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Spirit Tap... worth it? ( + more questions)Follow

#1 May 20 2010 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
Good evening!

I am thinking about starting a priest on my new Alliance server and I have asked around and came up with some questions to ask...

I guess I will be choosing Human as my race, because of the extra Spirit and Diplomacy.

I already have a L.70 Horde Priest that is specced Shadow, and a L.60 Alliance Priest that is also specced Shadow.

I want to try something different, so I am considering either Holy or Disc specs...

I want to solo. I do not want to level by grouping. If I somehow get where I feel comfortable at healing and it doesn't feel like a chore I might consider healing others a few times to get some gear and faster queue lines.

I was told to skip Spirit Tap and put the points elsewhere, because I could just drink if I needed mana fast. Does Spirit Tap outweigh drinking in terms of speed killing?

Which spec would be better at faster killing, less downtime, and overall a more fun time? I heard you can solo easily as Holy, and once at a certain level level pretty easy as Disc too.... but which is faster and more fun?

Since I am going Alliance... are Humans the way to go? I have no problem choosing Human and then leveling in the Draenei area.

Which professions do most pries seem to dabble in? I don't have a tailor yet on my new server, so I figure tailoring might be good.... and maybe mining for a littl eextra cash... or herbalism.

What I am trying to accomplish in this thread is some input directly to me from people who have leveled priests (some of you have done it over and over) and knows the ins-&-outs of the class.

Am I wrong for wanting to play a priest but not really WANTING to heal groups/dungeons/BGs?

If you think I missed anything that should be here please feel free to add it.

Thanks for anything you can tell me...

Edited, May 20th 2010 8:02pm by PentUpAnger
#2 May 20 2010 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
There's supposed to be a pretty large-scale racial overhaul on all the races to bring them up to par with the Goblin/Worgen one (which are awesome). So there's really no way to know unless you are willing to choose your race based solely on short-term benefits.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#3 May 20 2010 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
PentUpAnger the Forsaken wrote:
Good evening!

I am thinking about starting a priest on my new Alliance server and I have asked around and came up with some questions to ask...

I guess I will be choosing Human as my race, because of the extra Spirit and Diplomacy.

I already have a L.70 Horde Priest that is specced Shadow, and a L.60 Alliance Priest that is also specced Shadow.

I want to try something different, so I am considering either Holy or Disc specs...

I want to solo. I do not want to level by grouping. If I somehow get where I feel comfortable at healing and it doesn't feel like a chore I might consider healing others a few times to get some gear and faster queue lines.

I was told to skip Spirit Tap and put the points elsewhere, because I could just drink if I needed mana fast. Does Spirit Tap outweigh drinking in terms of speed killing?

It depends. I highly recommend it, but that's only if you stack spirit and spellpower while leveling. I think it is worth it, as you won't ever have to pay for a drink again after the first few levels.

If you want to play as more of a mage, then stack int and spellpower and just drink after every pull, but that strikes me as a lot less tedious. I leveled a priest once without Spirit Tap, and I haven't done it since. It's my not-so-professional opinion that Spirit Tap should be mandatory when leveling a priest, but I know that many on this very board have leveled without it and done just fine.

It can work either way.

Which spec would be better at faster killing, less downtime, and overall a more fun time? I heard you can solo easily as Holy, and once at a certain level level pretty easy as Disc too.... but which is faster and more fun?

There's a very good guide over at WoWHead Priest forums, found here.

It says to pick up Spirit Tap, go Holy, then respec when you can to pick up Meditation, then go back to Holy.

Since I am going Alliance... are Humans the way to go? I have no problem choosing Human and then leveling in the Draenei area.

Ever since they removed the specific priest racial spells from the game, there's never been much reason to choose one race over the other. Play what you like looking at for hours on end, and if that's Human, then more power too you.

Which professions do most pries seem to dabble in? I don't have a tailor yet on my new server, so I figure tailoring might be good.... and maybe mining for a little extra cash... or herbalism.

