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#27 Sep 15 2010 at 6:27 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I think they should just leave Inner Fire how it is now and make Inner Will exactly Tuskarr's: movement speed and stamina. More spellpower and armor vs. more speed and health, or basically, two survivability buffs essentially canceling each other out and the choice really being between a bit more power and a bit more speed, like the fast boxer versus the one who hits really hard. Smiley: smile

Because as Moz notes, I'm rarely going to choose anything over Inner Fire as it stands now. Movement speed and mana are nice perks, but they're almost never going to be better than both more power and more survivability.
#28 Sep 15 2010 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
The argument for the minor movespeed talents/spells is lost anyway when you consider that EVERYONE is getting a "run speed plus X" enchant, where X varies by your individual needs (stamina, sp, crit, etc).
#29 Sep 15 2010 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I did two instances as disc. I'm gonna get me a snack and write up my experiences; this is gonna be a long one, even by my standards, as there's a LOT to report. Note that this is disc-only for now. Holy will be similar, but I'm not trying that yet until I'm more comfortable with the whole Cata way of healing, as literally EVERYTHING has changed. But anyway...

Alright, lets start off with a small explanation of where I'm currently at. My priest is level 83, and has 48K hit points (54K with Fortitude) and a mana pool of 54K unbuffed - in one of the groups we had a mage and druid, who'se buffs put me up to 60K. I'm using this spec with the normal WOTLK disc glyphs (Flash Heal, PW:S and Penance). I'm on roughly 4500 spellpower unbuffed, 4850 with Inner Fire. I've got 10 mastery which increases the potency of all my absorbs by 25%.

First of all... Holy spaghetti meatsauce, healing has changed. I hope you guys remember the Vanilla times, because that's what this is closest too. I'm not ashamed to say we had at least two or three wipes in my first dungeon that were entirely my fault due to me running OOM or not keeping up with healing. I will take a little bit of the blame away though - I was using the standard Blizzard interface, which, when scaled down, makes it impossible to keep track of health bars. I flipped it over to the standard Blizzard raiding interface, which is basically a pretty, drag-able version of grid, somewhere during the first instance, and that improved a big lot of my healing.

Imagine every spell a disc priest has in his ******** and then imagine that they would all suddenly have a COMPLETELY different function and application. That's how I felt. I did two instances and it indeed took me both of them to get fully acquinted with the class again. To start with, mana is HUGE. I found myself drinking after every pull. And I should have relatively good gear, too (IcC25 heroic to a level 82 instance).

Because mana is so huge, your go-to spell is Heal. If you can use Heal, you WILL use Heal, or you will be OOM within the next twenty odd seconds. When I say everything has changed, I mean it. You no longer cast PW:S on everyone. ProM constantly on cooldown? Forget it. Renew on the tank? You don't have the mana for it. Flash Heal to quickly heal up a DPS? LOL. Get this: Heal is 623 mana. Penance is 1476, Flash heal THREE THOUSAND, Prayer of mending about 1.9K, PW:S 2K, Renew 2.2K, Prayer of healing nearly 4K, Greater 3.4K and Binding Heal 3K. I'll say it again: Heal is the backbone of your ******** If you can use Heal, you WILL use Heal. You will also use all your cooldowns on any given boss fight, and be extremely happy Inner Focus' CD went down to 45 seconds. You'll hate that it no longer affects anything but your three "Heals" (Flash/Greater/Normal) and PoH, though.

Because of all this, the roles of every spell in your ******* have changed, and you really need to think wisely about when to apply them. Prayer of Mending is simply no longer worth it unless there's consistant AOE damage going around. Power Word: Shield, even as disc, is more of an emergency or pre-pull thing. No worries Teacake, there's still plenty of it around (especially with the new Strenght of Soul talent), but rather than it being 80% of all your casts, it'll be more like 10%, with Heal taking the 80% spot.

And heck, even Penance doesn't live up to Heal's obscene mana efficiency - its instant first tick is golden now, and because of the longer cooldown, Penance really is more of an emergency heal than anything else. A kind of "There's a big blow coming and I need to fill the tank up" spell. Flash Heal has become a spell you never use outside of real "This guy NEEDS to be healed NOW or he's dead" emergencies, though it is partially replaced by Penance as it is now.

