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60 Emblems of FrostFollow

#1 Jan 26 2010 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
584 posts
As the title implies, im just about to hit my first 60 emblems of frost and i cant decide between the trinket that gives 228 stamina, or the Tier 10 shoulders.

Any ideas which i should go for given my current gear?

Armoury :
#2 Jan 26 2010 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
If your goal is to tank ICC, the biggest upgrade would be the Frost Cloak. Shoulders and Headpiece can both be replaced with lvl 245 Triumph gear, both of which are solid upgrades (the helm in particular is AWESOME - better than anything before ToGC25 IMO). The Frost Belt is also amazing. Also, you'd also get more survivability out of the Triumph trinket than you would from your Essence of Gossamer.

If your goal is to impress people in a PUG or PUG raid, get the Stamina trinket.
#3REDACTED, Posted: Jan 27 2010 at 9:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) YOur character does not carry even 1 item of level 245 so that means that you probably have Tank spec as OS or your in a guild that doesnt do 25 mans :totc.
#4 Jan 27 2010 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
eldik wrote:
Get the Trinket.

If your goal is to impress idiots, then yes, get the trinket. Bad advice is bad.

eldik wrote:
Farm New instance for 232 Boots Forge of Souls.

They're at best a sidegrade over what he has, and I actually think they're worse. (+23 stamina for his current boots, 4 Str/15 Armor/3 Dodge/10 Parry for the FoS boots). Why should he bother to farm for them?

eldik wrote:
Your HP is low and getting a cloak will not help you in that department.

The cloak gives a LOT of stamina compared to what he's got. Compared with his current cloak, he would gain:
40 + 30 Stamina (with JC: 40 + 51 stamina) 
49 Str 
583 Armor 
10 Defense 
11 Dodge (0.28%)

The armor/stamina gives him as much if not more effective health as the Frost Trinket (much more if he sockets it with a Dragon's Eye), while giving him more threat and avoidance.

He'd be better off grabbing the Cloak, and using the combination of The Black Heart and the Glyph of Indomitability, which is an upgrade over the Essence of Gossamer, especially considering the on-use (512 dodge rating - 13% before DR).

eldik wrote:
Your Gun used to be good , now its some more badges for the 245 upgrade.

The ranged slot should be the lowest priority upgrade with Triumph badges. The 245 thrown weapon is only a slight upgrade over the gun.

The 245 Helm is a BIG upgrade over anything he's got and you didn't mention it - it's basically better than any other tanking helm outside of ToGC25 or ICC. The 245 shoulders are also an upgrade over what he's got, and the Glyph of Indomitability is extremely solid for a progression set and again much better than the Essence of Gossamer. I'm not sure if it's better than the Skeleton Key or not for progression, but the Frost gear with bonus armor is so much better it's not worth it to pick up the Key.

eldik wrote:
YOur character does not carry even 1 item of level 245 so that means that you probably in a guild that doesnt do 25 mans :totc.

They're doing ICC10 and got into ToGC 10 a bit too. If I'm not mistaken, he'd probably like to be able to tank or at least offtank for them. And even if he wants to PUG raids, I'd rather upgrade the pieces that will really increase my survivability, rather than cater to the lolgearscore and lolstamina crowd. Then again, I like winning at PUGs whenever possible.

OP - if you're looking for advice in general on gearing here are the biggest upgrades you'll get before ICC. If not, ignore it.

Frost Badges (in order)
Sentinel's Winter Cloak (50)
Verdigris Chain Belt (60)
Gauntlets of the Kraken (60)
Cataclysmic Chestguard (95)
T10 Shoulders (60)
T10 Helm (95)
Pillars of Might (farm the badges for Primordial Saronite)
Boots of Kingly Upheaval (same - might want to be running some alts through the daily and weekly)
Corroded Skeleton Key (60)

Triumph Badges:
Faceplate of the Honorbound (75)
Glyph of Indomitability (50)
Shoulderguards of Enduring Order (45)
Blades of the Sable Cross (25)

