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#1 Apr 10 2010 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Mage preview is up.

Uh, so... go read that, then come back.

We get Bloodlust/Heroism. I really don't know what to think about that.

The fire changes seem overdue, and pretty nice. I particularly like the proposed Burnout change as a "flavor enhancer" for fire. There's a new, neat frost PvP trick in there (to be expected), and the special ability for arcane is even more attention paid to mana management. Oh joy! That frostbolt mechanic is pretty obviously an attempt to correct the problem that just casting frostbolt is not really a "rotation."

Removal of the wards surprises me a bit. I thought they were useful.
#2 Apr 10 2010 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
794 posts
removing wards make me sad... I used that spell to reduce the damage I took tanking the mage boss in TBC.

The other things are really interesting.

Arcane Missile will change to a full proc spell which may mean other mages will want to cast it.

The fire changes are really tasty and ignite's change mean no more lost damage. The rolling factor will also be gone too but I still think it is cool.
#3 Apr 10 2010 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Like I posted in the topic on general, am I the only one disappointed with this preview? I think it's possibly worse than the Death Knight's.

What I was hoping for:
+ More PvP viability for fire
+ Arcane stays the same in that their game is managing their mana well rather than their rotation
+ An awesome new ability for fire. Preferably the long-wanted phoenix, but anything cool will work.
+ Fun and awesome new frost and arcane abilities of which at least one I could actually use while playing fire.
+ Interesting new talents to A) make fire's raid rotation more interesting and B) possibly give frost some raid use.

What I got:
+ Flame Orb. Very minor use in PvP, awesome use in PvE in... heroics where you have an AOE spec.
+ Time Warp. A pretty boring self-buff that is essentially Icy Veins 2.0
+ Wall of Fog. Alright, this is somewhat fun in PvP. Still, it's uses are limited to Battlegrounds mostly and I can see it being a ***** to position. And it's not as much fun as a mushroom, a smoke bomb or a Life Grip.
+ Arcane stays the same in that their game is managing their mana well rather than their rotation. Check.

- Frost and Fire ward are gone.
- I'm going to need to use Arcane Missiles as fire. Bar Bloat.
- I'm going to need to use Scorch effectively in my rotation as fire. Possibly as Arcane as well. Bar bloat.
- A conjure food change that doesn't matter to me in the slightest.
- ONE! talent that actually increases fire mage PvP viability a slight bit.
- A burnout change which I'm A) not ever going to use and B) plain sucks, because if I get in a position where I have to use it and I do use it I'll most likely die.
- A frost mastery which I don't quite understand the use of.

Am I alone in thinking that if not for Flame Orb and Wall of Fog, I'd prefer mages to be unchanged?

Edited, Apr 10th 2010 3:26pm by Mozared
#4 Apr 10 2010 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I do worry that Arcane's mastery will be a ***** to balance. Especially with potions being 1 per battle. Because, frankly, playing a class that gets weaker over time would be kinda lame. But, we'll see. I wouldn't mind Fire/Frost becoming FotM.

I really like the new abilities though. Interesting and totally unexpected. Would be really fun if you can have more than 1 orb at a time. Just fill a boss's room with them. XD I don't care if it is way lower DpS, it would be AWESOME.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Apr 10 2010 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
3,157 posts
I'm loving the Frost 'special' mastery bonus. If things, other than the listed changes, stay relatively the way they are, it's going to mandate ghosting your IL or possibly another ability.
Frostbolt until the meter is full, then ghost your third FoF into a Deep Freeze, Brain Freeze, or Ice Lance for an attack that does MUNDO damage (DF already hits like a truck, imagine it with a bonus modifier from all your frostbolts).
#6 Apr 10 2010 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I thought ghosting went dead when FoF got changed, Jay. Did I miss something?
#7 Apr 10 2010 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Sorry it took me so long to respond!

My thoughts on the changes are mixed.

New Mage Spells

Flame Orb (available at level 81): Inspired by Prince Taldaram’s abilities in Ahn'kahet and Icecrown Citadel, this spell allows the mage to cast a flaming orb that travels in front in a straight line, sending beams that cause fire damage to passing targets. Once it’s cast, the mage is free to begin casting other spells as the Flame Orb travels. While the spell will be useful to any spec, Fire mages will have talents that improve it, possibly causing the Flame Orb to explode when it reaches its destination.
- Meh. could be an interesting spell, but it is basically a moving (originally planned) living bomb.

