Frym wrote:
What are your favortite; and what do you think are the best addons and macros, depending on the spec for shamans? :)
I've heard that
ShockAndAwe is one of if not the best for Shaman Enh. DPS. Though I wouldn't know since I haven't seriously played Enh since BC.
As for Shaman specific? Totemus. A really handy little Ankh/potion/totem holder that you could easily move around on yuor screen, but it stopped being updated. Now with the built-in Blizz totem setup, there's not much need for totem addons any more.
I think there used to be one for the 3 second Windfury cooldown, but looking on Curse they're all outdated by at least a few months or more, I'm not sure how vital these were anyway.
Otherwise some general ones would be (For Resto anyway, that's all I ever play)
Grid, (
Clique if you want to click and heal - or use Healbot, but I prefer Grid+Clique)
Gladius for arena. There's more, but I don't want to go and think about them.
Macros, there's one essential one for Resto - the instant Nature's Swiftness/HW combo, or NS/CH for the raid healer.
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/Cast Chain Heal (or Healing Wave. Without a rank number, the macro automatically uses your highest rank.)
You can also do the same with Tidal Force, because I don't think it's on the Greater CoolDown. (GCD)
/cast Tidal Force
/cast (Whatever you want.)
The stopcasting's serve a purpose, but I forget it. I know there is a reason though, and it was a good one from Elitist Jerks or something.