I want to thank the WoW.Zam community for helping me these last two months with tips and advice. I finally hit level 80! Got my t9 shoulder piece too with help from AIE guildies running me through heroics, AS A HEALER! First run was Occ, and this was not a guild run, they were mad, even though I had bought a few upgraded epic pieces before trying to heal heroics.
Thank you for your help and advice. Now I must get the rest of my t9 pieces and work towards ICC 10!
[20:55] Darqflame: <3 U2 Kupo
Be Jealous
[14:24] nLoD: so it can't be all that hard can it?!
14:25] Pikko: obviously for magi it was really hard.. all the time
WoW: Retired
Uncleleo - 80 Undead Warlock Earthen Ring
Kishio - 80 Blood Elf Priest Earthen Ring
Elainebennis - 80 Blood Elf Death Knight Gul'dan
EQ2: Retired
Ishio - 80 Kerran Shadowknight - Crushbone
Ishiu - 26 Ogre Defiler - Crushbone
Ishias - 36 Conjy - Crushbone
Nerstinna - 16 Warden - Crushbone