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Why do I suck at arena healing??Follow

#1 Jun 21 2010 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
Thanks to all the help from this board Ive become a competent tank and PvE healer. So Im here asking what did I do wrong again. Here is my armory. I know my gear is outdated, Im working on that. I have my furious robes waiting to be gemmed and enchanted. So my question is did I forget something in my spec or is there some amazing spell that all resto druids except me know about??

I am in a 3s team with a rogue and warlock. The biggest problem is with my wifes affliction warlock. She gets beat down before I can get 2 stacks of lifebloom on her. I started prehealing her before the gates opened, but that didnt seem to help at all. I know shes a clothie, but with almost 25k hp and about 700 resil shouldnt she last a little longer than 2 or 3 hits? The 2nd problems is after the lock dies Im the next target. I last about 1 hit longer than the lock. I took a warrior 3 hits to kill me with full hots rolling and barkskin up.

We arent going for gladiator or anything, we just enjoy pvp. So Im not worried about our team make up, I just figure out how I went from being an average pvp healer to not being able to keep anyone alive. Again I know my gear is severely outdated and Im working on updating every piece.

Thanks for your info and advise. Let me know if you need any other information to determine where I fail.
#2 Jun 21 2010 at 9:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I don't do much PvP, but like you said, it really looks like you could use some better gear. This late in an expansion a lot of people are really decked out in some powerful stuff, and in arena you can die fast if you aren't rocking some quality items.

If you want to enjoy PvP more, have you guys tried working together in a battleground? I mean at least until your gear catches up a bit more...
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#3 Jun 21 2010 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
Yeah we have been doing BGs together. We formed the team on a whim to have some fun. Im the least geared of the three. I stopped playing this toon about a year ago when I lost my job. I just started playing him again about a month or 2 ago. I just got all his tank gear updated so the PvP heal set is my next project. Ill keep plugging away at BGs and instances to get my set up and see if it helps. Im really hoping its my gear more than my skill.
#4 Jun 21 2010 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I have 900 resilience, 30% damage mitigation when I get stunned in Cat form, 20% additional mitigation when I pop Barkskin, plus -25% chance to be critically hit when I pop Barkskin.

If I get focus fired, I still drop in seconds. Shadow Priests and Lolstorm Warriors are the worst. Shadow Priests because apparently their DoTs completely ignore my resilience and Arms Warriors (Lolstorm) because they just run around until their trinket proc and then they pop Bladestorm (Lolstorm) and win.

I've given up on Arena for now. Out of 20 matches, I think Aeth and I won three. One of which was a 20-minute endurance fight against a Death Knight and a Holy Paladin. I'm having a blast in Battlegrounds, though. With enough resilience to survive 1-2 hits more than the 0 resilience sheep in there, I've managed to go through several battles without a single death.

Now, I'm Feral, so I have to sacrifice some resilience for DPS, but as a healer, I'd imagine you can just go overboard on resilience. Pick up the PvP gear you can buy from Emblems of Triumph. Gather honor points (weekly Wintergrasp goes a long way) and get the ilvl 264 cloak and necklace. Then work on your rings and you'll easily go beyond 1,000 resilience, at which point the scale just tips completely your way and you become an invincible annoyance in almost any way.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Jun 21 2010 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
Gear gear gear! That's the biggest problem there without regards to skill and such. You can easily grind up a couple of Wrathful off-pieces and a full Furious set with Honor. Then you'll at least be on par in terms of gear with the other healers in your rating bracket. As for the skill portion of your problem, you need to go to Warcraft Movies and watch some arenas, and preferably some with instructions if you can find them. Let's see, some basic tips I can give you are: Are you using vent? Communication is very important. How efficient is your UI? Can you switch targets very easily and quickly?
#6 Jun 25 2010 at 9:17 AM Rating: Default
Our communication is pretty good. My wife sits next to me, and we talk to the rogue using vent. I use spartanUI. Its pretty clean and all my needed spells are all next to each other. Although I seem to be having lag issues with healbot. Ive been doing bgs in between queues, and Ive noticed during most fights there is a lag between my click and the spell being cast. Even though its not a long lag, it seems that it could be the difference between landing a spell and my target dying. What are some other healing addons out there? Or should I forget the addon and go back to healing the old fashioned way? As for target swapping it is simple, takes me less than a second to target who I need to. I try to keep one of the ranged opponents targeted so I can cast cyclone in between heals. It missed about 13 out of 16 casts according to recount. But when it hit it was a noticeable drop in the damage we took. I think I need to get a few pieces of gear with hit on them to help cyclone land more.

Thanks again for your responces and your advise. Hopefully this week things will go a little smoother for us.
#7 Jun 25 2010 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
With rogue, lock and resto druid you have a lot of CC available to you. coordinating that well means you win, messups and you lose.

