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Speed mages: let me steal your keybindings!Follow

#1 Feb 24 2010 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
5,114 posts
I want to get the notion of clicking out of my mind and work with keybinds and macros. I have a standard 3 button mouse and a laptop. I want to get keybindings buried in my brain while my Mage is still a baby. Help me out?
Final Fantasy XI: MIDGARDSORMR ♥
75:W A R// ::retired::

World of Warcraft: Crushridge [H]
Oztroja:D R U I D
#2 Feb 24 2010 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Let me start the list of replies off by saying this;

You can bind abilities to shift+mouse wheel up, shift+mouse wheel down, control+mouse wheel up, control+mouse wheel down and shift+mouse wheel & control+mouse wheel. That's six spells bound incredibly accessibly without overwriting any of the standard keybinds. People tend to forget the scroll fucntion on the mouse wheel.
#3 Feb 24 2010 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I really like having mine control the camera, though. I prefer to play fairly zoomed out, but that can create issues whenever there's a fight in a small room. For instance, the first guy in FoS.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#4 Feb 24 2010 at 11:29 PM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
I really like having mine control the camera, though. I prefer to play fairly zoomed out, but that can create issues whenever there's a fight in a small room. For instance, the first guy in FoS.

well you don't rebind normal mwheelup/down just with modifiers.
#5 Feb 25 2010 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
As has been said - what Moz is saying is to bind you CTRL and Shift to mouse wheeling - - Not the standard mouse wheel.

I have two bindings (Arcane - Trash)

1. Arcane Missile
2. Fire Blast
3. Arcane Barrage
4. Frost Nova
5. Arcane Blast
6. Mana Shield
7. Arcane Explosion
8. Ice Block
9. Blizzard
10. Sheep (It's sad - I'm thinking of moving it from 10 to a click... It's been there for 3 years now...)
-. Slow
=. Blink

Then I have two ranks of Flame Strike Bound to shift -, and =. (Perhaps someone would be nice enough to confirm that the two type still stack.)

This is all based on my 2H tanking method. As a Paly tank I have my most used items to the far right and far left of my rows of keys. For example my Taunt is '=' and my Holy Shield is 1. These are talents that I use very often. Stuff like Devine Plea, which I use a lot, but is not part of my 'rotation' is bound to 7. My paly version of shield block is, just like my mage 'Oh-****' button is bound to 8.

(Arcane - Boss *Still learning this)
My "new" keybinding that I'm trying to learn to use it with Arcane Blast linked to Shift-Mouse-Roll-Down and Arcane Missile Shift-Roll-up.

My thought is that those two spells are my only rotation. The Roll down feels like a "Come to me" motion (Stacking AB) and the Arcane Missiles "roll up" is like a "go to you" feeling - thus burning off my Buff and shooting it out...

#6 Feb 25 2010 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
some unusual keybindings:
3 - ward (manually switch between fire and frost between fights)
r - blink
t - POM (yeah, this screws up the assist defaults)
T (shift T) - mouseover polymorph
alt 1 - counterspell (macroed with "/stopcasting" in front of it)
alt 2 - shield
alt 4 - spellsteal
other spells are spread around remaining 1-5 with shift and alt modifiers
shift 3 is a cast-sequence macro for 2 ranks of flamestrike and then blizzard

The idea is to have keys bound near WASD, with modifiers. The only keybind I use in a fight that isn't quick to get to is "9" for arcane power, icy veins and trinkets.

The mousewheel idea sounds cool. Right now, I have my mousewheel switch between two sets of action bars (both bound 1-5). I use the second set of buttons for items (like the goblin rocket pack in ICC) and odd stuff. So it almost acts as another modifier. I think that's probably a bit unusual.
#7 Feb 25 2010 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
I'm going to split this with my Arcane Spec/Frostspec. s/C or c/F means I'm using Shift or Control.

1 - Wand
2 - Arcane Missiles/Frostbolt
3 - Cone of Cold
4 - Arcane Blast/Ice Lance
5 - Frost Nova
6 - Arcane Barrage/Ice Barrier
T - Fireblast
s/X - Featherfall
s/R - Blink
s/C - Evocation
F - Spellsteal
V - Polymorph

s/1 - The Works (Megamacro :D)
s/2 - Ice Block
s/3 - Presence of Mind/???? (Some of these I'm not too sure what they are on Frost :( )
s/4 - Flame Ward
s/5 - Frost Ward
s/T - Arcane Explosion
S/F - Blizzard
S/V - Invisibility
G - Counterspell
c/R - Inner Focus/Dampen Magic
c/F - Arcane Intellect
c/T - Molten Armor

I can't remember for the life of me what s/3 is on Frost...oh well, I doubt it's anything overly critical.

I have used this with great success for two years now. What I do is I keep right hand on my mouse, and I can use my left hand for pretty much everything else I want to do; strafing, targeting via tab, I really have enjoyed it. I use the same bindings on all characters I have, it just feels optimal to me.

Edited, Feb 25th 2010 12:03pm by BillyRayValentine
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#8 Feb 25 2010 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
5,114 posts
I really like the mouse keybinding, but it presents a bit of a problem. On my laptop, the ctrl key is very small and not directly below shift (thus not easily accessible by my pinky finger). Since I pvp a lot with my Mage, the thought of taking my fingers off the movement keys doesn't sit well. Is there a way to bind keys with shift + left mouse click/ right mouse click? An addon or anything? If so, is there an obvious reason I wouldn't want to that I'm missing?

The second thing I'm wondering is how to assign keys on action bars that have no numbers or anything on them. I use bartender and have 4 action bars. Only action bar 1 has numbers on it. I see stuff in keybinds for action pages and all kinds of stuff but I don't know what any of that means.

