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Needed addons?Follow

#1 Jan 30 2010 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
First of all I would like to thank those who posted in my last thread and helped me set up a good Disc talant spec for raiding. Now that I have found a good raiding guild and soon will be in ICC 10 I have another question for all those helpful priest on this board. As a tank healer are there any must have addons to help with healing the tanks?

On a side note what type of trinkets should I be getting. By that I mean haste trinkets, spell power trinkets, Mp5 trinkets, or other things like that.

#2 Jan 30 2010 at 7:35 PM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
First of all I would like to thank those who posted in my last thread and helped me set up a good Disc talant spec for raiding. Now that I have found a good raiding guild and soon will be in ICC 10 I have another question for all those helpful priest on this board. As a tank healer are there any must have addons to help with healing the tanks?


Pretty much mandatory are:

A) An encounter warning mod.
The most famous addons in this category are BigWigs and DeadlyBossMods. What these mods do is add literally TONS of warnings for all boss fights in the game. They warn you when you're standing in a spot you're not supposed to be. They warn you when the tank is going to get a burst. They warn you when you need to stop DPSing. These mods are so effective in improving your raid awareness that it's become almost impossible to play without them. If you'd really want to, you probably could, but you'd just making it hard on yourself.

B) An addon replacing your unit frames. The most famous ones here are Pitbull4, Grid, X-Perl and Vuhdoo. Healbot is also an option, but is by most healers looked down upon for use in raids because it lacks a ******** of options all other addons do have (making the frame of a raid member with a specific debuff highlight, for example). For other roles this isn't mandatory, but as a healer your primary role will be to keep track of the health of all other players in your raid - the standard Blizzard interface simply doesn't give you enough utility for this.

Recommended are:

A) An action bar mod, like Dominos or Bartender4. Depending on your spec, macros you might use and playstyle, you might have more spells than you can comfortably fit on your action bars. Grabbing an addon like Bartender4 allows you to have more room to put your spells on as well as allowing you to move your action bars and hide/show them when specific conditions are met, which allows you to make sure your bars aren't shown if you don't need them. If you know your hotkeys well enough, you can even hide your bars permanently to free up screen space.
A,5) Doing this, though, means you will need an addon to track your cooldowns for you as you can no longer see them on your bars. Regardless, even with your bars shown you might want to consider downloading an addon like Fortexorcist or Powerauras to easily keep track of your most important spells - you want to be able to see instantly at any time whether your Penance is usable, for instance.

B) PoMtracker. This is an addon and category in itself; what the addon does is show you how many charges your Prayer of Mending has left and on who it is currently sitting. This addon isn't mandatory, but knowing when and where ProM is up can help you A) decide whether you are going to heal the target in question or let ProM handle it and B) make sure you don't recast ProM if you still have four charges of it up, conserving your mana.

Furthermore you might want to consider picking up:
A) Align, an addon that projects a grid on your screen when turned on, allowing you to make your interface more symmetrical.
B) A buff frame mod, to keep track of buffs easier. Satrina Buff Frames is the only mod in this category I know to work and work well.
C) Omen, a mod to keep track of who has threat on the boss. A healer generally doesn't need it (and I don't use it myself), but if you happen to have room for it you might want to consider getting it anyway; knowing if someone is about to aggro the boss can in very rare ocassions save his life.
D) Tiptac, a tooltip addon that allows you to modify and move your tooltip - if you end up customizing your entire interface you will want to look into this to give your tooltip a better spot on your screen.
E) Recount, a mod that tracks damage, healing, dispells done and deaths among other things. Especially if you have a leading function in raids (or even groups) this mod is able to give you a general indication about why you are wiping on a boss. There's a healer doing absolutely ***** work? Are all the DPS slacking? Did the tank forget to pop his cooldown and blames you for his death? Recount will be able to tell you, if you know how to use it.

On a side note what type of trinkets should I be getting. By that I mean haste trinkets, spell power trinkets, Mp5 trinkets, or other things like that.

For starters, this depends on your gear. If your gear isn't all that great yet, trinkets are usually used to 'fill up' the missing stats with. Are you alrightish on intellect, spirit, mp5 and crit but do you lack spellpower? Equip a spellpower trinket. Do you tend to run out of mana? Equip an intellect or mp5 trinket.

