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What do you think of the stat changes for us?Follow

#1 Mar 01 2010 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
In case you didn't see, here is a blue post with more details about the stat changes in Cataclysm we already knew about.

For the most part I think it's a neat concept. I like the idea of being able to specialize according to playstyle. There may be, say, a haste priest and a crit priest, and both are equally good, just different. Cookie cutters right now don't provide enough customization for special snowflakes.

This makes me a little sad:

Spirit - Come Cataclysm, this stat should only be found on healing gear.

The beauty of the merge of +healing/+spell damage at the end of BC was huge because it made it possible for healers to do more with one set of gear. You no longer had to choose between being a healer and being able to conveniently solo or do some damage once in a while. Healing gear is already separated by lack of hit, true, but overall I like the concept of caster gear, not further separation of healing gear versus othercaster gear.

Plus, it says to me: "We're going to punish you healers for the fact that peeps with good gear never had to worry about mana this expansion." For a predictable fight this can add a new dimension in planning for not running out of mana and learning to choose your heals more carefully. For a less predictable situation, like PVP, this could just be a PITA. But I'm willing to keep an open mind and see how this plays out. I'm all for healing being about being smart (choosing the right spell for the right job) rather than being a good spammer.

All in all though I like how they're breathing a little new life into things like stats and specs. After however many years a lot of us have been playing, it'll be fun to have something new to learn about a favorite class.
#2 Mar 01 2010 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm taking a wait and see approach to upcoming changes. I'm encouraged by the devs wanting healing to be fun, as well as increased customization through talents and other things like archeology. I have faith that the stats will work themselves out.

People will still take damage, we will still get gear, and our healing will still be awesome.
#3 Mar 01 2010 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
People will still take damage, we will still get gear, and our healing will still be awesome.

And you will still be a dwarf, instead of the noble, brave, Napolean Dynamite-dancing blood elf I know you have in there, crying to get out. Smiley: cry
#4 Mar 01 2010 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
I don't really know what to think. I've been lurking here for a few months and enjoyed reading this forum. I have a shadow priest that is crawling toward level 28 so a lot of what's being talked about in the post is beyond reach right now.

I'm curious about what people might think of how someone like myself or an alt should be strategizing on what to look for in the auction house and such though.

What's the best thing to do maybe not right now but as you work up and Cataclysm gets closer? Just curious if anyone has any thoughts about that.

Best to all.
#5 Mar 01 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Moanique wrote:
I don't really know what to think. I've been lurking here for a few months and enjoyed reading this forum. I have a shadow priest that is crawling toward level 28 so a lot of what's being talked about in the post is beyond reach right now.


Moanique wrote:

I'm curious about what people might think of how someone like myself or an alt should be strategizing on what to look for in the auction house and such though.

What's the best thing to do maybe not right now but as you work up and Cataclysm gets closer? Just curious if anyone has any thoughts about that.

No point in doing anything at all until you buy the expansion. You won't be leveling to 85 in anything you buy at the AH now anyway. When the expansion hits, the new gear you start acquiring via questing (or have now) will be adjusted accordingly. We'll all (regardless of main or alt or level 32 or 80) wander around befuddled and drooling for a while, until a sticky shows up on Elitist Jerks to show us the way. Smiley: lol
#6 Mar 01 2010 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I'm assuming DPS will have regain mana procs on damaging spells while healers will be on a more Mp5 based system. We should still be able to do damage while soloing.

I'm more interested in the mastery differences in the disc and holy trees and how they will play with haste and crit.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Mar 01 2010 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
We'll all (regardless of main or alt or level 32 or 80) wander around befuddled and drooling for a while

It'll be nice to have some company in that.
#8 Mar 02 2010 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
We'll all (regardless of main or alt or level 32 or 80) wander around befuddled and drooling for a while, until a sticky shows up on Elitist Jerks to show us the way.