I might have to invest in a gaming mouse...
Final Fantasy XI: MIDGARDSORMR ♥
75:W A R// ::retired::

World of Warcraft: Crushridge [H]
Oztroja:D R U I D
#9 Feb 25 2010 at 10:31 PM Rating: Good
you can set up for buttons that you click, but other than using the addon Clique to bind shift+mouse on a frame (I use it for decurse, slowfall, and FM on raid frames)
#10 Feb 25 2010 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
5,114 posts
Hmm I'm not sure what you mean.
Final Fantasy XI: MIDGARDSORMR ♥
75:W A R// ::retired::

World of Warcraft: Crushridge [H]
Oztroja:D R U I D
#11 Feb 25 2010 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
5,114 posts
I'm thinking about buying this mouse to
solve my problems
Final Fantasy XI: MIDGARDSORMR ♥
75:W A R// ::retired::

World of Warcraft: Crushridge [H]
Oztroja:D R U I D
#12 Feb 26 2010 at 12:21 AM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
The mx518 is a very nice mouse, I used it for a while. After a few months of a lot of usage though I started having a few problems in the cord. Check out this one, it is made by the same company but it has a heavier cord, comes with weight blocks, has an extra side button, and it has left and right tilt mousewheel for 2 more bindings. It is the one I upgraded to and it is a much better option for only $13 more. It is also up to 5700dpi vs 1800 for the mx518.

Edited, Feb 26th 2010 1:27am by Toxicityoh
#13 Feb 26 2010 at 1:13 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
One thing Anobix was talking about the addon Clique. It's most useful for any time you need to click on a party member to do something.

The other thing is that you can use shift as a modifier in macros so that if you click on the button representing the macro it does different things depending on whether you have shift held down or not. I don't think that's quite what you're looking for.

It is definitely possible to bind things to all those secondary mouse buttons.
#14 Feb 26 2010 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
5,114 posts
Toxicityoh wrote:
The mx518 is a very nice mouse, I used it for a while. After a few months of a lot of usage though I started having a few problems in the cord. Check out this one, it is made by the same company but it has a heavier cord, comes with weight blocks, has an extra side button, and it has left and right tilt mousewheel for 2 more bindings. It is the one I upgraded to and it is a much better option for only $13 more. It is also up to 5700dpi vs 1800 for the mx518.

Edited, Feb 26th 2010 1:27am by Toxicityoh

I looked at that one, but I feel like 10 keybindings on my mouse would be a little much for me. Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno. I'll weigh my options a bit more, thanks for the info so far guys.
Final Fantasy XI: MIDGARDSORMR ♥
75:W A R// ::retired::

World of Warcraft: Crushridge [H]
Oztroja:D R U I D
#15 Feb 26 2010 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
I actually went from an MX518->MX revolution (don't make them anymore) until it died-> back to MX518->G500. Just got it last week, the mouse is pretty sweet.
#16 Feb 26 2010 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
5,114 posts
Bit the bullet and bought the G500, looks intimidating but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it after a week or so of PvP.
Final Fantasy XI: MIDGARDSORMR ♥
75:W A R// ::retired::

World of Warcraft: Crushridge [H]
Oztroja:D R U I D
#17 Mar 03 2010 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
5,444 posts
I STILL use a 518, it's I think, 4 years old now?

I'll post bindings later.
#19 Mar 03 2010 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
My current bindings (which will change come Spring Break when I redo my whole UI) are:

1- AB
2- AM
3- ABarr
4- PoM
5- FStrike
6- FStrike (-1)
7- Blizzard
8- Fire Blast
9- Mirror Image
0- Mana Shield
-- Arcane Power
=- Icy Veins

Shift are all utility spells.

I need to change my bindings so that I can get quicker access to Ice Block and Invis when I need them, as well as Counterspell, FN, Poly, Evocation and ATorr.

I need to make a Macro for my CDs, too.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#20 Mar 04 2010 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
245 posts
I use a lot of shift and alts. My two thumb mouse buttons are assigned to hit shift for me

1 = Arcane Barrage
2 = Arcane Blast
3 = Arcane Missiles
4 = Fireblast (don't use it often)
5 = Frost nova
Shift 1 = Macro everything and the kitchen sink
shift 2 = specialty for fight (either a ward, counterspell, focus sheep macro or focus spellsteal macro, target macro, fight dependent)
Shift 3 = blink
Shift 4 = iceblock
cntrl 1 = prospecting (eh, should be something more useful, oh well
cntrl 2 = flame strike
cntrl 3 = blizzard
cntrl 4 = arcane explosion
cntrl 5 = Cone of Cold
shtcnt 1 = mana gem
shtcnt 2 = spell steal
shtcnt 3 = evocation
shtcnt 4 = lock stone
#21 Mar 06 2010 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
5,114 posts
Well it took me a while to configure my mouse, but I am settling into my new binds quite nicely. My only concern is that as I level, there are probably going to be a lot of changes I need to make to accommodate new and important spells. My current bindings are very supportive of PvP (I am currently 35, and hop into BGs once I hit level *7 of whatever bracket). I bound my G500 as follows:

1. Wheel click: Cone of cold
2. Shift + wheel click: Ice block
3. Wheel up: Blink
4. Shift + wheel up: Counterspell
5. Wheel down: Frost nova
6. Wheel left: Arcane missiles
7. Wheel right: Fire blast
8. Leftside front: Polymorph
9. Liftside middle: Icy veins + Cold snap macro
10. Leftside back: Frost bolt
11. Shift + leftside back: Blizzard

It all flows nice and is easy for me to remember. So far, so good.
Final Fantasy XI: MIDGARDSORMR ♥
75:W A R// ::retired::

World of Warcraft: Crushridge [H]
Oztroja:D R U I D
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