It's not the amount of absorption, it's the way it works.
Placing a large bubble on the ground that absorbs damage for people standing inside it is nowhere near as good or cool as shielding the entire raid.
To be honest, that depends. On fights like, say, Gormak the Impaler, ranged virtually get no damage while the melee get an AOE damaging ability every once in a while. Assuming the bubble absorbs for the same amount as 'shielding the entire raid' would (which would be a fair comparison), then 'shielding the entire' raid is going to suck as a bunch of ranged people will never get any damage during that fight (and part of your PW:Barrier would be wasted). If you can place a bubble on the melee, you can probably be sure that the thing is actually completely absorbed because of the War Stomp. Especially with Cata bringing manaback, efficiency is what we'll be looking for. Gormak's perhaps a bit of a bad example, but I hope you get my drill.
That said, I think this is royally awesome. I've always loved the sparkly Death Knight bubble and am actually quite interested by this idea.
In regards to the talents... I have no idea what this is yet. This seems to be very far from final as I still expect them to simply remove a ton of "lolstatbonus" talents we usually spent 5 points in (which was the trade-off for getting mastery, as they said at Blizzcon).