Not even Renew escapes the "Efficient spell? SOD THAT, YOU USE HEAL NOW!" wrath Blizzard has unleashed. With it having a 2.2K mana cost it's something you use to either top DPS off if you can't spare more than a GCD off the tank, or to help out on the tank when you know a tank-healing intensive phase is coming up. Note though, that phases that require "intensive tank healing" aren't even comparable to how they are in wrath. Intensive tank healing means that the tank "will slowly start dying over a period of about 10 seconds, and that you need to be prepared to chain cast Heal on him to keep him alive". If you're not, and you won't be, since your entire party will hang around 50% hp for the larger part of most fights, you need to Penance to buy yourself some time and get some Shields or Renews up on those DPS.

Greater Heal is something you use ocassionaly, but it has largely the same role as Heal - there's a really thin line between when you use which one. I myself tend to use Greater Heal if I'm spamming Heal and the tank's health isn't going up or down. Binding Heal sees more use, though I think it's a shame not even that spell is mana-efficient, as it fits right in with the whole "you need to use the most efficient heal possible" theme that's been going on - it doesn't feel rewarding when you get off the full effect from a critting Binding Heal and you still lose half your mana pool. Prayer of Healing is still your go-to group heal, but only if you know you will actually heal all five people with it for the full amount. It's not spammable though, and not really reliable on getting your entire group topped off.

I also just want to take a moment to say that PW:B is now officially the worst cooldown I have ever seen. At one point in a boss fight, there were a lot of adds involved, so I threw it down on our (fairly) clumped up group to lessen some of the damage coming in. I lost 7K mana of the 10K I had left, we killed the adds within about 2 seconds, moved out of the bubble, and that was basically it. It needs to be twice as large, and even then it'll probably still suck. Even if I throw it on the tank and get full mileage (50K absorb) out of it, it's not even near as effective as 50K heals worth of... Heals (the spell) would be. As it is now, it's situational beyond belief. You'll save it for the same situations where you use Holy Nova in WOTLK. Except Holy Nova doesn't have a 3 minute cooldown.

Last but not least, there's the whole Smite/Atonement/Archangel thing. I've not yet *really* found a place to fit this in, as you generally spend the whole fight trying to fill up everybody who'se at 50%, but I have seen some opportunities where it could be used. The thing is that Archangel's mana regeneration cancels out the Smite cost, which basically means that if you have ~7 seconds just before an intensive phase, you could do the Smite Trick and earn yourself so more efficient healing for the phase to come.

All in all, like I said at the start of my wall of text, healing as it is now mostly resembles the way it was in Vanilla. It's just that cancelcasting has been replaced by chain-casting Heal, as you suddenly have one sickly efficient spell in your ******** To note; chain casting Heal basically breaks you even in mana - it's mana cost is virtually the same as you regenerate.

I will also mention that as it is now, definitely in raids, survivability WILL be a huge factor for DPS classes, and I might or might not expect my rogues to keep up Recuperate. I will also mention that in this environment, Lightwell should be kickass if summoned at the right spot. But more about that once I get to give Holy a whirl.
#30 Sep 15 2010 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
Power Word: Shield, even as disc, is more of an emergency or pre-pull thing. No worries Teacake, there's still plenty of it around (especially with the new Strenght of Soul talent), but rather than it being 80% of all your casts, it'll be more like 10%, with Heal taking the 80% spot.

I appreciate the concern for my not throwing a fit. Smiley: lol

Having spent pretty much all of Wrath doing PVP instead of raiding, I'm actually not a member of the Shield Everyone Whether They Need It Or Not society. It is, however, the first spell I cast on anyone who is taking or will be taking damage for more than a couple of seconds (in other words, not someone who took one random hit). And IMO that is exactly as it should be for Disc. If it no longer is, I'd expect them to tweak some numbers until it hits that place. GC said it was going to move from 80% to more like 50%. 10% strikes me as low and it wouldn't surprise me to see that adjusted.

This is sort of what I was expecting to happen before I read your post:

1. Shield the tank.
2. PoM on cooldown.
3. Heal/Penance for the tank.
4. Heal/Shield/Renew for DPS taking damage.
5. Cast Flash Heal about as often as you did in BC (only in emergencies).

