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Survival vs MMFollow

#1 May 09 2010 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
Eversince WotLK came out I have spec'd to Surv knowing it's the spec for raiding, but more and more I have been seeing hunters in raids w/ MM spec, I know having a MM in raid is good for the TSA but lately I dont see any Surv hunters at all. Did I miss something?

I have been using the analyzer to maximize my dps and I am using my 4 piece bonus even though I have a few pieces of gear that are better because it tells me I have better dps w/ the bonus but one thing I'm having trouble with is getting my hit up. I find myself having to gem for hit. When I look at other hunters in game or at the armory I see that they seem to be what I consider below hit cap.(263)they have anywhere from 220 to 255. Should I be worried about hit cap or does stacking my agility out weigh getting to hit cap?
#2 May 10 2010 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
MM has been top DPS for a while.
#3 May 11 2010 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
A while being since halfway through Ulduar.
#4 May 12 2010 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
Achieving hit cap has always been priority one when trying to maximize dps, at least to my knowledge. Once there, then start working things to stack agility.
I'm currently way over the hit cap, but all the gear these days, or most of it anyways, is pretty heavy on hit, so there is no need to gem for it.
Survival still does great dps, and it's always nice to have a MM and SV hunter in the raid to spread out the unique buffs we give out.
#6 Jun 24 2010 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
1,457 posts
SV is still good. I out dps equally geared MM hunters all the time because I rule of course. But seriously I hit 11k on LDW today, the MM hunters only did 10k and the other 9.5k or so. Both the 10k hunter and I had a 5800 GS. If you like surv, just role with it. I have MM as my off-spec and I just don't dig it too much. Replenish is nice to bring to the raid too since usually in 25s all hunters are MM now and only give trueshot. Not to mention SV hunters are better at living imo. MM hunters do have higher dps potential, but you gotta be good.. and most players are bad. Just my 2 cents.

Edited, Jun 24th 2010 11:01pm by GuardianFaith
#7 Jun 25 2010 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
GuardianFaith wrote:
SV is still good. I out dps equally geared MM hunters all the time because I rule of course. But seriously I hit 11k on LDW today, the MM hunters only did 10k and the other 9.5k or so. Both the 10k hunter and I had a 5800 GS. If you like surv, just role with it. I have MM as my off-spec and I just don't dig it too much. Replenish is nice to bring to the raid too since usually in 25s all hunters are MM now and only give trueshot. Not to mention SV hunters are better at living imo. MM hunters do have higher dps potential, but you gotta be good.. and most players are bad. Just my 2 cents.
- I outdps people who suck is a really bad argument for your spec.
- Half he raid brings replenish, so 99/100 times you bring nothing extra with it.
- SV hunters better at living.. how? that 10% extra stamina doesn't make much of a difference.
- MM rotation is easier than SV so your last statement is ******** as well.

And I'd like to see a log of your LDW kill.
#8 Jun 25 2010 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
1,457 posts
Alright I don't have a log. Here is a screenshot however of the kill and recount.

There were two equally geared MM hunters in this 25m. No where in my post did I mention that I was better than other hunters because they suck. I said I out dps them because I rule. Two very different statements. I out dps most sv hunters I play with too. Sometimes a MM hunter will, but not by much.

Edited, Jun 25th 2010 2:21pm by GuardianFaith
#9 Jun 25 2010 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
GuardianKill wrote:
Aethien wrote:
And I'd like to see a log of your LDW kill.
Alright I don't have a log. Here is a screenshot however of the kill and recount.

I don't think anyone was doubting the DPS numbers you quoted. Log files allow a much more detailed analysis of data though, and I'm guessing Aethien wanted to look at your MM hunters to see what they're doing. No one in your guild does WoL or something like that?
#10 Jun 25 2010 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,457 posts

I don't think anyone was doubting the DPS numbers you quoted. Log files allow a much more detailed analysis of data though, and I'm guessing Aethien wanted to look at your MM hunters to see what they're doing. No one in your guild does WoL or something like that?

No they don't do WoL. I'm not bummed with Aethien for calling me out or rating me down, he does that to everyone anyway. I just figured I'd back up what I said with something.

The op said:
Eversince WotLK came out I have spec'd to Surv knowing it's the spec for raiding, but more and more I have been seeing hunters in raids w/ MM spec, I know having a MM in raid is good for the TSA but lately I dont see any Surv hunters at all. Did I miss something?

My response was:
SV is still good. I

I didn't say it was better, I just gave him some reasons why I think it is still a very viable spec in woltk.

Edited, Jun 25th 2010 2:28pm by GuardianFaith
#11 Jun 25 2010 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Dps =/= damage done.
And MM hunters who are outdpsed by a SV hunter suck. Period. (aside from insane gear differences)
Also, in my opinion, you don't rule if you take away 1k+ dps from the raid because of some preferences for pressing buttons in a different order.
#12 Jun 25 2010 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,457 posts
Also, in my opinion, you don't rule if you take away 1k+ dps from the raid because of some preferences for pressing buttons in a different order.

So I could do 1k more as MM and be even better, thanks Aethien. You rule too.
#13 Jun 26 2010 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
# Hit Rating: 450

From your armory.
Please stop claiming that you rule until you actually know your sh*t.

<3 the rate downs, really. It makes the Elitist ******* part of me smile.

Edited, Jun 26th 2010 12:46pm by Aethien
#14 Jun 26 2010 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,457 posts
Considering that it's all from gear, there's really not much I can do until I win more rolls. You act like I gem for it. The whole "I rule" thing is obviously a joke Aethien. You're an idiot if you really think that I'm as full of sh*t as you are.

