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Warrior Idea : Banner Item For Warriors.Follow

#1 Jan 29 2010 at 3:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Introduction :

Warriors are a close-range melee class, those who haven’t played a warrior or do not have a main warrior toon know them for their short-timed buffs that are overridden most of the time by paladin buffs.

During my 3 years of having a main fury Warrior character I can say that before WOTLK I used guns ONLY to pull a mob, seeing that I can’t rely on guns for anything else, it was just there in my gear…sitting as a stat stick, and an item to “pull” mobs to me in quest grinds.

With the release of WOTLK, and introduction of “heroic throw” which was an ability first given to a weapon in Karazhan (I really liked that weapon and used the throw on any mob/enemy player I could find) It was clear that heroic throw was “better” than ranged weapons in various of ways Both DPS wise and threat wise.

The idea of banners came to me when I wanted to suggest a forth talent tree in MMO-Champion, The forth talent would create a main role called “buffers”. But that didn’t work out as priests and druids along with paladins didn’t have a suitable buffer talent tree. But my warrior banner Idea seemed quite fitting, it can work even without a dedicated talent to it. So I trashed my “forth talent” Idea and focused on Banners.

Banners are flags or faction standards that Warriors carry on their back (like Japanese samurais) they do not need to “hold it” in their hand or anything, it doesn’t apply penalties to movements or fights and it doesn’t reduce your maneuverability.

Banners can be there to spiritually buff the warrior’s allies in a number of ways, they either create Auras (like paladins) that gives allied players buffs, they can be used by warriors to grant them and their allies “super buffs” for a short period of time (like 5 or 10 seconds) or they be impaled or planted into a fallen enemy’s body and decrease your enemies’ morale by debuffing them.

Banners can also boost a warriors’ certain ability, like making executes deadlier, make shouts stronger and longer, reduce CDs or remove some certain events that unlocks a certain ability (victory rush no longer needs you to kill something in order to be usable.)

Mechanism :

The Banners can have "use" and "equip" effects just like normal gear. They can either be forged by tailors/leatherworkers (whomever sounds more fitting) or bought by badges.

Warriors who do not like banners can still carry their ranged weapons, Warriors who like to carry ranged weapons instead of a big flag can still do it the old-fashioned way. The ranged weapons slot is modified to support both banners and ranged weapons items, and there is no “extra slot” for banners.

Once you drag banners into your "ranged weapon" slot they will remove the ammo slot and stay there like they are relic. And once you decided you need a little target practice you can just drag and drop a ranged weapon item on relic slot, the ranged weapon will replace the relic and the ammo slot will appear again.

Lore Support :

There might be a question that you guys are asking yourself, are banners even in Warcraft universe? Do warriors have anything like that in lore?

The answer is no, Warriors do not have banners.

But blademasters have :

Banners are flags carried by Blademasters in Warcraft 3, but seeing as Warriors are already taking Blademaster abilities and all that, I’d say they fit. They have a class dedicated to 2 hand weapons and they can use Bladestorm, plus they do nasty criticals.

So why not give banners to Warriors? They seem capable of carrying it both lore-wise and mechanic-wise. They are big enough to make a warriors look unique, Paladins are known for their libarms, Shamans are known for their totems, so let warriors be known for their big banners.bear in mind that I'm not saying that other relics should not be shown :D.

Blizzard isn’t planning on making Blademasters a playable class in WoW, due to the fact they have given their abilities to warriors and their mirror image to mages. Their banners are their symbol, It lifts their allies spirit to fight on. Lore-wise I say banners really fits the warrior’s atmosphere, warriors buffs are shouts that encourages their allies and either gives them more health or more attack power.

Banner Role :

Warriors don’t need guns in fights, maybe some people prefer having a gun than having a banner, they are free to choose ranged weapons and not banners. In case of ranged hits (like tank pulls) blizzard can give them more throwing abilities like a stunning throw or a throw designed to create mega threat.

Banners are not for the main purpose of being a stat stick, they grant bonuses to our abilities, some create auras, some grant effects while "used".

Banner Models :

Already there are tons of banners in game, so I don’t think blizzard is going to run out of banner models. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

After a few minutes of searching in WOWHEAD, I can say that banner models are plenty in WOW database. with a minor modification blizzard can create various of banner models to fit Warriors and allow banners to change size according to the warrior's race.(Tauren carry big banners and gnomes carry smaller ones.)

Problem in Arenas :

As for arena flags or WSG flags : these flags WILL replace the banner's model ONLY untill the arena ends and in case of WSG, untill the player drops the flag via death or manual removal.

Banner effects:

[color=red]Here are some of my ideas for warrior banners :[/color]

Some banners create special auras once they are equiped, giving everyone in warrior's raid/party some bonuses, these auras do not provide buffs already given by paladins but some special bonuses like bonus to movement speed, chance to resist CC and fear effects and also chance to hit/deal crit damage and so on.

For instance :

Banner Of Triumph. (instance banner)

Equip : An effect that activates after warrior lands a killing blow on an enemy, increases allied movement speed within a radius by 10% for 5 seconds.

Banner Of Courage: (instance banner)

Use : increases the mastery of allied players within a certain range of warrior by X% for 10 seconds.

Tanks can have specific banners dedicated to them that boosts their threat generate or reduces their CCs...or other TANK benefits.

Banner Of Vengeance:
Use : your revenge has 50% chance to apply a sunder armor effect.

Banner Of Fortification :

Use : increases Warrior's defense rate by 1% whenever he is hit by an attack, stacks up to 10 times.

banners can be used to remove fear and doubt from allies, lifting their spirit to fight through odds.

