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New to Disc PriestFollow

#1 Jun 15 2010 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Evening to all heals, I have just rolled a priest and I want to level as a Disc priest and be able to heal in lower level instances. I understand from what I have read that Disc priest is one good way to level. I am trying to power level this toon by running low level instances. However I noticed that I tend to OOM in fights with multiple mobs. I know that I have to stack intellect 1st followed by stamina whereas spirit is more for holy specced priest.

I always start with a bubble followed by renew and flash heals if necessary and nova. I am in a process of grabbing the blue gears when running instance as I don;t want to spend gold on armor cos its very costly in my server.

Is there any way to maintain from running out of mana in fights like this. I am currently at level 22 and slowly collecting my gears. Do you think i need to visit the AH for gears. One durid guy told me that I have low mana.

Also a point to make is that the group I am heal, always tend to take the mobs themselves instead of allowing the tank to pull. I have tried to tell them to let the tank pull and get aggro so that I don;t need to heal the dps class as much as I need to do. Most of the time my call to this fails.I don;t know whether this is contributing to my OOMs.

I have 3 points placed in spirit tab and solo levelling isn;t a problem with smite glyped.
So its buble, fire, smite and wand and still have mana available. Not so in instances. Am I doing something wrong.

So sorry for the long post. I am just seeking clarification and hope you guys could kindly advise as to how I could better manage heals in lower level instances. I'll like to level as a disc priest. Not too keen on shadow though.

Thank you

#2 Jun 15 2010 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Here are my suggestions:

At level 22 you should have 3/3 Meditation. If you don't, respec. It will help considerably with mana issues. Spirit Tap is great for soloing but won't help you in instances as you'll rarely get the killing blow.

Spirit is still a useful stat but you're right to stack Int first for leveling Disc. My server is similar in that idiots are always trying to charge 40 gold for some piece of level 20 cloth. If you have a tailor or a tailor friend, take advantage of that as well as upgrades that drop in instances, and just keep looking for decent deals at the AH.

If DPS draws aggro and you don't have enough mana to heal them and still take care of the tank, don't heal them. They need to learn to do it right, and better at this level than at 80. Smiley: smile Making them do a corpse run can be a great learning tool. Protect the tank first, yourself second, and DPS (including pets) last.

Holy Nova is a mana hog, and Flash Heal isn't very efficient either. Use both but use them wisely. Heal should be your main tank heal right now. Keep the tank shielded as well. Shield/Renew for DPS and Flash Heal for quick heals. You'll get Prayer of Healing at level 30 and that will be your AOE heal. You'll also get Divine Spirit at 30 and that will help your regen as well.

Edited, Jun 15th 2010 10:45am by teacake
#3 Jun 15 2010 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
What teacake said.

At 22, you have just enough points to fill out Meditation. Do it.

After that, aim for Soul Warding at level 30. This will give you your instant shields for the group. Life will get a lot easier for you once you can pre-shield everyone prior to a pull. Throw in some renew if necessary.

Be aware that lower level tanks can't hold agro well, so have fade on a hotkey, for use when the adds start for you. Shield and renew dps.

I tend not to let dps die if possible, although the tank is your priority. Carry a lot of water and drink often. Even at 80, I always carry 60 water.

Edited, Jun 15th 2010 8:02pm by dadanox
#4 Jun 15 2010 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Carry a lot of water and drink often. Even at 80, I always carry 60 water.

What's this, I don't even...

60 water? Have you ever found yourself in need of it? I mean, for raiding, yeah, but surely not 5-mans? They're "just in case" water, right? My Druid carries one stack of berries and water with him at all times, despite never running out of mana when healing, like, ever.

I found myself drinking a lot while healing on my Priest, though. You reach equilibrium for TBC dungeons around level 69, or at least I did. With mostly TBC items and a few Northrend quest items, I can now heal any TBC dungeon without consuming water. Unless the tank goes mental and decides to pull it all like we're grinding heroics or something.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Jun 15 2010 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
I made myself all 22 slot bags, so space really isn't an issue. Carrying 3 stacks of water is no big deal, and I never run out. Yeah, I'm probably over prepared, but I like it that way.

I'm a fan of set it and forget it, so the Reagent Counter addon autostocks my water and reagents any time I visit a vendor. Other addons auto repair, auto sell junk, and auto accept guild group invites.
#6 Jun 15 2010 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
I'm a fan of set it and forget it, so the Reagent Counter addon autostocks my water and reagents any time I visit a vendor. Other addons auto repair, auto sell junk, and auto accept guild group invites.

Me too. Smiley: grin
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Jun 16 2010 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
I carry less water. Even in raids, between Fish Feasts and mage tables I rarely need any.

I do carry 3-4 stacks of candles with me at any given time, and sometimes I almost run out. Smiley: glare
#8 Jun 16 2010 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Thanks for the advice, really appreciate that. I am level 21 now, therefore are you asking to respec and remove the 3 points from spirit tap cos while I am waiting for an instance, I try to quest as well. Will I be able to quest without points in spirit tab? So far I have no problems with questing with points in Spirit tap.

Yes mostly I shield and keep the tank alive. Problem is that the melee dps guys aggros the mobs even before the tank pull. I even told them that if you aggro without the tank pulling, I will let you die and still do the same thing. Yesterday this durid dps chap told me that the tank is slow in pulling and after that he even commented that I am a sucky healer cos my mana pool is low but like teacake said, nova and flash heals are a hog to me. I wish I can grab gears at AH but its really expensive on my server. 20g for a green item is really not acceptable to me actually. I wonder why suddenly this items seem so costly. I am taking enchanting and herblism as a gathering profession to help me level my enchanting but I didn;t see tailoring as an option to herblism. Might consider though.

