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State of Mages in 3.3.3?Follow

#1 Mar 30 2010 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Hey everyone. I figure it has long enough from the patch that we should have some definitive info on the various trees now.

But, as there is no Fire thread on EJ, I don't really know where to look to get it. Anyone have anything, or a link they could refer?

I really like the idea of trying Fire, since it has the most interesting rotation. But I'm not willing to sacrifice *significant* DpS to do so.

Thanks to my fellow mages.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#2 Mar 31 2010 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Well, I'm pretty sure that fire with its four AOE talents is the best heroic spec you can get as a mage (you make up for a loss of DPS on bosses by *SICK* amounts of AOE damage on all trash, and its not like heroics desperately need you to provide top-notch DPS on bosses anyway), but past that, I'm mostly clueless. I've heard people say that pure fire > frostfire bolt but I've also had a mage in my main's guild off-spec FFB because it was 'not that far behind Arcane' and he just liked to try it again. I'm not sure whether FFB or pure Fire is actually better now, and am also quite interested in some numbers to show how far behind arcane both specs still are.
#3 Mar 31 2010 at 6:08 AM Rating: Excellent
The end of the EJ FFB thread is pretty much dedicated to fire+TTW builds, so that answers that.

Fire is closer to arcane than it was before, but it still doesn't have the burst available to it that arcane does. The only real advantages it has is better AoE if you can LB and re-LB all of the targets to get some huge numbers (ala seed of corruption).

I beat a fire mage by about 1% for an entire night of raiding, granted that 1% was a drop from me in top-2 damage done to him at around 9-10, so take that as you will. There are a few fights where it benefits fireball (lol gunship) but most of them benefit arcane better.

Oh, and your guildy is dumb misinformed to think that FFB isn't too far behind, the only fights it is used on is Heroic Anub for the AoEing and possibly LK, but it isn't necessary.

Edited, Apr 1st 2010 1:22pm by Anobix
#4 Mar 31 2010 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
Fire puts out good numbers on fights like the Lich King and Dreamwalker, where you have a lot of adds and can living-bomb the place up. (Though on LK, you shouldn't put LB on the little adds in P1.)
#5 Mar 31 2010 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Oh, and your guildy is dumb to think that FFB isn't too far behind, the only fights it is used on is Heroic Anub for the AoEing and possibly LK, but it isn't necessary.

That doesn't make sense. If the spec is actually better/a viable option for a couple of bosses then it per definition can't be "too far behind"? If you've got everything up to Sindragosa on farm, then a mage pulling 7K DPS instead of 8K DPS isn't going to be much of a hinderance for a non-progression evening.

That said, cheers in regards to the EJ thing, looks like I'll have to recheck that.
#6 Mar 31 2010 at 9:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Mozared wrote:
Oh, and your guildy is dumb to think that FFB isn't too far behind, the only fights it is used on is Heroic Anub for the AoEing and possibly LK, but it isn't necessary.

That doesn't make sense. If the spec is actually better/a viable option for a couple of bosses then it per definition can't be "too far behind"? If you've got everything up to Sindragosa on farm, then a mage pulling 7K DPS instead of 8K DPS isn't going to be much of a hinderance for a non-progression evening.

That said, cheers in regards to the EJ thing, looks like I'll have to recheck that.

No, the problem is that it is far behind in all but niche cases (Anub'arak in ToGC being one of them), and fireball may only be 1% behind arcane (depending on the fight, some fights are not that close) FFB will lag a decent amount behind fireball. Any spec is "viable" but not optimal for really any boss fight. And using the argument that doing significantly less dps isn't as important on a farmed fight may be true, but I try to push for top numbers on every fight that I am faced with and find it dumb to pick a sub-optimal spec when I could be competing for #1 instead of trying to hit #10.
#7 Mar 31 2010 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
And, if everyone in your raid decides to go for a sub-optimal spec, you might not have that raid on farm anymore. 25K less DpS is a lot.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#8 Mar 31 2010 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Perhaps, but that's one of the ideas of 'covering' for eachother, isn't it? I'd consider myself a ****-poor officer if I'd force people to ALWAYS play to their UTMOST best on EVERY fight. That said, if everybody in our raid lost 1 or even 2K DPS, we'd still be downing the first four bosses (if not Fester, Rotface and Belf Council as well). If people want to try out a different spec for playstyle for a couple of bosses, I can live with that. If you can't... Good luck keeping your guild together.
#9 Mar 31 2010 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
If people want to try out a different spec for playstyle for a couple of bosses, I can live with that. If you can't... Good luck keeping your guild together.

