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Issues with Festergut DPSFollow

#1 Feb 11 2010 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
OK, thanks to a couple morons that can't manage the debuff, my guild is still headbutting Festergut. A large part of the problem otherwise, though, is that even if we did it right, we'd be headbutting the enrage timer.

I ALWAYS hear about how easy the fight is for DPS (especially ranged) and how people pull huge ridiculous numbers out of their ***.

On Saurfang, BEFORE TWO UPGRADES, I was cranking around 6200 DPS, while kiting.
On Festergut, I can't pass 4400. I'm not having the BEST luck, only around a 60% crit rate for my frostbolt, but nothing's working.

I even went as far as to try going Arcane for the fight, but with 4xAB->AM I'm only cranking 4300. I even tried going 5-6xAB->AM, and only matched Frost's DPS. I'm properly glyphed and specced.

I do my normal rotation, if I have to move in to melee or over to the center ranged for spores, I bomb a Brain Freeze FB or an Abarr. I'm fully buffed and flasked, just as I was the other night on Saurfang. I even went as far as to equip my old gear, but that just saw me drop below 4200 on Frost.
Puddles isn't dying, my images aren't dying MUCH faster than normal. Does anyone have any clue what the hell I'm doing wrong?
#2 Feb 11 2010 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
One of the things I've noticed new people have a problem with is proper spacing. If someone is too close to you (as mages, we are obviously in the right place all the time!), you can get hit extra times by that vomit thing that keeps you from doing anything for a few seconds. The range should be spaced out on the circle around him.

I generally stay way the hell away from any one (I think it's range 6, technically) and blink to where I need to go, then run back. You have a little time, and blinking there lets me finish whatever cast I'm working on. In 10 man: 1 meet up location for ranged, 1 for melee, in 25 man: 2 meet up locations for ranged, 1 for melee.

Another pro-tip discussed here (probably Anobix's idea) was to Iceblock out of the first vomit that you get (some will, sadly, target you). If you're human or undead you can also use your racial to get out of it again (at least, I think undead can do it too). You're frost so you can at least get a second vomit cleared from a second Iceblock, that should help!

Bottom line: minimize time spent moving, but don't let any vomiting bastards get close to you, use whatever you can to clear the vomit asap.
#3 Feb 11 2010 at 5:14 PM Rating: Excellent
153 posts

As arcane another thing that can help is speccing 3 points into arcane stability as there is a lot of pushback that fight.
Three points in stability plus a paladin's improved concentration aura will eliminate missile/Blast pushback. Personally because of the amount of hit I have from gear I go 1-1-3 across the first tier of arcane.
#4 Feb 11 2010 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
Wow jay no idea how you can only pull a little over 4k. I generally hit around 7-8k on the fight depending on luck. Our lowest dps is over 5. Minimizing movement and proper timing of cooldowns is key. Iceblocking off the first vomit is nice. We also always have 2 ranged as stand-still people that the spores collapse on with 3-4 spread around them (we have enough ranged to have the healers and 1 or 2 ranged in melée range as well). We bring 5-6 healers as an extra note.
#5 Feb 11 2010 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about Anobix. It's almost as if some GM was ******* with my head.
First to note, this is 10 man, we don't raid 25s.

I do use Every Man first, then Iceblock which I immediately click off for the second (vomits). I'm VERY good about getting out of CCs despite my hatred of PvP.

We never have more than one person being hit by Vomit, and we have one person (Holy Pally) as a designated standstill. Strategically, we have this fight down (not that it's a tough strategy). I just don't know.
Our combat rogue, who normally does 10K+ on Saurfang, was only doing 5K. Is there some stupid little thing like a place to tank him or something like that that gets rid of some buff on him or something?

It's very frustrating.
#6 Feb 12 2010 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I can see why your DpS is low, because ranged need to move so much...

But why is your Rogue dropping so low? He almost never needs to move.

And you need an average DpS of over 4.7K to beat the Enrage Timer, apparently.

And what exactly is the problem with the idiots and the debuff? Are we talking about the Tanks, vomiting, or the shadow resist one?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#7 Feb 12 2010 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
We have him on farm finally and are now wiping on Rotface. We are also 10-man. I'm the only mage in the group. We put a mark on my head and everyone collapses on me when a spore is up. I don't have to move at all. We use the /range and set it to 8 to make sure nobody is to close. Not sure about the rouge. He shouldn't really have to move unless two ppl in melee get the spore and he has to run out to range, but even that shouldn't cause as big a drop in DPS as you are describing.
#8 Feb 12 2010 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
It's not just our posterboy rogue, it's the whole raid (Except the tanks, obviously).
We have a ret that nuts right up there with the rogue, doing 5K, a Mut doing only 4800, and a boomkin doing only 4500 who normally does closer to 6K. This is mostly a target dummy, this makes ZERO sense. We're going to butt our heads against him AGAIN on Monday, hopefully our VooDoo jynx is up.

