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#27 Feb 01 2010 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Your interface looks as if it's a soup someone stirred in, Tremor =P. Also, protip: if you're not sure whether you want to hide or show a bar, make it fade and show on mouse-over.
#28 Feb 01 2010 at 10:22 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
I started a priest - my UI is fugly, but I am OCD about putting all my abilities, etc. on the actionbar. I also found it easier to look down from my character to the minimap, so use Chinchilla. I am playing with the idea of taking everything I don't use frequently off the actionbars and just using two rows, but every time I try I find it hard to take them off, "just in case" I may need to use it after I remove it.

I absolutely live in fear of taking something off my toolbar because it's useless only to find myself in a situation where I need it and people are all "lolnoob" when I fail to cast it. Like Moz, I hide these buttons, usually on the Control key toolbar. There is almost nothing important on the Control key toolbar. Food, mounts, Greater Heal. All that useless crap.
#29 Feb 02 2010 at 2:43 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for the feedback - never thought to use bar fading. As for the soup, yeah, I guess it does- but I kept the default party frames (I use XPerl, so you get them all together in a big block on the left side). Whenever I try to move party frames around I either don't like how it looks, or I lose efficiency when in a group and try to click-target someone.

The bars are (from bottom left to top left) 1-12, Alt 1-12, Shift 1-12. Then you get the bottom-centred minimap, and on the right (again, from bottom row to top row) Alt-Shift 1-12 and Ctrl-Shift 1-12. Basically, the spells I use most often are on the bottom left, then the next most are one row up, etc. The least used spells are on the right side, and the top right row is un-numbered, so I just click them when needed.

I keep my buff bar and quest objectives on the right side so that they don't impede my vision while I'm in combat- although I am toying with the idea of removing the buff bar. Omen only ususally comes out in combat - I pulled it out for display purposes. Recount only gets opened when I want to see it or someone asks for it- otherwise it stays tucked away on my Fubar panel.

I think I may throw my experience bar back down to the bottom of the screen, but was (ironically) worried about making it too cluttered down there! Smiley: grin
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#30 Feb 02 2010 at 6:18 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
The bars are (from bottom left to top left) 1-12, Alt 1-12, Shift 1-12. Then you get the bottom-centred minimap, and on the right (again, from bottom row to top row) Alt-Shift 1-12 and Ctrl-Shift 1-12.

What's your bar mod? If you're using Dominos, you can page the bars so 1-12 shows all the time, then when you press Shift it changes to S1-S12, etc. Only one bar showing but you get to have all your abilities on buttons/keys. I'm sure other bar mods do this too. (And that you probably knew this already.)
#31 Feb 02 2010 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
Thanks for the feedback - never thought to use bar fading. As for the soup, yeah, I guess it does- but I kept the default party frames (I use XPerl, so you get them all together in a big block on the left side). Whenever I try to move party frames around I either don't like how it looks, or I lose efficiency when in a group and try to click-target someone.
Go to ElitistJerk's UI forum and rad throuh the last couple pages of the show your UI thread, you're almost guaranteed to find a setup you like that is also efficient.

The bars are (from bottom left to top left) 1-12, Alt 1-12, Shift 1-12. Then you get the bottom-centred minimap, and on the right (again, from bottom row to top row) Alt-Shift 1-12 and Ctrl-Shift 1-12.
Don't use buttons beyond 4-6 because those are out of range of your fingers and thus take a delay in using which can mean tank death.
1-5, `(button left of 1), q, e, r, f, z, x, c +ctrl, alt and shift modifiers give you 52 keybinds, that should cover just about anything. (you can also bind something to W and possibly A, S and D too depending on how you move your character)
#32 Feb 02 2010 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
Ok i updated it now what do you think of my ui now?

going to take the buff off the target frames as well but wanted to test how i would heal in a hc.
#33 Feb 02 2010 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
Bar mod's actually Bartender4 - and rate up for the excellent feedback!

Aethien, I will try changing the keybindings- but I am inwardly cringing at the idea of having to retrain my fingers to the new binds. I use WASD for movement, but turn with my mouse more than using S or D. I tend to use those when I'm doing a long autorun and tap s or d for minor course corrections. Q and E are still bound to left and right strafe. I'm only 35, but I have had a certain keyboard setup for 10 years... so it'll take a little getting used to.

And Teacake, I didn't even think of using a modifier for visibility of the actionbars - if I wasn't already married to a wonderful woman I'd kiss you for that. I tried to find a "mouseover" option in the Bartender settings, but it didn't seem to have that. I'll have to check the settings when I get home, or switch to a different bar mod.

Also, will be downloading Align at my earliest convenience to make things a little more... uniform. Smiley: boozing
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#34 Feb 02 2010 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
And Teacake, I didn't even think of using a modifier for visibility of the actionbars - if I wasn't already married to a wonderful woman I'd kiss you for that.