Time Warp (level 83): Grants a passive Haste effect much like Bloodlust or Heroism to party or raid members. It also temporarily increases the mage's own movement speed. Time Warp will be exclusive with Bloodlust and Heroism, meaning you can’t benefit from both if you’ve got the Exhaustion debuff, though the movement-speed increase will still work even when under the effects of Exhaustion.
- Mages have been clammoring for something like this for a long time, I like it a lot. It gives us a necessary raid utility.

Wall of Fog (level 85): Creates a line of frost in front of the mage, 30 yards from end to end. Enemies who cross the line are snared and take damage. The mana cost will be designed to make Wall of Fog efficient against groups, not individuals. This spell is intended to give mages a way to help control the battlefield, whether the mage is damaging incoming enemies (Blizzard can be channeled on top of Wall of Fog) or protecting a flag in a Battleground. 10-second duration. 30-second cooldown.
- Meh, no big deal for me as I don't do PvP, but I'm sure it could be good.

Changes to Abilities and Mechanics

In addition to introducing new spells, we're planning to make changes to some of the other abilities and mechanics you're familiar with. This list and the summary of talent changes below it are by no means comprehensive, but they should give you a good sense of what we intend for each spec.

Arcane Missiles is being redesigned to become a proc-based spell. Whenever the mage does damage with any spell, there is a chance for Arcane Missiles to become available, similar to how the warrior’s Overpower works. The damage and mana cost of this spell will be reworked to make it very desirable to use when available. This change should make gameplay more dynamic for the mage, particularly at low levels.
- I don't see any major problems with it, although I really enjoyed the Mbar proc stuff which won't exist come this change.

We are planning to remove spells that don't have a clear purpose. Amplify Magic, Dampen Magic, Fire Ward, and Frost Ward are being removed from the game, and we may remove more.
- /shrug they were all situational and not completely necessary. While they helped, lately they are really only useful in o-sh*t moments or to use IA (lawwl, never anymore).

The ability to conjure food and water will not become available until higher levels (likely around level 40), as we're making changes to ensure mages generally won’t run out of mana at lower levels. Once mages learn how to conjure food and water, the conjured item will restore both health and mana.
- I don't really see the reason for this.

Scorch will provide a damage bonus to the mage's fire spells. Our goal is for Scorch to be part of the mage's rotation and a useful damage-dealing ability, even if someone else is supplying the group with the spell Critical Strike debuff. Scorch will provide the mage with more specific benefits, which can also be improved through talents.
- This is fine, it has been a staple for mages for a while then was removed/changed several times. It gives mages something else to watch/cast which as long as the debuff is like 30seconds+ it will be fine

New Talents and Talent Changes

Arcane Focus will now return mana for each spell that fails to hit your target, including Arcane Missiles that fail to launch. We want Arcane mages to have several talents that play off of how much mana the character has and give the player enough tools to manage mana.
- That's cool, although who really isn't hit capped anymore?

The talent Playing with Fire will reduce the cooldown of Blast Wave when hit by a melee attack, instead of its current effect.
- Loss of damage done for fire mages for a lame pvp talent.

Pyromaniac will grant Haste when three or more targets are getting damaged by the effects of your damage-over-time (DoT) fire spells.
- More loss of damage done that turns into a situational AoE talent that can only be used for about 5 seconds as you have to have living bomb/pyro/ignite up on 3+ targets.

The Burnout talent will allow mages to cast spells using health when they run out of mana.
- Finally a life-tap-esque ability, I love it, although I would rather have it be a spell/presence/armor instead of a deep fire talent.

Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses

Spell damage
Spell Haste
Mana Adept

Mana Adept: Arcane will deal damage based how much mana the mage has. For example, Arcane mages will do much more damage at 100% mana than at 50% mana. If they begin to get low on mana, they will likely want to use an ability or mechanic to bring their mana up to increase their damage.
- Dumb

Spell damage
Spell Crit

Ignite: All direct-damage fire spells will add a damage-over-time (DoT) component when cast. The flavor will be similar to how Fireball works; however, the DoT component will be much stronger.
- Meh, I like the current implementation, but I guess it will end up being about even depending on how it scales.

