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#1 Jun 21 2010 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
3,166 posts

Brand new 80 DK. Soloed all the way and now run into a bit of a quandary.

Build is Blood 59/8/4 if you don't want to follow the link.

Gearscore in the best tanking stuff I could craft (440BS) is only about 2.8k and I was plain scared to try tanking in that. So I used my titansteel on the Spiked helm and boots instead and made a set of Savage Saronite. GS is just 3k but I figured I could queue and run as DPS and build up some emblems to improve it.

The trouble is I'm only doing about 1.4k in heroics. I can do 1.6 on a L80 dummy but it seems pathetic compared to my hunter. And the difference is that the DK seems to kill things very fast. Much quicker than the hunter ever did. I updated Recount hoping it was a bug - it wasn't. I'm now too embarrassed to do heroics at all until I can figure out how to do better.

I'm using a Titansteel Destroyer and 2H Mace skill is maxed. Hit is at 173 so maybe I miss a bit on bosses but it shouldn't be that much.

Typical cast sequence is IT,PS, HS,HS after that it kind of depends on the fight. Pestilence for multiple targets, DS if it helps, RS if its up, DC if it is off cooldown. Keep the diseases up and keep thwacking.

The FAQ here is a bit out of date so I'm not really sure what I need to do to improve. Suggestions gratefully received
Wherever I go - there I am.
#2 Jun 21 2010 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
Can you link to your character's armory to see where we can give any improvements?
#3 Jun 22 2010 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Well I know the gear can be improved but I have to get the emblems to do the improving Smiley: smile

Basically Spiked Titansteel helm and boots and savage saronite for the rest - except a BP I needed in DTK.. The rings are still from the "tank set"

Helm is gemmed but the rest doesn't seem worth enchanting because it is going to get changed out ASAP. Yes I can socket belt,bracer and hands but it seems like whatever I'm dong wrong is a bit more fundamental than a few points of STR (or what should I gem for?).

Anyway here it is for the lolz

PS: Just realised I have enough EB rep for the head enchant So I'll do that. Still working SoH though

Edited, Jun 22nd 2010 2:25am by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#4 Jun 22 2010 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
Is this your only character on the server/only 80? If you have another person with exalted SoH rep you can buy the enchant for them as they are BoA.

and/or do you have a bankroll to buy some BoEs with? (sentence ending in a preposition, I know)
#5 Jun 22 2010 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Your spec is pretty bad, too. What the hell is it designed for? Why are you DpSing in a tank spec? And, no offense, but it sucks for that as well. You only have 2/3 major (and minor) glyphs filled--and one of them does nothing for PvE. You are wearing a combination of tank and PvP gear, with a few DpS pieces. Because your spec sucks, you can't maintain the normal rotation. Honestly, is it ANY surprise that your DpS is sucking?

And most ludicrous of all--you are using the Rune of RAZORICE.

This should be your spec to DpS. For boss DpS, change the glyph of DnD to Glyph of DRW.

Something like this would be a tank spec. It needs to be tailored to your specific gear. If you have too much RP, drop Scent of Blood for Sudden Death. I personally wouldn't bother with DRW, but some love it. You want the Vampiric Blood glyph, the DnD glyph and then either Disease or Death Strike.

No, you can't have one spec do both. 15 points is a huge loss to try and DpS with it. Either buy dual spec or choose which you want to do.

Rotation for both, with Glyph of Disease:


Rotation for both, without GoD:


When using DRW, don't use the DC in your first line, and summon the weapon instead (preferably JUST fast enough to make the next rune GCD, so you get 50% more from 1 DC, 4 HSs and place two more diseases on the target.

As for your runeforge, you ALWAYS use Rune of Fallen Crusader on a two-handed and main-hand weapon. ALWAYS. Everything else is a large DpS drop.

For tanking, use SSG. You CAN use the parry one, but SSG when def Capped is worth 3% avoidance but also has 2% stam, so it's your call.

Just respec and use a proper rotation/rune and you'll see a huge increase right from the start. I'm 79, using a level 74 weapon, and I out-DpS you.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#6 Jun 22 2010 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts

Sorry it was a mess. As I said I'd been working towards a tank and then realised I couldn't do heroics in what I had. Hence swapping to a dps role and gear. Which is why some of the items are still tank bits.