It's ideal if your rogue can sap someone and open on a second one.
With rogue+lock you also have quite a bit of burst and a MS effect to boot.
If your lock is dying fast, get her to use her voidwalker, sacrifice absorbs a good bit of damage.
Have someone call out CC's, the one of you three with the most oversight so you know what you're dpsing and what is CC'd and when.
The rogue is good at peeling and so are you. root/slow people attacking your lock (or you) to allow her(/you) to run out of melee/LoS.
Get to 6% hit and 75 spell pen so your roots and cyclones don't miss.

Edit: there's also tons of little tricks such as cycloning someone who is on low health so they can't be healed until you can CC the healer again.

Edited, Jun 25th 2010 5:42pm by Aethien
#8 Jun 25 2010 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
I think your right about our CC. Thats the one thing I havent gotten coordinated yet. I dont know a thing about rogues accept that I hate them with a passion. I guess im gonna have to do some research on them to see what I have available. Ill get on my wife about fear juggling more and using her void instead of the succy. Ill keep doing WG and Bgs to get more honor to continue updating my gear, and to play around and see what other tricks I can find. I like the one you mentioned. I know Ive done it before, but its been a year since I was in an arena and have forgotten way to much.

Thanks again
#9 Jun 25 2010 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Also, are all 3 of you PvP specced?
Might not look like it, but that makes a very large difference.

And rogues have stuns, sap and blind.
#10 Jun 25 2010 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
Ill recheck mine and my wifes spec. Im pretty sure they are PvP, but maybe we changed them for some reason. As for the rogue Ill research PvP specs for them and compare them to his spec.

Thanks for letting me know about the rogues abilities. I just thought they had 2 abilities, Permastun which the tooltip reads "stuns target until they die", and another Instacoward that reads "press this if your target gets help. You will instantly hide like a scared little girl until the help gets bored and leaves, then you can cast Permastun again on your lonely target"
#11 Jun 25 2010 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
First rule of 3v3, anyone can die quickly with 2 DPS on a person unloading, even through heals.

CC is essential.

Lets say your wife runs out, rogue and warrior open on her. It is possible to trinket rogues cheapshot, immediately teleport, while you cyclone the warrior 3 times in a row. You can curse exhaustion/dot/fear the rogue/keep pet on him and try not to let him get a clean vanish off.

If you just sit there trying to heal through 10 seconds of DPS on a warlock (cheapshot->kidney shot) with mortal strike, she'll surely die. CC > healing in many situations.

Lets say its mage/rogue. Cyclone the rogue repeatedly, warlock has to keep running away around a pillar. Make mage do nothing but chase. The more they are moving and chasing, the less damage they are doing. The goal of cyclone/root spam is to buy the person good peels away from the rogue. If a peel won't work at that point in time, heal instead.
#12 Jun 25 2010 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
[I'm not currently playing WoW so big theory and pvp tactics posts like these are my methadone treatment :P]

25k hp and 700 resilience sounds like a lot, but this far into a season where 10 5v5 games can buy you a piece of relentless gear every week/every other week.... and as little as 1400 rating can buy you full WRATHFUL offset pieces like belt boots and so's actually not that much.

The warlock really needs to use demonic teleport well though even if they were amazingly geared. Drop it somewhere crafty within seconds of each match starting. Its a godly survival ability. Not just to create distance, it breaks snares and movement impairing abilities. If a warrior is riding your *** and you're hamstrung, you can strafe say, left while dotting him then immediately switch to strafing right and in the same instant tap demonic teleport. By the time he realizes where you are, you'll be 20 yards away (no longer snared) casting haunt and fearing one of his teammates. Or on the bridge on blades edge, drop down to escape melee-lol teleport now you have about 20 seconds of breathing space. It's really one of the best abilities in the game.

Resilience is a weird stat like armorpen, it gets ridiculously good the more you stack. Even very offensively specced and geared dps wouldn't go below 950 resilience if they are planning serious arena (perhaps pushing for 1800 rating). Many people, especially those starting out will feel much more comfortable hovering around 1000 - 1100. Sounds like a lot to aim for, but, if you do 10 5v5 a week for ~340 arena points, and the daily BG quest every day you'll quickly be outfitted in full furious, maybe relentless hands or shoulders and some wrathful offset stuff. Do WG quests and batles for honor and maybe the 251 lv shoulders. Do voa 25 and 10, i managed to get wrathful legs for my pally there. Then it's just down to practice, practice, practice. In bgs and arena games and duels.