One trick I love doing is picking up both Mining and Herbalism, making a macro to switch between the two tracking, then binding that to my mousewheel. While wandering around, just keep rolling it and you effectively have both forms of tracking up at the same time.

As long as you don't choose Blacksmithing or Leatherworking, you really can't choose wrong. If you want Tailoring, I would recommend picking up Enchanting to partner with it, or if you want a pure gathering toon for all the extra cash, then do Mining/Herbalism or Skinning/Mining or Herbalism.

Towards the end-game, most of the professions have their own equal bonuses. Hell, even Engineering gets their fun tools. It's the same as race: Pick what you like. If you want to make your own armor, Tailoring. If you want potions, Alchemy, etc. It probably doesn't help much, but that's the best advice I can give.

What I am trying to accomplish in this thread is some input directly to me from people who have leveled priests (some of you have done it over and over) and knows the ins-&-outs of the class.

Am I wrong for wanting to play a priest but not really WANTING to heal groups/dungeons/BGs?

Not at all. It's your $15, it's your toon, it's your time. Play it the way you want to. If you like playing a priest but don't want to heal, then by all means don't heal.

Just remember: despite what the elitists might say, this is only a game. Nobody is forcing you to do the things you don't want to do. If you don't want to heal, then don't heal. Plain and simple.

Edited, May 20th 2010 9:32pm by IDrownFish
#4 May 20 2010 at 8:11 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
First three points in Spirit Tap. I would never consider this optional. Your priest is not a mage.

Then up the Holy Tree to Searing Light. Smite glyph should be the first glyph you pick up.

Then up either the Holy or Disc tree. I prefer Disc personally but you can go either way. Either way you may want to pick up Meditation.

If it's been a while since you've leveled a priest, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how fun and efficient it can be to level with a Smite spec.

My priests have tailoring/enchanting and alchemy/JC. I think tailor/enchant has the edge on usefulness.

PentUpAnger the Forsaken wrote:

Am I wrong for wanting to play a priest but not really WANTING to heal groups/dungeons/BGs?

Um, dur? Priests rule. There is no wrong as long as you're playing one. Smiley: wink

I actually find my Disc priest fun to solo with as well. With the Smite spec/glyph you'lll never have that gimped It-takes-forever-to-kill-anything feeling you get with other healing classes/specs, yet it is a healing spec, which means your ability to survive is also huge.
#5 May 20 2010 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
IDrownFish wrote:
There's a very good guide over at WoWHead Priest forums, found here.

I read that thread earlier... before I even made this thread, but now I can no longer even see page one of the Wowhead thread... weird.

It takes me to the place where page one should be, but there are no posts or anything... just a big blank box that I can reply in.... the other pages in the thread are fine though.

#6 May 20 2010 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I was told to skip Spirit Tap and put the points elsewhere, because I could just drink if I needed mana fast. Does Spirit Tap outweigh drinking in terms of speed killing?

Some people swear by it, some, like me, don't really mind either way. On on side, Spirit Tap is a nice speed boost, though on the other hand you can get to Divine Fury quicker if you don't grab it. If you're purely going for efficiency, then yes, I'm edgy towards "picking it up will improve your speed", but it's not a HUGE difference. It will probably be noticeable, though.

Which spec would be better at faster killing, less downtime, and overall a more fun time? I heard you can solo easily as Holy, and once at a certain level level pretty easy as Disc too.... but which is faster and more fun?

Eh, for leveling you really need a bit of both. You need Divine Fury and the talent it leads to (I forget the name, never grabbed it) for decent killing, but aside from those talents disc is all the way better for any kind of solo-play, PvP or PvE-wise. In what order to go for it is up to you, though I suggest going into disc until at least Meditation before you go for the holy tree. With Spirit Tap, grabbing Meditation should stop you from ever going OOM. Without Spirit Tap, it's a must for any sort of longevity.