Saronite Swordbreakers
Breastplate of the White Knight (you can lower the cost on both of these by picking up the Crusader's Orbs yourself and getting them crafted - it's a solid upgrade over what you have but not as good as the Frost Chest - then again you probably won't be getting the Frost chest for a while)

Neverending Winter (Gunship - ICC10)
Aegis of the Coliseum (Anub'arak TOC10)

ToC10 Drops:
Ardent Guard (Anub'arak 10) - Don't look at the ilvl and pass, this is a big upgrade over what you have, both because of the bonus armor and because of the 1.5 speed.
Greaves of the Lingering Vortex (Twin Val'kyr)
Loop of the Twin Val'kyr (Twin Val'kyr), though this will be replaced with the Ashen Verdict ring.

My advice - If your goal is ICC tanking and you're only running 10s, work on getting Frost Badges as quickly as you can. Run heroics til you hit those upgrades (~200 badges - might take a week or two unless you're sitting on some. Unless of course you have unlimited playtime, in which case you could do it in a couple days). If your guild still runs ToC10 at all, see if they'll let you come in as a MT or OT.

EDIT: An incorrect bracket and because "Twins" reminded me of TBC rather than the Twin Val'kyr fight.

Edited, Jan 27th 2010 4:04pm by tabstopper
#5 Jan 27 2010 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
584 posts
My goal is to end up tanking ICC at some point, so I'm going to follow that advice to the letter. I totaly dropped the notion of getting the trinket first after I made the initial post, after realising that the belt will get me just as much health, but have changed my mind again in favour of the Cloak.

My guild does get 25 man runs in, but only very occasionaly, with help from friends of the guild.

I tanked Ulduar 10 last night and we gave up just after Kologarn, but we should be going back in this week and I'll have a shot at the shield from Auriaya.

I was talking to a friend last night and he said i should switch all my gems over to stamina/parry because of the 20% dodge decrease in ICC. Any thoughts on this, 'cause I can see the logic, i just don't like it.
#6 Jan 27 2010 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Sgriob wrote:
I was talking to a friend last night and he said i should switch all my gems over to stamina/parry because of the 20% dodge decrease in ICC. Any thoughts on this, 'cause I can see the logic, i just don't like it.

SHORT VERSION: Chill of the Throne doesn't affect gemming for parry vs. dodge.

LONGER VERSION: Gem the same as you did. You still want to gem for whichever one will give you more % avoidance for 10 rating.

I'm gonna make up numbers here, but realize that if 10 dodge gave you 0.2% avoidance and 10 parry gave you 0.14% avoidance before Chill of the Throne, they give you the same values after Chill of the Throne. Using these fake #s (in this case, Dodge gives more rating before Chill is applied), we'll look at total avoidance. I'll bold the one in both cases that yields for more total avoidance.

Before Chill:
Gem for Dodge: 50% avoidance (28% dodge, 22% parry) -> 50.2% avoidance (28.2% dodge, 22% parry)
Gem for Parry: 50% avoidance (28% dodge, 22% parry) -> 50.14% avoidance (28% dodge, 22.14% parry)

After Chill:
Gem for Dodge: 30% avoidance (8% dodge, 22% parry) -> 30.2% avoidance (8.2% dodge, 22% parry)
Gem for Parry: 30% avoidance (8% dodge, 22% parry) -> 30.14% avoidance (8% dodge, 22.14% parry)

Right now, you've got a TON of dodge (650ish) and only 160 parry rating. I think you'll get more benefit from gemming parry in your current gear. As you gear towards ICC, your dodge:parry ratio will change (you'll get more parry rating) and very likely it'll be more beneficial to gem for Dodge.

Don't stress about it too much until you're tanking progression ICC bosses or ToGC and it matters.

EDIT: Can't add apparently.

Edited, Jan 27th 2010 5:00pm by tabstopper
#7REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2010 at 4:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Whateva you have selected is hands down better to what you had before. But when you raid and be killed by boss you will allways think ... 'Whould I still be alive with 1K HP more?'
#8 Jan 29 2010 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
eldik wrote:
The trinket gives more Stamina than the cloak. His HP is low and getting the cloak will not help.