I only use those 2 spells on cases whether they aggro alot of mobs. Thats where the problem starts for me in getting OOM. Think I just do like what teacake says, let them die and run back.

Once again thank you very much.

Cheers :)
#9 Jun 16 2010 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
Kingpriest wrote:
Will I be able to quest without points in spirit tab?

Yes you will. You will just have to drink more and carry more water for questing. For me it would be worth it to be able to be more successful in dungeons. It's a personal choice. You can always grab spirit tap again after a few levels. Instant shields would be my goal as leveling disc. You aren't really getting the flavor of being disc until you have them.
#10 Jun 16 2010 at 6:45 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Agree with Dadanox. It will be less fun questing without Spirit Tap for a few levels until you get it back, but not impossible. OTOH I find it pretty hard to heal dungeons without Meditation.

There is nothing that's going to sustain you through healing 4 tanks though. If the DPS don't get that they aren't tanks, that is their problem, not yours. And get used to them telling you you're a bad healer every time they die. Blaming the healer is a very popular WoW pastime. You need to get a good sense for yourself of when you could have done better, and when it's just DPS being stupid and trying to blame you for it.

Tailoring may be worthwhile if you're leveling through dungeons; lots of cloth drops there.

Edited, Jun 16th 2010 8:46am by teacake
#11 Jun 17 2010 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Thank you very much Dadanox and teacake. I did respec to full disc removing 3 points of spirit tap. Was healing at stocks yesterday and didn;t have problems in heals this time around. Seem to like the Disc way of healing.

I will surely visit here again with few other questions when I get to higher level. At this point of time I am just trying to level and heal the disc way.

Once again, thank you so much.

#12 Jun 17 2010 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Kingpriest wrote:
Was healing at stocks yesterday

You're Alliance. Smiley: glare
#13 Jun 17 2010 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
Kingpriest wrote:
Was healing at stocks yesterday

You're Alliance. Smiley: glare
Not necessarily, the LFD tool can throw you in there as horde too.
I wish they'd make the bosses actual bosses and make them drop loot though, it's just grinding trash in there.

Edited, Jun 17th 2010 6:17pm by Aethien
#14 Jun 18 2010 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
129 posts
No one mentioned glyphs. I think there are two possible. Powerword Shield is probably the best as it heals as well as shielding. If you have that glyph wait until the tank is down some health and then shield them. (If it is a Boss fight you might want to skip this strategy and heal a bit before to the fight so weakend soul cool down is off before they need the second shield (but then wait until they are down a bit in health).

The other choice is glyph of flash heal which means you FH costs less. I'd go with the Powerword Shield.

If I am down in mana I carry extra drink and drink a bit before the fight starts. Like shield the tank before the fight drink and when the tank needs you shield again.

Renew is only useful if shielding and FH are just not doing the trick. If you don't have mana issue no problem, but I wouldn't use it if I were having mana problems.
#15 Jun 18 2010 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
129 posts
Oh and definitely get the grids add on or some other add on.
#16 Jun 18 2010 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
NCJim wrote:
Oh and definitely get the grids add on or some other add on.

A healing addon will help you keep track of people's health, watch for dispelable debuffs, and cast your healing spells quickly. Grid (with Clique), Vuhdo, and Healbot are the most popular. I'm in the Vuhdo camp.

When you start raiding, you will definitely want a healing addon. You might as well get used to it at an earlier level.
#17 Jun 18 2010 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Plus a healing addon is handy even while questing. You can use the addon to heal yourself, giving you a twofer of getting used to whatever you use and freeing up a spot or two on your action bars if you're comfortable with that.
#18 Jun 18 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Making them do a corpse run can be a great learning tool.

For the love of God no. SO MANY people have no clue where dungeon portals are now that the LFD tool is out (I've even had 80s that didn't know the way... seriously). So making them run is just asking for your group to wait 10 minutes while you try to guide them.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#19 Jun 22 2010 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Yes Teacake I am alliance. Sorry but I prefer to play alliance. Haven;t tried Horde yet. I am using Vuhdo for heals and buff management. For glpys is flash heal and power word shield. So far I doing quite well thanks to you guys here. No problem so far with shields. I can literally just throw shields around and stand and wait. I actually like that :P. Once awhile renew on tanks and if the going gets tough nova. Have prayer of healing but not necessary to use. I am level 30 now. I do both quest and instances togather to grab better gears.

However I do have questions but will ask when I am there especially the weakened soul thingy and grace. I would like to know more about this but at a later stage when I am talenting those points. :)

Cheers guys and once again thank you for all the help.
#20 Jun 22 2010 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
Weakened Soul for now is just something you have to watch out for because it blocks your shields. With Renewed Hope talented, you don't want to heal targets not afflicted by Weakened Soul if at all possible. Make your interface display it clearly visible on everyone to keep track of it because either way, it is something you should be aware of as much as possible.

Grace is basically an extra buff to your healing on people you're healing relatively much. Its specific implications depend on the level you're playing on. In 5mans, it's just that little extra boost of someone is taking a lot of damage, in raids it's brilliant for tank healing because it will always be on the tank and good for raid healing because if you heal someone who's got it on them chances are they need a lot of healing and you're getting a bit closer to "a lot" with Grace.

Edit: I realise part of this is irrelevant for you right now, or pretty much most of it, but it might provide some insight into what's coming or something.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2010 1:52am by Kalivha
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