It seems I was off on #2, which is a shame but not game breaking. Other than that it seems like it's pretty much in line with what I thought, but a question of how much I'll be casting Heal and how much I'll be casting Shield versus other spells. I'd expect to see that continue to shift until it hits a spot they're happy with, and it may not be the exact spot I would choose, but overall I think their basic system is sound.

On the other hand, if absorbs really take that much of a back seat to direct healing in the final cut, I may try out Holy for PVE healing. If Disc isn't really mitigation healing anymore, I will weep for the loss of that playstyle, but I won't cling to the tree if what I love about it is gone, just to say I did. Still clinging to the hope of Disc for PVP though.

I don't think that will happen though. I think they'll find a good balance of absorbs and direct heals.

Overall I'm still excited about this. I didn't play Vanilla but it seems more like BC healing than healing is now, and I like that - constant action, but time (and need) for thought, too.
#31 Sep 15 2010 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You seem to get most of it, but I need to emphasize it again; if you can use Heal, you WILL use heal. I'll probably make that rule #1 in the new healing priest sticky I'll be writing =P. The reason 10% seems low is because... you use Heal so much. You literally spend most fights trying to get by with using nothing but Heal - you barely use anything else if all is going well. If you use anything else, it's mostly PW:S and then some other stuff.

I do agree with you though, I wouldn't be surprised if they shuffled with the numbers a bit more to bring the whole "cast Heal" idea down to "cast Heal about 40-50% of the time", as right now it's somewhat ridiculous.

On another note; I played my rogue all through TBC and never really healed, but afaik, TBC and Vanilla healing are pretty close together. TBC is just a little bit more WOTLK like, where you still run OOM but can basically just cast what suits you.
#32 Sep 15 2010 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
I do agree with you though, I wouldn't be surprised if they shuffled with the numbers a bit more to bring the whole "cast Heal" idea down to "cast Heal about 40-50% of the time", as right now it's somewhat ridiculous.

Yeah, I'd hold off on drafting that sticky until we see what the live version looks like. Smiley: nod
#33 Sep 16 2010 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Can you find out something for me when you test Holy? I’d like to know when the cooldown timer for Chakra begins. Is it when you enter the Chakra state, or when you leave one?

I ask because I wonder if it’s possible to get additional power out of the system by popping into the HoT chakra and getting extra-strong renews rolling, then switching to the direct heal chakra and get the benefit of more powerful heals while keeping the renews rolling at no additional cost.
#34 Sep 16 2010 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Can you find out something for me when you test Holy? I’d like to know when the cooldown timer for Chakra begins. Is it when you enter the Chakra state, or when you leave one?

I ask because I wonder if it’s possible to get additional power out of the system by popping into the HoT chakra and getting extra-strong renews rolling, then switching to the direct heal chakra and get the benefit of more powerful heals while keeping the renews rolling at no additional cost.

Chakra works like Inner Focus. You pop it, and then it turns into a buff that's on you. The spell itself then becomes uncastable, and the cooldown starts running as soon as you cast a spell and enter an actual Chakra state. You could do this, but you'd need to enter Renew Chakra and keep it running with Renews for at least 30 additional seconds, then repop Chakra and then go into tank-healing mode.
#35 Sep 16 2010 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Mozared wrote:
Can you find out something for me when you test Holy? I’d like to know when the cooldown timer for Chakra begins. Is it when you enter the Chakra state, or when you leave one?

I ask because I wonder if it’s possible to get additional power out of the system by popping into the HoT chakra and getting extra-strong renews rolling, then switching to the direct heal chakra and get the benefit of more powerful heals while keeping the renews rolling at no additional cost.

Chakra works like Inner Focus. You pop it, and then it turns into a buff that's on you. The spell itself then becomes uncastable, and the cooldown starts running as soon as you cast a spell and enter an actual Chakra state. You could do this, but you'd need to enter Renew Chakra and keep it running with Renews for at least 30 additional seconds, then repop Chakra and then go into tank-healing mode.

I was under the impression that a spell's various coefficients would be modified dynamically as opposed to the current model of them being static based on your various stats when a spell is cast.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#36 Sep 22 2010 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
So I see heal costs more mana now. Has this changed things much?
#37 Sep 22 2010 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Callu wrote:
So I see heal costs more mana now. Has this changed things much?