I had SSG on the weapon until I changed. Then I wasn't sure what to use. Thanks for pointing me at the 15% STr buff which obviously trumps the 2% damage of razorice. I only saw the health thing and passed it by.

Glyphs I think I'd forgotten since I dinged Smiley: blush

I did think I could make one spec do both but I'll take the advice and respec to dps.

The nice thing is that having realized I was failing I've found some help. Now to turn it into practise.

And yes it is my first 80 on this server so no BoA available. I have a little cash so I'll see if there are any bargain BoE epics on the AH

Thanks for the help guys.

I'll maybe let you know what the difference is. (It may not be the gear and spec after all - I may just be useless Smiley: smile)
Wherever I go - there I am.
#7 Jun 22 2010 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
3,157 posts
I see you fixed the spec. The three gems you have are ALL wrong.
The meta you want is... ****... reckless? earthsiege diamond. It adds 21 agility and bonus damage on crits. The important part is that you still get your bonus damage, and you only need to stick one Nightmare Tear in there.
Never gem stam as a DPS. I feel bad telling you that you wasted money on that epic gem, but it's a COMPLETELY worthless gem. The mini version of it you have is worthless as well.
As blood dps, you're looking at ArP > Strength > Expertise > hit > crit > haste > other ****.
You've inexplicably gemmed one useless stat and one stat that you never go out of your way to get.

You've been 80 three days. You should have at LEAST one or two pieces of T9 by now.
#8 Jun 22 2010 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
TBH, the meta gem isn't that wrong, a lot of people use chaotic skyflare (even if it is mostly a caster meta). But the general consensus is to use the Relentless Earthsiege Diamond.
#9 Jun 22 2010 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
You should have at LEAST one or two pieces of T9 by now

How about reading the thread.

How do I get two pieces of T9 without emblems? When I saw I was underachieving I stopped doing heroics and came here for help.

I do get kind of fed up with this "emblemz r ez" bullsh*t.

And what is wrong with crit? In the absence of an up-to-date FAQ here it seemed like a good idea at the time. If you get off on abusing folks then fair enough. But I was under the impression that melee dps were STR-based, not AGI anyways. I used the Relentless Earthsiege for my hunter.

The rest of the help was useful. Smiley: smile

PS. With new Spec and a new belt with 3 STR gems (ok so one has STA as well ) I'm doing enough not to embarrass myself so I can do heroics again. Now maybe I can get some emblems.

PPS: If T9 comes from EoF and you can get 2 per day from heroics then how does one get 2 pieces of T9 in 3 days? Just askin'

Edited, Jun 22nd 2010 4:36pm by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#10 Jun 22 2010 at 4:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Cobra101 wrote:

PPS: If T9 comes from EoF and you can get 2 per day from heroics then how does one get 2 pieces of T9 in 3 days? Just askin'


Once you hit 80, you no longer get 2 Triumph Emblems per Heroic (you did get them per dungeon up to 80, for the 1st one you ran). Instead you get 2 Frosts, and these are used for t10 and all the goodies that can be bought with Frost.

SO, on average the 1st Heroic you run should net you 3-4 Triumphs (plus the frosts). ANY Heroic you run after will give you 2 Triumphs + Boss kills (each boss gives 1, some people skip bosses..some don't). So about 5 Triumphs per run.
So you should be spending (if able) lots of time sitting in Q as DPS, and rolling need on DPS Plate gear OR rolling for Tank gear.

Get 2 t9s (shoulders and gloves are the cheapest) and use the lv78 Blue (Sarnoite?) set as a base.

IF you plan on being a tank, don't waste your Emblems on DPS gear. Buy the Tanking ones (there are 2 sets for DKs).
IMO, if you want to be a tank you should just aim for tanking gear and instead of running Specific Heroics/Dungeons to build up a tank set. That way when you do randoms you are able to run them. The dungeon tool is pretty good at placing you in a group of equal gear scored people.

Oh..and you can get a full set of t9 and some other upgrades in 3 days. I've done it...twice. I don't suggest attempting it XD
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#11 Jun 22 2010 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Sandinmygum knows what they're saying, and knew what I was saying.
T9 (Stands for Tier 9) comes from Emblems of Triumph, which rain from the sky. You get one for every boss you kill in a heroic, and for every boss you kill in normal ICC5 mans. You also get two for the first random normal you do every day.

