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#1 Jul 08 2010 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
1,233 posts
It seems to be way faster to just level up in groups with this new tool thing, so question..

I am very familiar with both Warrior dps specs, having played them both heavily at 70, but I never tanked, in all honesty I don't remember having ever actually equipped a shield with him. And I started a new Warrior (because I miss the PVP - Druid and DK just weren't as much fun for me). I'm 23 now, but I noticed that Tanking a random is Instant invites vs. 10-20 minutes as a dps - is it safe/worth it to just level up as Prot, figuring it out as I go or is there a different/better way?

Yes, I read up on Prot specs and rotations, but almost all of it is information for max level and barely anything on leveling with it, except the spec I should end up with at 60. Which doesn't tell me how to tank at 25. So far in the so-so groups I end up tanking anyway as 2H w/Fury talents, and in the good groups it goes by so fast the que is longer than the instance. That and low-level healers scare the hell out of me.
#2 Jul 08 2010 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
Honestly it's fairly easy at low levels. Spec prot for the extra rage generation (Shield Specialization is amazing), get the Glyph of Sunder, and spam Thunderclap, Sunder and Revenge, switching targets around to be sure you're hitting everyone. Use Demo Shout if you're taking a lot of damage or your healer is going oom often. Shield Block is nice to use if you're running low on rage or taking a beating. Aside from that, there really isn't much else to say that you won't figure out after tanking a group or two.
#3 Jul 08 2010 at 11:25 PM Rating: Excellent
This is me as of 10min ago.

I unlocked duel spec, wish I hadn't (pretty much a waste of 1k gold). I've done very little questing, 136 quests is all I have done.

I pretty much rock Prot and get all my EXP from Dungeons. I no longer do randoms, as the 49-55 group is ST and Blackrock. I HATE Sunken Temple. So I jut pick Blackrock and run groups through it all (if able).

I have a nice tool bar of abilities, but for the most (at lv25) part I only really used:
Taunt - I use this on my 1st target.
Thunder Stomp - I spam this like a ****. It is my AE holder
Cleave and Revenge - both of these are Talented/Glyphed to hit more than one target.

I try to get groups together, spin them if needed, and just spam TS, Cleave and Revenge.

Now at 52 I have some more tricks, but my entire rotation is based off these 4 moves (I now Charge in, as to Taunting 1st target).

The only quest I seem to get now are when the DPS who waiting 30+min for me to Q up share their lolQuests with me.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#4 Jul 09 2010 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
422 posts
Sandinmygum wrote:

Nice int/mp5 shield.

#5 Jul 09 2010 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
CountFenris wrote:
Sandinmygum wrote:

Nice int/mp5 shield.


lulz I know i know, but what else can I use? Nothing in the AH..ever. The one I had before this was from like SM.

The only one next in line would be Rock Golem Bulwark, yet to see it drop tho t.t
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#6 Jul 09 2010 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
422 posts
Sand, I am totally kidding - I just couldn't resist.

Your armory does show how one's character can stay well-geared by just using the LFD system, rather than running all over the world doing quests. I wish it was in place when I leveled my prot warrior; it would've made it much easier and more fun.
#7 Jul 09 2010 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
CountFenris wrote:
Sand, I am totally kidding - I just couldn't resist.

Your armory does show how one's character can stay well-geared by just using the LFD system, rather than running all over the world doing quests. I wish it was in place when I leveled my prot warrior; it would've made it much easier and more fun.


I know, but I get heat IN GAME too.
I get tells asking why I'm using a INt&5/mp shield . . .
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#8 Jul 09 2010 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
Sandinmygum wrote:
I get tells asking why I'm using a INt&5/mp shield . . .

Hah, I logged onto my 70 rogue the other day for the first time since BC, and within five minutes some guy rides up to me on his mount and whispers me telling me how bad my dagger was for my level. Which isn't actually true even after WotLK, but back in the day it was a decent entry-level dagger. Some people are just too nosy for their own good.
#9 Jul 10 2010 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Well I respec'd, went tank mode and started doing the randoms again, had the day off so I just kept going with them and ended up leveling from 23 to 30 in about 5 hours. Gear seems to keep up really well so far, but I haven't had to change much either. The Thunderclap glyphs helped a lot, and now that I can equip a 2nd glyph, the Cleave glyph should be just as valuable, at least for the next several levels.

Just kinda wish there was more instances, gets a little boring doing Gnomeregan 4-5 times in a row..
#10 Jul 10 2010 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
You think that's bad, wait til your 50s when you're running nothing but BRD for a solid five or six levels. I like dungeons as much as the next guy, but a few times through that place makes me a dedicated quester.
#11 Jul 11 2010 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
Majivo wrote:
You think that's bad, wait til your 50s when you're running nothing but BRD for a solid five or six levels. I like dungeons as much as the next guy, but a few times through that place makes me a dedicated quester.


