enough of that through idol/trinkets/gyphs/etc. Though if you have to cover with a bit of mana gemming when you are just starting that's fine. Smiley: wink Meta gemming is Insightful Earthsiege, which can be replaced with Ember Skyflare Diamond once you are swimming in mana.

start getting gear

The Idol of Awakening alone will likely solve most of your mana issues. I'd start there, then 4t9, ilvl245 idol (since your mana should be looking better by then), and then fill in the leftovers. Don't forget with the Awakening idol and the ilvl245 idol you can swap in combat if your mana gets low. The frost emblem idol isn't worth the emblems until you have 4t10.

baveux wrote:
take a look at my spec

Like Maz said you'll want to lose Natural Perfection, Naturalist can go as well.

At that point it's more a question of are you planning on specing for 10s or 25s? 10s will look more like this. Taking the points in Improved Tranquility (in exchange for improved barkskin) is awesome for 5s and okay in 10s. 25s will look more like the 18/0/53 from the EJ thread.

In 25s you'll basically end up using Rejuvination and Wild Growth 95%+ of the time, with Swiftmend making up most of the rest of your healing, unless you have to cover for another healer's death or something, or they stick you on tank duty or something...

Wild Growth, Rapid Rejuvenation, Swiftmend, and Nourish are probably the most common healing glyphs. Other glyphs aren't bad. With Wild Growth being the only real 'must have' healing glyph, and even that one can be situational.

Druid healing is more about being prepared and predictive healing at this point, and less about reacting to damage (that's what we have pallies for Smiley: wink). Your bane will be spike damage on DPS; since you'll be on the GCD with your HoTs and it'll take that much longer to get a Nourish/Regrowth off...

Also feel free to run and jump as much as possible when healing with your HoTs. It makes the other classes swim with envy. Smiley: nod

Don't be too worried about people telling you "your doing it wrong." There's a lot of wiggle room in Druid healing, and we're actually very versatile healers. When you get into raiding (if you do before the next expansion hits), download the treecalcs spreadsheet from EJ, input your stats, and consider your spell mixtures from raids. Fiddle with some stuff and try and make decisions from there if at all possible.

Good luck, and welcome to the forest. Smiley: grin

Edited, Sep 20th 2010 8:38pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#4 Sep 21 2010 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
Druids can heal?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Sep 21 2010 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
tree durid is 4 heel
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#6 Sep 21 2010 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I should stop posting while I'm drunk. Smiley: lol
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Sep 23 2010 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
1,419 posts
Thanks all! Things are starting to look up already!
#8 Sep 30 2010 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
Just wanted to pop in with a thank you for this thread as well. I usually play as kitty dps in heroics (and maybe try some 10 man experience before the expac) and decided I'd try out my healing off spec for a change of pace but I was pretty unsure of what I needed. I'd greed rolled and won some various purple caster pieces while dpsing and had some emblems/honor to spend filling out a starter set. Thanks to this thread I'm re-talented, glyphed, gemmed and enchanted. I tried wetting my feet with a simple heroic UK run last night and things couldn't have done better. (Well, they could have. A rogue dps was wearing some early Outland gear and a headpiece from level 50 for who knows what reason but I just let him die.) I'm still doing work and research but this has been a fantastic first step thread.
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