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ICC Chill and bearFollow

#1 Feb 14 2010 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Dear druids,
My baby bear is almost all grown up. She hit the heroic circuit and has had her successes and failures, but always kept her chin up. I am so proud of her. I have (hopefully) given her the proper upbringing that a druid needs but I am still a bit apprehensive at letting her stay out late. It's not that I don't trust her... it's her friends.

You see, they want her to go to the new hotspot in town and muck it up. Now I have given her plenty of advice and wrapped her in as much protection that I was able to afford on my measly priest income. (I know we drive nice cars, but srsly, we ain't rich.) The clothes she wears are fine when she is at the old school places, but this new place makes you strip at the door! I sent her out of the house suitably dressed and what happens? They force her to take some of it off! I have half a mind to go punch the bouncer right in the nose.

So what's a druid daddy supposed to do when his little girl has to expose 20% more of her best features to the naughty bosses in ICC? Her friends seem to think that she should just show more of herself and stack her health. I am not so sure...

A couple questions about the ICC -20% dodge...
-Does it make sense to stack stamina in regards to this debuff? It seems that since one of the druids' key defensive stats (dodge) is chopped, you may as well stress the other (Stam). But...
-Is the -20% calculated after DR? I am not sure if I am doing the math right, but let's say you have this trinket, Ick's Rotting Thumb. It's benefit to dodge could be greatly reduced if dodge is calculated and then 20% is chopped off the top. But if the debuff is a starting point, then DR won't affect the higher amounts of dodge nearly as much, making it a stronger stat...

If I seem overly redundant or am just repeating myself, please indulge a confused father's worry. I only wants what's best for my girl. (I catch any of youse gawking at her and we're taking it outside.)
#2 Feb 14 2010 at 7:13 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
It will be rough. Also dodge/stam is silly go agi/stam more overall benefit.

Upgrade more gear to 232/245. Get the 245 trinket, sexy armor and a nice bearvasion use effect. Keep all trinkets unless you have 3 identical ones, then you can drop the worst of them.

Mangle glyph? Get Growl or SI or both and some Maul ones as well to swap around. But Mangle is a terrible glyph unless you want to be a Mangle ***** and noone wants that.

Back, wrists and belt need an upgrade. Also get the 232 idol that procs Agi, it is better for bosses as agility does more than raw dodge and the difference in the dodge portion is minor, you just also get armor and crit.

Stam is always good, healers have infinite mana so being a sponge isn't an issue. Dodge is still strong but you need 50k health or more to go to the new club and get very far.

Edited, Feb 14th 2010 8:14pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Feb 14 2010 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Horse is refering to Idol of the Corruptor, the tier 8 i226 idol.

I'll second the 50k health buffed threshold. I've healed DK and Warrior tanks (on my shammy) that were sitting around 40k buffed in ICC 10. It wasn't pretty. We never got past Marrowgar because they took too much damage right after bonestorm was up before they could properly stack and have a healer in range. Of course, this was a pug, and it didn't help that everyone scattered to the 4 corners of the room and 3 healers couldn't cover everyone like that. Conversely, my druid could solo tank Marrowgar on 10-man. I have enough health to soak the melee damage and a full saber lash.
#4 Feb 15 2010 at 3:23 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I missed that idol when first looking for gear, figured that the higher level idols would be better. As far as the dodge gems that used to be there, all I can say is I must have been off my meds when I put them in. >.>

I did put a hit/stam gem in my helm for the bonus and because I am still shy of hitcap, but I am not looking forward to future choices where yellow slots have a good bonus. While I don't dismiss defense rating on gear if it is otherwise itemized well (parry whut?), I think gemming for defense would be wasteful. Any thoughts on that?

Oh and I do have the 245 badge trink. It really was when I picked up the Ick trink and was trying it out that I started thinking that it wasn't quite as good as I originally thought it was going to be.

(I don't know if that previous sentence made much any sense, but run with me here.)

As far as the new club, she did putter around and took out some of the trash (gogo rep-run!), but when we tried Marrowgar, it was apparent that she wasn't quite ready for it. She had about 46k health buffed (but only about 21% dodge after the debuff), but we couldn't consistently get through the transition, much like Astarin described. She'll get more gear, it just will take a little time.

It is great fun though, with many of my guildmates on their alts in different roles. The healers were tanking, the dps were healing and the tank was on his hunter, md'ing on to the rogue. =O Good times.
#5 Feb 15 2010 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Of course, this was a pug, and it didn't help that everyone scattered to the 4 corners of the room and 3 healers couldn't cover everyone like that.

I hate it when they do that. Bad enough to run to the other side of the room, but then to stand in the fire once you get there? Yay.

AstarintheDruid wrote:
Conversely, my druid could solo tank Marrowgar on 10-man.

I was wondering if other guilds were doing that. After our Warrior overslept and missed the raid we had our Pally solo-tank it. Worked surprisingly well... *shrugs*
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#6 Feb 15 2010 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
For bear gems you really only use 2, Agi/Stam and Stam. Maybe Agility if a shared with cat piece.

I share a weapon so use a JC Agi gem.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Feb 15 2010 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Is there really no room for improvising with the gems? I thought putting a hit/stam gem in this would be a smart tradeoff given that I am trading 245 health for .3% hit, .11% crit, .2% dodge and 19 armor... hrmm now that I put the numbers on paper, I see what you mean. That tradeoff doesn't really make sense when you are working on increasing your EH.

I'm guessing +275 health to chest would also be a better option than the +10 stats I have currently?

