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OT: AltsFollow

#1 Feb 19 2010 at 8:22 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
We've reached that point in the expansion where some folks have done pretty much everything they want to do with their main and are turning elsewhere for entertainment. (Insert joke about marriage here.) Sometimes my guildies (total: 2) or I will start a new alt and if we really enjoy a particular class/spec/race, inspire the others to try something new as well. So, what alts is everyone starting/playing? What's fun/not fun about playing them versus your priest?

Personally I'm at that point where there are too many jobs and not enough just fun things I want to do with my priest. Doing the battleground daily is its own kind of hell right now, but since it seems they're fixing that (see main board), I feel less obligated to do chores and feel okay about letting her sit tight except when I just feel like playing her. It's really sad when you don't want to do something with your main, but then feel guilty for not playing them. Note to self: get in touch with reality ASAP.

So I've got a few alts I've been dabbling with, in some cases barely out of the starting area:

1. Druid (level 42, just like that band from the 80's). Leveled a druid to 70 once before during BC, so it isn't entirely new, but there have been a lot of changes since then. Fun changes from playing priest: stealth; big healing numbers on battleground meters; I enjoy being a feral druid even more than I enjoy being a shadow priest, so questing is more fun. Things I miss: my blood elf; shields; fear; the wide variety of healing tools - I still haven't found a healing style I like nearly as much as the priest's. Any time I'm playing any other class I miss levitate.

2. Warlock (level 18). This is the only class I've never leveled past ten before, because I don't like being evil. But I was bored and I didn't like having that one class untried, so I came up with a warlock who isn't evil (shut up, it's fiction, I can do what I want) and gave it a shot. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. Fun changes from being a priest: I just like the mechanics so far. I like how my health, my mana, and my pet's health are all kind of the same pool that I can manipulate numbers back and forth in. Also not a change, but I love all the dot's, it feels like home. :) Things I miss: I'm always annoyed leveling up a class who can't heal themselves; healing overall; what do you mean fear has a cast time?

3. Hunter (level 11, I think). Ah, the hunter. I am famous for leveling hunters into their 30's, then getting bored and deleting them. I think I just like the idea of having a dog. I know hunters at the level cap are a lot of fun, but leveling them just never really engages me. This one will probably sit in my login screen for another year and then get deleted. But I love my dog. Smiley: smile

I also have my pally, who I will probably gear up once the new battleground tool goes live, but right now I'm not doing anything with her except smelting titansteel once a day. I love her survivability versus the priest but paladin healing mechanics just don't click with me.

Sorry for the wordiness, I'm engaged in housewifery today and must post in order to put off vacuuming. I'm sure you understand.

Edited, Feb 19th 2010 9:32am by teacake
#2 Feb 19 2010 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
I'm a bit of an altaholic, so this could turn into a rather long post. I still have a lot left to do on my priest (rep with certain factions and she hasn't completed all of the quests in Icecrown and Storm Peaks yet, not to mention the argent tournament), but I lack motivation and play alts instead a lot of the time.

My main is a shadow priest with holy for my off-spec (I try disc every now and then, but it never really meshes).

1. Druid (80) in resto, moonkin or feral flavour. I like moonkin, not sure if it's my gear but I seem to struggle a bit with dps and eclipse procs not coming at the right time (or at all if I leave my healing kit on), still haven't quite grasped the proper rotation in terms of keeping dots up which managing procs, so I think I'd say I prefer SP dps. Resto I much prefer over my priest for 5man healing, I like keeping hots up on people and the choice of emergency buttons (took a little getting used to not having CoH or PoH though), raid healing isn't so comfortable, but I think that's more to do with my unitframes not showing hots on the raid. When I finally get grid set up I think I will prefer resto healing to priest healing in raids too. Tanking I quite enjoy, though it's a bit more manic than healing or dpsing and someone was mean to me in a pug which has put me off for the time being. I'll probably get my enthusiasm for tanking back after a while and once I've sorted out better gear focused a bit more on threat gen rather than simply mitigation/health.
I think the main reason my druid is not my main is a) plenty of those in my guild and b) I just know Blizz is going to cripple them with the nerf bat or poor itemisation at some point and then I'd have to be a sad panda again.