Once your gear reaches the point where you have ample amounts of intellect, spirit, mp5, crit ánd spellpower you can start customizing your trinkets per fight. Are you constantly going out of mana on this specific fight? Equip a mp5 trinket. Are you having troubles keeping people up? Equip a spellpower trinket. Are you doing a fight where you somehow need to heal through one big burst of damage on the tank? Equip a trinket with a "Use: Increases spellpower by X" function. I myself have 12 different trinkets, who all serve a different purpose on a different fight. For example, on General Vezax, a fight where all mana regeneration is disabled, the Soul Preserver does a MUCH better job than Sif's Remembrance, the Soul of the Dead or even the Spark of Hope because all forms of spirit or "mana regeneration" are disabled while preventing a spell to cost mana does work to conserve mana. On a fight like the Faction Champions, who use Bloodlust and fight like a real arena team, a trinket like the Elemental Focus Stone is better because the hit will ensure your precious dispels are less likely to miss.

In the end my suggestion would be to pick up as many trinkets as you can get, as you will generally find some use for each one on a specific encounter - once you're wiping on that boss, you'll be glad you saved the trinket. Try to be fair though, and don't pick up "luxury trinkets" over other healers who simply really need to upgrade theirs. If you have for example the Talisman of Resurgence and Althors Abacus, you are equipped with two 'all-purpose' trinkets that should do a fine (though not 100% optimal) job on pretty much all bosses. If you reach this point, you shouldn't be rolling for a trinket like the Forethought Talisman if it is a genuine upgrade for another healer in your group who is currently using some kind of pre-heroic blue trinket.

TL;DR: For multi-purpose trinkets, you're always good to go with anything that has a static spellpower or intellect buff (or spirit if you're holy). Aside from that though, try and collect as much trinkets as possible if you care about optimizing your stats for specific fights, assuming you're not doing it over the backs of your fellow healers. Gotta catch 'em all.
#3 Jan 31 2010 at 5:47 AM Rating: Excellent
You've gotten some great advice from Mozared. I'll just throw a couple more things out there in addition.

Mozared mentioned using and encounter warning mod like DBM. You should definitely do that, but I'll add one more. Download the addon GTFO as well. In addition to the warnings that DBM will give you, it gives and audible warning when you are standing in something you shouldn't, and tells you to move. It warns you in situations that DBM does not, so it adds additional benefit. My advice is for you to simply try it. I find it to be an addon that I refuse to be without.

Yes, your raid healing addon is very important. Among other things, you will need to know when certain raid debuffs occur, and you need to see who it is on immediately when it happens. Bosses will cast spells that do more damage over a few seconds than players have health. If a players raidframe changes to a bright color when this occurs, you can immediately throw a shield and Penance on that player. All of a sudden, what was life threatening isn't anymore, because you knew where an when to focus your attention.

I have an upcoming guild member that was talking the other day about getting in a group where the damage was coming in quickly, and that they would go from full health to dead before he could react. Then he said it, that he didn't believe an any addons. I wonder what debuffs he didn't see, or situations where he could have acted more quickly.

Action bar mods like Bartender 4 are very popular, and you should become familiar with them. However, if your healing addon binds your healing spells to mouseclick combinations, you won't need every spell on your actionbars. Likewise if you keybind your spells (I recommend BindPad to assist with keybinding). You actually could use the Blizzard action bars, especially if you scale it down in your bars with the Blizzard "Use UI Scale" (Video, Resolution settings), and get rid of the Gryphons, so you can fit other items like chat and meters on the sides.

An actionbar addon gives you the advantage of more bars, customized any way you see fit. The advantage of not using one, is avoiding possible issues with things like a vehicle bar. The same goes for your Unit frames.

Addons are great. They let you customize and optimize your UI. For healers, it is most important that you have a few to help you stay informed.

Edited, Jan 31st 2010 6:50am by dadanox
#4 Jan 31 2010 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you for the help Dadanox and Mozared I am happy that there are some nice people left play this game (LFG really makes you think only jerks play)

I have an upcoming guild member that was talking the other day about getting in a group where the damage was coming in quickly, and that they would go from full health to dead before he could react. Then he said it, that he didn't believe an any addons. I wonder what debuffs he didn't see, or situations where he could have acted more quickly.

I was that guild member. For the longest time I was in the mind set that if blizzard did not have the function built in then I should not need it. But after much pressure from my friends and them showing me just how helpful the addons they had were it made me final giving in and start looking into getting addons.
#5 Jan 31 2010 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
WoWboo wrote:
I was that guild member. For the longest time I was in the mind set that if blizzard did not have the function built in then I should not need it. But after much pressure from my friends and them showing me just how helpful the addons they had were it made me final giving in and start looking into getting addons.

