RodStorm wrote:
So look for gear with Strength/Crit and Mp5 right and that should get me through.
While I wouldn't be surprised if it changes at some point in Cataclysm development, currently STR does nothing for Holy. Also Mp5 does little for Ret. Spirit does nothing for Paladins of any spec because they are always under the "five second rule" and because there is no talent like those some other classes have converting some percentage of it to SP or the like.
For Holy, INT is still the strongest "time to OOM" stat, while Crit was gutted (for mana regen) by a past nerf to the Illumination talent, allowing Mp5 to pip it for #2 in regen despite being underbudgeted (i.e. when there's Mp5 on gear, there's not as much as their "should" be). For throughput, Crit is again bottom dog because it's unreliable and too much of it only contributes to overhealing. Haste contributes more to Holy Light throughput because HL is so powerful even without the spellpower component (the best way to heal more with HL is to throw more of them than to make each more powerful). OTOH, SP synergises better with Flash of Light not just because of scaling, but because your global cooldown can't go below 1 second, so there's a limit to how much throughput Haste can contribute to FoL. Really, as long as all your gear has INT, you can't go too far wrong.
For Ret, it's basically STR. Hit is good, but unlike most DPS classes, there's no particular benefit to stacking it to the cap. Expertise is good, but you don't need all that much of it if you're running with Seal of Vengeance. Crit is fine, mostly because it's not ArP (too much of Ret damage ignores armor) or Haste (Ret is all about instant attacks). AGI isn't worthless, but Ret doesn't get AP from it, so mail items are usually suboptimal unless they are much higher level than your plate alternatives. STR is so good, in fact, that it's usually not even worth matching gem colors for socket bonuses unless the bonus is, in fact, STR.