This was a gate, because we one shotted everything else but Marrowgar, which is a first for us.
#9 Feb 12 2010 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
You'll get it.

In most raid groups, DPS is just lower on new fights as people forget timely use of cooldowns, panic when something new happens, worry about what other people are doing... It's funny looking through the meters at "farm" fights and "new" fights. In my group even people who keep their DPS up on new fights end up with much less active time than they should and a low overall damage done. I'm definitely not in that group. I can see directly how well I know a fight by my DPS, I just have to laugh when I see that sub 5k DPS, I know I've got something distracting me.

Have you tried Rotface yet? That guy is really going to give your raid fits. I think he's the hardest boss in that wing. Great audio on that fight though!
#10 Feb 12 2010 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
That is specifically why I've been trying to avoid Rotface. The guild keeps pestering to try him, though, so I guess I may have to just pucker it up and eat the repair bills.

We do decent on Council, get 'em down to around half before our ****** warlock buckles under the pressure of tanking (building a PvP set on my Mage). Dreamwalker our best attempt was 83%, which we were still impressed with. This was with only 3 healers, we're going in four hot the next time.
#11 Feb 12 2010 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
I really don't think rotface is that bad, professor (imo) is harder for a group of people than rotface.

Here's the strat for rotface:

have the OT run around in circles kiting big oozes along the outside while watching for them to explode.

Everyone else is in a circle around rotface in the center of the room, moving out of the way when he starts casting slime spray but not stacking up to avoid people all needing to move.

If you get targeted with injection (derp mark on your head and a warning) you run out IN FRONT OF the OT and call to be cleansed (I would hope you have someone in the raid that can cleanse...) once your little ooze mixes with another small/big ooze you run back to raid and continue.

When a big ooze is going to explode wait until it is done casting (or just about done and actually exploding) have everyone run away from the center and then go back in after the crap hits the floor.

Oh, and avoid standing in the slime that is randomly placed on the outside when running out there with injection.

The fight is an execution fight with a bit of DPS race involved but nothing too strict.
#12 Feb 13 2010 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
266 posts
We are having problems with people heading the wrong way when they get the mutated infection. Also, for some reason our DK Tank keeps dying. He is saying he can't kite the big ooze around the big slime pools effectively without letting it get to close.
#13 Feb 16 2010 at 3:15 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
mgjr wrote:
We are having problems with people heading the wrong way when they get the mutated infection. Also, for some reason our DK Tank keeps dying. He is saying he can't kite the big ooze around the big slime pools effectively without letting it get to close.

Sounds like he is dying because he lets it go too close......what class is your MT? We have that fight near to perfection (well as near as the fight allows when it gets a little crazy) and found that a pally is the best tank for the kiting or at least that is in our experience. If you stick with the DK doing the kiting then he needs to taunt (whenever threat becomes a bit of an issue because he shouldn't be getting so close to do anything else to get a good threat lead) and then use icy touch or any other ranged attacks that that he can use.

One thing that someone said is that mirror images can cause issues on rotface because of the slimes going on them, is this still the case or is it bad info?

jaysgsl wrote:
Does anyone have any clue what the hell I'm doing wrong?

Sounds like bad luck and as someone else said just panic stations for people when something new did you get on when you went back in to try and down him?
#14 Feb 16 2010 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
We decided to beat our heads on Dreamwalker this time. Got her to 90%, I'm actually happy with that, since one of our healers was my (primarily) protection Pally with Naxxish gear.
#15 Feb 16 2010 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
KevMc wrote:
mgjr wrote:
We are having problems with people heading the wrong way when they get the mutated infection. Also, for some reason our DK Tank keeps dying. He is saying he can't kite the big ooze around the big slime pools effectively without letting it get to close.

Sounds like he is dying because he lets it go too close......what class is your MT? We have that fight near to perfection (well as near as the fight allows when it gets a little crazy) and found that a pally is the best tank for the kiting or at least that is in our experience. If you stick with the DK doing the kiting then he needs to taunt (whenever threat becomes a bit of an issue because he shouldn't be getting so close to do anything else to get a good threat lead) and then use icy touch or any other ranged attacks that that he can use.

One thing that someone said is that mirror images can cause issues on rotface because of the slimes going on them, is this still the case or is it bad info?

jaysgsl wrote:
Does anyone have any clue what the hell I'm doing wrong?