Banner Of Bravery :

Use : has a 45% chance of removing fear and CC effects from all allies within a close range to warrior.

And many many instances of how banners can be a useful addition to WoW

some certain banners can be "used" on fallen hero corpses (impale the corpse to dishonor it) to boost the morale of warrior's allies (casting a buff aura around the banner.) or demoralize enemies (cast a debuff aura around the corpse.)

Of course these aren’t balanced nor strong abilities but they should give you the main idea behind banners.

Visibility :

In case other relics will be made visible in WoW : cataclysm, I suggest blizzard should put an option "show relic* in interface menu. if someone does not want his libarm, banner,sigil to be shown he should disable this option :).

Links for WoW Forums :

Someone was kind enough to put this idea in WoW forums (I couldn't do it because I don't have active account anymore, thanks alot college exams.) here is the link to this post in WoW forums :

WoW Suggestions Forum:

WoW Warrior Forums:

Preview is available in MMO-Champion forums.


Edited, Jan 29th 2010 5:00am by banestalkerr
#2 Jan 29 2010 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
You put a lot of thought into that.

It sounds like a decent idea. But a decent idea has no chance of making it into game. There's so many modifications required that blizzard would have to make to each class and enemy, just to install banners for warriors.
#3 Mar 06 2010 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
307 posts
I...don't really see why this would be so hard to put in, Nicara.

I think it's a great idea though Banestalker, and I really don't think it'd be that hard to implement. Paladin Librams, Death Knight Sigils, Druid Idols (I'm forgetting one...), all can be purchased through badges for example right now, and I don't see why these "Banners" couldn't also be a badge item. The mechanics you put down as example are FANTASTIC ideas also. They're not game breaking, and still something the players would want to use. (Well...they would definitely need some work in PvP, but in PvE it's nothing too dramatic, but still fun.) I also love the idea of putting it in to an enemies corpse after you've killed them, hahaha, for increased effect, OR to put a counter effect debuff on surrounding enemies. That's genius.

Also, this would alleviate the problem of Warriors needing to roll on Ranged Weapons for stats and what not. Not that it's too big a problem now, because I don't know any guild that lets Warriors take ranged weapons over Hunters or the like, but it would make the need for it go away all together.

Plus it would just look damn cool.

Great idea in my book, put it up on the suggestion forums!
#4 Mar 06 2010 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
nicara wrote:
There's so many modifications required that blizzard would have to make to each class and enemy, just to install banners for warriors.

Eh? They wouldn't have to modify enemies at all. The most they'd have to do is add banners to drop tables, a trivial task. As for changing classes, they're already in the process of doing that with Cataclysm, and I doubt if banners would make such a massive difference that there'd be much rebalancing to do. From a technical standpoint this isn't a challenge at all.
#5 Mar 06 2010 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
584 posts
Do you mean this kind of banner?

Except without a drednought underneath it. If so, then that would be badass. I hate having a ranged slot :(
#7 Mar 08 2010 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
910 posts
Excellent idea.

Regarding impaling corpses, I think it's not a problem. The daily for Knights of the Ebon already has that and one quest in Nagrand requires you to impale banners on corpses. Just have to make extra aura-like buffs/debuffs. Again, it's down to Blizzard whether to actually make this happen.

Super idea and I really hope it makes it into the game sooner rather than later.

Besides, seeing a warrior with end game non-tier gear with the banner on really is a very very cool sight. At least we won't look like every other Ret Pally out there.
#8 Mar 08 2010 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
It's a great idea, but will very likely never be implemented for the sole reason of homogenization. Blizzard hates having loot that applies to exactly one class anymore, even worse when it's only for one spec within the class.
#9 Mar 08 2010 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
307 posts
It's a great idea, but will very likely never be implemented for the sole reason of homogenization. Blizzard hates having loot that applies to exactly one class anymore, even worse when it's only for one spec within the class.

Sigils (Recent)? Idols, Librams, Totems?

#10 Mar 09 2010 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
I knew someone would bring those up. Smiley: rolleyes

They backed themselves into a corner with that one, or possibly wanted some distinction for some sort of lore-ish purpose. They had to get something in that slot for those classes, because otherwise anyone who can use a gun or a wand is at an advantage simply by their class choice. Those slots have been around since day 1, back when tier gear dropped SPECIFICALLY from each boss (think voa, but every kill!) and you had class-tailored pieces for virtually every slot.

Blizzard has voiced time and again that they hate seeing loot go to waste like that, and it's one of the driving reasons behind a lot of gear changes and class adjustments they've made during this expansion. If they could feasibly come up with a way to give all of those classes an alternative, I think they'd have done so. They've already mitigated the issue by making those items available from badges instead of boss drops.

Warriors can already use guns, so getting yet ANOTHER design for that ranged slot that they'd have to budget and balance is just not likely.

Edited, Mar 9th 2010 5:29pm by Norellicus
#11 Mar 11 2010 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
Sounds good to me.

The idea of being like the blade master with a flag on his back is appealing to me.

But that is the only thing appealing to me. As a Warrior I must already do a crap load of things. The rotations I do are endless and loopy. Having yet another thing to look over seems, at first, just too much trouble for what I would get. But- now, after looking at the buffs you mention, I am starting to want to back you up on your idea. What you suggest is reasonable and fair.

The way you designed the banners; they work by themselves. Our range slot has truly become useless. Time to make it useful.

If you want backup, I'm in.

I've been a Warrior since day 1. I had odd breaks here and there, but I am back and active. If you want an experienced Warrior with a good head on his shoulders to help you with this, I'm here.

I want this to happen.

Put me to good use.

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