A guild is far more likely to stay together by clearing content than by having to play a decent spec.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#10 Mar 31 2010 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
I'm sorry, but that seems a bit of a selfish attitude.
Granted, my Frost spec is only around 300-400 DPS behind my Arcane, but on EXTREMELY important DPS fights (Put Put 25), I still switch to Arcane for that extra 300 DPS. In a situation where your group is wiping at 1.2 million HP, you need to squeeze every extra tiny bit of performance out.
#11 Apr 01 2010 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Which is what I'm saying? The only thing I'm doing is defending my 'dumb' guildie. Imo there is nothing dumb about playing a different spec every once in a while. Assuming you don't do this on heroic Lich King. I'm specifically talking about fights that aren't demanding anymore. I'm just annoyed by the elitist attitude of "OMG ITS A 300 DPS LOSS BLASPHEMY" that has a habit of popping up around these boards every now and then. There's nothing wrong with a bit of variation.

If you seriously consider using a spec that deals 80-90% of the best specs amount of damage on fights you are killing with ease just to get a change of rotation and play "dumb" or "unacceptable" then I have to say I'm honestly glad you aren't in my guild.
#12 Apr 01 2010 at 4:34 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Which is what I'm saying?

That said, if everybody in our raid lost 1 or even 2K DPS, we'd still be downing the first four bosses (if not Fester, Rotface and Belf Council as well). If people want to try out a different spec for playstyle for a couple of bosses, I can live with that. If you can't..

It's hard to know what you're saying if what you actually say is the opposite...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#13 Apr 01 2010 at 6:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Mozared wrote:
Which is what I'm saying? The only thing I'm doing is defending my 'dumb' guildie. Imo there is nothing dumb about playing a different spec every once in a while. Assuming you don't do this on heroic Lich King. I'm specifically talking about fights that aren't demanding anymore. I'm just annoyed by the elitist attitude of "OMG ITS A 300 DPS LOSS BLASPHEMY" that has a habit of popping up around these boards every now and then. There's nothing wrong with a bit of variation.

If you seriously consider using a spec that deals 80-90% of the best specs amount of damage on fights you are killing with ease just to get a change of rotation and play "dumb" or "unacceptable" then I have to say I'm honestly glad you aren't in my guild.

If I saw a FFB mage doing just less than 300dps than me in equal gear across multiple fights I wouldn't have a problem. When it is a 2K dps loss to use a sub-optimal spec, you will be made fun of in officer chat.

Now it is possible, as jaysql proves to be competitive with a sub-optimal spec, but when it comes to pushing for high numbers I generally stick with the best spec available unless there is something that we would need the other spec for. (for instance we are allowing one of our mages to go Fireball spec because theoretically it is not that far behind arcane)

Edited, Apr 1st 2010 8:20am by Anobix
#14 Apr 01 2010 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
It's hard to know what you're saying if what you actually say is the opposite...

I say: I don't mind someone picking another spec for some fights, as long as they do their best where it actually matters (which in this case is on progression bosses).
--->If you've got everything up to Sindragosa on farm, then a mage pulling 7K DPS instead of 8K DPS isn't going to be much of a hinderance for a non-progression evening.
--->I'd consider myself a ****-poor officer if I'd force people to ALWAYS play to their UTMOST best on EVERY fight.

Jay says: I play frost for most fights because I like playing it, but I will switch to arcane for fights where it actually matters.
--->Granted, my Frost spec is only around 300-400 DPS behind my Arcane, but on EXTREMELY important DPS fights (Put Put 25), I still switch to Arcane for that extra 300 DPS.

How is that the opposite? The only part I could even remotely imagine as being 'the opposite' of what Jay is saying is where I said "That said, if everybody in our raid lost 1 or even 2K DPS, we'd still be downing the first four bosses (if not Fester, Rotface and Belf Council as well)", which is an extreme situation in the first place.

If I saw a FFB mage doing just less than 300dps than me in equal gear across multiple fights I wouldn't have a problem. When it is a 2K dps loss to use a sub-optimal spec, you will be made fun of in officer chat.

Alright, let me turn it around. Imagine Lana'thel 10-man (which is an even harder fight than the ones I'm talking about and where I would have everyone use their best spec - but as an example); I did a bit of simple math and came to the conclusion that in our raids as we currently have them, a mage losing 2K DPS means we kill her 15 seconds before the enrage instead of 30. And that's in a worst case scenario where the mage actually loses an entire 2K DPS on a boss that is even harder than the content where I'm actually ok with spec-swapping. On stuff like Deathwhisper or Marrowgar we are literally talking about downing the boss 3 minutes before the enrage rather than 3 minutes and 20 seconds. If those 20 seconds are enough difference for you to prohibit anyone from ever trying something sub-optimal, you must have one HECK of a busy live.

