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Healing heroicsFollow

#52 Feb 26 2010 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
On behalf of mages who may or may not have druid alts, I apologize for that one jerk's behavior.

The advice here is all good. As a DPS, sometimes-Tree, the comment on learning to think like a healer is right on. It's different.

Being a tree isn't the same constant pace that being dps is. It's about being prepared... a kind of calm zen-like anticipation of the flow of the fight. You'll also notice DPS doing things many DPS do that make life bad for the healer. I'm a better mage having played my druid.

And then comes the massive button mashing when things go wrong, but that gets better too. I really enjoyed learning to heal in battlegrounds and keep a PvP set just to go back there.
#53 Feb 26 2010 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
I have one piece of blue gear left on my resto set that I'm looking to replace with an epic item, and that is my cloak. Since I have done a handful of wintergrasps (and quests in wintergrasp), I am actually close to having enough honor points to buy the nice pvp healing cloak. Is there anything wrong with getting a resto pvp cloak for a pve set?

Mind you I don't raid and don't plan to raid. At most I heal heroics. And I don't plan on getting more than the one piece of pvp gear for my pve set. Thoughts? Thanks!
#54 Feb 26 2010 at 3:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
There's nothing wrong with PvP gear in principal. If the stats you are interested in go up it's an upgrade. Don't worry too much about where it came from, and decent cloaks are hard to come by anyway.

There is this gem for 25 emblems though. You just have to downgrade them to emblems of Valor from Triumph. It's nicely itemized for a tree, and a strong choice if you aren't going to raid or buy one with Frost emblems.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#55 Feb 26 2010 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
I sort of wish you guys would follow me to the Shaman board so I can get some advice on healing there. Smiley: um

I've enjoyed healing on my shaman so far - only heroics though and still some work to do gear wise (no T9 yet) but it makes a nice change compared to my druid & disc priest. Each style of healing comes with it's own mindset. Druids & Disc Priests are more about pre-HoTing & shielding whereas the shammy and pally healing is more reactive to damage. I enjoy them all (although feral is king Smiley: grin)

#56 Feb 27 2010 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
My first healing switch was from my Druid to my Paladin. It was quite a shock to suddenly have to rely on "Nourish" (aka Flash of Light) to keep everyone up and once you entered heroics, this wasn't enough. It felt like I was Healing Touch healing, something I haven't done for like 20 or 30 levels. Plus, with all the cooldowns I had to keep track of, I just got utterly confused and caused horrible wipes. Going from HoT healing to direct healing is a pretty big step.

I found that the Shaman class is a nice middle way, actually. You get some HoT healing through Earth Shield and Riptide and some direct healing through Healing Wave, Lesser Healing Wave and Riptide as well. And Chain Heal provides a much needed AOE direct heal, something I missed horribly on my Paladin. I actually kind of enjoy this playstyle more than my Resto Druid since you're not staring at full health bars for 90% of the run, but actually have to apply different spells to different situations. On my Druid I'd just faceroll Rejuvenation on everyone (if even that much) and Wild Growth and people would never drop below 90% health (or 95% for that matter). Here I can let people sink a bit and then get them back up with a Chain Heal. Plus, I never get tired of the Chain Heal effect. Yellow laser beam, go!

I've noticed a tendency to stack haste on Shaman healers lately. I'm guessing it's because of Chain Heal spamming in raids. Haste shows up at 1.5:1 compared to spell power, so it must be worthwhile.

I've also noticed that I use Nature's Swiftness much more often than I did on my Druid. Nothing like dropping an instant 20k crit on someone about to die, or an on-the-go Chain Heal for some AOE. Yeah, definitely love the direct healing thing, but it's nice that I can couple it with some proactive healing through Riptide and Earth Shield, I guess (it's sort of a "smart" Rejuvenation).
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#57 Mar 01 2010 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
I was trying to find a use for the honor points I've accumulated and figured the cloak would be a good use for them (and it allows me to focus on my feral gear set with emblems). I have 3 more items I want to buy with emblems for my feral set (head and shoulders from triumph emblems and cloak from frost emblems), so I have a lot more pug heroics to run. I just picked up 3 upgrades over the weekend (1 crafted, 2 from emblems of conquest). It's nice making gear progress without having to raid!

Not that there's anything wrong with raiding. I wish our guild could do 10-mans to be honest.

On another note, what types of stats would a healer need to heal a 10-man ICC run? I was asked to pug heal a 10-man ICC raid on Sunday and I declined. I have no knowledge of any of the fights, and I doubt my heals are good enough to be honest. I'm not sure why they asked me to heal. They must have been desperate!

Edited, Mar 1st 2010 10:08am by Dosgamer
#58 Mar 01 2010 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Dosgamer wrote:
On another note, what types of stats would a healer need to heal a 10-man ICC run?