This struck me as odd when I saw it in the notes. I had the sense that heal was too efficient and should've been nerfed. But I'd think they'd bring something else forward to compensate at the same time, because I also have the sense that everything else is just too expensive to cast regularly.

DEV A: The priests are relying on heal too much. We're trying to get away from spamming one button, right?
DEV B: Right. Should we make a couple of the other spells more efficient?
DEV A: Nah, just nerf the one that works so they can't use that one as much either.
DEV B: But then they won't be casting heal or anything else.
DEV A: Let them eat cake.
DEV B: Mmmm... cake.

I kid. I'm sure they'll tweak the numbers to something doable. But the clock is ticking and what I'm hearing is making me nervous.
#38 Sep 22 2010 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
If I'm not mistaken (and I might be) then for disc priests, it makes Penance more efficient than heal, which seems like the right way around at least.

Don't worry, tweaks to the numbers will be made yet and I know I enjoyed healing back when we had to watch mana, but yeah, if healing is no fun there is always cake.
#39 Sep 22 2010 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
This is kinda making me think that the "heal is your best spell" is an attempt to get people used to relying on it and then blizz will bring other heals to be more useful to get people into the mentality to think of using heal rather than staying with their Wrath habits.

I mostly reminds me of how I needed to heal as a shadow priest (on leveling dungeons. ...And emergency healing Onyxia).

P.S. How is shadow looking?

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 10:57am by BakaShinobi
#40 Sep 22 2010 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
If I'm not mistaken (and I might be) then for disc priests, it makes Penance more efficient than heal, which seems like the right way around at least.

Penance is kind of... 'meh'. For comparison - stuff like Renew and PW:S is 2000-2200 mana. Gheal is 3000ish mana, PoH is 3600. Heal used to be 600. Penance is 1600-ish. It's basically "still expensive, but a pretty good panic button". You don't want to use it as your main heal, but when **** hits the fan you can pretty reliably use Penance without immediatly going OOM, like would happen if you used Flash Heal.

P.S. How is shadow looking?

Shadow is looking good. I've waved at it and it waved back. It seems pretty decent, though I really can't say much on it.
#41 Sep 22 2010 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
Mozared wrote:
P.S. How is shadow looking?

Shadow is looking good. I've waved at it and it waved back. It seems pretty decent, though I really can't say much on it.

You can always tell the red-headed stepchild talent tree when even the people who play the spec consider this a complete answer. (though compared to healing I can throughly see the need for less discussion)

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 12:32pm by BakaShinobi
#42 Sep 22 2010 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
BakaShinobi wrote:
Mozared wrote:
P.S. How is shadow looking?

Shadow is looking good. I've waved at it and it waved back. It seems pretty decent, though I really can't say much on it.

You can always tell the red-headed stepchild talent tree when even the people who play the spec consider this a complete answer. (though compared to healing I can throughly see the need for less discussion)

I don't think it's a redheaded stepchild tree, not like Disc is now. To me it looks more like the middle child tree. Not getting as much attention as the others, but it's fine with that.

Shadow didn't have the major problems Holy or Disc did in WotLK, and with no real need for change, not much change came.

The biggest issue was the SW:P/Pain And Suffering/Shadow Weaving bug and the ramp up time associated with it, but that's been resolved with the DoT overhaul. Which was all the tree really needed, in my experience.

In addition, they even fixed a small problem that was only occurring at very high gear levels, which was Mind Blast being a dps loss. Shadow Orbs is an interesting mechanic, and allows easy burst. Mind Spike looks the same way. Also, with the overall health buff and more utility talents, Shadow PvP is no longer used in the same sentence as "free kill".

So basically, think of the Shadow tree as it is in live. But better.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 3:52pm by IDrownFish
#43 Sep 22 2010 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Oh, yeah - you mistunderstood me. I don't think Shadow is 'unaltered' or 'bad'. In fact, the tree got some changes that seem pretty nifty to me. The change of the first two tiers allow healers to sub-spec in Shadow, which is pretty cool. Fade is easily talentable and a good spell to use for shadow. Shadow orbs work pretty well. Masochism looks like a good way to keep mana going. Paralysis adds some much-needed PvP utility and Shadow Apparition, even though it looks extremely silly, is a pretty interesting way to make shadow priests more useful.

