So my new guild has asked me to go Holy a couple of times now.
The first time was for Valithria. That went fine. We did the achievement, so kept it on normal and used 4 healers, which meant healing was really quite relaxed.
The second time was in Ulduar 10 hard modes. It went fine, considering that half the raid had never been past Ignis, and on normal at that.
Firefighter is... I think it still requires people to try and do their best, and I'm not sure how well I'm doing as Holy. I unfortunately didn't log any of it, but I'm just not sure how to prioritise spells.
I cast Renew on the tanks and other people taking damage. ProM on cooldown, as usual. CoH as often as possible when it's viable to cast - but I still need to get used to who the secondary targets are. Then I use FHeal when Searing Light procs.
Right. I don't feel nearly as powerful as I do as Disc, and there are moments where I just don't know which spell to cast or let a Renew fall off or make some other mistake. I'm really really uncertain how I should prioritise.
I also do worse on the meters (who would've thought?). Went Holy in VoA25 this week as well, and the really horrible Disc priest in the group, well, he did 60% of my healing but that was more due to inexplicable downtime than low HPS and he had much worse gear than me. I realise that Holy priests have their place, but I'm just not feeling as confident with it as I'd like and I honestly think that most encounters in ICC are much more Disc friendly, some (hello LK25 heroic!) even to the point where you want two Disc priests.
I'm not sure what I'm seeking. Advice? A rotation? A slap in the face for considering to abandon Disc (and Aethien)?
Also, should I cast CoH more frequently to get more Searing Light procs?
I'm just lost here. And it looks like I'll be at least part time Holy simply because it can secure me a raid spot and I think most other priests are at least as uncomfortable with switching to another seemingly inferior healing style.