There is absolutely no excuse for hitting 80 on a DK and not being able to pull at least 2K DPS. A person comfortable with the game should be able to pull 2500 right off the bat in gear you can pick up for free or cheap. You OBVIOUSLY have money, as you're sitting on a titansteel destroyer. Those things aren't as expensive as they used to be, but they certainly are not free.

In absence of a guide, what a person should do is either ask around, ask guildies, or check armories. The stat list I gave you was up to date and correct.

As far as the meta is concerned, yes, agility is more of a rogue / hunter / shammy stat. However, there are two VERY important things you chose to not notice. First, the gem requirements on it are much more lenient. Whereas before you'd have to slum down for a blue AND a yellow gem of some form, with the relentless you have to use only a single blue gem out of the ordinary, which nicely translates into a Nightmare Tear. This is a significant change in DPS over the stats you'd have lost with a yellow and a blue gem (only one nightmare tear per person as far as I remember, so that wasn't an option).

Yeah, crit is fine, but you NEVER gear for it on a DK, especially a blood DK. Actually, I'm confused as to why crit gems even exist, as I can't think of a single spec they're optimal for.

In short, clean up your rotation, glyph properly, fix your gemming, clean up your gear, and spend a few gold to get some pieces. I was sick of doing only 2300 DPS on my Rogue (it was embarassing!), and spent 3K gold and got her some 6 epics. If you're choosy, you can get great gear for cheap.
#12 Jun 22 2010 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
PPS: If T9 comes from EoF and you can get 2 per day from heroics then how does one get 2 pieces of T9 in 3 days? Just askin'

T9 comes from EoT, T10 comes from EoF. Thus it's easy enough to get a few pieces of T9 fairly quickly.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2010 7:44pm by Majivo
#13 Jun 23 2010 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
I knew it'd end in tiers.

Ok I didn't know T9 was from EoT. As a matter of interest where does the "T9" come from? It doesn't even mention it on items listed here. It seems to be one of those things that "everybody knows".

Also I see there are both iLevel 232 and iLevel 245 items from the EoT vendor but the 245 ones also require Trophy of the Crusade which doesn't look obtainable at my stage of gearing.

So is T9 the 232?

as for
You OBVIOUSLY have money, as you're sitting on a titansteel destroyer.

I made it from the mats I saved while levelling. I spent the rest of my cash on a belt and most of the plate epics on the AH were about 6K which is out of reach for now. There were some cheaper ones with INT and SP but I'd hate to see what happened here if I equipped those Smiley: smile

PS: If crit isn't what I should be aiming at what enchant should I be going for on the boots? I was planning Icewalker but is there a better one?

Edited, Jun 23rd 2010 3:03am by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#14 Jun 23 2010 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
T9 comes in ilevel 232, 245, and 258. They offer the same set bonuses and types of stats, but 245 and 258 obviously have higher stats. 245s, as you saw, take trophies, and 258s take armor tokens, similar to the BC system. Thus you'll be buying the 232 T9 pieces which only require emblems. In addition to these items, you can buy ilvl 245 epics that are not set pieces, also using EoT. All of these EoT items can be bought in Dalaran. This page would be quite relevant to your situation, as well as a couple of the links coming off of it.

As for the boots enchant, I'm not a DK, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that, like every other melee DPS, you want Tuskarr's Vitality for the run speed bonus. At your stage of gear, however, it's probably not worth it to get a super expensive enchant, since upgrades will be coming quickly; so don't fret too much if you have to go with something cheaper. Tightening your playstyle will do more miracles for your DPS than splurging on an expensive enchantment right now. I wouldn't bother going for the higher-end enchants until the item you're enchanting is ilvl 232.
#15 Jun 23 2010 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
Forgot to mention!
Very important info here... As you probably know, the Summer event is going on. YOU SHOULD KILL The frost lord every day AND do a random. You will up your Frost Emblems from 2 to FOUR each day. Doing so will help you gain some of that t10 that you already are working for a little quicker.
Being a DK, the Frost Lord is pretty easy, you just help the tank kill the adds that spawn, when the tank goes and attacks Ahune, you attack him.