The problem here is that you can't turn "need to try something else for a change" or "need to experiment" into maths, but if you could I can assure you that a mage speccing FFB for IcC's lower spire would be more beneficial than forcing him into arcane and diminishing his fun. Especially if that mage is one of your top DPSers on content that matters.
#15 Apr 01 2010 at 7:30 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
It's not at all the case that most of us don't want people using off-specs for fun (I'm still tweaking my Frost spec). I don't think any of us here have LK on farm yet, and generally the people who come here for help don't either. It doesn't help the poor guy looking to PUG ICC to say that FFB spec is ok for the first four bosses, particularly in a thread about the "state of mages in 3.3.3". The truth is, for the majority of mages out there, it would be a very bad idea. Now if you're part of an established raid and you're facerolling your way through content, and want to switch things up, go for it. It doesn't mean we hate FFB mages, if someone came here asking for help using that spec, I think he'd get good advice on that.

edit: I don't like doing less damage. In your "fun" math, being near the top of the damage done chart trumps playing with a new spec, for me. I have also seen mages playing around with specs because they were frustrated. That's a different problem, and if someone in your raid is going off-spec, it may be good to find out why. One guy in my 25 group was trying all sorts of crazy things because he wasn't getting as much damage as some of the other mages. We figured out his rotation was screwed up, he just didn't know where to look for information.

Edited, Apr 1st 2010 9:37am by boquaz
#16 Apr 01 2010 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
I have noticed my Frost spec doing significantly more damage... not sure about the exact percent increase though. It's to the point where I can now do more damage in Frost than the less-good mages in my 25 group do in arcane. Maybe jay has real numbers on the increase?
#17 Apr 01 2010 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
boquaz wrote:
It's not at all the case that most of us don't want people using off-specs for fun (I'm still tweaking my Frost spec). I don't think any of us here have LK on farm yet, and generally the people who come here for help don't either. It doesn't help the poor guy looking to PUG ICC to say that FFB spec is ok for the first four bosses, particularly in a thread about the "state of mages in 3.3.3". The truth is, for the majority of mages out there, it would be a very bad idea. Now if you're part of an established raid and you're facerolling your way through content, and want to switch things up, go for it. It doesn't mean we hate FFB mages, if someone came here asking for help using that spec, I think he'd get good advice on that.

edit: I don't like doing less damage. In your "fun" math, being near the top of the damage done chart trumps playing with a new spec, for me. I have also seen mages playing around with specs because they were frustrated. That's a different problem, and if someone in your raid is going off-spec, it may be good to find out why. One guy in my 25 group was trying all sorts of crazy things because he wasn't getting as much damage as some of the other mages. We figured out his rotation was screwed up, he just didn't know where to look for information.

Edited, Apr 1st 2010 9:37am by boquaz

Pretty much the point I was trying to make. I don't have a problem per-say with off-specs, I just don't encourage them to up-and-coming mages. It is one thing to be in a fun casual guild that gets Saurfang down and stops, it is another for one that is pushing achievements, faster kills = more pulls on progression, and trying to rank its players on World of Logs DPS charts. If my guild had a mage that went FFB spec and destroyed the meters with it I would look at it two ways: a) he/she is going for a top-ranking for that off-spec and b) I could only imagine the dps that they would do if they went a top-dps spec.
#18 Apr 01 2010 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Pretty much the point I was trying to make. I don't have a problem per-say with off-specs, I just don't encourage them to up-and-coming mages.

Oh, certainly, but I was never insinuating that people should go FFB all the way - merely defending my guildie who instantly got called dumb for just wanting to try something different for a change. I thought it was, even from my original post, quite clear that Arcane was still on top and should be the first choice if you're pushing for any sort of progression.

What I don't mind is clarification or rectifying any false assumptions I've made as you're obviously the better mage here - what I do mind is people going flat out "that is stupid" and ignoring the entire argument I am trying to make. No offense meant to you specifically, but that is the 'elitist attitude' I see surface on Alla more often and it's one I'll argue against at every turn.

That said... Like a wise allakhazam-mum once said: "I've had my say now, so I'll let it go - people reading the thread will see the discussion anyway and that is good enough for me".
#19 Apr 01 2010 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Mozared wrote:
Pretty much the point I was trying to make. I don't have a problem per-say with off-specs, I just don't encourage them to up-and-coming mages.