2. Mage (80) I did enjoy playing mage for quite a while, but at the moment it has a not very interesting rotation and can't heal when needed. The only thing I like about mage is being able to make my own food and having useful cooldowns for increasing dps. Oh, and being a gnome.

3. Shaman (67) I have a real fear that when I finally hit 80 I'll be tempted to switch. Healing is simpler (and our shammies in raids can put out fantastic numbers), but I think I'd miss the hots/shields. Totems are rather funky and I think I'd probably like elemental dps (levelling is not the same as end-game though, so can't really make a judgement on that just yet).

Alts I have, but am not currently intending to play are a hunter, paladin and warlock (all over 60) I like them when I do play them for various reasons, but am not inspired at the moment. Hunter and lock fall down a little due to not being able to heal, paladin I've just never seen as a main class for me.

I've tried levelling a warrior, rogue and DK at various times, but for some reason I just can't get into melee classes. I prefer to stand back and attack things rather than get up close and personal. Plus, none of those have a healing option and whilst I don't want to do that all of the time I do quite enjoy having the option of healing in a group.
#3 Feb 19 2010 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
This is a topic I can get my arms around :P

I'm an Altoholic user, since I planned my own little guild worth of professions. I planned on having enough alts to have all of the professions maxed for easy money making. Now that I'm pretty much there, by bank guild is not doing poorly. I keep waiting for someone to complain about the 1000g bonuses I keep handing out while the WoW economy tanks :P

That said, I play my 80 feral druid regularly...getting her up to a 5300 gearscore as a tank. I built a decent healing set on her, as I used to pvp heal on her in BC and loved it (nothing better than kiting a rogue and a warrior halfway across the map to my dps to nuke them down, laughing the whole time). However, when I was gearing her to tank in random heroics, I was hating life because of the way dps just don't watch their threat...and don't care. Learning to tank has easily been the most frustrating thing I have done in this game. Even more frustrating thatn pvping w/ a bunch of PvE gear wearing noobs who stand around at the Blacksmith. :P

I also have an 80 warlock, which was my original main. I don't play her much anymore, partially because of boredom, and partially because melee dps ALWAYS destroy me on the meters. However, since you're also leveling a warlock...they are super easy to level. Go Afflction and just faceroll. Also, they can "kind of" heal themselves. Pull a mob and drain life, life tap and drain some more. Do a health funnel to get your pet up, and drain life until the mob dies. Boom! You and your pet are at full health.

On to my "profession" alts. I have an 80 mage, who has been relegated to JC/Engineering (uses the Dal AH) duty. I find mage dps very boring.

I have a 77 shammy who's job it is to mine, make glyphs for my mains, make vellums for my warlock's enchanting, and stand around at the IF AH to do most of my buying and selling. I like dpsing on the shammy, and someday may finish leveling him so I can try some enhance pvp (those wolves are just stupid fun). I might spec resto just to finish leveling in instances.

And then there's my "youngins". I have a 45 hunter that I'm bored with. A 43 rogue that I'm leveling just for pvp (rogues are stupid easy and nasty to boot). And a 29 pally that I just can't get excited about.

I think that's it.

Have a great day Tea :)

Edited, Feb 19th 2010 10:03am by margeux
#4 Feb 19 2010 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
I'm finishing up Northrend for Loremaster. After that I may focus again on playing an alt. Perhaps try to do some better dps with a druid as a Boomkin, or level my shaman.

My alts are under geared, and I'm not fond of being the vote-kick target in randoms. If I get serious about playing one, I'll try to get in on guild alt runs.
#5 Feb 19 2010 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
margeux wrote:
Have a great day Tea :)

You too!

I'm on the board with the idea of profession alts. I've got mining, herbalism, alchemy, JC, enchanting, and tailoring covered right now. I dropped inscription a while back and wouldn't mind a new scribe. Blacksmithing might be nice for weapons. Not real concerned about engineering (which is fun for the character it's on but not as useful for your other characters) or leatherworking.

Funny how so far everyone has multiple other healing classes. I guess with healing you're either all in or you don't bother. Smiley: smile
#6 Feb 19 2010 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I leveled up a druid and had a blast doing so. I am not into rp, but I found myself adopting rp-ish mindsets when I am in the different forms.