You can get t9 in Dalaran at the Blacksmith shop or from the NPCs at the Tournament Grounds in IC (outside of ToC).
The trophies and tokens drop from ToC 10 and 25 mans.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#16 Jun 23 2010 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
when the tank goes and attacks Ahune, you attack him

I attack the tank? Smiley: smile

I did this last night and it went badly a couple of times before it worked. I have to go back to hand in the shard thingy so I'll do it again tonight.

I got the first i232 item (gloves) yesterday from the vendor in Dalaran.

Strangely I found my dps varied a lot with the players around me. I had a couple of groups of similar sort of GS where I was about 1.6k and then a group where the others were 5k+ GS and I did 2k. Maybe it was the buff mix or something. It does make a difference when you get a group with complimentary buffs.

Anyway. Hopefully I'm on my way.

Any tips on the glove enchant for dps? Somehow I've got to melee hit cap without trying so I was going for Major Strength?
Wherever I go - there I am.
#17 Jun 23 2010 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
3,157 posts
I'm going to have to write another damn FAQ aren't I? It seems like Allah has fallen to disrepair as far as class info goes...
Crusher is good (I think that's the one with **** tons of attack power).
Your doing your 'rotation' correctly? A kings or an Arcane Mage buff shouldn't be worth 500 DPS, not at your gear level. See, buffs like kings, or any buff that gives a % of a stat, they're funny. They scale with gear, in both ways. So at your gear level, buffs actually are worth LESS DPS than at a higher gear level.

You're a blood DPS, running a 2 hander, with a proper spec (Did you fix your glyphs?). There is just no way you're pulling less DPS than my DK did, at level 70.
#18 Jul 20 2010 at 2:58 AM Rating: Default
Hey so i saw that u said why do they even make crit gems, well it is because dks need str and crit the str helps with attpower which is for there dots and crit is for the strikes my dots do 1k damage each and my strikes crit around 10 when i have dots.
jaysgsl wrote:
Sandinmygum knows what they're saying, and knew what I was saying.
T9 (Stands for Tier 9) comes from Emblems of Triumph, which rain from the sky. You get one for every boss you kill in a heroic, and for every boss you kill in normal ICC5 mans. You also get two for the first random normal you do every day.

There is absolutely no excuse for hitting 80 on a DK and not being able to pull at least 2K DPS. A person comfortable with the game should be able to pull 2500 right off the bat in gear you can pick up for free or cheap. You OBVIOUSLY have money, as you're sitting on a titansteel destroyer. Those things aren't as expensive as they used to be, but they certainly are not free.

In absence of a guide, what a person should do is either ask around, ask guildies, or check armories. The stat list I gave you was up to date and correct.

As far as the meta is concerned, yes, agility is more of a rogue / hunter / shammy stat. However, there are two VERY important things you chose to not notice. First, the gem requirements on it are much more lenient. Whereas before you'd have to slum down for a blue AND a yellow gem of some form, with the relentless you have to use only a single blue gem out of the ordinary, which nicely translates into a Nightmare Tear. This is a significant change in DPS over the stats you'd have lost with a yellow and a blue gem (only one nightmare tear per person as far as I remember, so that wasn't an option).

Yeah, crit is fine, but you NEVER gear for it on a DK, especially a blood DK. Actually, I'm confused as to why crit gems even exist, as I can't think of a single spec they're optimal for.

In short, clean up your rotation, glyph properly, fix your gemming, clean up your gear, and spend a few gold to get some pieces. I was sick of doing only 2300 DPS on my Rogue (it was embarassing!), and spent 3K gold and got her some 6 epics. If you're choosy, you can get great gear for cheap.
#19 Jul 20 2010 at 3:05 AM Rating: Default
hey i saw that u needed help on ur dk well i have the thing for u, u should try to go unholy and use my spec that is on my dk his name is toushiro look him up on the armory. also on ur gems have one nightmare tear then all 20strength and 10str and 10crit. those work out the best. Also for ur weapon try to do pit of saron herioc the last boss drops a good axe and if u r rading icc then get the bone axe from the first boss. Lastly do herioc everyday and do voa the raid in wintergrasp and u can get the t9 gloves and pants and t10 gloves and pants hope that helps. last thing if u do use my talent reply and i will tell u the rotatin.
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