When I saw the title, I thought that this was going to be a complaint about the period from late T9 into T10, where there is so much hit on gear itself that you can hardly avoid it. My hunter is sitting at 271, with exactly zero from gems, enchants, or trinkets. And my next upgrade is one of the few pieces that has none now, so that won't be a help.
As for the OP, almost all of your hit is optional. It comes from gems and from the badge trinket. The 55 from the chestpiece is all you're stuck with. I agree with the first reply - drop at least some of the +34 gems for AP/Agi (depending on what spec you choose), and drop all of the others (that'll put off the biggest part of the regemming expense for later). If you're not flush with cash, use blue-quality gems on anything under ilvl 219 or 226 so that you can swap in exactly how much hit you need without breaking the bank. If you get a weapon upgrade, consider an accuracy enchant (it's very well budgeted if you can use all the hit) to allow you to drop even more hit gems for AP/Agi. Icewalker is also good for getting those last few points cheaply.
Basically, right now you want to drop big chunks of hit and make it up in dribbles.
Also, soon enough you'll have enough hit on your base gear that the badge trinket becomes situational at best, but by then you'll have had a few shots at the NES, if not the WFS, so you should be able to retire it gracefully when the time comes.