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Holy Paladins Stacking Intellect in 3.3.5Follow

#1 Aug 29 2010 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

If you are gearing up a paladin, or already geared this is the traditional build. It is pretty ballin. The combination of Libram and Glyphs on this one is are important. There are reasons behind each and if you mess with any one for any reason you are impairing the efficiency of Stacking Intellect. So read on.

How you should gear, glyph, spec and trinket/libram

Talent Build

51/0/20. Hits all the holy abilities you need, also gives Imp Might, Imp Wisdom, +8% crit and 15% runspeed.


1st Seal of the Wise (mana cost reduced 5%), 2nd Beacon, 3rd Holy Light Glyph (the spell you will use most often).


Libram of Renewal. Ilvl 200, obtainable from Badges of Heroism. Anything else is fail at its most basic level, I will explain below.

I want to say something because this is a very important part of being a Int/Haste Holy Paladin that the majority of new Holy Paladins make a mistake on. The core of being an Intellect stacking HL spamming paladin is that you are using a mana intensive spell (Holy Light). Gemming intellect increases your mana pool, giving you more room to work with, it also increases mana regen via Replenishment and Divine Plea allowing you to support the mana intensive build. Libram of Renewal is the crux of this build because in conjunction with Seal of the Wise Glyph you are cutting off a significant chunk of spell cost and when you do crit your Illumination returns the equivalent of 36% mana on spell cast rather than 30%.

Basically, putting any other libram in that slot is like gemming for Strength as a Hunter, or Spirit as a Shaman.


Intellect Trinkets or bust. If you are just gearing up SP can be used when you are low on spellpower, but if you have somewhat decent gear you want the following.

Talisman of Resurgence - Triumph Badges +128 intellect
2nd trinket depends on what you have access too. +int trinket out of ToC 5 man, Greatness Trinket from Darkmoon card, Algalon 10 man trinket is BiS, or Pandoras Plea from 25 man Ulduar.

Once again, at all costs avoid Mp5 or SP trinkets when at all avoidable.

Gems& Enchant

Meta Gem - Insightful Earthsiege Diamond +21 Int + manarestore
Yellow - Brilliant King's Amber +20 Intellect
Red - Luminous Ametrine +12 sp +10 intellect
Blue - Nightmare Tear + 10 all stats(only 1, shouldn't use any other blue)

Haste to Cloak
+30 Int to Weapon
+16 Int to Bracers
+250 mana to chest
Icewalker to boots

Rest SP.

Gear Focus

Haste. It is your throughput stat. You gem intellect, you gear for haste. Every single piece of gear you have other than your trinkets and Libram should have haste on it. 700 minimum, 1k+ being the goal.

As for Haste + Crit gear vs Haste + Mp5 gear, Elitist Jerks and sites are saying Mp5 over Crit. In practice I am seeing top end paladins go Haste + Crit. I personally have a little bit of both, based on what has dropped for me so far.

Avoid Crit + Mp5 gear like the plague, unless you are just gearing up.

Spell Rotation

Spam HL, use FoL during low damage periods, use Holyshock to top up spike damage. Keep Beacon and Sacred Shield up 100%. Use Divine Plea during low damage parts of the fight, or in conjunction with Wings or 2 piece t10 Divine Illumination.

Edited, Aug 29th 2010 12:55pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#2 Aug 30 2010 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
Would you be able to explain the reasoning behind the now preferred 51/0/20 build?

I'm still running with a 52/19/0 build with the raid wall and even though it has been nerfed, I still find it very useful as I do not have to use it in conjunction with a bubble any more by cancelling Divine Sacrifice.

I guess you are trading in that utility for an extra 8% crit essentially but how necessary is that extra crit anyway?

Just also wanted to add that the Solace trinkets (despite being SP trinks) are still viable for HL palas due to mana regen. It was theory crafted on EJ, I'm not math savvy enough to prove or disprove that but they are normally pretty good at that stuff.
#3 Aug 30 2010 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
1st I am using the heroic Solace trinket :P so yes it is still good, but that is the exception to the rule.

and yes ret is a significantly better choice than putting 15+ talents points for a nerfed raidwal, especially when your raid has a priest.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#4 Aug 31 2010 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
Might the appropriate subspec depend on context?

I 2-heal up to LK, with a druid or shaman 75% of the time. Our raid comp is what it is for progression, we take the 10 most committed people we have. And as I've stated in other threads, we're what Bodhi would consider "bad" - only four or five of us would have applications seriously considered by a ranked guild, and if accepted there would be a lot of work on our part before we'd be able to contribute. Even in its present state, DG is extremely useful for me.