I hardly ever do Randoms anymore, I pick what to run so I don't get stuck somewhere that is going to make me want to pull my hair out XD (I just hate ST. Always have -.-)
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#12 Jul 11 2010 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
I actually like ST. It's confusing at first, but it's fairly symmetrical so eventually you just run in a circle and you'll hit everything you need to. It's not like BRD, where you need to go this way before you can go that way, and every trash pull has a risk of running into three or four more. That place just gives me nightmares.
#13 Jul 13 2010 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
I'm making a diary of my experience leveling a warrior almost entirely through random instances. Leveling is very fast and a lot of fun. We only wiped once and that was entirely my fault. Healers seem up to it but I always have the highest level health potion available just in case. Just reached level 26.

Glyph sunder and thunderbolt.

Spell Keyboard bound
taunt R
Heroic Strike E
Revenge Q
Thunderclap 3
Sunder 2
Shield Block 5
Cleave caps lock
attack 1

I target, attack, then taunt to pull, thunderclap on cool down, shield block on cool down, demo shout early if I can, heroic strike on cool down, revenge when it is up.
Cleave when I remember and sunder when I am bored. Shield bash when appropriate. Taunt if I lose aggro.

I have grids because my 80 main is a healer which I use mostly to make sure I'm the only one with aggro.

1-3 thunderclap
4-9 SS
10 incite
11-12 Improved revenge
13-14 Shield Mastery
15-16 incite

And I make sure I have studied the upcoming instances.

#14 Jul 17 2010 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Almost to 40 now, Here's his Armory.

It's been going perfect, albeit very different than I imagined. I was familiar with threat and tanking from having been one for heroics/raids on my Druid, but there are so many more tanking abilities and cooldowns and mitigation talents with warrior than I ever had to worry about with the Druid. And it even seems like the rotations change based on which talents, glyphs and new abilities you have.

Even stranger to me, is that while I'm AoE tanking the randoms I end up in, I tend to do a large portion of the overall damage, 50% upwards for the whole group. Maybe that's just because DPS doesn't have enough gear/talents yet to be competitive with my AoE. I'm not sure, just seems odd.

And is it just me or is the exp point reward from completing a random dungeon extremely low? I have 75,000 to next level and I'm getting like 600 exp for completing a run, that's like 4 mobs...
#15 Jul 17 2010 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
my guy is now 56.

Up until about 50, you will probably be number 1 in the DPS and over all damage.

Last night for the 1st time in my tanking career I had a group that was hard to hold hate on.
Made me mad, and is making me ponder on staying tank >.>
But I think it was the Shaman. He just didn't give a flying fudge that he was pulling hate and then dieing every other pull.
His Fire Totem and Chain Lighting were giving me issues ><

As for the Random EXP. I gave up on running randoms. So i don't know about the EXP. I know I get about 6 bars per run when I do BRD, and about 4 or 5 when I do DM East.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#16 Jul 18 2010 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
584 posts
After tanking at 80 for so long, I've forgotten what it was like to tank pre Devastate, Shield Slam, and Shockwave, but I've just rerolled on the North American servers after moving to Canada. Does anyone know how to deal with crazy dps, aside from spamming taunt? I'm not quite at the right level for the Random LFG yet, but I'm getting there.
#17 Jul 24 2010 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
sgriob wrote:
After tanking at 80 for so long, I've forgotten what it was like to tank pre Devastate, Shield Slam, and Shockwave, but I've just rerolled on the North American servers after moving to Canada. Does anyone know how to deal with crazy dps, aside from spamming taunt? I'm not quite at the right level for the Random LFG yet, but I'm getting there

I'm assuming the bold part refers to pre 80 as well?

I'm now 52, having used this tool for almost all my leveling so far, and last night was the first time anyone had higher dps than me, and I still didn't have any problems. We did an entire run in Blackrock Depths (which took forever) with a really good group and the Mage pulled about 700 dps, I'm still hovering around 480~

Prot Warriors, and tanks in general, at low levels have a lot of damage coming from AoE if you decide to tank that way - so it's not going to be a problem at all, as suggested by someone else prior in this thread, using glyphs of resonating power and cleave will significantly raise your AoE dps so much so you won't have to worry about it until high level.

#18 Jul 24 2010 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Dealing with insane dps pre 80 is indeed an issue.
It's hard to try and keep your ego in check for 60+ levels when you're doing over 50% of the damage done.

No seriously, there are very few dps who outdamaged me up to level 62.
As long as you keep your gear updated and throw some cheap enchants on it and such you'll be fine.
Your main worry will be keeping adds in check when some dps accidentally pulls yet another group, but it hasn't been an issue for me and you're probably a better prot war than I am.
#19 Jul 24 2010 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
BRD...that place was some good EXP!

My Warrior is now 62, and the only issue I have now is DPS who want to show off?
It is always BoAed people with the highest enchant and gems they can get who decide they need to do MASSIVE AE damage.
Meh, guess what? I have 3 tools now for AE..if they pull hate still..i let them die. There just isn't anything I can do about them, and they seem to get the idea pretty quick that they need to slow down after a death or two.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
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