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Single Target DPS?Follow

#1 May 06 2010 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
Hey I leveled to 77 as an Arms war and I was cranking 1600~2000 dps on single targets and aoe usually very even. Today I switched to Fury to try it out and I do very good aoe 2k, 2.5k even sometimes, but on single targets I struggle getting over 1100 or more. I have 196 hit and 141 expertise so I should be alright on those fronts for now. I go with whirlwind > bt > slam( if bloodsurge is up) > bt > etc and heroic strikes when my rage creeps up. I was told execute is not worth using as fury, is there any truth to that? I just don't understand, by the numbers everything is fine but in execution something seems off. Is there just a curve with Fury that you won't achieve large scale dmg until you're 80 and your gear improves?
#2 May 06 2010 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Heroic Strike.

Seriously, it's a big chunk of single target DPS and at lower gear levels it is very difficult to generate enough rage to really get HS cookin'.

Honestly, I'd stay Arms until you're done farming ToC-5 regular. Just watch your threat.

Expertise is still vital for Fury. Push toward 26 for raid bosses. I hope your quote of "141" is rating. Also be careful about Hit. With Precision, your goal is 5% from gear for raid bosses.

Execute is useful at lower gear levels but you will see it slowly slide in preference to more Slams and HSs as you gear up. I was still using it in my first Ulduar as I recall.

It's important to remember that a lot of the advice and whatnot that people usually give is based on end-tier raiding. Like, there's no way you should gem for ArPen at your level. Yet I'm sure you'll hear "shouldn't you be gemming for ArPen for Fury?" at some point. So just take most advice with a grain of salt.
#3 May 06 2010 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks alot for the advice! I do get rage starved rather fast and I can only throw in maybe 1 heroic strike in a full rotation. I think I will switch back to Arms till I get 80 and some more gear, though the threat problem is annoying. I wish they'd just throw in a threat reduction somewhere, I mean it doesn't matter in pvp anyways.
#4 May 06 2010 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Best thing I found was to try and lead off with Rend and just, kinda, wait. One great trick is to tab-Rend multiple targets. The DOT is reasonably low-threat and can give you tank some time. Arms has a lot of burst and seriously, nobody cares about meters in 5-mans. Losing a token amount of overall damage by waiting a few seconds isn't going to make the run any crappier. Whatever you do, avoid Bladestorm like the plague unless you are absolutely sure it's safe. That thing is a threat-o-matic.
#5 May 10 2010 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
TherionSaysWhat, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Whatever you do, avoid Bladestorm like the plague unless you are absolutely sure it's safe. That thing is a threat-o-matic.

/cast sweeping strikes
/cast Retaliation
/use dps trinket
/cast Bladestorm

It's a kill or be killed world out there.
#6 May 11 2010 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
TherionSaysWhat, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Best thing I found was to try and lead off with Rend and just, kinda, wait. One great trick is to tab-Rend multiple targets. The DOT is reasonably low-threat and can give you tank some time. Arms has a lot of burst and seriously, nobody cares about meters in 5-mans. Losing a token amount of overall damage by waiting a few seconds isn't going to make the run any crappier. Whatever you do, avoid Bladestorm like the plague unless you are absolutely sure it's safe. That thing is a threat-o-matic.

I play tank. Arms is like an offspec that I rarely play. So this is certainly not optimal, however I have played it this way without ruining anything.

Rend 2.
Sweeping strikes.
Execute > Overpower > MS and remember to repeat rend when it expires.

This sometimes may draw aggro from a mob (one). I just click zerker rage for huge rage input allowing the addition of massive lolcleaves between GCDs.

On bosses I do almost the same but there's only the boss to rend and no sweeping strikes. I'm not sure if it's worth to 5-stack sunder or if rage/gcd is better spent on other moves. Sometimes I sunder, sometimes I don't, I haven't managed to steal boss aggro from doing limited sunders.

Edited, May 11th 2010 2:05pm by xorq
#7 May 11 2010 at 8:05 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
To clarify: It wasn't a question about the priority system for Arms. I was advising on reducing threat for the first 2-3 GCDs of a trash fight where a ton of Arms warriors seem to have the worst aggro issues. I would never, ever, suggest that someone just Rend throughout a fight. It's just a way to fill the first couple of seconds while the tank TCs, Swipes, Blood Boils, or Hammers.

Ideal priority algorithm is: Overpower (If <1.5 seconds before a TfB proc), Rend (don't clip or gap more than 1 sec) > Mortal Strike > Overpower > Execute > Slam. Heroic Strike/Cleave at 80 or more rage.

edit: I always Sunder when in raid (I don't bother in heroics) if the debuff isn't otherwise being applied (i.e. Non-warrior tank). It's a personal DPS loss, but an important raid-DPS gain.

Edited, May 11th 2010 7:07pm by TherionSaysWhat
#8 May 11 2010 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts

I rarely play arms so it's good to know this without having to go trough the trouble of having to test all this myself.
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