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I'm nearing the end...Follow

#1 Aug 23 2010 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
75 atm. One more lvl and I can do all the quest chains I like to finish off to 80.
My goal is 80 by Thursday, should be doable.

But I have a question.

What do Prot Warriors Gem/Enchant?
Stam? Def? eh?

Also the defense need at 80 is 540 (base)?

Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#2 Aug 23 2010 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, 540 defense. But extra doesn't hurt, of course.
My warrior is only tanking heroics and casual pre-ICC raid type stuff.

Generally have a mix of stam and def/stam gems, couple purples mixed in for meta/set bonuses.

Other than Armsman (gloves) and Titanium Plating (shield), I think enchants are mainly straightforward, with only a few slots varying on your specific gear/personal choices (such as Blade Ward vs Mongoose).
#3 Aug 24 2010 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
When I recently had my pally on the last stretch I made sure to do those quests that would give me enough rep for immediate access to the essential shoulder and head enchants. Sons of Hodir is really easy now. Argent Crusade isn't too bad if you did their quests in Zul'Drak and Icecrown, and start championing them the moment you hit 78.

I tanked my first heroic with an "impressive" 23K health - buffed with BoS and whatever else. I promply died on my first random heroic boss (Nexus). Healer and me feared into different directions, and the sucker hit me twice in the back as I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. King Dred in DTK became a similar problem for quite some time. I guess it's not quite so dramatic for a warrior since you can break the fear easily.

I was in pretty much all level 187 blues minus my 200 engineering helmet but I felt awfully squishy during the first heroics.

Still, I would suggest that you don't go all stamina crazy and put those precious blue gems into every available slot. It's much better to keep your Defense at the 535 minimum when you start the heroic badge grind and focus a little more on threat stats, like strenght, hit, and expertise. It's very annoying as a fresh tank to deal with people doing 4k dps on average, quite often significantly more, and having completely forgotten their threat dumps like feign death, fade, and whatnot.

Healers these days are quite capable of keeping you alive without you having 40k health. They just need to wake up. But a small health pool of course means that there is little to no room for mistakes, and that unfortunately includes losing threat or not getting enough in the first place, and a trigger-happy dps having aggro and getting beaten on while you are still taking damage from the 2 mobs that didn't get away...
#4 Aug 24 2010 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
What do Prot Warriors Gem/Enchant?
Stam? Def? eh?

Also the defense need at 80 is 540 (base)?

Answering in backwards order: Defense needed for raids (level 83 boss) is 540. For heroics (level 82 boss), it's 535.

Prot Warriors tend to gem stam almost exclusively in raids. There are some exceptions of course. If you're under the defense minimum, you can throw in a green gem or two to reach it. If you're having trouble with threat/DPS, you can throw in some stam/hit or stam/expertise gems. But the general rule would be to stack EH for challenging content - load up on blue gems and use one purple to activate your +32 stam/2% armor meta.

In heroics, you can gem whatever you want once you start to outgear them (~1 week if you're running for a lot of triumph gear) - I had a fury set I would throw on for a while that was non-defense capped and gemmed straight ArPen. I would use it in any heroics except for HoR -- *if* I knew the healer. :)

When you're gearing up - remember it's easy to get Triumph badges, and once you max out triumph gear, the 226 conquest gear is better than stuff you'll get out of heroics.
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