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Holy raid healing.Follow

#1 Jul 11 2010 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
So my new guild has asked me to go Holy a couple of times now.

The first time was for Valithria. That went fine. We did the achievement, so kept it on normal and used 4 healers, which meant healing was really quite relaxed.

The second time was in Ulduar 10 hard modes. It went fine, considering that half the raid had never been past Ignis, and on normal at that.
Firefighter is... I think it still requires people to try and do their best, and I'm not sure how well I'm doing as Holy. I unfortunately didn't log any of it, but I'm just not sure how to prioritise spells.
I cast Renew on the tanks and other people taking damage. ProM on cooldown, as usual. CoH as often as possible when it's viable to cast - but I still need to get used to who the secondary targets are. Then I use FHeal when Searing Light procs.
Right. I don't feel nearly as powerful as I do as Disc, and there are moments where I just don't know which spell to cast or let a Renew fall off or make some other mistake. I'm really really uncertain how I should prioritise.

I also do worse on the meters (who would've thought?). Went Holy in VoA25 this week as well, and the really horrible Disc priest in the group, well, he did 60% of my healing but that was more due to inexplicable downtime than low HPS and he had much worse gear than me. I realise that Holy priests have their place, but I'm just not feeling as confident with it as I'd like and I honestly think that most encounters in ICC are much more Disc friendly, some (hello LK25 heroic!) even to the point where you want two Disc priests.

I'm not sure what I'm seeking. Advice? A rotation? A slap in the face for considering to abandon Disc (and Aethien)?

Also, should I cast CoH more frequently to get more Searing Light procs?

I'm just lost here. And it looks like I'll be at least part time Holy simply because it can secure me a raid spot and I think most other priests are at least as uncomfortable with switching to another seemingly inferior healing style.
#2 Jul 11 2010 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
To be fair, disc simply is better for Firefighter. You're doing the right thing as holy it seems (using your instants, as you're basically constantly on the move), but disc is more well adjusted for the fight. Shielding can continue all through the encounter which gives you an easy time when stuff actually gets hard for a bit.

If you want to go for the meters, use FoL Flash Heals, CoH and Renew while moving, stay way on top of the tactics so you can get yourself some quiet time, and toss in a hasted and a non-hasted PoH when you finally get it.
#3 Jul 12 2010 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Jul 12 2010 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Go with your own opinion and thoughts on what spec to go with for which fight.
You know a lot more about your strengths and weaknesses than the rest of your guild.
#5 Jul 12 2010 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Go with your own opinion and thoughts on what spec to go with for which fight.
You know a lot more about your strengths and weaknesses than the rest of your guild.

Fo sho.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#6 Jul 12 2010 at 5:35 AM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
If you want to go for the meters, use FoL Flash Heals, CoH and Renew while moving, stay way on top of the tactics so you can get yourself some quiet time, and toss in a hasted and a non-hasted PoH when you finally get it.

No Serendipity. I don't think I'd be comfortable with that anyway.
#7 Jul 12 2010 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Kalivha wrote:
No Serendipity. I don't think I'd be comfortable with that anyway.

I realize Serendipity is a good talent, but it ruined Holy for me. I find it too constricting now.
#8 Jul 12 2010 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
No Serendipity? Wait, what?

Alright, I refer back to Horsemouth's first post in this thread.
#9 Jul 12 2010 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
PoH/Serendipity spec is really underpowered, and GHeal/Serendipity spec is too tank healing focused when you've got an abundance of Holy paladins. I can just refer to the specs of the high end raiding priests, as well. :P

Plus, I was asked to go Renew spec and it's quite honestly what I wanted when going Holy.
#10 Jul 12 2010 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
PoH/Serendipity spec is really underpowered

PoH/Serendipity spec as opposed to what? Three points in Test of Faith?

I've found that whenever damage gets really tough (stuff like heroic Val'kyr-twins style raid damage), the only thing that pulls enough HPS to pull through is virtually spamming PoH, only stopping for CoH and the ocassionaly ProM. Having at least the first PoH in that row sped up was often game changing.

Really, if you want to do raid healing as holy and need to become a good ol' throughput-turret, a PoH or two is the way to go. Serendipity just plays into that so nicely by allowing your instant (read: on the run) Flash Heals to speed up the first one so the second one can be thrown quicker.

Also, 'Renew spec' shouldn't be a choice, imo. Renew is for about 80% to Holy what PW:S is to disc, for me.
#11 Jul 12 2010 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
Wait wait wait, so you're saying Renew is the spell you should spam at all times, but you shouldn't spec into it?

Test of Faith is fine. It's better than many other options.

Even with Serendipity and stacking Haste, PoH is still slow, and very limited. I mean, if the whole raid is taking damage, chances are other healers will have topped off half the group your PoH targeted before it goes off, making it extremely inefficient. Plus if we need it, we have at least one priest with that offspec in our setup.

Places such as EJ (no matter how crappy they are for healers) point out that Renew spec is perfectly reasonable, and if you look at the logs of some of the better guilds in the world (say, world top 25) that many Holy priests at that level barely ever use PoH.