I really need to get out of my "strike a balance" mindset when gearing for tanking. =/

On a side note, this is the first time I have ever been raid tanking, and I must admit that it can be both fun (with gearing up) and mundane (actual fights seem less hectic than when I am healing- All the work goes into preparation, and execution can be boring if done properly.)
#8 Feb 15 2010 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
So what's a druid daddy supposed to do when his little girl has to expose 20% more of her best features


#9 Feb 15 2010 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Trylofer wrote:
Is there really no room for improvising with the gems? I thought putting a hit/stam gem in this would be a smart tradeoff given that I am trading 245 health for .3% hit, .11% crit, .2% dodge and 19 armor... hrmm now that I put the numbers on paper, I see what you mean. That tradeoff doesn't really make sense when you are working on increasing your EH.

I'm guessing +275 health to chest would also be a better option than the +10 stats I have currently?

I really need to get out of my "strike a balance" mindset when gearing for tanking. =/

On a side note, this is the first time I have ever been raid tanking, and I must admit that it can be both fun (with gearing up) and mundane (actual fights seem less hectic than when I am healing- All the work goes into preparation, and execution can be boring if done properly.)

+8 Agi is tempting, but hit isn't really important. I mean you can glyph for Growl these days on taunt sensitive fights. Id you are dead set on the socket def/stam would give more benefit IMO.

+10 stats to chests for a bear is still the way to go. You get 22x health after all scalars and kings, plus agility to boost armor/dodge and strength for AP.

The balancing act is done when picking upgrades and matching old gear with new gear. Saving strong pieces that are a tier or so back is a good idea as it may have they hit/expertise you want when you get a new bear piece that cripples one of those stats. I usually send old bear gear to the cat set and maybe keep a piece or 3 in the bank that didn't fit on the cat set but could easily join a gear set up again.

And yes many raid tanking fights are rather dull, especially when every one else does there job. New fights are exciting though but ya tanking is more about being prepared that many other roles.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#10 Feb 16 2010 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I read this thread's title as "I see chili and beer"

It lived up to my expectations, although in a different way.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Feb 16 2010 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good
I've only got 53k and I tank fine in ICC 10 and 25, not even remote risk of death unless we lose multiple healers...but I fear I'm going to have to do a lot of regemming to full 30 stam everywhere to beat Lich King, what with that nasty Soul Reaper skill he has.

Trying to get Putricide to put out an Unidentifiable Organ for me in 10s but he's not being very forthcoming. Still got a few tier pieces yet to buy (badges can't come fast enough!) and we haven't managed to down Sindragosa yet, so I'm not worried right this minute, but it's going to become a concern sooner than later.
#12 Feb 17 2010 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
This is basically the boat I'm in now.

Per Rawr, I've been mainly gemming stam for ICC, going "sponge" to counter the -20% dodge.

However, I have a couple guildies (whom I reasonably respect) that are gemming/leaning towards a heavy mix of agi, agi/stam gems in order to focus on improving dodge (to ~30% after debuff they say).

While their choice seems logical in a way, I can't seem to reconcile stacking agi, agi/stam with Rawr's suggestion of heavy stamina. I'm guessing that since we've only been doing upto Putricide so far that either method has it's merits, till the fights get harder. (right?)
#13 Feb 17 2010 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
Dodge isn't any more (or less, relatively speaking) important now than it was before. You want to be breaching 50k to tank comfortably. I hit 52k in 10 man, 56k in 25. I've just done a bit of regemming to get rid of some green gems that I must have put in while asleep or something and that'll boost it up a bit more I'm sure.

If you haven't seen LK's abilities, they kind of expect tanks to have a healthy amount more than 50k by the time you face him. He does a 50k hit on a semi regular basis and from what I've seen in videos his melee swings are hitting for 15k on top of that. So gemming straight agi is probably a bad idea. If they're getting that idea from Rawr, tell them they need to a) check Chill of the Throne in debuffs, and b) increase their survival softcap and raw boss damage values. Progressive content will always demand more stamina from tanks, not more avoidance.

30% after chill isn't too terribly hard to reach though, just natural agility increases on gear and dodge rating will get you close. I have 44% pre chill and no buffs.

Edited, Feb 17th 2010 4:09pm by Norellicus
#14 Feb 17 2010 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I've been gemming Shifting in red sockets and most blue ones, with Stam gems going in all yellow ones. Agility JC in weapon as it is shared with cat gear set. Definitely need to break that 50k mark but avoidance/mitigation are still strong.

I still don't use stam trinkets, well Black Heart but that is more for the proc than the stam. The other one is pure armor and a dodge on use, I could go stam trinkets and really inflate my HPs but I prefer a balanced approach, especially after meeting the survival threshold.

Also I like using commas, they make sentences more fun.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#15 Feb 18 2010 at 1:57 AM Rating: Good
245 posts
Silly question, but if the yellow socket is good, could you just gem a nightmare tear? +10 all stats? Or would the 5 stamina you would miss gemming defense / stamina be that huge?
#16 Feb 18 2010 at 4:47 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
mundaneboy wrote:
Silly question, but if the yellow socket is good, could you just gem a nightmare tear? +10 all stats? Or would the 5 stamina you would miss gemming defense / stamina be that huge?

Would have to be an insanely sexy bonus and even then 10 Str is only worth ~45Ap with kings, SotF and IMotW while you would be missing extra agi or stam which do more for a bear. Via stam scalars and agility adding to more things than strength.

Something like this could make it worth it but the pieces where it is appropriate are few and far between.

Honestly, I would put a tear in that yellow. But that is an exceptional piece of gear, most pieces don't cut the mustard.

edit: In general yellow sockets are a bears enemy.

Edited, Feb 18th 2010 5:48am by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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