Spell damage
Spell Crit damage

Deathfrost: Casting Frostbolt places a buff on the mage that increases the damage for all frost, fire, and arcane spells. The only damage spell that won't be affected by this buff is Frostbolt.
- Possible to make a change if they scale it properly, otherwise useless. It is basically the change to arcane blast.

OVerall view: If they continue to go on this pathway my feelings of being done after wotlk is complete just get stronger. The arcane mastery makes me want to punch babies.

Edited, Apr 10th 2010 8:56pm by Anobix
#8 Apr 10 2010 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
- That's cool, although who really isn't hit capped anymore?

I remember Blizz saying that hit caps were going to be way higher, and not really feasible for any class to reach. I think the reasoning was that they just don't really want caps, because they'd prefer all stats always be helpful, even if they have a declining benefit.

For instance, atm, when you are at or near hit cap, a piece of gear with hit on it could be a huge ilvl upgrade for you but be a DpS loss. They want that piece to still be an upgrade, even if not a huge one.

I like the Mage changes, but won't stay just for them. The Shaman/Druid changes sound interesting enough that I may try it out though. By that I mean I'll level one or both in WotLK and decide based on current style (because neither are getting a massive overhaul, just getting their rotations cleaned up).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Apr 10 2010 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
3,157 posts
Mozared wrote:
I thought ghosting went dead when FoF got changed, Jay. Did I miss something?

Nah, it's a vital part of doing extra high DPS.
Even if you no longer ghost ice lance (I still do it to keep myself busy, it's neither a DPS increase nor a DPS loss atm), you should be ghosting your Brainfreeze and your Deep Freeze. The FoF 'change' they put in was just text on a changelist, there was actually nothing different in game -as far as ghosting is concerned.- They made it so it supposedly consumes upon cast not hit, but this is a bloody lie.
#10 Apr 10 2010 at 8:43 PM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
- That's cool, although who really isn't hit capped anymore?

I remember Blizz saying that hit caps were going to be way higher, and not really feasible for any class to reach. I think the reasoning was that they just don't really want caps, because they'd prefer all stats always be helpful, even if they have a declining benefit.

For instance, atm, when you are at or near hit cap, a piece of gear with hit on it could be a huge ilvl upgrade for you but be a DpS loss. They want that piece to still be an upgrade, even if not a huge one.

I like the Mage changes, but won't stay just for them. The Shaman/Druid changes sound interesting enough that I may try it out though. By that I mean I'll level one or both in WotLK and decide based on current style (because neither are getting a massive overhaul, just getting their rotations cleaned up).

That is kind of dumb to make the hit caps unreachable (I guess similar to a 2H-derp DW (meant melee that use 2 1handers lol) melee where it isn't feasable to go for it), but the problem is wasting a 3 second cast on something that misses is a bigger deal than a single GCD of rage/energy that you get back in 2 seconds.

Edited, Apr 10th 2010 11:39pm by Anobix
#11 Apr 10 2010 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
That is kind of dumb to make the hit caps unreachable (I guess similar to a 2H melee where it isn't feasable to go for it), but the problem is wasting a 3 second cast on something that misses is a bigger deal than a single GCD of rage/energy that you get back in 2 seconds.

DW. ;)

Hopefully it means that the spells will be doing more damage than they are now.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#12 Apr 11 2010 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
If the hit-cap theory is correct, it just feels a little bit more... dangerous? Assuming it works this way for every class, Blizz will have to scale boss health pools with in the back of their minds that, say, 1 out of every 4 attacks will miss. Which means health on bosses has to be a bit lower than they're currently scaled. Which means that if you get a lucky roll of non-misses in a fight the boss is **** easy while next time you draw the fight out one minute because of a surplus of misses. Maybe I'm just panicking without a reason and this is barely an issue, but it is something that comes to mind and serves as food for thought...
#13 Apr 11 2010 at 5:13 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
If the hit-cap theory is correct, it just feels a little bit more... dangerous? Assuming it works this way for every class, Blizz will have to scale boss health pools with in the back of their minds that, say, 1 out of every 4 attacks will miss. Which means health on bosses has to be a bit lower than they're currently scaled. Which means that if you get a lucky roll of non-misses in a fight the boss is **** easy while next time you draw the fight out one minute because of a surplus of misses. Maybe I'm just panicking without a reason and this is barely an issue, but it is something that comes to mind and serves as food for thought...