Yes it will, to the tune of 700-900 HP depending how he gems it. And it's basically BiS for back - something you can't say about the trinket. Not that it's a bad trinket - I'd take it if I could get it for Triumph badges. The other Frost gear with Stam+Bonus armor is just better though.

eldik wrote:
Nice one.There are people that invest in armor? lol.STamina>Armor allways because attacks from bosses maybe magical or magical + melee. Its almost never melee 100% of the time.

eldik (Jan 19) wrote:
I have both a pally and a Warr tank with equal gear.In ICC according to the encounter I log the tank that does the job done better. After ICC and new 5 man instances i decided to play the paladin a bit more because we didnt have a pala tank in guild. I have noticed that I dont die that easily when I m with pala...this made me thinking a bit about what do paladins have that warriors dont and vise versa. Which lead me to post this. I also noticed that for some reason Warrior tanks of guild die more easily.

Xav and Grafarion are both tanks for top 10 guilds. They're both using Satrina's Impending Scarab (Heroic) and the Glyph of Indomitability. Good warrior tanks invest heavily in armor. Bad ones don't and then get a reputation as hard to heal and squishy. Obviously you don't ignore stamina - but it's not the only stat.

Of course, it helps that the Glyph has one of the best "on-use" abilities (+512 dodge rating for 20 seconds) of any trinket in the game. If it didn't, I might be giving different advice on trinkets.

The majority of attacks that threaten a tank are physical (Gormok in ToGC, Festergut at 3 inhales), or a combination of heavy magic and physical damage. It's very rare that it's pure magic damage that drops a tank. For a fight where the problem is magical damage, I could definitely see wearing double stamina trinkets.

eldik wrote:
The 232 items in General are not so inferior to 245. In same manner the 245 items are not so inferior to 251.Its no big theory behind this , just plain logic.

Except in the cases where they're much better itemized, as is the case with the helm. The shoulders are a bit more debatable, but he's light on parry rating right now.
			Ranged			Helm 
Stamina			-14			+23 
Armor						+84 
Defense			+7			+27 
Dodge			+28			+27 
Expertise					+69 
Strength		+32			-17 
Block Value					-184 
Hit Rating              4

The helm is a MUCH bigger upgrade, despite it being "only" 13 ilvls higher. You lose a little strength and block value, which aren't great survivability stats, and gain stamina, armor, defense, dodge, and an asston of expertise (which more than makes up for the loss of threat from strength and SBV). The ranged piece is a much smaller upgrade, because despite being ilvl 200, the gun has a blue socket (+6 stam bonus) that you can toss a +30 stamina gem into. Either way, he'll have both of them inside a week.

eldik wrote:
Just for this reason I proposed getting rid of the old gun. (Although I could easily copy paste your EH theory about the previous upgrade you suggested and the upgrade in threat... which I will not! Cause Stamina goes 1st in my list)

The gun gives you more effective health and more stamina. So if stamina comes first in your list, you should recommend the gun. I personally like the Blades better, but you're the one who said it ...

eldik wrote:
1st you got to be able to be accepted in PUGs in order to show your BiG EH or your avoidance or your skills at not dying.

Or get into a raid with your guildies. He's geared enough to tank ToC10 as is, and he'd get a lot of upgrades from there.

eldik wrote:
ICC 10 and Togch10 are not the same m8 ... With 232 gear going to totgc10 .... NOT!Lolgearscore and lolstamina are not so lol. Statistics is important and Recount is most important especially 'damage taken' category.

You're an idiot. ToGC10 can be tanked in a mix of 232 and 245 (emblem) gear. Blizzard didn't tune the raid so poorly that you have to do ToC25 first, it just makes it easier. Only bad tanks have to completely outgear something before they run it. Also, the ToGC comment was about his GUILD - they're 2/5. I didn't advise him to tank ToGC in his current gear.

eldik wrote:
Just ignore the above list since you are not getting those items before getting in ICC . You will need the above items WHILE you are doing ICC cuase 2 frost every day by dailys and 1 weekly raid badge farm will not progress your toon fast. You will need to do dailys + Weekly raid + some descent progress in icc 10. PUG icc 25 for 1-2 boss kills for more badges ... OUPS I FORGOT .... You dont impress ppl :(

That list is AS HE'S PROGRESSING THROUGH ICC and getting more Frost badges. Jackass.

eldik wrote:
Bad advice is bad advice...

