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OT: AltsFollow

#27 Mar 26 2010 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
Alts are awesome, and this expansion it seems everyon has a billion of them

My main is a prot paladin. For my playstyle, he's hands down the most fun I can derive from the game.

80s alts : Boomkin, Resto shaman I'm thinking about switching to Elemental and Arcane Mage. Thing is I've recently changed servers and factions on main, and so far only the mage has made the jump too. So I guess he's the one I have most fun with. I'll probably port shaman next, then druid which will become a bear/boomkin down the line. I love the mage, he's my favourite alt these days.

Hunter at 60 is bored. She hit 60 the day before WOTLK came out, hasn't done anything for a whole expansion.

Lock at 29 on wrong server will get deleted at some stage.

New rogue at 20 is looking good for the time being. I'm enjoying playstyle, but the lack of "disengage + heal" option is frustrating at times. Out of my 4 80s, 3 could heal themselves, and that's really cool when suddenly more mobs run into you. Also, no AoE yet, looking forward to FoK or whatever comes along.

New priest, rolled today, at 6, we'll see. I'd love him to be my next 80, but I have little hope he'll make it, though I'd love him to ...

DKs ... I dunno, I can't get into them, no DK for me for the time being.
#28 Mar 29 2010 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
I have alts all over the place.

My main is a lock (80), but I love my priest (78) just as much now, if not more.

Another 80 lock.

Lvl 72 lock (all my locks are the same race for some reason, undead)).

DK (71)

Mage (40)

Druid (22) Never got a druid past lvl 19 before, nearly fell asleep at the keyboard trying. I'm going to make it work this time, partly because I'm curious to try out durid healing.

Hunter (20)

#29 Mar 30 2010 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
I know the feeling all too well..

Everytime I decide to start grinding some achivment points or work on quests I get upset and stop

To me it seems like a waste of time to do it on one character if I won't even be playing them in the next expansion or even next tier of content! Some quests are fun though. Does anyone else do that? Start doing some achivments and then go "why" and start messing around on an alt?

I some how ended up going back to my paladin about 2 months ago, I sort of miss raiding with my priest though so I might try to find a casual guild and do that some more.

My paladin has fully enchanted and gem'd ret/holy/prot set mostly tier9+ and full furious (lol 2 seasons behind) holy and prot/ret fully gemmed and enchanted as well.... So many viable specs for a paladin heh

Then I have a mage I just hit 80 on last month and of course my lovely priest =)

#30 Mar 30 2010 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Smoopie wrote:
To me it seems like a waste of time to do it on one character if I won't even be playing them in the next expansion or even next tier of content! Some quests are fun though. Does anyone else do that? Start doing some achivments and then go "why" and start messing around on an alt?

I generally don't pursue titles/achievements on alts. But I definitely need a "reason" to level an alt. If I don't feel like I've got anything to do with them at 80, I realize that all that leaves me with is doing Desolace again, and I hate Desolace, and that pretty much does it. Mostly I supply the reason with professions though. Or some classes seem like better gatherers, or grinders, or instance soloers, etc, so I think it would be handy to have one of them at 80. I've got a couple of DPS alts I wanted to level up just purely because I don't like doing world PVP - defending Tarren Mill, say - with a healer.

I got bored with the lock (like the hunter, but with uglier pets I can't name) and replaced her with a DK. I'd tried a DK before and didn't like it, but this time I started using Blood instead of Unholy and it's like night and day, how much more fun it is for me. So far it's kind of like leveling a Ret Pally, except even easier. I didn't even know that was possible. Going into AV at 60 in your blues is kind of fun too. I chose a DK because nothing, not even the Yankees, pisses me off as much as Deathgrip. Now I'm Deathgripping all sorts of stuff unnecessarily and cackling wildly.
#31 Mar 30 2010 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
I should play my DK again sometime. I started powerleveling Herbalism on her, then my priest neared 80 and I improved my shaman (transferred her and made her a troll lady), so I have been focusing on those two more. My DK is also a cute troll lady, with prettier eyes than normal. They should introduce better haircuts for me, though, because that would make female trolls perfect.