Not true. A hit cap could be nearly unreachable, but still only count for 10%.

I'm assuming the chance to miss isn't going to be much higher (and maybe not higher at all), but hit isn't going to have nearly the same effect it does now and be subject to diminishing returns.

Abilities will just need to do slightly more damage on the assumption that x percent will miss. Probably won't be huge.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#14 Apr 11 2010 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
If the hit-cap theory is correct, it just feels a little bit more... dangerous? Assuming it works this way for every class, Blizz will have to scale boss health pools with in the back of their minds that, say, 1 out of every 4 attacks will miss. Which means health on bosses has to be a bit lower than they're currently scaled. Which means that if you get a lucky roll of non-misses in a fight the boss is **** easy while next time you draw the fight out one minute because of a surplus of misses. Maybe I'm just panicking without a reason and this is barely an issue, but it is something that comes to mind and serves as food for thought...

Not true. A hit cap could be nearly unreachable, but still only count for 10%.

I'm assuming the chance to miss isn't going to be much higher (and maybe not higher at all), but hit isn't going to have nearly the same effect it does now and be subject to diminishing returns.

Abilities will just need to do slightly more damage on the assumption that x percent will miss. Probably won't be huge.

Assuming they keep the standard 83% chance to hit a boss, then there will be a standard 17% chance to miss. Most likely it will not have dimininshing returns until cap, so grabbing a piece of gear with hit on it will pretty much always be an upgrade as long as the hit 'damage points equivalent' is better than what you are getting from haste/crit/spellpower/etc.

Oh, and additional comments/blue posts were done:

Flame Orb
Flame Orb is not channeled. It may have a cast time, but after that is fire and forget. We want to try the line idea because there aren’t any spells that work that way currently. Giving it a target to follow makes it feel more like a fancy dot – useful perhaps, but nothing that feels really new. It will be balanced for single-target damage, but if you can launch it in such a way that it will hit multiple targets, then you’re just being awesome. (Source)

Wall of Fog
Wall of Fog is not channeled. We don’t know yet how wide it will be, but wide enough so that it feels more like a trip-wire than an area like Frost Trap. (Source)

Hot Streak
We like the basic gameplay of Hot Streak. With lower crit rates all around, we hope that it will feel more like a bonus when it’s up rather than a penalty when it refuses to stay up. We may lower the magnitude overall for the same reason. (Source)

Arcane Missiles
On Arcane Missiles, the basic spell is pretty cool. The problem is the way the spell works makes the current design hard to balance. It’s either too expensive and low damage or the opposite problem. This is particularly true at low level, and meanwhile we think the mage experience at low level is also a little too repetitive. The change is that you can’t hit Arcane Missiles whenever you want. The icon is just grayed out. However, when you deal damage, you have a chance to get Arcane Missiles to light up and then you definitely want to hit it. At higher levels Fire and Frost may eventually phase it out in preference for other spells, or if we like the mechanic, it may be something even Fire and Frost do, just less often than Arcane. (Source)

Mastery Bonuses

On the topic of mastery bonuses, understand that this is a new design for us and very few people have seen them in action yet. We run the risk of specific masteries being so generic that the mastery stat isn’t interesting or so complex that what players really like about playing a certain spec gets turned on its head. This is the kind of thing that will require a lot of iteration and the reason we’re trying to cover the whole gamut of relatively complex to relatively simple to see what feels right. (Source)

The reason behind Deathfrost (Frost mastery) isn’t to get Frost to spam Frostbolt more. It’s to get mages to spam Frostbolt less. If you hit nothing but Frostbolt, you’re wasting the Deathfrost bonus. (Source)