Research specs and what particular gear and gemming setup is best for each member of the team, has great info in their class forums though you'll need to wade through a lot of elitism and ****-waving. Rogue lock druid can actually be a really powerful team when you start getting comfortable with it. You can open with a lot of cc and gain great momentum. Sap someone and have blind or cyclone ready for when it wears off then an instant howl after the trinket. A rogue going all out on a fully dotted target can create incredible pressure. The lock then has the best execute in the game too in the form of drain soul, make sure they have some way of knowing when an opponent is below 20% hp (addons?). Even if they are healed above that 20% threshold the channeled drain soul will continue it's horrendous 7kish ticks. Through walls :D Haven't played warlock in some time, i believe the execute channel of drain soul gains a lot of bonus damage for each dot active. DoT ticks plus drain soul means the rogue really only needs to sneeze on the target to kill it.

Fear pathing is also hilariously random and will sometimes fear a target waaaaay out in the open where they can't possiby pillar hump and you can blow them up very easily. Unstable affliction protects fear so it can't be safely dispelled, feel free to add insect swarm and moonfire and wrath spam when it's safe to do so.

I can't think of many rogue tips for the comp. Practice getting good clean saps to set up your teams opener, never end a match with cooldowns available etc. Envenom spec would probably work really well as the rogue is often free to pour damage on their target in this team. The lock can use fear on one target til it's fully DRed, then do it again to a different target, so the rogue wont get harrassed too much. Warriors are trouble, so they'll likely want glyph of preparation giving him two dismantles (one for bladestorm, one to 'dispel' shield wall if you're killing the warr). DoTs will likely be on everyone, so frequent target switching will always create pressure and keep the enemy healer unbalanced.

Edited, Jun 26th 2010 3:23am by ArtemisEnteri
#13 Jun 26 2010 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
Warriors are definitely our biggest challenge when it come to single class. We can kill some of them, but mostly they just hit Noobstorm and we all drop. The hardest team we come across is 2 dks and a holy pally. No mater what I do, I just cant get any distance from the dks.
The fights go something like this: Lock fears 1 dk with full dots until DR kicks in while her succy charms the other dk .I try to keep the 2nd dk cycloned between seductions. By then her dots and the rogue kill the holy pally. At the same time the holy pally drops Ive used all my CDs barkskin lifeblood natures grasp and my trinket. With no CDs left to use to get away from the dk and their chains of ice x2 strangulate x2 and the ridiculous size of dececration x2 I usualy die just as they focus on one of the dks. Once I die it doesnt take long for the dks to slaughter them. Despite 50% of our losses each week coming from this team, I dont believe its our tactics or skill. I think its just pure gear, the pally had 25k mana and over 28k hp and both DKs were between 30 and 33k hp. I can only immagine what their resil is.

We are winning 25% of our matches. When we lose it sucks, but we are learning. We constructively point out our mistakes and the mistakes we saw from the others after each match. We also go over what other tactics might have worked better, so the next time we face the same make up we know what to try. Our CC communication has gotten better, still needs a little work, but much better than it was. On the other hand, when we win it ends with all of us at full health and me getting the final killing blow with moonfire spam. A little more gear for myself and the lock and I think we should become much more competitive. Rogue is over 1k resil already, Im at 822 resil and the lock is at 730ish resil.

All in all we are having a blast and Im really looking forward to changing our 3s team to a 5s team by adding a couple warriors into the mix. Im not sure how it will work, 1 war is arms, the other is going prot. I guess as long as we are having fun then our record wont matter much.

Thanks again for everything. Your posts have really helped us.

Edit: fat fingers lead to extra letters

Edited, Jun 26th 2010 9:18am by Grimdi
#14 Jun 26 2010 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
DK's are pretty squishy from my experiences so far.
CCing the holypal and a DK while having your rogue on the other Dk means that you can drop your target much faster as it's not receiving healing and that DK will be slowed/stunned and he'll have to use his cooldowns to survive instead of using them so he can keep chasing/hitting you.

Edit: And the paladin will blow his bubble if you CC him long enough to save his DK.
At that point chain cyclone the DK so he can't be healed into a full CC cycle on the paladin as soon as bubble is gone.

Edited, Jun 26th 2010 6:58pm by Aethien
#15 Jun 27 2010 at 2:41 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
5v5 is my favourite bracket, you end to get more people who are new to pvp there and just playing games for points. And it's chaotic and fun. If you could add a rshaman (totems and bloodlust are pretty much necessary for 5v5) and a warrior/hunter to make a 5v5 team that would be a pretty fun set up.

Just want to re-iterate that you'll get stomped until everyone in the team is fully geared (he difference on an affliction warlock between 770 res - 950+ is like night and day). Even if one player is a bit worse than the other two, then the enemy dps take the path of least resistance through them, and hen it's 2v3. You'll find too that your team members being able to tank damage with hots up for a few seconds will let you get more cyclones and roots in and that changes the whole flow of the game.