Sounds like bad luck and as someone else said just panic stations for people when something new did you get on when you went back in to try and down him?

the mirror images is absolutely true, I am very leary to pop MI in that fight because it bugs out the little ooze for their duration.
#16 Feb 18 2010 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
mgjr wrote:
We are having problems with people heading the wrong way when they get the mutated infection. Also, for some reason our DK Tank keeps dying. He is saying he can't kite the big ooze around the big slime pools effectively without letting it get to close.

He shouldn't be kiting around them, he should be kiting through them. AMS through it and get a Hand of Freedom rotation set up by your Paladins. It slows the ooze down too, it's to your benefit to pull through it.
#17 Feb 18 2010 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
mgjr wrote:
We are having problems with people heading the wrong way when they get the mutated infection. Also, for some reason our DK Tank keeps dying. He is saying he can't kite the big ooze around the big slime pools effectively without letting it get to close.

He shouldn't be kiting around them, he should be kiting through them. AMS through it and get a Hand of Freedom rotation set up by your Paladins. It slows the ooze down too, it's to your benefit to pull through it.

Yep, just let the healers know.
#18 Feb 18 2010 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't had any problems with the MI so far (I have 4pc, so I use it liberally now). Does it just bug when you have them up and get targetted w/ a slime/mutation?

Anyway, I've found Rotface pretty easy and fun. We can sometimes wipe if the slimes aren't taken out to the OT properly, but I just stand at his toes, then go behind if he's going to spray me. Of course my dps drops if I get chased, because it's sometimes hard to merge the slimes, but mostly it's pretty straight forward. DBM warns you when to move out. One thing our guild has had to do is to call out where to run not long before (n, e, w, s), so we all run the same way, but it's pretty easy now. We just run the same way the tank/Rotface is running.

Festergut is a lot easier now that we have a perfect position setup. They let us mages go into range one week, which was glorious, but new RL now, and he doesn't allow it. Our positioning is like this, though:

groups 3 and 4 stand out, and have this same formation, one on the left side, one on the right, all at 10 yards apart until collapse:

(in front of middle ranged)ranged1 -------------ranged2

(this one stands still)-----------------ranged

(behind middle ranged) ranged4 -------------ranged5

Sometimes someone has to run out from melee or run into melee, but this formation gives us a particular place to go each collapse/separate, so it's pretty predictable, and we can still do decent damage, even though there's movement, because the movement has been minimized. Here is our parse from this week: I've done better, but I've done worse too.

Edited, Feb 18th 2010 7:10pm by Trilliandent

Edited, Feb 18th 2010 7:10pm by Trilliandent
#19 Feb 19 2010 at 12:06 AM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
We do the same thing as far as 2 people that are collapse points. We then form a circle around the collapse points.
If you are only getting one pungeant blight, you can also stop collapsing for spores after the first 3 spores are out.
If you do this though and 2 spores pop in the same group one of them needs to move out so they dont put double DOTs up on the people around them. I also like putting 3 points in pushback resist because that with concentration aura eliminates the pushback from the gas dot. Logs for this weeks Festergut.
#20 Feb 19 2010 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
Trilliandent wrote:
I haven't had any problems with the MI so far (I have 4pc, so I use it liberally now). Does it just bug when you have them up and get targetted w/ a slime/mutation?

Yep, instead of following you the ooze just sits in the middle or wherever you popped your MI.
#21 Feb 19 2010 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Ahhh, thanks, Anobix. Hope they fix it soon. Otherwise, I can see myself explaining myself and that's never good. :)


If you are only getting one pungeant blight, you can also stop collapsing for spores after the first 3 spores are out.

But you take more damage, if I understand it correctly, if you have less innocculations, and healers donut likes it.
#22 Feb 19 2010 at 5:07 PM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
Our healers never complained about it and we have some really picky healers. Gaseous blight does less damage after each inhale until it resets with pungeant blight, so you have 3 spores, pungeant blight while innoculated, then back to a new cycle. The first blight hits for around 4k in 25 man, then you get a spore but he also does inhale. The next gaseous blight hits for around 3k without a spore, and the third one hits for around 1500 without a spore. Its not much raid damage but it is a large dps increase without anyone collapsing. I havent ran the numbers but i think not getting the dot from the spore on the whole raid would offset the little bit more damage taken from gaseous. Of course this only works if you are guaranteed a kill with only one pungeant, and if you get more than one spore in the melee they need to get out of the group so they do not cause damage from multiple spores on the same people.

P.S. Lich King 25 is a hectic mess in phase 2.

Edited, Feb 19th 2010 6:08pm by Toxicityoh
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