I can't give you any useful advice that hasn't already been given, but you made me smile with this. Totally me. When I first started playing it was on a laptop that barely met the system requirements for WoW and I had to uninstall some portions of Office (bah, who needs Access) to get the hard drive space to run it. I was concerned that adding on would cause more problems than I already had. Playing solo and leveling alts and whatnot I got by just fine, but with my first healer I installed my very first add-on, and it was just a slippery slope from there.

Now I'm looking at my AddOns folder and I see:

Auctioneer (only loads for the banker)
LightHeaded (only loads for levelers)
PallyPower (only loads for the pally, of course)
TomTom (only loads for levelers)
TourGuide (only loads for levelers)
WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde (online version of Jame's, requires the other leveling addons too)

And I'm sorry to say, I consider them all "must haves." If you put me in front of the standard UI I could not so much as fish with it.

#6 Jan 31 2010 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Teacake, have you ever actually posted a screenshot of your UI?
#7 Jan 31 2010 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Not in its present incarnation, no. If I run an AV or WG later I'll take one.
#8 Jan 31 2010 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Make some solo screenies for good looks Smiley: tongue
#9 Jan 31 2010 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
I love addons, but my ui is generic but functional, in its current iteration.

#10 Jan 31 2010 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Assuming I do the link right, this is me in AV. Solo really isn't any different except there aren't 40 frames under the top 3. My action buttons don't normally show like that, but I'm still working out the new keypad and need the cheat sheet.
#11 Jan 31 2010 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Love that interface Teacake. So slick 'n clean. While we're at it, here are two more pics of what my interface looks like right now, in a 25-man. I've fiddled with the opacity of the frames a bit to make them blend better. The second picture is just to show off what happens during ready checks, since seeing that sight always makes me happy. I'm very probably going to replace the focus screen with the actual MT's again, though, just haven't really gotten around to it yet.
#12 Jan 31 2010 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
Wow, you all have interfaces that are so interesting. Excellent.

Edited, Jan 31st 2010 7:25pm by dadanox
#13 Feb 01 2010 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Dadanox, you need to do some serious restyling Smiley: tongue
Just using only one barstyle, one font and as few different colours as possible will make your UI look so more unified and an actual UI instead of a pile of addons.

@ Moz, I couldn't play with that UI, sorry... the whole blocking the center of the screen thing is just not my thing.

@ Teacake, I'd change the colours of your unitframes away from the rather bright and not so pretty green.
It's what you're used to as healthbars are always green, but it'll work perfectly fine if they're grey/black/any other colour that is less distracting.
It's really nice and clean though, I'm just wondering where your castbars go.
#14 Feb 01 2010 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
I have no idea why but i really hate it when there are no bars on my screen with my priest, I think i just forget all my key bindings but anyway my ui

#15 Feb 01 2010 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
scottyjames wrote:
Smiley: eek
Do you like... play on a 5 inch screen or something that you've got everything that insanely large?
#16 Feb 01 2010 at 7:49 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
@ Moz, I couldn't play with that UI, sorry... the whole blocking the center of the screen thing is just not my thing.

I dunno, assuming they're opaque enough for him to see through during combat, I agree with what he said earlier about it being better to be looking at stuff in the middle of the screen where he can see everything versus looking off to one side where he might miss some of the action.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
@ Teacake, I'd change the colours of your unitframes away from the rather bright and not so pretty green.
It's what you're used to as healthbars are always green, but it'll work perfectly fine if they're grey/black/any other colour that is less distracting.

While you are right from a GUI design perspective, it wouldn't work for me. There's a difference between "not distracting" and "so not distracting that my eye goes right over it." It's true all 40 are a little much right there, but during prep is the only time they're all lit up like that. The only time I'm in a raid is in situations where you're not all together all the time, and the frames are at 20% opacity unless the person is in range. You're usually talking about only a few frames at a time lighting up, and I like those ones being bright and shiny.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I'm just wondering where your castbars go.

I still have the Dominos cast bar showing my casts up over those top three frames, a holdover from the cancel-casting days, but TBH I rarely look at it and should just get rid of it. I use the cast bar on the bottom of each Pitbull frame. I notice my casts and enemy casts and other healers casting healing spells and all that other stuff I need to know just fine. IMO it doesn't matter how small it is as long as you're in the habit of looking at it.
#17 Feb 01 2010 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
Do you like... play on a 5 inch screen or something that you've got everything that insanely large?