So stop giving bad advice.

eldik wrote:
Whateva you have selected is hands down better to what you had before. But when you raid and be killed by boss you will allways think ... 'Whould I still be alive with 1K HP more?'

On hits that matter (Festergut 3 inhales, Gormok, etc), a tank who stacks Armor and Stamina can a few thousand less damage per hit than a nublet who ignores armor and just takes what comes naturally on gear. The OP has about 25k armor. A tank geared to enter ICC with 2 pieces of Frost gear and the Glyph has about 30k armor. They will take about 10% less damage per hit than the OP right now. Which doesn't matter until you realize that two of those 17k hits from Festergut just turned into two 15.3k hits and your tank has 3.4k more HP than he would have if he wasn't gearing for Armor.

A REALLY geared tank (Xav in the example I listed) has ~36k armor and will take about 22% less damage per hit than the OP. So now the 17k hits are 13.3k hits. Yes, armor is that important.

This is the same reason you pop Indestructible Potions, have Devo Aura up, and Stoneskin totem on a threatening fight like that (lower the % dmg even more). There are no diminishing returns on Armor - it adds linearly to Time to Live per point of it.

eldik wrote:
Be smart. ppl posting over 1000 posts does not mean that they know the class better than others that post 30 times.It only means that they have posted more.

True, but I do know both Warrior and tanking better than you do. And a lot better apparently ...

eldik wrote:
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Warbringer adds a huge skill cap to warrior tanking. I've seen the warrior tank get saurfang taunted off him when he gets the rune debuff and immediately charge > concussion blow one add that was hitting a ranged dps, intercept and shield bash snare the other add and intervene back to me in time to taunt. DKs have batter ranged capabilities but a warrior can move basically anywhere he wants in a fight to deal with problem casters/add

Also in what the above warrior did, it involves stance change...!rage starvation!...he got enough rage to return to other tank with intervene?? Either he was hitted by beasts (which he shouldnt have)or GOD of WoW gave him unlimited rage.

Case in point. You serious think that using Warbringer involves a stance change?

And you implied that the warrior in question either did something bad or that it was a fluke occurrence (or a lie). Do the math - it's very easily done for almost no rage cost in a standard tanking build.

Anyway - OP good luck. If you're interested in theorycrafting /itemization and tanking, read around on Tankspot in particular - they have a TON of good information, not all of which makes it to these boards.
#9 Jan 29 2010 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
584 posts
But when you raid and be killed by boss you will allways think ... 'Whould I still be alive with 1K HP more?'

Probably not, because an extra 1k health against a raid boss isn't going to do much, whereas an extra 500-1k health plus avoidance and threat, is going to make more of a difference. I think.

I can see where you're coming from and it makes sense, but the people I raid with see beyond having a large health pool, and tabstopper also presents a better argument for his choices, in my opinion.

Also, not wanting to sound like an *** here, but...

PUG icc 25 for 1-2 boss kills for more badges ... OUPS I FORGOT .... You dont impress ppl :(

...just sounds way too childish for me to take you seriously.

I plan on being the best tank I can be, and while its probably going to take me untill cataclysm comes out, I'm going to try and get as much 251 and 264 gear as possible.

Edited, Jan 29th 2010 1:41pm by Sgriob
#10REDACTED, Posted: Jan 30 2010 at 6:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I usually report Posts like the one above using offencing language.
#11 Jan 30 2010 at 7:17 AM Rating: Good
584 posts
The last time I checked, *** wasnt an offensive word, it means donkey

Or,from google:
Any of several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, resembling and closely related to the horses but having a smaller build

#12 Jan 30 2010 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
PLay nice people...
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#13REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2010 at 3:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Read carefully before re-posting my piesces in order to prove your points on different subjects.It seems that you take posts way too serious dude. lighten up. He said snare.. There is only one ability that comes to mind and that is hamstring which involves stance dancing.
#14REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2010 at 6:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The last time I checked you made your choise with 60 frost. Enjoy.
#15 Feb 01 2010 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
eldik wrote:
Oh, and I dont believe that calling me names strengthens your opinions.... (jackass? Idiot?)

