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#1 Jan 25 2010 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys,
I've spec'd Holy/Disc. and at lvl70 I'am trying to get both my talent trees right as I progress towards lvl80.
My Disc. tree isnt a problem as I've found a source I trust and will mimic it but I havent been so lucky with a Holy tree.
So as my server is Khaz'Goroth and most of the good guilds are Horde, I'am Alliance, I looked up the top guild Khazuals to see what thier Holy healers were doing.
To my surprise the top 3 were all different, all not talenting in areas I thought points would go in.
One didnt talent Serendipity, one didnt talent Empowered Healing and one didnt talent Test of Faith.
So as we say here in Australia, buggered if I know.
I'll link all 3 and if anyone has the time to look at them it would be appreciated.
I'am sort of leaning towards the Zorma one.
I assumed all 3 talents I mentioned would have some sort of points in them.
So a steer in the right direction would be great.
Thanks for the help :)
#2 Jan 25 2010 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
There are some possibilities for shifting talent points around. If you use Renew a lot, putting more points into Imp/Emp Renew makes sense, for example.

That being said, I don't know the math behind Serendipity well enough to comment in detail but I think you'd usually use Flash Heal and Circle of Healing more often than Greater Heal or Prayer of Healing, I don't know how that would change.

Test of Faith is dead useful in a raid setting but if you only heal heroics for now ask yourself how often people actually drop below 50% health. You can always adjust your healing style to make that happen more often, but that's being risky and putting the rest of the group into a state of constant fear for their lives and healing priests are supposed to be nice people. Smiley: smile

Empowered Healing gets better with more spell power on your gear and is again greatly dependent on your healing style: If you don't cast Greater Heal a lot, Blessed Resilience should be a better choice.

Possible spec as per EJ
#3 Jan 25 2010 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I would probably lean toward Healmaster's to start out and then adjust according to what I was doing. It strikes me as a pretty standard spec.

Battlepope is a funny name, and I am sure he knows what he's doing a helluva lot better than I do, but, no Body and Soul? Really? He's got all the gheal talents which makes me think he doesn't always fill the typical raid healing role you hear about Holy priests doing and his spec may be specialized for what he's doing.

I dunno what to say about Zorma. He's got Lightwell. But no Desperate Prayer. Again, sure he knows what he's doing, but his build is not cookie cutter, and copying it may not serve you well since he may have built it around a specific purpose.
#4 Jan 25 2010 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
First off: holy without Serendipity is a pretty bad fail. It's like playing a mutilate rogue without mutilate. Playing disc without Rapture. Playing hunter without Aimed Shot. The only time you can actually afford doing so if if you're stacking haste on your gear like a maniac - which means that all your other stats will be severely sub-par and you'll still perform horribly.

That said;

Zorma has a fairly odd spec that's reminiscient of the cookie cutter, only it's not. It's not a spec I'd like, but I can imagine myself speccing that in specific situations. It really is a 'support' spec, focusing on Renew, Lightwell and Flash Heal over PoH and CoH. I'd probably go disc if I wanted to play that role, but I imagine his standard raid team has a disc priest in it - and possibly a full AOE holy priest as well.

Healmaster would be that full AOE holy priest. The spec he has is pretty much the cookie cutter, except that he's reached the point in gearing where he never runs OOM anymore and has taken points out of Healing Prayers (and Healing Focus) to fill up Blessed Resilience for some more throughput. This is a good and solid spec, if your gear is decent enough not to OOM with it (that point lies relatively low, an average gearscore of ~213 should be enough). He should, though, replace his glyph of Renew with the glyph of Prayer of Healing - if you're going for full AOE throughput you might as well do it the right way. I can nevertheless understand why he'd use the glyph of Renew.

Battlepope... I have no clue wtf he's doing. He's specced into holy but seems to desperately avoid the core holy talent and instead put all his emphasis on support/utility like Renew, Holy Nova and Flash Heal. Which is downright pointless - if you want to do this, you should spec disc. The only time I'd ever spec holy without Serendipity, Inner Focus and Healing Focus and with the glyphs of Holy Nova, Renew and Flash Heal is if I'd want to have the optimal setup for Auriaya and/or Thorim (or heroics >.>), where I can Holy Nova spam the entire fight long. To be honest I find it more likely that this player hasn't got a clue about priest healing than that he's optimized for a specific role. The fact that he's barely got any raiding achievements and is the lowest rank in the guild seems to confirm that thought - I think he's an alt of an officer or a trial.

