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What is the current (3.3.3) MT Spec?Follow

#1 Mar 30 2010 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I should know this, but I've been messing around with a Tank/DPS Spec and testing what I'll call my "Old Naxx Spec" which included the Tier 1 Seals of the Pure and Divinity. (Theory was our MT Paly healer + Me with Divinity = Nice healing buff....)

My DPS Spec includes the standard "Heroic" build wich picks up Seal of Command. I can't, however, think that SoC is used in a MT situation in raids because I would guess that over a longer period of time Seal of Vengence would out pace it on a single target. (Also, the heroic build uses Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous in place of Glyph of Vengence due to the extra hammer and added DPS. *If you haven't tried this by the way - give it a shot...)

So, after about 2 weeks of messing around, I realize that I don't actually know what the current Cookie Cutter spec is for a MT Paly. Can anyone help?
#2 Mar 31 2010 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
There really isn't one as the leftover pts from the 'core' talents can really be used in a variety of ways depending on your raid comp. The 0/53/18 crusade build is still the most common and best threat spec versus undead(virtually all of ICC). Obviously there's some choices to be made in the ret tree with regard to SoC/PoJ/Imp Might/Vindication that depend on your raid's needs and composition. SoC is definitely worth 1 pt in conviction if nothing else because its just plain fun for trash and clearing your daily random.

Now that we're seeing more guilds in heroic ICC25, divinity is getting some play as some MTs are using everything they can to max their EH. But i wouldn't worry about divinity until you're actually on lich king attempts. There's a great write up over at Maintankadin that explains various spec choices in much greater detail.
#3 Mar 31 2010 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
TY for the reply.

I actually was looking at your spec while waiting for a reply and I wondered why you took the Improved BoM? Any reason other than needing to burn 2 points somewhere in order to get to the next tier?

By moving one point to Imp judgements (thus making it 2/2 vs the 1/2 you have) you can drop another point in Conviction. If I already have a Ret Paly - would that be better or would we be getting back into the "2/2 in Imp Judgements will completely ***** up your rotation" argument.

I find that I rarely cast BoM.

So are your points there just a burn that you might use some BoM or is it because going 2/2 ImpJudge will hurt you more than you'd gain from the extra 1% Crit.

#4 Mar 31 2010 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Heroic 10man Icc min-maxing utility would be my guess. No Ret Paladin and possibly no warrior with Improved BS would mean mahlerite would be the one taking HotC and Imp BoM. The second point in imp judgements is only if you do have a warrior or Ret with the imp AP buff.

Edit: The common spec linked above by mahlerite is what you would expect in a 25man raid where there would be at least one Ret or Warrior with the improved AP buff. Obviously if your runing a 10man core group without someone to cover the buff you would expect your prot pally to cover it and get 8% kings scrolled on the raid if there isn't enough paladins.

Edited, Apr 1st 2010 4:39am by arthoriuss
#5 Apr 01 2010 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
Heroic 10man Icc min-maxing utility would be my guess. No Ret Paladin and possibly no warrior with Improved BS would mean mahlerite would be the one taking HotC and Imp BoM. The second point in imp judgements is only if you do have a warrior or Ret with the imp AP buff.

Exactly right. We generally run 2 heroic icc 10mans per week and the groups aren't set so its just for utility. Nothing wrong with taking 2/2 imp judge if you have the AP buff covered, it can be helpful to have judgement coming off cd faster for picking up multiple adds.
#6 Aug 02 2010 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
in my opinion 2/2 Judge is is very useful but you asked for an MT spec an so i think the point in seal of command is not the best choice. In some cases especially Saurfang or the Lichking Adds (yes not MT but Paladin Job :) ) it is usefull to have 2/2 Hammer of Justice. Further i have Pursiut of Justice because previously i played Retry an if you change to Prot you will miss it very hard :) an i think it is usefull at all.
That is the Spec I would prefer


please discuss ;)

Edited, Aug 2nd 2010 3:21pm by Ethylion

Edited, Aug 2nd 2010 3:22pm by Ethylion
#7 Aug 03 2010 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Ethylion wrote:
in my opinion 2/2 Judge is is very useful but you asked for an MT spec an so i think the point in seal of command is not the best choice. In some cases especially Saurfang or the Lichking Adds (yes not MT but Paladin Job :) ) it is usefull to have 2/2 Hammer of Justice. Further i have Pursiut of Justice because previously i played Retry an if you change to Prot you will miss it very hard :) an i think it is usefull at all.
That is the Spec I would prefer


please discuss ;)

I would shuffle the points out of Divine Guardian instead of dropping points from Crusade. I'm not sure it is worth going so far down the Ret tree for threat if you only drop one point into Crusade. Really though I don't know why you wouldn't keep SoComm. It's utility surpasses any minor increase in threat from Conviction especially when you consider fights like (heroic or normal) LDW or Valithra adds where usually the dps kill the mobs before you get 5 stacks of Vengeance on them.

I can see why you would use the Imp HoJ on Saurfang heroic (I tend to use the standard spec and stun, Avengers Shield or otherwise taunt the add back when it gets close to the dps). I can't remember the spawn timer of the Valks in the LK fight but you an try using your undead/demon aoe stun (forgotten it's name >_< ). Great way of stunning them all at the start, before they move apart.
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