You know, you're 100% right on that.

"You're an idiot." Let me rephrase. I disagree with you assertion that you can't do ToGC10 in ilvl 232 and 245 gear. It was designed for gear of that level. I've often found that players who lack the skill to run an instance at the appropriate gear level will insist that you need higher level gear, ToC25 gear in this case, to run a 10-man progression instance. Blizzard balances progression separately on 10 and 25 man scales, and any 10 man instance should be able to be cleared without having done 25s (Sarth10 was a bit of stretch, but was overtuned).

"Jackass." Again, probably a little strong. Try this: Clearly no one is going to be fully decked out in 264 gear before starting ICC10, nor would I suggest that the OP should be. I'm amazed that you would interpret what I said as "get this whole set of gear before you step into ICC." I'm not sure - were you being purposefully dense or did you really not understand that that was recommended as a long-term order?

I have no doubt the warriors you linked are the best warrior tanks on your realm (all from EU-Dragonblight). But not a single one is even from a top-100 guild (Aeternus - 174, Pentaverate - 482, Ten - 1068), let along a top-10 guild. Not that they're bad, but if I want to look at how a quarterback plays, I'm going to look at Peyton Manning, not Brady Quinn.

As far as gearing for (bonus) armor goes - Blizzard announced that they were re-itemizing the T10 gloves and chest with bonus armor. The ilvl 264 emblem gear with bonus armor was so much better for progression that Blizzard wanted to make the tier gear appealing. When Blizzard re-itemizes equipment after releasing it, it's pretty obvious they know they screwed up ("This gear is inferior because it doesn't have bonus armor - tanks aren't going to take it.")

And just to make my position on the trinkets clear - I don't think the Skeleton Key is a bad trinket. But it's a bad investment of your Frost badges in my opinion. The other Frost gear offers similar levels of improvement in HP, but also more Armor and other useful stats. Given that you're not going to get the Skeleton Key, I personally like the Glyph of Indomitability because it adds a bunch of Effective Health and one of the best on-use effects of any tanking trinket in the game. If you don't want to use the Glyph, run with a double stamina trinket - Brewfest + Bonus Armor Frost Gear will still get you more mileage than Skeleton Key + Triumph gear - you'll end up with the same amount of HP, but be more survivable.

Anyway, you're really not worth arguing with. While I don't know how much you "know," the advice you've given on gearing and itemization tells me you're not really that knowledgeable about the warrior class. The comments you've made in other threads reinforce this idea. I really haven't seen an insightful post from you on either the warrior or the paladin forums, and I read pretty much everything that comes across both of them.

I'm not going to bother responding to anything you say in this thread at this point. I wish you luck and hope that this thread inspires you to broaden your knowledge base about tanking itemization. As it stands, you've got some work to do.


EDIT: Don't want to bring this to the top more than we need, but if you think my CHARACTER precludes me from commenting here then you're a lost cause. I run 10 mans only, and my guild in on a hiatus. The one ICC10 PUG I bothered to organize with me MTing was a fair success (one night, pushed to Saurfang, got hung up because ranged couldn't kill the beasts) that I had absolutely no trouble tanking. If you can think of 10 man upgrades for my character beyond Breastplate of the White Knight, Crusader's Glory, and the Ashen Verdict rep ring (or drops from PUG raids of TOGC10 /shudder), I'd love to hear them.

eldik wrote:
I suppose, I wouldnt continue this debade. why would I ?

Get back to the O-boards, troll. You're embarrassing yourself. Also, learn to spell. If you had anything useful to say I'd debate it with you.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 2:47pm by tabstopper
#16REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2010 at 10:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If I were him:
#17 Feb 01 2010 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
Eldik wrote;
It seems that you take posts way too serious dude.