Food and Water
We’re shifting food and water to higher level because we don’t want players to have so much down time at lower level. We’re not trying to make it harder to level; we’re reducing the need to drink or eat so we’re bumping the actual food and water (though it’s really foodwater in the case of mages) higher. (Source)

Mana Adept
The intent behind Mana Adept (Arcane mastery) is that Arcane currently has a pretty fun mana management game going, at least at relatively high level. We thought it would be fun to extend that concept even further to where Arcane mages that use the mechanics to keep their mana high would do higher dps. I find many of the predictions that Arcane is doomed in PvE based on the very limited information you have at the moment to be quite premature. (Source)

Time Warp vs Bloodlust

On Time Warp vs. Bloodlust, we are really trying to give groups flexibility in who they bring to 10 player raids to an even greater extent than we did in Lich King. We heard over and over that shaman still felt like the one mandatory class in any raid. The more we hear “now there will be no reason to take me over X class / spec” the happier we will be. The reason should be that you’re a good player, not that your mere presence makes everyone else perform better. It’s fun to feel more powerful in a group – we get that, and we aren’t going to completely marginalize group synergy. But it needs to come secondary to the skill of the players involved. (Source)

Fire Ward / Dampen Magic

I understand some mages really like Fire Ward or Dampen Magic. Perhaps “no clear role” wasn’t the best choice of words, but we are trying to remove mechanics from the game that we think aren’t really cutting it. When asking players to put more buttons on their action bars from these new spells, we only think it’s fair to try and get some bar space back from the least interesting spells. Don’t worry so much about balance at this stage. Many things will need to be tweaked. Worry more about whether it ever felt like a fun decision to use these spells. (Source)

Rogue/Mage/Priest Arena Comp
For everyone focusing on the RMP Arena comp, I really think you’re going to see a shift to more PvP concerns in Cataclysm being about Battleground balance. There will still be players playing Arenas for sure, but a lot of the players currently doing Arenas are going to shift to rated BGs instead. (Source)

Healing reduction effects in Cataclysm
"All equivalent debuffs" means if you have the debuff today, you will have it in Cataclysm, but at 20% healing received. To avoid further confusion, we are talking about Mortal Strike, Furious Strikes, Wound Poison, Aimed Shot, Permafrost and Improved Mind Blast.

We are also strongly considering having all of these effect cause the same debuff, called Mortal Wounds, which is a physical effect and therefore undispellable. This allows the behavior to be more consistent regardless of who is applying it and lets us consider things like how easy it should be to dispel poisons (since Mortal Wounds would not be affected).

Heals will be smaller and health pools will be larger in Cataclysm, so we don't expect Mortal Wounds to feel as mandatory as it does today, but this is clearly the kind of thing that will require a lot of playtesting and feedback.
#15 Apr 11 2010 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I really like the sound of Fire Orb, but I wish it wasn't just a straight line thing. Even if there was just a randomness to it's movement, it would be better.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 Apr 12 2010 at 1:27 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
idiggory wrote:
I really like the sound of Fire Orb, but I wish it wasn't just a straight line thing. Even if there was just a randomness to it's movement, it would be better.

I don't know about that. In PvP, having it be unpredictable would be useful. In PvE, knowing exactly where it's going to go is better, IMO.
#17 Apr 12 2010 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
What I'm currently just wondering about regarding Fire Orb is the distance it will travel. I'm guessing Blizz is still deciding this themselves, but it can make quite the difference in how good the spell is. Too short and it'll simply never be worth to cast. Too long and you'll hit rogues out of stealth on the other side of WSG.
#18 Apr 12 2010 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
What I'm currently just wondering about regarding Fire Orb is the distance it will travel. I'm guessing Blizz is still deciding this themselves, but it can make quite the difference in how good the spell is. Too short and it'll simply never be worth to cast. Too long and you'll hit rogues out of stealth on the other side of WSG.

I assume it will be the normal range of scorch/etc. If you mean if the person you target continues to run away, I'd guess that it would go for another second or two then fizzle/splode.
#19 Apr 12 2010 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Has anyone else thought about the rotation of an Arcane mage now?

Previous rotation was AB, AB, AB, Missiles... Now with AM being a proc, what's the rotation? Did they help solve the frost rotation (FB Spam) and create a second problem with the arcane rotation?'