Once steathy kitty had the power to take on mobs head-on instead of being sneaky, I started to get a bit bored. Even though I didn't need to, I would stealth up to mobs just to keep "in-character".

Tree feels solid, wise and confident. Nothing could shake its leaves.

Big bear is a simpler sort. I can't help but to find myself falling into this type of mood while bear.

I still haven't tried moonkin, but as soon as I can get the gear for it, will give it a shot. I don't know what kind of character will evolve from it, but will see how it plays out.
#7 Feb 19 2010 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
From reading the replies... I play WoW too much..

My main, priest. He is in his off-spec shadow gear.

My rogue

My shaman Also has a full resto set.

My warrior, in his off-spec gear, Prot main spec is much better geared.

And my most recent 80 my hunter. Still trying to get the ring out of H:PoS... kind of tired of that instance.

I also have a level 33 mage that I level on the weekends. 5 80's 3 of which have full off-spec gear. I started getting my rogue a PvP set, to try and get back into it, but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. I already know that once I level the mage, if the expansion isn't out, I will be leveling a paladin next.
#8 Feb 19 2010 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Well, I used to play my rogue for PvP. Then rogue PvP turned sour when WOTLK hit and I was getting killed before I could even push Evasion, Vanish, Gouge, Trinket and Sprint all at the same time and I went ***** that'. So I made a Death Knight alt and leveled him up to 80 - he is currently my PvP character. I also have a 72 druid that I levelled together with a pall's main character when he entered the game.

Lately I've been lured in by Kalivha and her Dutch obsession and made another (this time Unholy) Death Knight and warrior on their server to play with the folks there.

As for differences...

Rogues used to suck in PvE, which is why I wanted to raid with a priest. This is nowadays probably less the case, but I still don't like the class for raids. The other way around, my priest is a pure PvE character and all PvP is now done on my Death Knight (who'se passive survivability = awesomeness). In regards to the druid, I dislike the way they heal (walking HP5 totem ftw), but I think they kick some major *** in PvP if played correctly - different forms give you SO much options. I just HATE building an interface for them due to the fact that they've got over 9000 different spells that I all need to fit onto action bars somehow. As for my warrior, I really dislike how gear and RNG dependant he is: if I go up to two or three mobs my own level then I might lose the battle simply because a lot of my attacks missed, whereas I might kill all three of them in 10 seconds if I get a lucky string of crits.
#9 Feb 20 2010 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
I have my hunter for my other char I just like seeing big numbers come up on the screen for him while not pulling hate same as my priest and big heals lol
#10 Feb 20 2010 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Level 80 Night Elf Hunter - Original main - Now sits on one of the towers of Karazhan in her pretty outfit guarding over the place where I gtook my first baby steps as a raider.

Level 80 Dwarven Death Knight - intended to be a PvP class but I never enjoyed doing more than leveling with him.

Level 80 Orc Hunter - Second Main - The character I've achieved the most with and my best geared character, although she barely moves anymore.

Level 80 Undead Priest - Also intended to be a PvP character that never really got to PvPing and is now also mostly inactive, although healing on her is an absolute blast. <3 disc.

Level 80 Troll Shaman - Actually my second character to hit levelcap, only back then he was a she and a goat.. also intended to be my healer while now he's an enhancement shaman and pretty cool to play when I actually get to doing anything on him.

Level 61 Tauren Druid - Current Main - The character I'm leveling with Kalivha (and since yesterday also Mozared) leveling as a feral tank and having a lot of fun doing so. I'll probably be tanking for any raiding we'll do with our guild once we get there which will be an all new and exciting thing.

Level 41 (or 42) Tauren Warrior - Intended to be a PvP character, and I'm leveling x5-x0 in battlegrounds but due to my druid he has taken a backseat at the moment.

And then a huge collection of alts ranging from level 10-30 that I'm not going to name because it would take me a few hours.
#11 Feb 20 2010 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Post your alts threads make me feel like i'm standing in front of an alcoholics anonymous group.

80 Paladin: Had a lot of fun defying conventions as a ret in burning crusade, and tanking makes me feel like a hero. Holy is very very dull. Our guild raids are on haitus so i play him 10 minutes a day to get frost emblems.

80 Warrior: Intended to be a pvp character, but the honor grind is just too horrendous so i'm putting that off til the big battleground changes in the next patch.