Oh, certainly, but I was never insinuating that people should go FFB all the way - merely defending my guildie who instantly got called dumb for just wanting to try something different for a change. I thought it was, even from my original post, quite clear that Arcane was still on top and should be the first choice if you're pushing for any sort of progression.

What I don't mind is clarification or rectifying any false assumptions I've made as you're obviously the better mage here - what I do mind is people going flat out "that is stupid" and ignoring the entire argument I am trying to make. No offense meant to you specifically, but that is the 'elitist attitude' I see surface on Alla more often and it's one I'll argue against at every turn.

That said... Like a wise allakhazam-mum once said: "I've had my say now, so I'll let it go - people reading the thread will see the discussion anyway and that is good enough for me".

I apologize for calling your guildy dumb, that was a poor way of stating what I wanted to get across - I have since edited my initial reply. I should have said 'mis-informed' that it was 'close' to the top-specs, which it really isn't and hasn't been outside of gimmick fights for multiple tiers.

Edited, Apr 1st 2010 1:22pm by Anobix
#20 Apr 02 2010 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
3,157 posts
May not help y'all out 100%, but here's a log from our weekly + Blood Queen. We didn't down here, but we got her to enrage a few times (three people missing from raid, yeah).
I have the logs posted under my old 10 man guild, the credit actually goes to Felony of SoE. You can look back on my logs if you'd like.
I am the THIRD WORST geared person in the raid normally. I am consistently in top 10 DPS, and within top 5 usually this week.

I don't have any hard numbers on the DPS increase Frost received lately. I have 'seat of the pants' numbers, and the increase is insane. It's good enough that other guildies in this 25 man guild I JUST joined are trying out frost on some fights. I am NOT brazen enough to say that Frost is equal with Arcane yet. I AM brazen enough to say I won't be keeping my Arcane spec. I'll be switching it to a fire spec.

Edit: I should mention that I wouldn't DARE use FFB in any raid atm. The DPS loss is HUGE.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2010 12:49am by jaysgsl
#21 Apr 02 2010 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You didn't post the log? Or did I miss it?
#22 Apr 02 2010 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
3,157 posts
Ah ha ha ha, late night posting ftl.
Remember, for frost you have to tick the "Show Creatures" checkbox and manually add Water Elemental to the persons' DPS.
#23 Apr 07 2010 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
So tooling around your logs, I noticed that in your newer fights, you're getting ranked (nice!). Which essentially tells me that 1) Frost has improved (duh) and 2) Maybe I shouldn't expect to get that much DPS out of my Frost spec right away.
#24 Apr 07 2010 at 10:31 AM Rating: Excellent
boquaz wrote:
So tooling around your logs, I noticed that in your newer fights, you're getting ranked (nice!). Which essentially tells me that 1) Frost has improved (duh) and 2) Maybe I shouldn't expect to get that much DPS out of my Frost spec right away.

Not to downplay jay's achievement for getting ranked (props to you!), but remember that the ranking is based on spec as well, so jay is ranking in the top frost mages ;)

After last night trying to play fire spec I immediately switched back to Arcane. I really hated the long casts, having to constantly watch my LB timer, etc. I only did like 6k dps on marrowgar when I normally do closer to 10k, so I happily switched back.
#25 Apr 08 2010 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Ranked? O.o

No, you shouldn't expect a ton of Frost DPS right away. To get the numbers I (and assumably the other frosties) get, you have to be comfortable ghosting.
#26 Apr 08 2010 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts

WoL rankings:

Lord Marrowgar H25:

Top Arcane- 13,524
Top Fire- 14,792
Top Frost- 7,988


Lady Deathwhisper H25:

Top Arcane- 12,229
Top Fire- 10,163
Top Frost- 8,759

Saurfang H25:

Top Arcane- 13,298
Top Fire- 13,965
Top Frost- 9,371

On the one hand, we can credit some of those numbers (perhaps) to people not trying Frost. But still, OUCH.

But the good news is that Fire is competitive at the cutting edge, at least (I'm assuming fights where it passes Arcane there is AoE involved? I know nothing about the encounters).

Maybe I'll try out Fire on my Mage. He just got his 2pc 210 (and a Merlin's Robe), but I'm kinda bored of Arcane. And getting a free 7-9K DpS on bosses in Heroics just doesn't have the same thrill anymore. And I have never tried Fire (literally, I still have ALL those spells at the trainer).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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