Will the Mana Adept replace the old prist shield?

We were using shield to absorb damage and boost our incanters absorbtion. That got nerfed away.

Would this make us the target of Druids invenerate?

Edited, Apr 12th 2010 11:49am by Borsuk
#20 Apr 12 2010 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Would this make us the target of Druids invenerate?

Oh man, druids and priests are going to hate us. I think they're confused on the arcane thing. For me, I don't doubt arcane will be able to put out the damage and be useful in a raid, it's that it really doesn't sound like fun to worry that much about mana. I can handle "using a limited resource." I don't want to be the guy bugging the druids for innervates every fight.
#21 Apr 12 2010 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Previous rotation was AB, AB, AB, Missiles... Now with AM being a proc, what's the rotation? Did they help solve the frost rotation (FB Spam) and create a second problem with the arcane rotation?'
Edited, Apr 12th 2010 11:49am by Borsuk

*Ahem* the frost rotation is currently more complicated than the arcane rotation as it is. Arcane = AB and AM as offensive abilities.
Frost = FB DF and FFB as offensive abilities.
#22 Apr 12 2010 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I'm imagining that they will either buff ABarr or give us a new spell. Because:

A. The spec needs to stay at top mana as long as possible. AB Spam will NOT allow us to do this. I imagine the spell will be changed some, but not a lot.

B. The rotation right now is just too worrisome. Assuming that AM has a high proc chance, but below what MB had, we just can't do it. And our only option would be to unload AB on Mbarr, which would be a huge DpS loss at the moment unless AM is getting a *massive* buff to accomodate for those fewer casts.

I'm imagining this:

1. AB does more damage at the base, but gets a lower +% when fully charged.

2. Some unknown spell (or Abarr) will have a decent spell damage, but low mana cost. However, like Abarr, you can't spam it. It could maybe have a DoT or buff attached when you cast it with enough AB procs.

3. AM will *not* benefit from AB, which will last longer (instead of 3 seconds, maybe 6 or 9). If it is going to be strong enough that Blizz is considering letting it be a part of Fire and/or Frost rotations at end game, as well as Arcane, then it buffed by AB would be ludicrous. But they can't just lower AB's power when AM is such an RNG dependent skill--that makes the DpS of an Arcane Mage extremely erratic. So, I imagine we will weave in our AMs while using AB and this other skill.

What I am picturing for the spell is something like this:

ABx1- +A% damage
ABx2- +B% damage
Abx3- +C% damage and a haste buff.
ABx4- +D% damage and a DoT

The buffs from 3 and 4 will not stack with themselves, so you'll need to stack your ABs high enough to try and keep their uptime as high as possible, without wasting the Mana to go to 3 or 4 if you don't need to reapply the de/buff.

What this means, in my vision, is that you'll need to know when to use AM and when not to. It (hopefully) won't play like you should just hit AM whenever it is up, regardless. I think it should be a significant DpS boost to hit it at some times, and a loss at others. Knowing when is part of it.

So you're priority system would be something like:

Apply Haste buff via ABx3+spell (maybe Abarr)
Apply DoT via ABx4+spell
AM if available
AB x2+spell

If this ends up being fun, they could add effects to ABx1 or something, so you'd need to keep up 3 de/buffs and ABx2 would be your damage rotation for when none of those are needed. It doesn't have to be true that the percent buffs from AB need to be liner, either, or even that 4 is more powerful than 3 (and so on). Maybe ABx1 is significantly weaker than ABx2, which is significantly stronger than ABx3.