You really think I don't know hitcap? Come on man.. I'm not rating you down either. I don't pay much attention to the karma system to begin with. The fact that you took the time out of your busy schedule to check my armory just tickles me by the way. ;)

Edited, Jun 26th 2010 11:52am by GuardianFaith
#15 Jun 26 2010 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
If you think that "it's all from gear" is a good reason to have almost 14% hit you need to start using whatever you have between your ears.
#16 Jun 26 2010 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
1,457 posts
Blah Blah Blah, get f*cked. Sig that Aethien.
#17 Jun 26 2010 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Blah blah blah, learn to gear for dps and not gearscore.
#18 Jun 26 2010 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
The first rule of karma is never to talk about karma.

Also, Aethien is not as mean as you think. He stops being mean once you stop making rubbish claims. I know.
#19 Jun 26 2010 at 7:37 PM Rating: Default
1,457 posts
The first rule of karma is never to talk about karma.

Also, Aethien is not as mean as you think. He stops being mean once you stop making rubbish claims. I know.

Aethien brought up Karma, not I. This is not the first time I've seen you or another one of his cronies stick up for his attitude. I didn't post in this thread to have an argument with Aethien The self proclaimed *******. He just cannot seem to help himself.

#20 Jun 26 2010 at 7:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh, I'm not one of Aethien's cronies. Believe me.

It's the other way around.
#21 Jun 26 2010 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I'm merely pointing out your flaws, you should thank me for it because it enables you to fix them.
Although I'm not sure you're capable of fixing the problems with your character as you blame your gear for your hit rating while you are the one that equipped it.
You type like you think you know what you're doing while in reality it looks like you're really just the next fool who *********** to his gearscore. Maybe you should try looking at the stats on your gear next time instead of just looking at the itemlevel.

Edited, Jun 27th 2010 3:44am by Aethien
#22 Jun 26 2010 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,457 posts
*fu ck it nevermind.

Edited, Jun 27th 2010 8:00pm by GuardianFaith
#23 Jun 27 2010 at 3:05 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
GuardianFaith wrote:
Aethien you're a good hunter, and obviously a pretty smart dude. I've even read your stickies when i was a new hunter years ago to get some good info on how I can optimize my toon, and change people's minds on the stigma that they once had with hunters as a class. I accept your criticism of people's gear, playstyle, etc, you almost always have a point. It's your delivery that strikes a cord and upsets people. You already know this so I probably don't have to tell you. I know my hit is too high, the reason why I'm leaving it that way for now is because most of it comes from my trinket. I've run ToC countless times for DC, ICC for DBW and WFS enough to obtain 300 frost emblems and get the exalted ring, I've even run trial of the champion to try and get BoV countless times. For some reason they keep escaping my grasp due to it not dropping or just losing the roll, sometimes to someone who doesn't even really need it. Once I replace that I'll be at 322 hit. I'm considering swapping out night raven belt for the noose, I was just hoping for the mail belt without hit to drop in ICC this week, but obviously it didn't. I'm not gearing for GS, if I were to I would have bought higher GS equipment instead of my T10; Logsplitters for example. Thank you for your advice, but I don't enjoy having my intelligence insulted just because I say something ridiculous such as "I rule". I'm completely aware that I'm just an average hunter that just so happens to top the charts once in a while, because aside from my gear I know my rotations and I play SV well. So I'll just end this with an apology for the nasty words I used, not because you're special; but because it's superfluous to act that way in the first place. You are who you are, and you'll always be an elitist @#%^, and I say that with endearment.

Is this one of them OOT memes? It was too long to read, so I just skimmed it.

Edited, Jun 27th 2010 2:06am by isyris
#24 Jun 28 2010 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
Hahahahaha, that guy ACTUALLY geared based on itemlevel.

I see that people are just as brilliant as the day I left!
#25 Jul 06 2010 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
isyris wrote:
Is this one of them OOT memes? It was too long to read, so I just skimmed it.

It's good, but it's not as good as the best.

Azurea wrote:

@#%^ you pieces of sh*t. Please, by all means, strip me of Scholar. Please, by all means, ban me. Obviously I'm not "one of you" even though I've been here and posting for awhile now. Obviously it doesn't matter. So please, by all means, shut the @#%^ up and do something about it.

Good times.

GuardianFaith wrote:
Aethien brought up Karma, not I
GuardianFaith wrote:
I'm not bummed with Aethien for calling me out or rating me down, he does that to everyone anyway.

Your post.

As you can see, Aethien doesn't mention karma until two replies later.

Smiley: wink
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#26 Jul 07 2010 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
This one isn't quite reusable enough to be a meme.

GuardianFaith wrote:
Aethien you're a good hunter, and obviously a pretty smart dude. I've even read your stickies when i was a new hunter years ago to get some good info on how I can optimize my toon, and change people's minds on the stigma that they once had with hunters as a class. I accept your criticism of people's gear, playstyle, etc, you almost always have a point. It's your delivery that strikes a cord and upsets people. You already know this so I probably don't have to tell you. Thank you for your advice, but I don't enjoy having my intelligence insulted just because I say something ridiculous such as "I rule". I'm completely aware that I'm just an average hunter that just so happens to top the charts once in a while, because aside from my gear I know my rotations and I play SV well. So I'll just end this with an apology for the nasty words I used, not because you're special; but because it's superfluous to act that way in the first place. You are who you are, and you'll always be an elitist @#%^, and I say that with endearment.

Cutting out the hit part makes it more suited for repeated spamming but it's still long.
A shame really, although people can still spam my sig at me it would have been cool to have a meme about me Smiley: tongue
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