It's just that I don't play shadow and never have or will. I've no idea where they're actually at.
#44 Sep 23 2010 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
IDrownFish wrote:
BakaShinobi wrote:
Mozared wrote:
P.S. How is shadow looking?

Shadow is looking good. I've waved at it and it waved back. It seems pretty decent, though I really can't say much on it.

You can always tell the red-headed stepchild talent tree when even the people who play the spec consider this a complete answer. (though compared to healing I can throughly see the need for less discussion)

I don't think it's a redheaded stepchild tree, not like Disc is now. To me it looks more like the middle child tree. Not getting as much attention as the others, but it's fine with that.

Shadow didn't have the major problems Holy or Disc did in WotLK, and with no real need for change, not much change came.

The biggest issue was the SW:P/Pain And Suffering/Shadow Weaving bug and the ramp up time associated with it, but that's been resolved with the DoT overhaul. Which was all the tree really needed, in my experience.

In addition, they even fixed a small problem that was only occurring at very high gear levels, which was Mind Blast being a dps loss. Shadow Orbs is an interesting mechanic, and allows easy burst. Mind Spike looks the same way. Also, with the overall health buff and more utility talents, Shadow PvP is no longer used in the same sentence as "free kill".

So basically, think of the Shadow tree as it is in live. But better.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 3:52pm by IDrownFish

I kinda meant it's the red-headed stepchild in that our other 2 trees are healing. We're the only class with 2 healing trees, making our DPS the 'odd' one. I love shadow, I'm mostly shadow, I just heals when I'm needed for the raid.

Also, I think for problems in wrath, Shadow had more just due to very poor scaling for a while, while Disc was a favored tree. That said, I think in the transition from Wrath to Cata, shadow's problems have been addressed quickly and early, while Disc and Holy had to be re-tooled to support the dramatic changes to healing. This means that most of the discussion is going to be on healing and there will be little discussion on shadow because it just doesn't really need that much discussion.

Mozared wrote:
Oh, yeah - you mistunderstood me. I don't think Shadow is 'unaltered' or 'bad'. In fact, the tree got some changes that seem pretty nifty to me. The change of the first two tiers allow healers to sub-spec in Shadow, which is pretty cool. Fade is easily talentable and a good spell to use for shadow. Shadow orbs work pretty well. Masochism looks like a good way to keep mana going. Paralysis adds some much-needed PvP utility and Shadow Apparition, even though it looks extremely silly, is a pretty interesting way to make shadow priests more useful.

It's just that I don't play shadow and never have or will. I've no idea where they're actually at.

My response was mostly serious with a little bit of fun added. I took your response as "yeah, there's nothing wrong with shadow right now," and that's an answer I am totally fine with accepting.

tl;dr version- My red-headed stepchild comment wasn't so much sarcastic as it was a small joke at the fact that yes, that's really one comment really did answer my question as fully as I needed it to be.
#45 Sep 23 2010 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
Long story short: I'm good at misinterpreting.

Anywho, on with the thread!

Since the mid-range heal nerfs, are priests still casting as many Heals? Or are they just not casting period, trying to conserve their mana when everything is overly expensive?
#46 Sep 23 2010 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Since the mid-range heal nerfs, are priests still casting as many Heals? Or are they just not casting period, trying to conserve their mana when everything is overly expensive?

A mix between the two, really. Obviously, if you don't have to cast anything, you don't. It's just that these situations are somewhat rare. Most of the time, the entire group loses ~30% of their health to an AoE right off the bat when starting a fight, and you use a couple of Heals to fill them up. By the time they're full, the tank is down to ~40%. You fill him up with a combination of Heal and Gheal, and the group will be lowish again. This basically keeps on going, but every third cycle or such you won't be able to keep up with the damage anymore and you need to start using Renews, PW:S, CoH/Penance or a PoH to fill everyone up before the next cycle hits.

You're not really "not casting" in any situation, though fights are definitely slower - imagine WOTLK healing, but with a GCD of 2.5 seconds (Heal's cast timer). This means that ocassionaly, be it through inefficient spell use, haste, cooldowns or reflexes, you do get some time to just stand there and regenerate.
#47 Sep 23 2010 at 8:42 PM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
P.S. How is shadow looking?

The mastery for Shadow, Shadow Orbs, is a mess. Other than that, the class is in great shape and looks to be more fun than ever.

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