I'm more comfortable with the spec I've got now, probably in part because it's at least somewhat akin to Disc, and I don't see any evidence why it's worse.
#12 Jul 12 2010 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Nonono - I mean to say that it shouldn't be called "Renew spec" since I reckon it should be standard for any priest that goes holy.

Also, the thing with high end priests not grabbing Serendipity is, I reckon, because of several factors;
A) Their timing is simply a lot better than yours. They don't need Serendipity to get good PoHs off. That's not to say you or I suck, but these people known encounters inside out and upside down and know exactly when to start a good PoH. This is also why top end healers focus on haste a bit less than others.
B) There are probably less holy priests in the world top 25 than any other healing class. In most encounters, a resto druid fulfills a holy priests' role, but does a better job at it. Also, the holy priests there are are probably at least partly there for B&S, GS and/or ProM on specific encounters.
C) For the fights that you use holy priests, you tend to bring them for CoH and ProM. And if you never actually get a chance to cast a PoH, then yes, Test of Faith is better than Serendipity.

Thing is though, all this is pure min/maxing and for anyone not in a world top 100 guild, you're probably better off playing safe and using PoH (with Serendipity), as it does tend to be a safer choice - and unless you're going for world/server first kills, safety is generally better.
#13 Jul 12 2010 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
Holy priests are not as rare as you think simply because quite a few guilds run with a Disc/disc setup and more than half of ICC doesn't work with that, so one of those priests will go holy for most of the raid.

And it's not that they don't spec into Serendipity, it's that their logs say (for the ones I've looked at anyway) that they rarely ever cast it. Rarely meaning maybe 2 or 3 CoH's during an encounter that lasts anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes. Mind you, there are exceptions, but I am keeping my Disc spec, leaving me only room for one holy spec and that's the one I have now.

The thing you're arguing is that those people don't have to have Serendipity to efficiently cast PoH, right? The way I see it, PoH is a very, very problematic spell. I think I highlighted the reasons above. Even if you have it down to 1.5 seconds, that's 1.5 seconds during which half the people you're targetting with it can get topped off and if you have, say, a Restoration shaman, in the raid, that is quite likely to happen. Communication and understanding and skill among the healers has to be very high to get PoH off in a fashion that makes it actually better than other spells you could have used in that time. Or at least that's how I feel.

I might just be really crappy with my PoHs.

I think it comes down to preference anyway. I think I prefer not to have to deal with a spell I can't handle when I don't feel like I have much control over the spec to begin with.
#14 Jul 12 2010 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I use PoH for Decimate and not much else even as Disc, its a bad spell in the current healing world.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#15 Jul 12 2010 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
Horsemouth wrote:
I use PoH for Decimate and not much else even as Disc, its a bad spell in the current healing world.

It's better as Holy if you have Serendipity, I think.

In any case, it's kind of broken and just interferes with the other healers too much. Or gets interfered with.
#16 Jul 12 2010 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
It's great when the heal is fully used on 3 people or more.
Only the better your raid gets/the easier the content is the less that situation occurs.
#17 Jul 12 2010 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
It's great when the heal is fully used on 3 people or more.
Only the better your raid gets/the easier the content is the less that situation occurs.

I still hold it's pretty hard to pull that off in a 25man raid situation.
In heroics, sure. In raids there's too many pallies and shammies stacking haste and clipping heals left and right. They greatly decrease the chance for success with PoH.

As for sort of solid maths, if we assume PoH heals 4 targets without overheal, that puts us at something like 19.2k at ~30% crit raidbuffed with 4k SP. Under hastecap and with Serendipity up (which requires us to use GCDs on Fheals that heal for much less), PoH will be slightly shorter than 2 GCDs. 2 GCDs could give us two Renews which can amount to some 23k or so healing. If raid damage is high enough to make PoH viable at all, the Renews are not likely to do as much overhealing as usual, either.

Edited, Jul 13th 2010 1:00am by Kalivha
#18 Jul 13 2010 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
This is why I like Disc; the use of high-power shields combined with other healers' abilities seems to make for a better "waste not, want not" scenario where nobody is excessively wasting time or resources overlapping each other.

(That said, please continue, it's fun to read healing discussions where people actually talk with some scientific precision about it Smiley: tongue)

Edited, Jul 13th 2010 10:02am by Norellicus
#19 Jul 13 2010 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
Actually, I made some wrong assumptions there. Not knowing the exact inner workings of Serendipity, I was actually pretty far off.

So one PoH takes about as much time as 1.3 GCD's. Fair enough. That makes it a lot better.

There is, however, still the issue that you need to use Flash Heals before you have three stacks of Serendipity, and Flash Heal is really not all that efficient. It does not matter if that's instant with SoL, it takes one GCD anyway and while having anything cast at the start of that makes everything more predictable, it's still not all that efficient, considering FHeal's HPET is roughly half that of Renew (if you have Emp. Renew).

You'd lose about 12k potential healing and gain some 14k or so, but PoH is awfully hard to manage and you need to greatly adjust your healing style and somewhat adjust your talent build to properly utilise it.
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