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Paladin TankingFollow

#1 Jun 17 2010 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
85 posts
Hey guys. Recently I have been running random 5 man normal runs and they have been going pretty smoothly. Today I was running with a group in a Reg UK run which goes smoothly. No wipes, although one DPS did die because he pulled a group. After we down the last boss the healer tells me then I should turn on Blessing of sanctuary in the future. I can honestly say I had it on the whole instance but it MAY have fallen off a few times for less than a minute. So I said this and the healer then said well you just take way too much damage then. Wanting to get better I do some research and do find I should add Glyph of Divine plea because it gives the 3% damage reduction, so I am adding that. Here is my armory. Is there anything I should be gearing for that I am not? Also I usually buff with Blessing of Sanc, Seal of command(for the cleave), righteous fury and devotion aura also. Basically i'm looking to see if I have overlooked something or my spec is wrong, etc. This is the first character i've really done any decent amount of tanking on at I am still new to tanking. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

#2 Jun 17 2010 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Ok..... givin that your gear looks like you just switch to tanking I don't think we need to go there.

Shoot for your 540 def cap quickly.
You still need to hit soft cap on hit rating (262 or 8% and there is a food that really boost your hit till you can cap it) and expterise (26) so keep that in mind as you gear/gem/enchant your way to gear.

There are a few things you need to look at in your spec. Pally tanks gain and hold agro from holy damage. So your Hammer of Righteous, Holy Shield, and Consecration are big ones for aoe agro. That be said you need to spec into Touched by the Light and Divine Strength. That will boost your agro all around via Touched by the Light.
Judgement of the Just is nice and reduces the attackers speed by 10% = you take less hits = you take less damage.
In the tanking world we use Seal of Vengance hence you may also want to spec into Seals of the Pure to also increase your threat output.
Divinity although nice for your healer, is a perk. It's better to not take the damage at all then need it.

When I run 5 mans and feel good about my healer I'll switch over to Ret aura for the added threat and damage, otherwise it's Devo as you use :)
Try that for starts....if I can think of more then I will post, otherwise it's dinnertime :)

Edited, Jun 17th 2010 6:40pm by Simskin
#3 Jun 17 2010 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
You do need a bit more crit reduction(540 at lvl 80 although significantly less at 71, if I remember right you need 5.6% crit reduction to be crit immune from a mob 3 lvls above you), but its not entirely necessary while lvling. Also you never need to be hit capped as prot(its nice to have over 150 just to reduce threat issues at start of pulls - again that's the amount at lvl 80). Expertise is a better stat(reduces chance to be dodged+parried) if you can find it while lvling, but with Seal of Veng glyph and talents you really don't need more than 12-13 expertise.

Speaking of glyphs I'd go with Hammer of the Righteous(hits 4 targets instead of 3) and either glyph of Seal of veng(+10 exp) or Divine Plea(shouldn't really need this until 80).

Touched by the Light + Divine Str are not optional change your spec very soon. Both will help you do a lot more threat and more str helps you mitigate damage by increasing your block value. Divinity is a lackluster talent at best, move those points to Divine Str. Reckoning is ok, but not more than 3pts which frees up a couple to put into Touched by the Light. You also need at least 1 pt in Judgements of the Just not just for the debuff but because without it your judgements won't proc a seal hit(ie you do more damage/threat with it and take less damage at the same time). While lvling its probably best to keep 2/2 Spiritual Attunement, but once you hit 80 most tanks use 1/2. Your prot tree should always have at least 53pts in it, after that you can start loading up the ret tree.

As for tanking tips, keep blessing of sanc up(use the 30min blessings and pally power mod and you won't ever have issues with it 'dropping off' for a few minutes) and also try and keep Holy shield on cd. Pally tanking does have a rotation of sorts(commonly referred to as 969) and even though you are missing one of the '6sec' abilities you can still start to get in the habit of alternating a long(8+sec cd) and short(6sec cd) abilities. It'll make more sense at lvl 75 when you get ShoR.

Tanking trash with Seal of Command is optimal(especially with that 2.8spd heirloom wpn) so keep that if you can or pick it back up in a lvl or 2 depending how you change your spec. Just remember to swap to Seal of Veng for most bosses.
#4 Jun 18 2010 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
If you're new to tanking, don't give mobs your back, ever. Always keep the whole pack in front of you. This is the biggest mistake I see new tanks make from a survivability perspective.

Keep Holy Shield up. Get as much tanking gear as you can. And keep in mind, your healer may be spoiled by level 80 tanks who are moderately invincible. :)
#5 Jun 18 2010 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Thanks for the advice all. I changed up my spec a bit and ran a few more randoms and it seems I am taking a lot less damage and my health stays consistently higher than it was. I guess its good though that I work out these things before hitting 80. Thanks again.

#6 Jun 20 2010 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Get the minor glyph of Sense Undead. Free threat in a minor glyph slot is awesome even if it is only a tiny amount. Also if you have some free honor buy the PvP glyph (30 stam/15 resilience). Apart from being an upgrade in stamina it will help lower your chance to be crit which is something you really need right now.

tabstopper wrote:
If you're new to tanking, don't give mobs your back, ever. Always keep the whole pack in front of you. This is the biggest mistake I see new tanks make from a survivability perspective.

I also notice this from time to time and it makes me think the player started tanking in WotLK and not BC or Vanilla. Back in BC letting mobs hit you in the back was a great way to increase the chance of a tank death via some crushing blows.
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