Pff, Elitist Jerks is overrated. Assuming your brain is located inside your skull, and not your ****** (© Yahtzee), it's not that hard to build a decent spec and figure out how everything works, specifically for healers. And doing it yourself even grants you more insight in your glass. Now that I've ranted about that point again...

I still think stuff is heading the good way. They seem to try and make Cata playstyle a stranger version of TBC where the pace is definitely slower than in WOTLK and where the game as a whole is more about tactics than being an FPS where using every global cooldown is a requirement to play well. With new talents, paths, guild talents and what we've seen of the stat revamp, I think WoW could go a very damn long way in making your character and playstyle unique while not rendering everything non-cookie cutter obsolete due to less HPS/DPS/TPS. Blizz has said that their ideal situation is three viable trees for both PvP and PvE for each class, and I reckon they can get close to it by slowing down the pace of the game, so that aside from doing optimal amounts of healing/DPS talent trees can be based more about mobility, longevity, resource management, and possibly a new DOT/dispelling system.
#9 Mar 02 2010 at 12:30 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Weapon Skill - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Classes will start with all the weapon skills they need to know and will not need to improve them

#10 Mar 02 2010 at 1:33 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
I like the changes a lot (on paper, lets see how Blizzard works them out).

One small thing worries me though:

News before was that the levelling range will be from 80 to 85, right?
Combined with the info that combat ratings will be steeper and enemies will be harder to be hit and such, the areas best suited for players at 80 that start with Cataclysm will be literally SWARMING. /smile

Might become interesting!
#11 Mar 02 2010 at 4:24 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
To some extent yes for healing EJ is overrated. I look at it with regards to healing as a collective discussion of what works well for healing.

It is a great resource but if they are talking hard modes and you are barely clearing all of reg mode you need to take that into perspective.

Still I like it as a source of ideas.

With the Cata changes I am expecting a lot more different healing styles to be viable. It make me happy.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#12 Mar 02 2010 at 4:33 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Weapon Skill - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Classes will start with all the weapon skills they need to know and will not need to improve them

Ok, lets get Knuckle Sandwich and Master of Arms before it becomes a feat of strength!
#13 Mar 02 2010 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Weapon Skill - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Classes will start with all the weapon skills they need to know and will not need to improve them

Ok, lets get Knuckle Sandwich and Master of Arms before it becomes a feat of strength!

Dude, you're alive?

Zombies took over the main board.

Its freaking weird, necro posts from years ago are appearing. I'm scared.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#14 Mar 02 2010 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
MP5 - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Holy paladins and Restoration shaman will be redesigned to benefit from Spirit.
Eww! My paladin says no to spirit, this will take some getting used to.

If you are a DPS caster, expect to see:
* A lot more Stamina.
* All of your Spell Power converted to Intellect and Stamina.
* No Spirit. You won’t miss Spirit, though, because you won’t need it for DPS or mana regen.

If you are a healer, expect to see:
* A lot more Stamina.
* All of your Spell Power converted to Intellect and Stamina.
* Spirit instead of MP5. You’ll probably be happy with Spirit, though, because mana regen is going to matter more than it does currently. Healing paladins and shaman will benefit more from Spirit than they do currently.

If you are a Balance druid or Elemental shaman:
* You will still share gear with Restoration druids and shaman.
* Your gear will have Spirit on it. It won’t have Hit on it.
* You will have a talent that converts Spirit to Hit. We will adjust talents accordingly so that you want about as much Spirit as, say, a warlock wants Hit.
* Hit on rings and other such gear will still benefit you.
* Raid buffs will no longer boost Spirit, so you shouldn’t find yourself unexpectedly over the Hit cap because of buffs.

I'm interested to see what items of my current priest gear will be considered healing and which dps, I guess at least we'll be levelling and so replacing the gear anyway.

Second bit I've put in because I find it a little odd that my druid will be able to use the same gear set for balance and resto (and still use cloth items, but with a penalty), but my priest will still need two seperate sets of gear for that.
#15 Mar 02 2010 at 5:35 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Weapon Skill - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Classes will start with all the weapon skills they need to know and will not need to improve them

Ok, lets get Knuckle Sandwich and Master of Arms before it becomes a feat of strength!