We are a fairly serious community here.
#18REDACTED, Posted: Feb 02 2010 at 9:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The above comment is yours . I accept apologies for all your posts in this thread.
#19 Feb 02 2010 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
eldik wrote:
Naxx yesterday ??? muhahahahahah.

Weekly raid, keep trying.

eldik wrote:
For starters you could have just pugged for Rep for the freaking ring ..which you havent done for Sooooo long , this just tells me how much of underachiever you are.You dare giving advice to others about 60 frost when you dont have upgrated your ring that costs 0 frost!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have the ring the next time I PUG ICC. I told you my ICC experience - led a PUG one time, made it to Saurfang, had no trouble tanking anything. I don't really give two ***** about you - luckily nearly every post you've made has been rated sub-default in this thread. Apparently the rest of the board has the same opinion of your posts as I do. They're trash.

Also, my advice about Frost badges is spot on. Your's sucks.

Ad hominem attacks are the last refuge of someone who's completely outclassed. You can't actually make an argument about the order I gave, and you have no idea about tanking itemization, as evidenced by your terrible advice on this thread. So you attack my character, which is exactly where he should be given that I haven't had much time to PUG ICC recently and I don't run 25s (computer issue). Grow up up and go home.
#20REDACTED, Posted: Feb 03 2010 at 4:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Again you speak in theory. You dont calculate any magical attacks from bosses.May I remind you that you never faced Fester?May I remind you that Fester also does magical attacks like : Gastric Bloat ? May I also remind you that you never healed this fight? I dont care if my tank is taking 2000, 3000 , or 4000 damage more per second , I ll overheal him evert 1.2 seconds .Have you calculated that? Or you think that you can solo icc taking less damage with more armor?Its not up to a tank to decide whether he will gear for this or that. Its up to the healer to decide if he can heal your damage. Its the spike damage I only care when a tank is being hit+magic damage occurs at same time. XAv takes 22% less damage than the OP? YOu are refering ofcourse to melee Damage, because magical damage is exactly the same in didnt bother to mention this. Once the OP takes the magical damage he will insta die cause his HP is low and the healer will not be able to heal him.
#21 Feb 03 2010 at 10:24 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
eldik wrote:
Again you speak in theory. You dont calculate any magical attacks from bosses.May I remind you that you never faced Fester?May I remind you that Fester also does magical attacks like : Gastric Bloat ? May I also remind you that you never healed this fight? I dont care if my tank is taking 2000, 3000 , or 4000 damage more per second ,

The biggest threat to a tank on Festergut is damage after the 3rd inhale, which is primarily physical. Gastric Bloat is physical damage. It's mitigated by Armor, same as the deadly melee attacks. When the tank is in the most danger of dying on that fight (three inhales), magical damage in general is at its lowest, and almost all of the damage is physical. When your tank is being hit for 25k per hit before Shield Wall, the ability to shave 5500 damage per hit (Xav vs. the OP) before CDs is not to be understated. Hell, that ability to shave 2500 damage per hit (me vs. the OP) is not to be understated - that's 32k dmg over 12 seconds assuming the worst possible case, which is what I gear for (caveat - I wouldn't try to tank Festergut 25 in my current gear. I would tank Festergut 10 in my gear).

I know the OP is not Xav. The OP is in no way geared for Festergut 25 (or Arthas 25, which is what Xav is actually gearing for). You know this and I know this. He's not even really geared to enter ICC 10 at this point. My advice is to bring him up to par to enter ICC10, which it would do.

eldik wrote:
you compare a stamina trinket you a cloak??

I have to compare a stamina trinket to a cloak. They're what the OP was debating buying with Frost badges. In practice, leaving trinkets untouched so it's easier to understand, this is what I was advising the OP compared with you:

Cloak compared with the Key
-47 Sta (+70 stam vs. +118 stam)
+49 Str
+583 Armor
+10 Defense (2.03)
+11 Dodge (0.28%)

So more avoidance and more threat stats. More armor, less stamina. ~500 HP less to be specific. 583 armor more. In essence a wash on EH. Of course, that's only because he's upgrading from the Essence of Gossamer, an ilvl 200 blue to the Skeleton Key, an ilvl 264. He'll gain a ton of Stamina in general before he's ready for ICC - lots of stamina on the gear upgrades I listed.