O.o its a 19 inch screen maybe its just me but they are not big
#18 Feb 01 2010 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
scottyjames wrote:
Do you like... play on a 5 inch screen or something that you've got everything that insanely large?

O.o its a 19 inch screen maybe its just me but they are not big
The big black bar of doom alone covers up over 25% of your screen.
I don't think my entire UI covers up that much.

Edit: and I play on a 15 inch screen.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 3:27pm by Aethien
#19 Feb 01 2010 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
The big black bar of doom alone covers up over 25% of your screen.
I don't think my entire UI covers up that much.

i don't know why but it looks good to me there
#20 Feb 01 2010 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts

That is my UI on my hunter.
In combat, in a 10 man raid.
The only thing that can be added is 3 more rows of people in grid for a 25 man.

That's why I say that you can barely see the fight.
Or more specifically, you can't see right below your feet so you don't really know if you're standing in **** until you start taking damage.
Which is too late.
#21 Feb 01 2010 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
That's why I say that you can barely see the fight.
Or more specifically, you can't see right below your feet so you don't really know if you're standing in sh*t until you start taking damage.
Which is too late.

In them fights I stand somewere I can have my camera max out so i can see my feet maybe i can change my target frame abit so it won't block it

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 12:47pm by scottyjames
#22 Feb 01 2010 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
scottyjames wrote:
That's why I say that you can barely see the fight.
Or more specifically, you can't see right below your feet so you don't really know if you're standing in sh*t until you start taking damage.
Which is too late.

in them fight i stand somewere i can have my camera max out so i can see my feet maybe i can change my target frame abit so it won't block it

You can just go into the normal game settings and lower your UI scale. Judging by the size of your SBT, you are still at the default UI scale, which is huge. Lowering that scale will keep your same UI, but scale everything down making the game much more visible and making your custom UI much, much smaller.
#23 Feb 01 2010 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
You can just go into the normal game settings and lower your UI scale.

I forgot about this thanks and last time i tryed it, it didn't do anything oh well windows 7 seems to have fixed it

add-on question is there one that will replace my right click on a frame say my target and it bring up the marking/leavegroup/reset everything ect?

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 1:57pm by scottyjames
#24 Feb 01 2010 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
What Aethien said.

Basically what I see is that you have the core of your UI in the bottom third of your screen, but not being able to fit everything there, put some stuff above your character.

Also, your self frame is way off to the side.

That should fix the functionality issues, prettiness is important too, though.

Also, my UI is basically a building site right now -- I am thinking of making a few changes, I'm currently kind of dissatisfied with my self and target frames but have no real idea how to go about it. HUD health/mana bars are out because I wouldn't notice them more than the Pitbull frames with my current setup. I tried it. It gets even more complicated when you have to actually watch your power bar, which I normally don't much on my priest.

So yeah, gonna post a screenie later or something.
#25 Feb 01 2010 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
For tank healers, getting to know the tank classes in general and your tanks in particular helps a lot. For instance, I normally raid with either a warrior/warrior, warrior/DK, or warrior/druid setup (we have no pally tanks). I have found that each tank has their own particular nuances, whether it be by class or style. You may want to peruse (BWFTD) the other class forums to check out what the tanks are doing these days.

The ability to watch your tanks buffs/debuffs (such as using defensive cooldowns or receiving stacking debuffs from bosses), will help tremendously as far as being able to prepare for the next couple of casts. However you choose to monitor them is up to you, but develop a way of doing so. I use Grid with both the Raid Debuff and Extra Icons for notifying me, although I had to add the tanks defensive cooldowns manually. I used to have a buff bar (Elkano's) that monitored my focus and would focus my tank, but I have found that I prefer to keep the boss focused for monitoring its target, so I dumped the job on Grid.

Also, get to know what their defensive cooldowns actually do. If your warrior tank hits Last Stand (or Survival Instincts for druids), it doesn't mean they will take less damage, it is just giving you more effective health to play with.
#26 Feb 01 2010 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
I started a priest - my UI is fugly, but I am OCD about putting all my abilities, etc. on the actionbar. I also found it easier to look down from my character to the minimap, so use Chinchilla. I am playing with the idea of taking everything I don't use frequently off the actionbars and just using two rows, but every time I try I find it hard to take them off, "just in case" I may need to use it after I remove it.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 4:57pm by Wondroustremor
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