Awww, that would be so flattering, if it weren't for that whole "Flatulent" thing. Smiley: laugh
#35 Feb 02 2010 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Well since everyone is posting their UI, I might as well get feedback on mine.

25-man raid, out of combat
25-man raid, in combat

This was actually taken a while back, but nothing has really changed as far as my UI is concerned. The only thing on the in combat pic is missing is that underneath of recount in the black empty space is where omen is, it isn't showing because I am not targeting anything at the time of the picture.

Only thing I really want to move, just haven't gotten around to, is the 2nd DBM bar(when the counter reaches 0), if there is more than 3 DBM bars, they cover up part of my tellmewhen bars and my needtoknow icons on my other toons, just haven't decided where to put them yet to be honest.

Edit: oh yeah I know there are a lot of empty action bars underneath of my rep/xp bar, but I originally had them full of daily quest items from tournament and oracles quests, I only recently removed them since I don't do those quests anymore, and now I realize there is a lot of room to work with in that area, I may think about moving recount there.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2010 4:32pm by SynnTastic
#36 Feb 02 2010 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
Awww, that would be so flattering, if it weren't for that whole "Flatulent" thing. Smiley: laugh

If you ever heard me when I'm in a verbose mood (it happens from time to time when I get nostalgic), you'd know why I feel that's the most appropriate title for me- it has little to do with posterior emanations! Smiley: laugh
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#37 Feb 02 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Good
SynnTastic wrote:
Well since everyone is posting their UI, I might as well get feedback on mine.

25-man raid, out of combat
25-man raid, in combat

Am I seeing things or do you have Grid and some other raid frames?
Or is that something else?

These screenies are really small so some things aren't clearly visible.

You might want to change your bar textures and colours to match because they aren't.

But I think you did a fairly decent job with saving space and putting stuff where it's visible.


On a side note, I'm kind of busy with coursework at the moment (nearly finished Eng Lang and Aeth proofread it) so I'm not doing much UI fiddling. I got CooldownTimers now, it's cooldown bars, I've set mine to empty texture so it's just the icon, timer text and a spark. I like it. I might also change my buff bars to the same texture.

The whole raid frame project will have to wait some, I guess. I have a one week holiday coming up so I might start it then; I still have to do a 2000 word report in Biology where I'm not even sure on the topic yet till March I think, and then in 2 months I'm probably going to visit Æth to find some way for me to more than pass my Dutch exam in the summer. Shortly after that I have to go to Germany, and then I have exams. No real free time till the summer holiday. And somewhere in between I should probably find a job.

And argh, I still need to submit my Eng Lang coursework. Will e-mail it now, I guess.
#38 Feb 02 2010 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
yeah I have the xperl raid frames in the bottom and grid on the right.

The main reason for that is so I can click target raid members to mark tanks, healers, and anyone else that needs marking for various fights. I can't click target them on grid because all of my mouse buttons are used for all the healing spells.

A side reason, which has happened on occasion is that people have an occasional tendency to stay afk during a raid, and I had originally set up grid to fade out AFK raid members. Got tired of asking people to turn off AFK, so I set it to show on the xperl raid groups. Then I said what the hell, and just decided to show the ready checks on there as well instead of on grid.
#39 Feb 02 2010 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
How many heals do you have bound with Clique?

I mainly just use it for dispelling for now (***** mouse, mainly), but you could look into getting a better (read:more buttons) mouse and making use of as many modifiers as possible.

That being said, if and when I get around to doing my own raid frames, I will try and implement more indicators than the normal grid has for various stuff, that still wouldn't fix your click-targetting issue though, right?
If it's mainly just for indicating more things, set up priorities. I realise that it's a bit different on level 80, but right now I have one corner indicator for PW:Fort/PoFort and PW:S, one for Divine Spirit/Prayer of Spirit and Renew, one for Weakened Soul and one for aggro. The borders are for debuffs and OOM. It's a good setup for level 51 but I would like to be able to track stuff like PoM additionally. I believe there is a Grid plugin that adds four more indicators. AFK could be placed over the aggro one with a different (I'd suggest higher) priority.
#40 Feb 02 2010 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
With additional addons, Grid can show an extra 3 indicator dots in each corner, an icon on each side, and/or a text string on each side. By default the sideicons and sidetext sit on top of each other; I'm not sure whether it's possible to offset them or not. Additionally, there's the mana bar addon which you might or might not actually use to show mana.

ATM I show PW:S and WS on separate dots in the upper left, Renew and PoM on separate dots in the upper right, dispellable debufs of two types on dots in the lower right and not using the lower left yet. The frame turns yellow on aggro. I've got the mana bars on although I'm the only one I actually care about, and I have the party role icon (I run only LFD groups so far) on the left side icon.

I think Pitbull 4 is probably much more flexible but facing its setup screens makes me feel like I'm trying to swim across the English Channel so I haven't made much progress in customizing it.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2010 9:18pm by Tavila
#41 Feb 02 2010 at 9:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Kalivha wrote:
How many heals do you have bound with Clique?