80 Priest: I actually did grind out the gear for this guy and did fairly well in season 7 playing rmp. Disc is pretty much the most fun healing spec in the game.

80 Rogue: After the initial painful 15 levels or so this character was a BLAST to play, and still is. Rogue pvp is just incredibly intricate and deep.

80 Warlock: Enchanting alt these days. Destro is a lot of fun just for the big chaos bolt numbers, though you feel very fragile with no pvp gear.

80 DK: I actually deleted him shortly after hitting 80, i think it was just too similar to ret paladin.

I think i actually like rolling new alts and playing with talent trees and reading elitist jerks more than i like playing the characters themselves. I basically level to 80, gear up and try out all the different tree, then jump immediately to an alt and start playing around with their mechanics. Probably gonna roll a hunter next....

edit: Rolled him up on Kazzak, Runswithfire Tauren hunter :D It's a high population realm, what's the ally/horde ratio like?

Edited, Feb 20th 2010 6:33pm by ArtemisEnteri
#12 Feb 20 2010 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
edit: Rolled him up on Kazzak, Runswithfire Tauren hunter :D It's a high population realm, what's the ally/horde ratio like?
You should've rolled a female orc hunter, for obvious reasons.
And the Horde/Alliance ratio is somewhere between 1.5/1 and 2/1.
#13 Feb 20 2010 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
I already have a hawt female orc on burning steppes. Which i might add is something like 6 horde: 1 alliance so i'm looking foward to some pee vee pee while leveling.

This is a very relaxing way to level.

Wait, it's more than just blood fury vs warstomp isn't it? There's bonus pet damage..... Resolve....wavering....

Edited, Feb 20th 2010 6:57pm by ArtemisEnteri
#14 Feb 20 2010 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
+5% petdamage is quite a bit at level 80.
It's also that blood fury is awesome, and that female orcs are HAWT!
#15 Feb 20 2010 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
If you want I can log in real quick and throw you a guild invite now, but I won't play since downloads are on on the other PC and I can't be bothered to get up.
#16 Feb 20 2010 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
I'm staring at the character screen at the moment. It usually takes me, no joke, 20 minutes to half an hour to think of a name i like. Orcgasm was taken/ not allowed. I'll grab a ginvite off you guys tomorrow. Woooo! Exciting!
#17 Feb 20 2010 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'm staring at the character screen at the moment. It usually takes me, no joke, 20 minutes to half an hour to think of a name i like. Orcgasm was taken/ not allowed.

Wait, you think for 20 minutes and come up with ORCGASM?!

#18 Feb 20 2010 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Smiley: lol

As for names, check wikipedia for a list of deities or something alike.
That and bandnames are great inspiration for characternames.
#19 Feb 20 2010 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
Do it like me: Faceroll your keyboard. How'd you think I came up with "Kalivha"?

(Æthien did the same to get his name. 'Tis true.)
#20 Feb 20 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Wait, you think for 20 minutes and come up with ORCGASM?!

I was kidding :P You ever get that mental block where you try really hard to think of something serious and nothing but filth enters your mind? Was the same with that tauren.

"Argh. What's a good native american kinda name. Swiftwind, Swift...arrow, swift something. Lol, how about BULLdozer, cause taurens are cows. haha. Or Milkshooter, get it?" And so on.

Called my orc Rohkan, i am online shooting scorpians! She is so CUTE, d'awwww
#21 Feb 20 2010 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Called my orc Rohkan, i am online shooting scorpians! She is so CUTE, d'awwww
Smiley: thumbsup
#22 Feb 20 2010 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
584 posts
I've only got two level 80's. A mage and a warrior. Then I've got the priest, level 65. I've probably had over 100 characters to never make it past level 40, so two 80's and a 65 is a fairly big achievement for me.

As for naming, I look at what I've been listening to/watching/reading. Warriors name is norse for Wolf-skin-clad-ones, in reference to berzerkers. The Mages name is because I was obsessed with The Joker at the time, the only way I could get the name was by adding the accents to the letters. The priests name is a medical(of sorts) name

Miasma:A poisonous vapor or mist believed to be made up of particles from decomposing material that could cause disease and could be identified by its foul smell.