Dude, you're alive?

Zombies took over the main board.

Its freaking weird, necro posts from years ago are appearing. I'm scared.

Like you have anything to be afraid of, with all the alcohol in your body the zombiefication process won't work anyway.
Or maybe it will, and then you'll be a zombie but nobody will notice because your body won't rot away.
That would be freaky.

*Starts leveling shotgun, kitchen knife and baseball bat skills to fight off the zombie invasion and get master of arms*

Edited, Mar 2nd 2010 12:43pm by Aethien
#16 Mar 02 2010 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
[quote]Weapon Skill - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Classes will start with all the weapon skills they need to know and will not need to improve them

Ok, lets get Knuckle Sandwich and Master of Arms before it becomes a feat of strength!

Dude, you're alive?

Zombies took over the main board.

Its freaking weird, necro posts from years ago are appearing. I'm scared.

Like you have anything to be afraid of, with all the alcohol in your body the zombiefication process won't work anyway.
Or maybe it will, and then you'll be a zombie but nobody will notice because your body won't rot away.
That would be freaky.

*Starts leveling shotgun, kitchen knife and baseball bat skills to fight off the zombie invasion and get master of arms*/quote]

Apparently, the Zombies are dead.

I fixed my sig as a mark of victory.

Still level them skills, you never know when they will return.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#17 Mar 02 2010 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Weapon Skill - This stat will be removed from the game completely. Classes will start with all the weapon skills they need to know and will not need to improve them

Ok, lets get Knuckle Sandwich and Master of Arms before it becomes a feat of strength!

Dude, you're alive?

Zombies took over the main board.

Its freaking weird, necro posts from years ago are appearing. I'm scared.

Like you have anything to be afraid of, with all the alcohol in your body the zombiefication process won't work anyway.
Or maybe it will, and then you'll be a zombie but nobody will notice because your body won't rot away.
That would be freaky.

*Starts leveling shotgun, kitchen knife and baseball bat skills to fight off the zombie invasion and get master of arms*

Apparently, the Zombies are dead.

I fixed my sig as a mark of victory.

Still level them skills, you never know when they will return.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#18 Mar 02 2010 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
OH SH~! It's clones now!

Edit: apparently time traveling clones, it's been march 2nd for 13 hours.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2010 1:06pm by Aethien
#19 Mar 02 2010 at 8:19 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
No, EJ is not a substitute for thought, but it is a nice one-stop resource for certain things. I don't like to do math myself, so I like to use them as my theorycrafting minions for things like weighting stats and so forth. I also like to look at their cookie cutter builds, especially when starting a new alt, as a starting point for learning about the class. That doesn't mean I bookmark it and don't look at it again until I need to look up where to put a point (like I'd level with an endgame spec anyway). It means I figure out why they've included certain talents and excluded others, sort of working my way backwards from their build to the fundamentals of the class. If you were a new priest, for example, it wouldn't take more than a minute with the cookie cutter Disc build to figure out that your shields are important and you should probably cast them a lot. Boom, there's a big head start in how to heal as Disc, right out of the gate before you've even chosen a name for your character.

Nice to see that my priest will finally level a weapon skill besides wands past 4.
#20 Mar 02 2010 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone else feel like cata is going to be like a huge beta test for their new mmorpg system?

I could be wrong, but it just feels like these are some major changes :P
#21 Mar 02 2010 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
I really don't like how Shadow is being grouped with mages and warlocks, while Boomkins and Enhance shamans are going to be able to dps in their Resto gear.

I suppose it makes sense. Rather than having to make spell dps leather, healing leather, melee leather, hunter mail, spell dps mail, and healing mail, they only need healing leather, melee leather, hunter mail, and healing mail.

Doesn't mean I like it, though.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2010 11:04pm by IDrownFish

Edited, Mar 3rd 2010 1:05am by IDrownFish
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