In the end what you should go depends mostly on your group make up, though if your tank healers are competent I'd copy Healmaster's spec and move one point from Blessed Resilience back to Healing Focus. That would be pretty much the holy cookie cutter and the reason it is just that is because it's the best spec in most situations - including the most optimal one.
#5 Jan 25 2010 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks guys, excellent feedback.
Disc. has a lot of info going for it but Holy seems a lot harder to find the "right" info.
At 70 the plan is to purely heal as Holy meaning 5 man instances for now and use Disc for levelling and healing myself.
At 80 that will change but for now it will teach me a bit about how to use both healing specs.
Again thank you for the help, truely priceless.
#6 Jan 25 2010 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RodStorm wrote:
Disc. has a lot of info going for it but Holy seems a lot harder to find the "right" info.

That's cause Disc is the new black. Holy is, like, so last season.

Edit: I like your plan for both specs. I tried this for a while, having my every day Disc spec that I use for most things, and a Holy PVE spec for those times I want to work and play well with others. It is a great way to get to have your cake and your other cake too. Sadly, I had to give it up and just spec Disc/Disc. Because I am too stupid to remember two sets of buttons. There, I said it.

Edited, Jan 25th 2010 10:39pm by teacake
#7 Jan 25 2010 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
RodStorm wrote:
At 70 the plan is to purely heal as Holy meaning 5 man instances for now and use Disc for levelling and healing myself.
At 80 that will change but for now it will teach me a bit about how to use both healing specs.

It's good to have experience in both. I wouldn't be surprised if you change your plans once you find the spec you like. Although I like to try different specs, I've never been so rigid in planning what spec I will be at a particular level. I just find a spec that I like and stick with it a while. Either spec works fine for 5 mans at any level.

Good luck.

edit: Well, since teacake edited, I will too.... go shadow for questing.... The problem I have with holy as a second spec, is I spend too much time moaning about not having my instant shields.

Edited, Jan 25th 2010 11:05pm by dadanox
#8 Jan 26 2010 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Holy is sooooo 1980's hey lol.
I touched this is another post so I dont want to drag over old ground but my understanding is Holy is great for 5 man instances and raid heals and Disc. is mainly for raid Tank/OT heals as well as 5 man instances.
So by speccing for both if the raid has a Disc. priest already I can change to Holy and I still get to go.
The only reason I dont want to go Shadow, and it is only one reason, is I'am really tired of killing stuff.
Thats why I chose to heal this time around.
If I want to be a dps caster I'll jump on my Mage, if I want to be ranged dps I'll go login to my Hunter.
If I want melee then I'll go with my Shammy...but its all kill kill kill.
Thats why I dont want to go Shadow.
Maybe one day that will change, we'll see :)
The other thing with lack of Holy info is glyphs, theres not much to choose from in the way of minors.
And EJ isnt that helpful so its a bit hit and miss.
Anyway guys thanks again for the help, awesome as always.
#9 Jan 26 2010 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
I was suggesting shadow as an easier way to quest as you level. I leveled as holy, so certainly you can level as any spec.

I know the old "Holy is for raid heals and Discipline is for tank healing mantra". However, shield spamming for aoe in a raid environment is getting a lot of traction right now. I consider myself a casual raider, but I have found the ability to shield spam, as well as use PoH and my other abilities, has worked for me. I did get skada as a replacement for recount, since seeing some effect of absorbs in my meter numbers is better as I do self assessment.

Don't be limited by stereotypes. I object to the assessment that you can't do raid heals as discipline, as well as saying you can't tank heal as holy.

Make your second spec what ever you like. I certainly change mine from time to time. Just have fun.

Edited, Jan 26th 2010 8:26am by dadanox
#10 Jan 26 2010 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
RodStorm wrote:
The other thing with lack of Holy info is glyphs, theres not much to choose from in the way of minors.

Fading and Shadowfiend are the minor glyphs that are most likely to give you any "real" value in the form of higher mana efficiency, which still isn't all that useful.
Shadow Protection and Shackle Undead are very situational, Fortitude is a complete waste imho (because you can just drink after buffing, it won't make anything easier in combat) unless perhaps you're like Aeth and too lazy to bring candles.

Glyph of Levitate is just plain brilliant. It's a priest's Glyph of Mend Pet, pretty much.

Edited, Jan 26th 2010 1:37pm by Kalivha
#11 Jan 26 2010 at 7:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Don't be limited by stereotypes. I object to the assessment that you can't do raid heals as discipline, as well as saying you can't tank heal as holy.

I agree with this bit of wisdom. No unicorns die if you don't fill the Official Serious Raider Serious Business role for your spec. If you are doing hardcore stuff that's another story, but for anything else, a good healer is a good healer and can handle most anything. When I was raiding I was in a casual guild; we'd have let the druid tank heal if he'd wanted to. Heck, we'd probably have let two mages and a hunter heal with bandages if they wanted to try it. Myself, I was Disc before Disc was cool, back when it was a hybrid build we called Holy/IDS.* I switched to full Holy shortly before Wrath came out and came to love it because I really loved raid healing and CoH was awesome for that. But if our one healing pally and none of the new-fangled Disc priests were there, guess who tank healed? And it worked just fine. I never caused a wipe by failing to heal the tank as a Holy priest. I did cause some wipes for other reasons, but those are stories for another time.