Would be nice to have Spellpower + Haste be about 3,000 on the throughput side.

On the mana side you may well be required to do 8+ minutes of constant healing without going OOM, so pickup a good mana regen trinket or two if you can.

4t9 helps a lot, RJ criticals are sweet nectar. ;-)

Marrowgar (1st boss) will likely test your gearing for tanks/heals. Pray you have a semi-coordinated group, or at least a good tank; else the raid will become a rep. farming run...
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#59 Mar 01 2010 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
Yeah, I think I would be hard-pressed to handle that load at present. Thanks for the info!
#60 Mar 03 2010 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
Sunday night our guild decided to take a first crack at Forge of Souls (normal). I have healed it half a dozen times, but nobody else had been in the place. We knocked it out with only one death, and a couple of folks got upgrades (and everyone got much needed emblems). Hooray!

Last night we signed up as a full group for a random normal dungeon and got Trial of the Champion. Again, I was the only one with experience in the place so I gave them a quick run down of the fights. We got through it with only one death and several folks got some upgrades. Hooray!

We're on our way it seems. I can't wait for when we can do random heroics for the frost and triumph emblems. Those will be good times. I'm currently running random heroics in feral to get emblems. Last night I got a group with a fresh 80 pally and fresh 80 hunter (who shared the same name spelled differently, hmmm). Our first healer bailed after reviewing the tank's gear (he had about 26k health unbuffed). Our second healer bailed about 30 sec after joining the group. The third healer stuck it out and we wound up finishing the instance. I died twice due to pulling aggro off of the tank, and the warlock nearly died a couple of times due to the same thing. The healer did more damage on the final boss than the hunter, and let the hunter know about it. Ah well, we got through it and some folks got some upgrades. It's all good I guess.
#61 Mar 03 2010 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
My resto PvP gear is better than my resto PvE gear, so I heal heroics in that. It works just fine (and I get a TON of hitpoints). At this point, the honor gear is good enough that you really have no problems. I like Swiftmend, and the 4 piece bonus for PvP gear is faster Swiftmending, so that's nice.

I also use emblems for my feral set.
#62 Mar 03 2010 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
Heh - I was tanking a Pit of Saron (regular) last night on my DK with a healer who freely admitted he was drowsy because he had just got back from the methadone clinic! It explains why a few times I pulled, died, then turned around and saw the healer just standing there doing nothing. We ended up finishing it, after he promised to pay attention and concentrate. I still made sure I could see him moving before each pull!

#63 Mar 05 2010 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
Yikes about the PoS healer.
That's good to know about the pvp gear. I may focus on doing more pvp with my druid now that I'm starting to run out of other things to do (still need to finish up some faction farming and vanilla quests for the achievements). Thanks!
#64 Mar 05 2010 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Mazra wrote:
My first healing switch was from my Druid to my Paladin. It was quite a shock to suddenly have to rely on "Nourish" (aka Flash of Light) to keep everyone up and once you entered heroics, this wasn't enough. It felt like I was Healing Touch healing, something I haven't done for like 20 or 30 levels. Plus, with all the cooldowns I had to keep track of, I just got utterly confused and caused horrible wipes. Going from HoT healing to direct healing is a pretty big step.

I found that the Shaman class is a nice middle way, actually. You get some HoT healing through Earth Shield and Riptide and some direct healing through Healing Wave, Lesser Healing Wave and Riptide as well. And Chain Heal provides a much needed AOE direct heal, something I missed horribly on my Paladin. I actually kind of enjoy this playstyle more than my Resto Druid since you're not staring at full health bars for 90% of the run, but actually have to apply different spells to different situations. On my Druid I'd just faceroll Rejuvenation on everyone (if even that much) and Wild Growth and people would never drop below 90% health (or 95% for that matter). Here I can let people sink a bit and then get them back up with a Chain Heal. Plus, I never get tired of the Chain Heal effect. Yellow laser beam, go!

I've noticed a tendency to stack haste on Shaman healers lately. I'm guessing it's because of Chain Heal spamming in raids. Haste shows up at 1.5:1 compared to spell power, so it must be worthwhile.

I've also noticed that I use Nature's Swiftness much more often than I did on my Druid. Nothing like dropping an instant 20k crit on someone about to die, or an on-the-go Chain Heal for some AOE. Yeah, definitely love the direct healing thing, but it's nice that I can couple it with some proactive healing through Riptide and Earth Shield, I guess (it's sort of a "smart" Rejuvenation).