Since I am going Alliance... are Humans the way to go? I have no problem choosing Human and then leveling in the Draenei area.

I've answered this more extensively in the sticky, but yes, Humans are still king for alliance, at the moment. Do note that Diggory's point is valid and Cataclysm will change stuff - if you don't want to roll a Human, keep that in your mind.

Which professions do most pries seem to dabble in? I don't have a tailor yet on my new server, so I figure tailoring might be good.... and maybe mining for a littl eextra cash... or herbalism.

I always find that professions really depend on three things;
1) Do I want to make money?
2) Do I want to have awesome professions and be cool in general?
3) Do I want to be useful?
If 1 is true, go herbalism/mining/skinning. If 2 is true, go mining/engineering. If 3 is true, go tailoring, enchanting or mining/jewelcrafting.

Am I wrong for wanting to play a priest but not really WANTING to heal groups/dungeons/BGs?

In a way, I daresay yes. Like Teacake pointed out, if you're playing a priest you're technically doing it right, but still. The problem is that if you go disc or holy you're specifically speccing for group play. Speccing that and not engaging in group play is like soloing as a prot paladin or resto druid. It can be done, and gives a fairly unique playstyle, but you do waste quite a lot of your buffs.
#7 May 20 2010 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
PentUpAnger the Forsaken wrote:
IDrownFish wrote:
There's a very good guide over at WoWHead Priest forums, found here.

I read that thread earlier... before I even made this thread, but now I can no longer even see page one of the Wowhead thread... weird.

It takes me to the place where page one should be, but there are no posts or anything... just a big blank box that I can reply in.... the other pages in the thread are fine though.

That is bizarre. I just tried out the link, and it's working fine for me. Noscript or something similar, maybe?
#8 May 20 2010 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
IDrownFish wrote:
PentUpAnger the Forsaken wrote:
IDrownFish wrote:
There's a very good guide over at WoWHead Priest forums, found here.

I read that thread earlier... before I even made this thread, but now I can no longer even see page one of the Wowhead thread... weird.

It takes me to the place where page one should be, but there are no posts or anything... just a big blank box that I can reply in.... the other pages in the thread are fine though.

That is bizarre. I just tried out the link, and it's working fine for me. Noscript or something similar, maybe?

No clue. I tried it in Firefox and IE at the time, but now it is loading just fine in both.

After everything is said and done... I started a Draenei Paladin tonight instead. Only got to L.3 or so before I decided it was close to bedtime.

I have a feeling that I probably won't level the Paladin (or the Priest when I do start it) past L.5 or so just so I can level it in semi-new content after Cataclysm hits.

At least by that time I'll know the racials and whatnot.

#9 May 21 2010 at 1:10 AM Rating: Good
Well, I guess everything has already been said, except.... Nitro Boosts. A priest that escapes, is a priest that is still healing.
#10 May 21 2010 at 4:19 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I used Spirit Tap till I could get Rapture.

Then I said FU shadow talents I'm a disco priest ********

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#11 May 21 2010 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
If you don't want to heal at all, you can just go Shadow, pretty much.

I still think Smite Spec is more fun and I'd love to be able to use it for DPS in raids but it's not really viable for that.

I've also recently found that Disc is actually kind of efficient and fun for AoE grinding. At 80, that is, but it should be doable from the 60s if you're in blues at the least. Fly over the centre of a group of 7-8 mobs, hit levitate. While you're falling, Shield and ProM yourself and then spam Holy Nova, finish a daily in 15 seconds.

Edit: Also EXACTLY what Horse said there. Switch at 47.

Edited, May 21st 2010 12:14pm by Kalivha
#12 May 21 2010 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
I can holy nova down dozens of Rhino when I need to resupply rhino meat. I get stacks of the stuff that way. I had a druid fly by and clean up when when he asked if he could skin them.
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