I recognize that, if it were less so, the added power of a ret subspec would win the tradeoff. That time might be now - I'm not using it as much on LK, especially with a third healer. Aura mastery might be enough of a cooldown, and the extra power might be worthwhile. But I'm not willing to give it up out of hand, at this point.
#5 Aug 31 2010 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
With the 30% 2 healing shouldn't be an issue.

On normal mode especially, but even on heroic depending on gear there are only a few fights where 3 heals are necessary not out of any issues with HPS but rather to mitigate the issue of RNG taking one or both healers out at the same time.

The simple truth of the matter is that your raid needs the nerfed raid wall then there are issues in the raid greater than a paladin with a suboptimal spec. It isn't even an issue of top end elitism, just general raid composition and performance in relation to gear available and 30% buff. If your raid is 245-251 with some 264 mixed in you should be able to steamroll regular. If you are 264-251 most hardmodes should be doable without too much fuss.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#6 Sep 02 2010 at 1:42 AM Rating: Good
31 posts
I'm personally 51/20/0 specced as an intellect stacking paladin. For myself, I don't find the 8% loss of crit to be a major factor, considering that I tend to run around 50% crit anyway and that a fair chunk of my crits count as overheal rather than effective healing. In exchange for a little less overheal--and, of course, a little less effective healing during the rare times that the full value of a holy light crit is actually needed--I get access to raid-wide mitigation that does provide a fairly noticeable reduction in incoming damage during periods of heavy incoming damage. Mind you, I'm not in a ZOMG top-end guild (only 9/12 heroic in 25, blah), though we aren't completely terrible. For me, having a cooldown to help cover any shortcomings on the part of the twenty-four other people in my raid is a godsend. Part of what distinguishes paladins to me is the amount of sheer utility one that's played well can bring to a raid, and for myself, divine guardian is worth it. When we're running with four main healers in heroic 25, the extra mitigation can help.

Just my two cents, of course, but I don't think that choosing to spec 51/20/0 versus 51/x/18 is a clearcut fail just by virtue of where the points are spent.
#7 Sep 04 2010 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
808 posts
Celosia wrote:
I'm personally 51/20/0 specced as an intellect stacking paladin. For myself, I don't find the 8% loss of crit to be a major factor, considering that I tend to run around 50% crit anyway and that a fair chunk of my crits count as overheal rather than effective healing. In exchange for a little less overheal--and, of course, a little less effective healing during the rare times that the full value of a holy light crit is actually needed--I get access to raid-wide mitigation that does provide a fairly noticeable reduction in incoming damage during periods of heavy incoming damage. Mind you, I'm not in a ZOMG top-end guild (only 9/12 heroic in 25, blah), though we aren't completely terrible. For me, having a cooldown to help cover any shortcomings on the part of the twenty-four other people in my raid is a godsend. Part of what distinguishes paladins to me is the amount of sheer utility one that's played well can bring to a raid, and for myself, divine guardian is worth it. When we're running with four main healers in heroic 25, the extra mitigation can help.

Just my two cents, of course, but I don't think that choosing to spec 51/20/0 versus 51/x/18 is a clearcut fail just by virtue of where the points are spent.

FYI, the raid-wide mitigation of Divine Guardian is 20% damage reduction for six seconds every two minutes. Are you sure you're getting as much benefit from those 20 points in Prot as you think you are? I agree with your philosophy about utility offsetting the badness of baddies, but this particular argument seems a little forced to me. The patch 3.3.0 nerf to DS/DG was just brutal (I remember trying Heroic Assembly of Iron 25 with a fail group in full TOC25 gear shortly after ICC was released and just absolutely despairing at the change in difficulty).
#8 Sep 05 2010 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Yeah, I do know how gutted Divine Guardian is now from its former state. It *does* help with damage mitigation, however, even though the uptime isn't much. I also don't usually have a tree or prot pally in my heroic 10 group though, so the improved devo aura is also worthwhile in that context. Being able to pop divine guardian for a little mitigation right as the vile spirits are coming down in phase three of the heroic Lich King fight is nice when I can't bubble to soak them though. It's a matter of preference, I know. Just haven't found as much use for the crit as for the cooldown for myself personally. :)
#9 Sep 06 2010 at 7:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I want to come back to this because it is important. Not in a "whhhhargarrrbl imright" type manner but lets really touch on what Hoyadinftw stated.