In reality, I should have advised him to get the belt, as it's a bigger upgrade for him and is actually way ahead of the trinket as an upgrade, as opposed to being ~on par.

Belt compared with the Skeleton Key
-28 Sta (+90 stamina vs. +118 stam)
63 Str
822 Armor
14 Defense (2.85)
63 Parry (1.28%)

eldik wrote:
About the trinket proc you keep refering? Its not nasty for tanks that already stand at 28%-29% dodge(your 25 or something) , once you receive a couple of item upgades in icc you ll reach this point instantly. Click on the trinket then and see how much dodge you will reach..your diminishing return will turn the trinket awsome proc to a sad proc ,its the same thing like sticking your head in the sand on a soft enrage.11% dodge or 12% dodge as total in icc is not the same as 31% or 32% dodge in Totc/totgc.Its not bad proc but looses its high value from the -20% debuff in icc.

Run the numbers on diminishing returns. Compared with your first example tank (Sunsword), I'll gain 0.6% more dodge from the trinket (7.75% after DR compared with 7.12% after DR). Don't underestimate my gear just because I don't have HP of someone who is geared from 25s.

In terms of Sunsword once again, his avoidance (after DR) goes from 36.85% to 43.97% with the Glyph's trinket on-use (it's not a proc). You're right, Chill of the Throne makes it less powerful than it would be in ToGC. But you're still going to have ~12% less hits connect against Festergut, even accounting for Chill of the Throne. Hardly "sticking your head in the sand." What trinket effect do you prefer? Well, tbh I might prefer Satrina's Impending Scarab or the Heart of Iron. Unfortunately, the OP has neither of these and his guild doesn't run 25s. The on-use of the Glyph is definitely superior to the on-use for the Skeleton Key, though the Skeleton Key is a better EH trinket overall.

Good tanks have multiple trinkets and can swap them as needed. The Glyph is strongest on fights like Festergut where the primary threat is physical damage. If I'm tanking Festergut and I see I'm getting killed, and the Overkill # is less that 2k HP consistently, I'll consider swapping it out for the Brewfest trinket.

eldik wrote:
You Say that you have pugged icc once and reached 4rth boss? just a little tip for you if your dps of your guild is low. 1st change to zerk stance and go dps. second get 2 paladin tanks. 3rd Begin the fight with 1 healer. Each thime paladin A tanks the boss assign to paladin B to heal and vice versa. Hope this helps.

What part of "PUG" don't you understand. This wasn't a guild run. Next time I run, PUG it I'll recruit better ranged DPS and we'll be fine. There is no way in hell I'm going to trade myself out as a tank for some random shmuck paladin who I don't know. I've seen too many tanks absolutely fail, including tanks with much more HP than me. I'll still tank ICC and we'll have no problems, assuming we have competent ranged DPS. Not my fault that a Warlock and Shadow Priest can't kill a Bloodbeast even when it's being snared and stunned for them (CoI from a DK, HoJ from the Ret pally, Shockwave from me if I'm not otherwise occupied), but the hunter could solo one without being touched ....

eldik wrote:
Exploring icc is not a joke to play with armor stacking theory , which is totally correct but just NOT for new tanks .

Effective Health gearing in general is most useful when you're trying to push content you're at the bottom edge of the gear curve on. Effective Health gearing means that you want the highest possible levels of Stamina and Armor that you can push for. Once you overgear content, it doesn't really matter.

Gearing only for Stamina and ignoring Armor is a mistake. Ignoring stamina is a mistake too, though that's not what I'm advising the OP to do.

Two things -

First, since you seem to like trying to pick on my character, if you were me what would you upgrade from 10s other than ICC or ToGC? Ring (next ICC PUG), Chest (Titansteel CDs), Sword (waiting on a drop) that I've got a Blood Draining enchant waiting on. Other than that I'm pretty much maxed out from ToC10. I have a Brewfest trinket, but haven't hit a single fight in ICC where it would have been beneficial to use over the Glyph.