PW:S, Renew (left button); Penance, Flash Heal (right button); PoM, Prayer of Healing (button 4); Dispel, Abolish Disease (button 5). I think I have Binding Heal on there somewhere too, but since I don't remember I obviously don't use it with Clique much.

As a general rule I use key presses to heal self, target, and ToT, but Clique for quickly hitting anyone else's frames.
#42 Feb 02 2010 at 10:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
teacake wrote:
Kalivha wrote:
How many heals do you have bound with Clique?

PW:S, Renew (left button); Penance, Flash Heal (right button); PoM, Prayer of Healing (button 4); Dispel, Abolish Disease (button 5). I think I have Binding Heal on there somewhere too, but since I don't remember I obviously don't use it with Clique much.

As a general rule I use key presses to heal self, target, and ToT, but Clique for quickly hitting anyone else's frames.

For healing:
Left Click = Flash Heal, +Shift = Renew, +ctrl = guardian spirit
Right Click = Greater Heal, + shift = Gift of the Naaru, +ctrl = Circle of Healing
Left Side Button = Binding Heal, +shift = PW:S
Right Side Button = PoM
Middle Button = Prayer of Healing, +shift = Ressurection

For damage(while holy):
Left Click = smite, +shift = mind sear
Right Click = Holy Fire, +shift = SW:D
Left Side Button = Mind Blast, +sh*t = wand, +ctrl = Shackle undead
Right Side Button = SW:P, +shift = DP
Middle Button= Shadow fiend


Figured I would add how my grid is set up.
Top left corner = Aggro
Top side = weakened soul
Top right corner = my renew
Right side = poisons and curses(the stuff I can't cure, so I can expect them to be taking damage)
Botton right corner = other renews and druid hots
Bottom side = incoming heals(basically anyone using a casted heal), and incoming rez
Bottom left corner = mortal strikes debuff(small fast heals are better than large slow heals when they only receive half the healing)
Left side = ressurected(shows who has already had rez cast on them)
Border = PW:S
center icon is usually left for any type of boss debuffs(incinerate flesh and the type)
Center Text = characters name
Center Text 2 = dead or feign death
And it fades out if they are over 40 yards away

Edited, Feb 2nd 2010 11:25pm by SynnTastic
#43 Feb 03 2010 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
Tavila, what do you use to display the extra indicators? :)
#44 Feb 03 2010 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Kalivha wrote:
Tavila, what do you use to display the extra indicators? :)

Grid Indicator Corner Plus

Takes up too much space within my grid frame for my tastes.

Edit: I can't look them all up, but there is also

Grid side indicators(puts squares on the sides and top)
Grid side icons(allows you to put icons on the sides instead of little squares)

There are a whole slew of grid adds, the easiest way to look through the majority of them is to(if you use the curse client) simply search grid. Then browse through them, try out the ones you think would be good and keep those you like. Gridstatusmending is a great one to have. It tracks where your PoM bounces to, how many bounces it has left and how long it has before it fades off the player.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2010 8:55am by SynnTastic
#45 Feb 03 2010 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
What SynnTastic said :)

I'm using


I do have my grid boxes larger than the norm because I'm not raiding, but even so I still have room for party and party pets. I doubt I'll leave pets up, however. I'll also probably get rid of the mana bars because it tends to make me have even more tunnel vision on Grid - I'd be well served by using IceHUD or something to encourage me to look at the center of the screen more.

The one thing I haven't found a way to do in Grid is show how much time is left on Weakened Soul. It would be nice to know to help decide whether to throw another FH or Renew or just wait a couple of seconds and do a new PW:S
#46 Feb 03 2010 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
I use Satrina Buff Frames to display a fairly large Weakened Soul bar for my focus, i.e. the (main) tank. It isn't all that pretty but it does the job, at least for the most important target.

Also, I did get GridIndicatorSideIcons but haven't set it up yet. I really want my Pain Suppression and possibly Power Infusion displayed in Grid, as well, so that's good now.

And for teacake, DoTimer has finally been updated, or picked up by someone else! I haven't had the time to look at the settings yet, but it definitely is working, and the default settings annoyed the crap out of me in BRD today.
#47 Feb 04 2010 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
For a Weakened Soul timer for Grid, you would have to use either an icon (big enough to show the spiral) or add the debuff and assign it on the frame to a location that includes timer texts. I haven't tried it yet, but will give it a shot tonight and make a screenie.
#48 Feb 05 2010 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Couldn't get Grid to display a counter for Weakened Soul, it would need a plugin like the PoM timer to monitor the debuff. The best I could do was add an icon so you could see the spiral for the debuff.

..and my full ui now.
#49 Feb 05 2010 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
I think DoTimer should be able to do that, actually. It has bars though, and it wouldn't be in your Grid.
#50 Feb 05 2010 at 12:20 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
You can set DoTimer to show icons only.
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