I'm doing it backwards. Started with a pally and went to a druid. With my pally, I just had to make sure my shield and bacon were on the tank at all times and flash of light when over 70% HP or so. If the DPS takes a spike(or gets feared out into damage in FoS for example), holy shock is pure win. If you can manage to use your insta-crit abil, its an instant shock + FoL, or reduced time on your holy light. As far as group heals go, just make sure you judge mobs as they come up(since you get haste anyways) and don't be afraid to use holy light early. If its glyphed, you'll heal everyone by a bit at least. Remember your first holy light will be slower than the rest too. If you're low on mana midfight, divine plea + wings to keep your healing up.

I found pally healing really easy, but druid is another level of easy altogether. Innervate has no healing debuff, so you can use it anytime. Instead of an insta crit, I get nature's swiftness for an insta heal, which I much prefer. Instantly being able to heal or heal+hot is just too awesome to describe, not to mention insta rebirth. The group-wide hot makes any non-spike AoE damage laughably easy to manage. I haven't found a great use for bloom yet though, except if I know I'm going to be stunned by a boss. I find it really mana intensive, even after getting restored a bit. Lastly, your mobility as a druid is a lot higher, so that the movement feels much more fluid.
#65 Mar 05 2010 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Yeah, having been used to healing as a Druid, I guess I'm kind of spoiled. I dare say that Shaman healing rivals Druid healing in awesomeness. Not as trivial as Druid healing, but certain things are so much easier to heal. Things that require AOE direct healing and such. Chain Heal is just king there.

As for Lifebloom, I think it's been reduced to mana-battery slash Warlock Life Tap thingy. I have the Snowflake trinket so if I see a Clearcasting proc and I don't need to throw any emergency healing, I toss a Lifebloom on whatever to get some free mana. I also use it on Warlocks with their Life Tap mania.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#66 Mar 05 2010 at 4:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Chain heal is also the coolest looking heal in the game, hands down. ;-)

But ya lifebloom. Other than stabilizing tank health, I'll also try to use to even out damage spikes. The idea is to have it bloom soon after the spike hits, or just after a new phase in a boss fight. Some places I've found it useful:

-on the tank(s) near the end of bonestorm on Marrowgar in case there are problems regrouping
-on the tank before he jumps to the other airship in case the healer has issues getting over there
-time it to go off soon after a tank taunts on something like Saurfang or Northrend beasts
-before the debuff explodes on that trash just before deathwhisper.

Really anyplace you know there's going to be a damage spike in a few seconds (DBM timers can be helpful with this kind of thing). My use of LB usage usually goes up the more times I see an encounter, as I get used to the timing of the things and such or whatnot.

But really, it's a hard spell to use, and usually isn't more then a couple percent of my healing done, unless I'm stuck tank-healing on a fight for some reason. :S

Clearcasting procs for free mana rock though! :D

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#67 Mar 08 2010 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
Well, old thread, and not sure if the OP has moved on or anything.. I'd be interested to see whats happenening now..

Thought I'd append some experience as I run a Tree Druid as my main, now in ICC 25 I levelled as Balance and went resto at 78. Geared up in heroics and raids.

You can check out Narashima on Earthen Ring EU (Fear and Loathing guild) on the eu armoury.

As you'll see, my bonus heal is 2403 (Goes up a bit in tree, ofc) and total with raid buff is approaching 3000.

So, the OP seems to be ok in terms of heal at the last posting, so I'll just say what I do.

Prime heal, is Rejuve.. yep, that old one no one likes. It enables Swiftmend and more importantly, buffs up Nourish. I very rarely load up my tank with REJ, RG, LB etc. Lifebloom used to be the staple heal, but glyphed rejuve now works better given it's other features.
Rapid Rejuvenation

This makes your haste affect rejuve ticks. With enough haste, your rejuve ticks as fast as lifebloom.

So, generally, once your tank gets initial aggro, Slap on Rejuve, possibly Swiftmend immediately if he took significant damage on the initial hit.
From then on, nourish and refresh rejuve as necessary.

This has worked for me since I was 80 gearing in random heroics.

On a recent random heroic (Still need frost emblems) the tank was not particularly well geared. That was exciting, with everyone including me, managing to pull aggro at various times.

As someoe noted previously, Wild growth on the tanks target is really efficient, though theoretically, if you WG the tank it should have the same effect.

One point, set the tank as your FOCUS trarget. makes it easy to re-target if necesary.

Also, get Vuh'Do. it offers a lot more features than Healbot. I could never get on with Grid/Clique.

Well, thats all from me..

#68 Mar 09 2010 at 4:41 PM Rating: Good
though theoretically, if you WG the tank it should have the same effect.

Actually, we were doing Sindragosa attempts the other night and the mob is so big that if you WG the tank, the melee are too far away to get hit by it. To play safe, I always target one of the melee for WG.

#69 Mar 10 2010 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
I have my basic healing set complete for now (picked up the pvp cloak last weekend to get all of my purples...ilvl 200 or better in all slots now!), but I only heal for guild 5-mans at present.