And the name I chose for these forums,
Sgriob (Gaelic): the itchiness that comes upon the upper lip just before taking a sip of whisky

I'm 18 and i like Whisky, I'm going to have problems with alcohol in the future.
#23 Feb 21 2010 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Seeing how my current main (the priest) is only level 63 at the moment, I can only talk about characters I don't play anymore, really. I had a level 70 resto shaman to raid with when Kara was still progression content, then switched to my shadow priest after a short while, then stopped playing. All this was on someone else's account so I don't have those characters anymore and at least Miko (my very first priest!) got deleted. Miko was also holy all the way to level 69, at which point I respecced Shadow and loved it far too much.
About half a year later, I started playing again, leveled another priest and shaman (for the latter not entirely on my own) to 70 (this time as Elemental and Shadow). I stuck with Elemental on the shaman, went PvP-Disc on the priest and then quit again.
Then I briefly tried to level 6 characters evenly a few months ago, quit again because soloing everything was no fun, and then joined Aeth, and now have my 63 priest, 61 DK (haha) and far too many alts in the 10-25 range.

I'm finding low level characters much less fun lately, really. Healing on my druid with zero mp5, no shield and no AoE heals feels really uncomfortable. She also has no Penance but funnily enough that's the one thing I can get used to, I think.
Basically my priest had Spirit Tap and virtually never went out of mana by level 20, and all my current lowbie casters have serious mana issues in instances, which doesn't go well with the whole rushing mentality. For damage dealing casters, I can't even stack spirit because it'd affect their DPS.

I might try and learn tanking on my druid if this healing thing doesn't get better soon. I think I'm sort of decent on my DK even when half the time, I have no clue what's going on. But my priest is my main and I'm really focusing on her.

I might transfer my old shaman to Kazzak, actually, now that I have money. I just realised that I could do that a minute ago.
#24 Feb 22 2010 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I leveled that hunter from 10 - 17 in like 2 hours last night. Hunters are fun.
#25 Feb 22 2010 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
3,272 posts
Arex - 80 Druid, my "main" i guess you would say. First toon I ever rolled because of a previous MUD I played druids were OP and I always thought that should carry over. Did my first kara raid on this toon and went all the way from t4-t10 in raid with him.

Einziger - 80 Human Dk, my second character to hit 80. I made this toon for mostly farming and pvp. Well I don't farm on him or pvp on him I do more raids than anything else. He pretty much is gathering dust until I get the gusto to keep going on him.

Bowno - 73 Dwarf Hunter, made this hunter out of boredom and it was a blast until I got to 73 and lost interest, still gathering dust and rest until I level him to 80.

Hodarbalex - 71 Human Rogue, this was the rogue of the original owner of my account. I leveled him from 31 to 71 then he permanently became my banking toon.

Ciant - 60 Human Paladin, my twink pvp freak. I steam roll bgs with this beast.

Kairo - 29 Nelf Priest, another character I've twinked for the bracket. I've had fun with her as well.

I'm 18 and i like Whisky, I'm going to have problems with alcohol in the future.

I love whisky as well, don't worry it's never a problem.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2010 12:04pm by ArexLovesPie
#26 Feb 22 2010 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
129 posts
Altaholic here also.

alts I actually play with:

From my "alt guild" I have two bank alts and my own guild bank.

Tailoring, LW, Inscription, alchemy, BS, JC, enchanting as well as First Aid, herbs and mining. Each toon has a purpose and they work together. Like the enchanter disenchants everyone's stuff and provides infinite dust to the tailor.

(Not too much fishing...too boring).

one high level (77) herb guy (hunter) to park some place (right now swamp of sorrow for middle level herbs which go for 50+g a stack) and one high level (76 hunter) skinning mining that I park somewhere (howling forde for cobolt ore and Shoveltusk Flank and Borean leather -- I used to park him in the un'goro gorilla cave for rugged, thick and thorium). Hunters are great for this because your pet takes care of any pesky mobs that try to bother you while farming.

Priest (Main), lots of hunters, mage, warrior (I'm going to try tanking though I am sure I will suck).

On the horde side bank alt and priest (75 and climbing), though I just started leveling a druid.

So for fun -- tanking, more instances as dps (hunter or mage) and leveling the druid.

I'm thinking of having the druid do all of the instances one by one by level.
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