I don't even have a character above level 30 or so that isn't a female troll anymore, and I'm not getting bored of it. No matter how pretty Draenei are, staring at them day in day out can get kind of lame.

Also, Teacake is awesome.
#32 Mar 30 2010 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
My priest is my latest alt- mind you, once you have more than three level 80 characters (and my priest is only level 44, but she will make #7), then you are an altoholic. And Teacake is indeed awesome. Smiley: grin
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#33 Mar 30 2010 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Lots of work to do, so I'll hide here for a while.

I do the profession alts thing too, helps to motivate me to lvl them up. And there's nothing like being unable to sleep at 4am and farming herbs on an alt.

I sometimes go for achievements on alts, depends if I just see them as a farming toon or not.

If I ever get my druid past 60, I'd like to try a pally.
#34 Mar 30 2010 at 12:30 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
You guys are awesome. :)

I don't have any troll ladies, but all that will change when I can race-change my druid to one.

Cookiethief wrote:
Lots of work to do, so I'll hide here for a while.

But you're not going to, like, steal OUR cookies, right?
#35 Mar 30 2010 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
You guys are awesome. :)

I don't have any troll ladies, but all that will change when I can race-change my druid to one.

I approve of this. Tauren girsl are good, too, but every lass should have a troll lady.

What race is your priest, anyway?
#36 Mar 30 2010 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Kalivha wrote:

What race is your priest, anyway?

One undead, one blood elf. The undead came first but the blood elf is my current main. My pally, hunter, and DK are all belf too. I have a shameful, shameful thing for blood elves. But Silvermoon is just so darned pretty, and I heart Sylvanas and all the Ghostlands quest lines and stuff. I just maintain my dignity by making sure their voices are turned down and dancing as seldom as possible.
#37 Mar 30 2010 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
My priest is my latest alt- mind you, once you have more than three level 80 characters (and my priest is only level 44, but she will make #7), then you are an altoholic. And Teacake is indeed awesome. Smiley: grin
Oh sh....
Female Night Elf Hunter.
Male Dwarf Death Knight
Female Orc Hunter
Female Undead Priest
Male Troll Shaman (was once female Draenei)
Female Tauren Druid.

And then there's a lvl 42 or so male Tauren Warrior.
#38 Mar 30 2010 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
Heh! I know the feeling. On Uldum:

80 male Dwarf hunter (first character)
80 female Tauren druid (was male Night Elf)
80 female Undead rogue (was female Gnome)
80 female Blood Elf warlock (was female Human)
80 male Orc death knight (was male Draenei)
80 female Draenei shaman
44 female Night Elf priest

That doesn't include the smattering of alts on various servers that I've created, leveled to ~level 20, then deleted, nor the scattered death knights.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#39 Mar 31 2010 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
But you're not going to, like, steal OUR cookies, right?

Not at all. Not yet, anyway.
#40 Mar 31 2010 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good

On my old account:

70 Female Night Elf priest
70 Female Draenei shaman

Current account:

70 Female Draenei priest
72 Female Troll (former Draenei) shaman
80 Female Troll priest
60 Female Troll death knight (Haha, yeah, I know.)

The first four were actually 70 when 70 was level cap, though.
#41 Apr 01 2010 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
122 posts
Just like you guys I have too many alts. But the new LFG system is a good incentive to play them some more. I randomly dust off an alt and LFG until they run out of rested xp, then move on to another. Before LFG you had to have a lot of patience to get a group for anything but Scarlet Monastery.

When it comes to priest alts, my lvl 72 male Draenei disc/shadow priest is doing (trying to) the "A dungeon a day keeps the greens away". The waiting time is much shorter now that he is healing as well. My other female Human priest who was my level 1 banking toon even got a spur of leveling and is now at 18. I should get her to 20 so I can ride between the bank and AH. She also has her own 4 tab guild to store random goodies like ore, herbs, blues, rep items etc.

*Only" three level 80s so far. Affliction lock main, resto/feral druid and resto/enhance shaman. They are all pretty much sitting still at the moment cause of lack of time.

#42 Apr 06 2010 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
Not sure if it's because of the expansion getting closer, but I now really want to get my paladin and hunter to 80 before it hits (as well as my shaman), not really with a view to switching mains but more just to have them there as options.
#43 Apr 06 2010 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I have a rogue that I am want to get close to 80 before Cata as he is the profession feeder for my main's professions.