Warriors are definately tough for your team but there are ways around it. If you find keeping them ced as much as possible with cyclone and roots isn't working, you can try going super offensive on them from the beginning. Forcing warrior to swap to a 1hander and shield throttles their dps output, gives you breathing room to follow up with something else (like spreading lock dots and planning a switch, or ccing healers and pushing for a warrior kill). Your rogue is key to dealing with warriors since he can eat a few bladestorm ticks to dismantle and stop it, and he should be dismantling during the warriors shield wall if he goes defensive too.

Bladestorm alone shouldn't be killing you. If it's hitting 2 people (which means you are positioned badly), yeah that is hard to heal. Best case, rogue gets to it and dismantles, worst, the warrior is on one of you bladestorming where it really is barely doing more damage than his normal rotation anyway.

Edited, Jun 27th 2010 4:54am by ArtemisEnteri
#16 Jun 27 2010 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Rogues can feint and dismantle, locks can teleport/sacrifice, you can barkskin lolstorm.
I think you can dismantle each lolstorm, couple that with poisons and roots and the warrior should be cake.
If there's a holy paladin with the warrior, chain cyclone him when he gets BoFreedom.
#17 Jun 30 2010 at 8:14 AM Rating: Default
Thanks to the suggestions I got here, warriors arent as big of a problem as they were before. Instead of trying to CC them and take out their healer, we CC the healer and kill the warrior. Once they blow lolstorm, they seem to run out of steam.

One fight we had the other night was against a lock/arcane mage/frost mage team. It was a long fight. I spent the first couple minutes of the fight LoSing the elemental and the mages. Our rogue was perma-polyed, and I was feared everytime stepped out from behind the pillars. Somehow our lock went from full health with regrowth and rejuv ticking to dead. My only guess is that they focused on her while I went behind a pillar. Her dots managed to kill the other lock within a few seconds after she died. So it was just the rogue and myself against the 2 mages. We took out the arcane mage first. That damn arcane barrage hurts like mad when it crits, even with 1k resil. The frost mage came next, he was a pain. I did my best to keep him rooted if root failed I would cyclone him to give our rogue time to catch up and start his beatdown. Spellsteal against a druid healer is nasty. My hots didnt stay on for long, so I had to switch to nourish and only nourish.

Our performance has greatly increased due to the help I received here and from a few gear upgrades. we started out winning 4 of our first 20 games. We just won 7 out of 10 the other night. With this new experience I have a couple more questions. In arenas i almost never shift to treeform. Not that I dont like the bonus to my armor or the added healing. I just root and cyclone too much to stay in treeform. So my question is should I drop the 3 points in Imp Treeform, and where should I put them? Also I saw another druid on my server who took his talents in the balance tree down to Imp Insect Swarm. What are the benefits to this? I didnt have time to ask him or look at his resto tree to see what he gimped before he logged out.

Thanks again for everything.
#18 Jul 01 2010 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Improved insect swarm does a lot of damage, it's a really powerful dot. That plus moonfire on a target will actually do really good dps along with lock dots. And like i said before no one can dispel it because of unstable afflicion. Here's an example build from a very high rated resto druid with both imp. IS and the glyph of IS also:

I probably wouldn't drop treeform just because starting the game with everyone pre-hotted with the slightly more powerful heals will save you from a loss if it's a crazy rushdown team like dk warrior healer, or mm hunter, dk, h pally. The extra armor will save you if you're strangulated in bladestorm.

I'm leveling a resto druid myself atm. A random tip i heard is to start the game pre-hotting everyone including you, then drop to stealth before entering combat and cyclone someone from stealth. Your hots should keep people healthy for the time it takes to do this and because the cast happens as soon as stealth drops you'll find most people wont be nearly fast enough to target you and interrupt it. Sounds like great early pressure. If someone is sapped too it's 3v1 for a few seconds (or more likely a guaranteed trinket blown very early).
#19 Jul 01 2010 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
I dont know if they changed something, but prehotting doesnt work. As soon as the gates open my hots are wiped off everyone. Ill check out that spec and see if it works for my playstyle. Also I understand what you said about the armor during stangulate and lolstorm, problem is Im never in treeform due to CCing in between hot casts. so if Im strangulated I cant shift into tree for that extra armor. Thats why I was thinking about dropping Imp Treeform. If Im not in treeform then they are wasted points. I was looking at a couple talents that I currently dont have in my spec that boost nourish. I have hated that spell since it came out, but Im starting to find it very useful in the arena. Maybe when we get our 5s team up ill get to stay in tree more instead of the constant CC so maybe I wont drop the talents. Just toying with some ideas to help out more where I can.

Thanks again for the info and suggestions.
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