Assuming I milk the first wing dry on upgrades, I'll only gain around +63 Stamina (most of it from the legs) and 1317 Armor, along with some avoidance and expertise. Luckily, Blizzard tunes 10 mans where you only need the HP from 10 man gear to complete them ...

So tell me, how am I gearing wrong for where I'm at entering ICC10? How am I "playing with Armor"? What should I change? Brewfest over Glyph? Cause that's pretty much my big choice at this point. Correct me on my gearing, since I obviously don't know what I'm doing.

Second - Do you tank or heal when you're in ICC? I thought you tanked, but you're talking like you've healed it ... Why don't you link your tank(s) so we can go over them and see how wonderfully you've geared them.

Edits: Clarity
Edited, Feb 3rd 2010 11:24am by tabstopper

Edited, Feb 3rd 2010 11:25am by tabstopper
#22 Feb 03 2010 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts

Another tank here, just got my 60 frost emblems. Don't know what to buy either, although I'm sure it won't be the trinket. I'm also a bit low on hit, so I can't take the belt.

Any advice? I'm kinda stuck right now.
#23REDACTED, Posted: Feb 05 2010 at 11:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry I m confused a little here Tob.What tool do you use to calculate the effective health of your character, may i ask?
#24 Feb 05 2010 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
When I'm talking about the effective health on gear upgrades, I was playing fast and loose with the old estimate that 1 stamina is worth about 10 armor (i.e., 1000 armor is ~equivalent to 100 stamina). Obviously this isn't the case in encounters that heavily favor magic damage, and in practice I value stamina a little higher than that (e.g. I said the cloak which is about 580 armor ahead of the SK trinket in terms, but 47 stam short is "about a wash on EH").

In terms of magic damage fights though, there aren't too many of those in the early part of ICC, and the ones that are around tend not to put a lot of stress on tank healing at least for 10s.

Dreamwalker and Sindragosa I'm not sure about, but I believe at least on Sindragosa there's enough magic damage to make 2x stamina trinkets superior to stam/armor.

I haven't used much in the way of effective health calculators recently because I'm never sure if they were updated for WotLK. I used to live and die by one back in TBC, but can't remember where it was at.
#25 Feb 09 2010 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
584 posts

I got all of the upgrades from triumph emblems that you suggested, and I almost have enough emblems of frost for the belt, which should be really awesome. I switched to the glyph of blocking because it seemed like a logical choice, because I'm not having problems with threat unless a Mage decides to blow everything he's got on trash, so its giving me more threat against single targets because of the increased Shield Slam damage.

My guild needed a tank for ICC 10 man last night and let me join up, I thought we were starting from scratch, but little did i know that they had moved up to Festergut, we managed to down him successfully, which I was quite surprised about

Unfortunately, my guild disbanded straight after that run because of a clash between the officers and the guild leader, so it looks like I'm not going to be tanking anything that hard(and fun!) for any time in the foreseeable future.

#26 Feb 15 2010 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
584 posts
More updates :
I know your all probably sick of my posts by now, but I have one final question(I promise)

I managed to get myself into another guild, and we stomped our way through ToC10, and i managed to pick up Eitriggs Oath

After sitting down with a friend talking about how crap the 50 emblem trinket was, we did some maths.

We figured out that : Both Dodge and parry give 0.022% chance to dodge per 1 rating.
So, Eitriggs Oath gives 114 rating, 114*0.022 = 2.508% chance to dodge.

Glyph of Indomitability, gives 1792 armour, which gives me, after the 10% increase from talents, a 1.51% damage reduction.

Now, the final bit of maths, is taking numbers that might not be entirely true,
If a raid boss is hitting 6k's on me with melee, the damage reduction translates into 90 damage off of a 6k hit,(6000/100*1.51=90.6)

Thats not very much, making the Glyph, pants.
So the question is, which trinket? I'm leaning towards Eitriggs Oath because 2.508% dodge increase sounds alot better than 90 damage taken off of a 6000 hit.

I hate maths :(

Edited 'cause I cant spell Question, and punctuation.

Edited, Feb 15th 2010 8:56pm by Sgriob
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