He is in his mid 30s and I want him to be near 78 when Cata hits.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#44 Apr 06 2010 at 6:59 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
I have a rogue that I am want to get close to 80 before Cata as he is the profession feeder for my main's professions.

He is in his mid 30s and I want him to be near 78 when Cata hits.

What level do you suppose you'll have to be to max professions? My undead priest is my tailor/enchanter and I'm hoping I can just max those on her without taking her up to 85. I love my priests but I don't need to be leveling them both back to back as soon as the expansion hits. Smiley: smile
#45 Apr 11 2010 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
104 posts
What level do you suppose you'll have to be to max professions? My undead priest is my tailor/enchanter and I'm hoping I can just max those on her without taking her up to 85. I love my priests but I don't need to be leveling them both back to back as soon as the expansion hits. Smiley: smile

Well, for original WoW I think it was level 35 (-25 levels from cap). For the Burning Crusade crafting skills you had to be level 50 (-20 levels from cap). And for WotLK you must be level 65 for them (-15 levels from cap). My guess is level 75 (-10 levels from cap) if the pattern holds, but I'm not sure since we are only gaining 5 levels.

My main currently is my human holy priest.

My alts are:
1. Level 70 Night Elf Hunter - was my main from Day 1 to about a year into BC. He's been pretty much abandoned.
2. Level 80 Troll Hunter - was my main after my NE Hunter til a few months before WotLK.
3. Level 80 Dwarf Paladin - Ret/Prot. I find both fun but I prefer Ret, though my guildies make me tank.
4. Level 80 Draenei Shaman - Rest/Enhance. Once I got used to it, I actually like healing more on him then my priest. Plus he can get rid of poisons. I really really hate poisons.
5. Level 80 Night Elf Death Knight - DPS Frost. I only use him for Wintergrasp and for blacksmithing
6. Level 77 Human Warlock - Demon. Made it for tailoring, figured I'd get 80 before Cata.
7. Level 74 Human Paladin - Ret. Made him for transmutes, kept playing cause I like ret pallies.
8. Level 44 Human Rogue - Combat. Plan on getting him to 80 before Cata.
#46 Apr 13 2010 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
that female orcs are HAWT!

Troll females are more HAWT i tell you and they make better hunters/priests/any class for the dance alone imo
#47 Apr 13 2010 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
scottyjames wrote:
that female orcs are HAWT!

Troll females are more HAWT i tell you and they make better hunters/priests/any class for the dance alone imo

I'm working on converting him. I think he's accepted the awesome of female troll priests. :3
#48 Apr 28 2010 at 8:43 PM Rating: Good
606 posts
Stopped playing until Cata, but when did that matter?

Orignal main: 70 Male NE Rogue-First to hit 60 and 70 but got frustrated dealing with so much unavoidable damage from simply being in melee range (I remember being cleaved despite being behind the mobs... >.<)

Main: 80 Female Human Priest- First toon to 80. After the Rogue, I wanted a class that could a.)ranged DPS and b.)not jut be DPS. Priest was 40 and shadow when Wrath and launched and went on to be the first toon to and and the first toon to raid (mostly because I switched to disc at 80). Then, when dual spec came around, went to being Shadow/Disc and spent most of my time DPS, but used healing as a crutch to get into places that were full on DPS.

Alts- 80 Female Draeni Shaman- Leveled as enhance. Kinda felt like the rogue, only with mana, spells, and healing beyond bandages. Never really got all that far into end-game, but it was nice to cure poison...

80 Blood Elf Priest- I really wanted to see what horde was like but I could never really get through the barrens and Didn't really like the undead. Priest was the natural choice because it's the only caster I like; locks just aren't quite my style and all my mages end up a nice little bloodstains...

80 Draeni Death Knight- I wanted a tank and the DK was easy to level. I remember laughing while leveling and thinking how wrong it was to be that easy everything so easily.

62 Dwarf Warrior- Was my main non-raiding toon. Was having fun leveling and I even got him dual spec. I hadn't leveled him before because his gear was poor and died easily until he got BoA's.
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