You are dumping a lot of points into prot that are wasted, Divinity (5% heal) is not wasted but also not needed with Int stacking, so wasted stats. Tier 2 has wasted stats though Guardians Favour isn't complete *** since I use Hand of Protection and Freedom but not in a make or break manner. Tier 3 gives you a group raid wall and Imp Devo aura which as a paladin you shouldn't need (see Divinity) and then you finally get to a raid wall that had the snot nerfed out of it and is situational to a couple fights and other classes can bring a better raid wall (priest).

You are trading that up for 8% crit (which should be about 1/9th of total crit raid buffed), 10% off instant spells, Imp BoM for buffing, 3% crit for raid damage, and most importantly the 15% runspeed which actually plays out as haste which for Int stacking is a primary focus off gear. Also 100% uptime.

Edited, Sep 6th 2010 9:28am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Sep 06 2010 at 7:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
There should also be very few fights that call for this ability if you are in a stable raiding guild at a 25 man level.

If you are in a pug, or beginners guild where players aren't gearing right and you have poorly itemized tanks and healers then you will obviously need to lean on a raid wall rather than a proper spec in order to overcome. But that is an entirely different story. As mentioned previously.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#11 Sep 08 2010 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
There should also be very few fights that call for this ability if you are in a stable raiding guild at a 25 man level.

Heroic 25 versions of
-LK: used in a rotation with AMs to offset infests(phases 1+2), vile spirits(phase 3) and can be used for tank cd if available outside the rotation

-Sindragosa: can be chained/used in rotations with AMs to mitigate damage in phase 3, especially when RNG isn't kind to your healers

-Putricide: Used to mitigate green slime explosions damage during transitions and used in a rotation with AMs at the end of phase 3 once one the tanks reaches 3 stacks

-Blood Queen: Use during air phases to mitigate blood bolts(i think that's the right ability)

-Blood Princes: Used to mitigate 1st empowered vortex ability on switch back to Valanar as a large portion of the raid will have multiple stacks from moving to dps him

-Festergut: Generally paired with an AM right before the Pungent Blight explosion or as a tank cd during the hardest hitting phases

That's all i can think of at the moment. Its possible my guild overvalues DS/DG as both holys and our prot MT spec it, but we found it very beneficial in progressing through the above bosses. Although you're probably right, once you have them on farm with the 30% buff its probably not necessary except maybe for LK.
#12 Sep 08 2010 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
Yes, Mahlerite, those are precisely the cases where I *have* been making use of divine guardian. I specced out of it before raid yesterday to try out the 51/0/20 spec, and for me, personally, I still find I prefer having DG. Obviously, one night does not make a very in-depth test, so I'm planning to keep it for at least this week, but come pungent blight on heroic Fester and incite terror on heroic Blood Queen, I missed my raid wall. The fact that we were short healers last night did not in any way help matters, but we lost people on both occurrences that I know the damage mitigation could have helped save. On the flip side, my healing done was even higher than usual, although my overhealing was as well.

I can definitely see the merit in either spec, but I'm still not sure I agree with 'spec 51/0/20 or be fail.' We'll see. I'm playing with it!
#13 Sep 09 2010 at 6:08 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Celosia wrote:
I can definitely see the merit in either spec, but I'm still not sure I agree with 'spec 51/0/20 or be fail.' We'll see. I'm playing with it!
Is that really what Bodhi's saying though? I'm asking because that's not what I'm getting from it. To me, it sounds more like "If your raid's abilities are above a certain minimum level, then you'll benefit a hell of a lot more from a 51/0/20 spec than you would from having DG. Yes, DG can be quite useful, but its opportunity cost is very great and thus I really recommend going the other route."
#14 Sep 11 2010 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
If you ever wipe in the course of your raiding and you are certain no-one else has specced into it, take divine guardian. You almost certainly have a prot paladin offtank with it though. Taking a little time to tweak talent specs so your raid has more synergy can yield surprisingly good results!
#15 Sep 19 2010 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Yes, I do know no one else in the raid has specced into it. I am almost always the only holy paladin in our 25, and the prot paladin we sometimes have doesn't take DG. The guild I'm in isn't terrible, but there's a fairly large quota of the raiders that would prefer to take a more casual approach to raiding (while still getting their ZOMG 277 lewtz, thank you very much for the drag) than the more hardcore stance of min-maxing to get every last bit of performance that they can out of their characters. I'm not quite so casually minded myself, hence taking divine guardian to help support my raid as it is.

But yeah, anyway, I wasn't trying to stir up any bad discussion or whatnot, just putting in my two cents that putting the twenty or so points in prot isn't *always* the less optimal choice provided one knows what one's raid structure is likely to need one way or the other.
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