My feral set is also shaping up nicely through random heroic pugs. I run one or two on nights when the guild isn't doing anything and have fun doing so (although waiting for the group as dps is a big drag compared to the insta groups when logging in as healer).

As an aside, it usually freaks people out when I tell them I don't run any add-ons. I know add-ons are a staple for most, but I've always been able (as a non-raider) to do my job in 5-man runs without them. I just use a combination of my mouse and hotkeys and don't really have any trouble doing what I need to do. But I do appreciate the advice people give on which add-ons they use. One of these days I may just take them up on it. /salute!
#70 Mar 10 2010 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
115 posts
baveux wrote:
Started with a pally and went to a druid. With my pally, I just had to make sure my shield and bacon were on the tank at all times and flash of light when over 70% HP or so.

Darn tanks get all the luck. I'm DPS, and nobody EVER gives me bacon :(
#71 Mar 10 2010 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
861 posts

Addons are pretty simple. I'd suggest a couple that will make your runs smoother. You don't need grid or healbot for 5-man healing (but DBM is very useful, for both you and your friends. If they don't know a fight or space it will give them basic instructions (on Bronjahm, when he does his vortex thing it will yell "Move In!" for example). Recount will also be useful. It'll tell you if your dps is pulling its weight and you can use it to see if theyre attacking the right mobs. Based on my belated read of this thread, it sounds like the issues that your group has been slowly overcoming stem not from gear but from coordination issues that these two addons would help.

I'd also recommend Omen, which basically gives a huge red flash should you be about to pull aggro. Its better than the in-game aggro table. These can all be downloaded from
#72 Mar 11 2010 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
Thanks Tusk,

I have used a couple of different add-ons in the past (used to do some 10-man raiding back in TBC) because they were required, but in general I prefer to play without them. It's just a personal preference. If our guild were serious about doing heroics then I would suggest that we all get some of the add-ons you suggested, but at present we just aren't (too much RL stuff going on keeping people from logging in long enough to try some runs). My pug heroic runs are really helping me learn the fights better, though, so if and when we do start running them again as a guild I will be better armed to tell them what to expect. /salute!
#73 Mar 11 2010 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I run with Healbot and couldn't really imagine healing without some kind of addon that made targetting easier. If for some reason you mis-clicked or hit the wrong key or something...heaven forbid you try to DPS a little while in a group that can roflstomp the dunegon...but your hotkeys changed because you're not in tree anymore....

Healbot is always there, never changes regardless of form and always uses the highest ranked spell (unless specifically told not to) so regardless, it's just

Just my opinion, but if you're not using a healing add-on, you're not going to be performing as optimally as you could be, and probably need to be if you're going to be running the more difficult dungeons, but if you want a challenge...go without.
#74 Mar 12 2010 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
My tree and resto-but-not-tree hotkey setups are very similar (intentionally) so that if I want to do some dps in the easier instances I can do so without having to memorize an entirely different set of hotkeys. I never mouse-click hotkeys (they are always numbers on the keyboard) and I rarely have to switch to another set of hotkeys (shift-2 then 4 for my poison cleanse, then shift-1 to get back to my main set of hotkeys). I use the standard gui to tell me what hots I have running (by knowing the icons and scanning the character panes) and I just hit the hotkey and mouse click the character pane to cast without needing to adjust my primary target (which is typically the skull mob). It's pretty easy stuff, and I've never felt the need to run any add-ons so far.

I probably shouldn't mention that we don't use vent either, eh? *grin*

The biggest frustration I have as healer is waiting for the global cooldown, and as kitty dps it's my energy refresh rate hehe. /salute!
#75 Mar 12 2010 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
For 5 mans I can live without Grid quite easily (just using the Blizz party frames), but once you get used to using Clique (or other click-casting mod you can't go back.

I use: -

left button - lifebloom
right button - rejuv
thumb button - HT (NS-HT in combat)
alt-left - regrowth
alt-right - nourish
alt-thumb - wild growth
shift-left - depoison
shift-right - decurse

alt-shift-left - MotW
alt-shift-right - Thorns
ctrl-shift-left - GotW

ctrl-left - target
ctrl-right - menu

I need to do some more work on these though as they are really from the time of using lifebloon as out bread and butter heal. I need to add a swiftmend binding.

I use similar bindings for my other toons as well - shift clicks are always my decurse/poison/disease/magic. Alt-thumb is Wild Growth, Prayer of Healing, Chain Heal. Makes it a little easier to switch between my many toons :)

#76 Mar 14 2010 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Meh, Grid is overrated.

I use mouseover macros and just hit 1-5, depending on the heal I need. It also enables me to right-click avatars without casting heals and whatnot. Useful for stuff like whispering people with crap names, or uninviting people.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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