Would make the mage class much more dynamic, imo.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#23 Apr 12 2010 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
I'm happy about the Time Warp thing, but nothing sticks out as oooo ahhhh to me this time, like frostfire and living bomb did for wotlk. I did have a fun dream the other nite about the wall of fog, in which it was as powerful as the Fogger boss in ICC. Of course it won't be, but dreams are dreams. Anyway, I'm just reserving judgment for when the whole package is together, and live.
#24 Apr 12 2010 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
My thoughts regarding the Arcane mastery;

A) They haven't worked out the details themselves yet. Blizz doesn't know yet whether they'll give us an additional ability or in other ways change the way arcane plays (save from things like the Arcane Missiles change)

B) People are looking at it the wrong way. Possibly, you shouldn't go "omg it's a DPS loss whenever I'm not at 100%" but instead say "I gain a ******** of extra DPS when I'm above 50% mana". I don't see it as an unlikely option that Arcane mages will spend most parts of the fight actually on low-medium amounts of mana because they deal up to two times as much DPS as other classes with a full pool. It might be balanced so that the point where the mage deals 'average' DPS (compared to all other DPS classes) is at 50% or 60% of his mana pool, not 100%. The only problem with this scale of balance is the one pointed out earlier where arcane mages will have aggro problems at the start of every fight.

C) Rather than changing the rotation, Blizz might just make it easier to keep your mana up as arcane, with all spells costing ********* of mana but also some spells providing mana and possibly ways to speed up the cast time on the next Evocation in that rotation.

These might all be true or all false - just thinking out loud here as I don't feel we should be jumping at extremes. Especially with healer mana becoming more valuable in Cataclysm, I sincerely doubt they'll change the class in such a way that druids will want to innervate their mages.

As a reply to Anobix; you're assuming the Fire Orb actually has a target. Fair enough. I was imagining it as a non-targeted spell that just travelled away from you in a line. I guess the sentence saying it might "explode upon reaching it's target" would insinuate it did have a target, but I'm not entirely sure yet - if it did would just be a boring AOE-kind of Fireball.
#25 Apr 12 2010 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
B) People are looking at it the wrong way. Possibly, you shouldn't go "omg it's a DPS loss whenever I'm not at 100%" but instead say "I gain a sh*tload of extra DPS when I'm above 50% mana". I don't see it as an unlikely option that Arcane mages will spend most parts of the fight actually on low-medium amounts of mana because they deal up to two times as much DPS as other classes with a full pool. It might be balanced so that the point where the mage deals 'average' DPS (compared to all other DPS classes) is at 50% or 60% of his mana pool, not 100%. The only problem with this scale of balance is the one pointed out earlier where arcane mages will have aggro problems at the start of every fight.

Which is why Mages (and their raids) are going to be obsessed with begging for Innervates. And because that means Mages are going to spend more time above 50% than one would think, so Blizz would need to nerf the mastery to keep it balanced. But not all Mages WILL have these buffs often, which means that those that don't will get a mastery that's comparably mediocre.

It's just not a good plan.


Another note: Unless they make Mana Pots and Gems heal a % of mana instead of a flat rate, our mastery will get weaker over time as well, as our pools will increase as the expansion goes on but not all of our mana restoration will scale accordingly. Plus, as SP won't exist, and we'll get all of it from Int, Arcane will be forced to seek it out.

It's just a joke calling this a mechanic. Some classes got interesting masteries, like Boomkins and S.Priests. Those are mechanics. This is just a +% buff that we don't always get.


And can you imagine how infuriating this would be in a dungeon? I spend most of my time in heroics at or around 50% mana, because I only have a few seconds to drink before running on and I save my Evo for just before the bosses. Does that mean I just don't get the mastery bonus for the bulk of the run?

Edited, Apr 12th 2010 9:55pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#26 Apr 13 2010 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
And can you imagine how infuriating this would be in a dungeon? I spend most of my time in heroics at or around 50% mana, because I only have a few seconds to drink before running on and I save my Evo for just before the bosses. Does that mean I just don't get the mastery bonus for the bulk of the run?

What I'm saying is that being at 100% mana would give such a huge boost it balances out for the 'most of the time' you spend at 50%. Tbh, I don't see people's problems with it - if it indeed works like that, it's completely similar to a cooldown? "A +% buff that you don't always get"? Which is also why mages wouldn't be getting a lot of innervates - being at 100% mana is nice for DPS, but if it means your healers will run out you'll wipe anyway. And you aren't 'supposed' to be at full mana all the time anyway, because it would provide you with constant sick DPS. Similar to a cooldown that wouldn't have any CD.

That said, I'll wait for more info on it before judging. I feel it could work, but I'm not sure what way Blizzard wants to go with this.
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