All that babbling aside, though, if you PUG a raid you're likely to be put in the generally accepted role for your spec.

Everyone has their opinion on this, but I don't think either is particularly better for 5-mans. Both are perfectly functional in that role and you should be guided by preference.

Edit: Yes, Glyph of Levitate! The other two, meh, whatever tickles your fancy. Priest minor glyphs really kind of suck.

*I kid, that wasn't really a Disc spec.

Edited, Jan 26th 2010 8:51am by teacake
#12 Jan 26 2010 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
Hey guys,
Your right minor preist glyphs do suck, Levitate is good, Shadow Protection and Shackle Undead are pretty much it after that.
Wasnt trying to offend any Shadow Preists before, its just not something for now that I want to try but never say never.
I just have to tweak my tree's a little as I've been leveling all day and now its shutdown and I'll put my armoury link on here for all to be shock and awed with lol.
You will see I do listen though :)
I havent played enough to see which spec suits best yet, when I hit 80 and go fulltime heals, no more killing, and start doing heroics then I'll be able to work it out.
These last 10 levels to go are going to be very frustrating :)
As for down the track raiding we'll see how serious/well this goes, if I feel comfortable with what I'am doing and I end up being an asset and not a liability then sure ICC here I come.
But I'am realist, if my skills arent good enough I'll stay within my boundries.
Only practice and experience will decide where this takes me but I have the passion to make it want to work.
I've struggled a bit with guilds in the past, I tend to dodge guildies more than want to play with some of the people I've come across.
It seems for every one good person theres 5 idiots standing next to him or her.
Maybe its my server I dont know but I'am not a huge kiddie fan so that wipes out 85% of the population on Khaz.
Just need to find the right people and age group where the second you login you havent got 20 people whispering to come and do this or that.....sigh.
Sometimes its just nice to play your own game :)
Anyway guys thanks again for the help, I'll post the link up tomorrow.
#13 Jan 26 2010 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
If your skills aren't good enough, try to improve. Being worse than other people can be motivating, and it's one of the reasons I like playing with Æthien.
#14 Jan 26 2010 at 9:33 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RodStorm wrote:

These last 10 levels to go are going to be very frustrating :)

Thanks to the dungeon tool and battleground xp, you can easily level 70-80 purely through healing, no killing. You'll get a bit sick of the dungeons, but at least you'll know how to heal the fights really well before you go and try the heroic versions. Smiley: smile

Obligatory Teacake broken record statement: if you want to learn to heal, go into battlegrounds. It doesn't even matter if you hate PVP, just do it for an hour to practice. There's no better way to quickly get every situation thrown at you in a short, quick amount of practice time. And although you've spent a lot of time as DPS, so-called healer "tunnel vision" adds a whole new dimension to not standing in fire. Battlegrounds are excellent sources for learning to move, be aware of your surroundings, and watch bars all at the same time. You can do AV without much actual PVP anyway.
#15 Jan 26 2010 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Kalivha wrote:
RodStorm wrote:
The other thing with lack of Holy info is glyphs, theres not much to choose from in the way of minors.

Fading and Shadowfiend are the minor glyphs that are most likely to give you any "real" value in the form of higher mana efficiency, which still isn't all that useful.
Shadow Protection and Shackle Undead are very situational, Fortitude is a complete waste imho (because you can just drink after buffing, it won't make anything easier in combat) unless perhaps you're like Aeth and too lazy to bring candles.

Glyph of Levitate is just plain brilliant. It's a priest's Glyph of Mend Pet, pretty much.

I disagree about the Fort glyph. If you have shamans and druids in the raid group, chances are someone is going to need rebuffing mid-fight. Although I do use the fiend glyph instead for my Holy spec, I suffer more of a loss as holy if the imp dies prematurely than as disc, although I can't remember the last time that it has died.

I use the shadow protection glyph because either I like nice, round numbers or I am lazy, take your pick. Smiley: lol
#16 Jan 26 2010 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
If your skills aren't good enough, try to improve. Being worse than other people can be motivating, and it's one of the reasons I like playing with Æthien

I was told at work to pick the slowest person and just work a little quicker than them lol.
But seriously I dont know how good I'am at healing yet simply because I havent done it enough.
Up to now its just been me and maybe 1 or 2 others in groups so its been a combination of dps and heals.
Thats why I want to set my Holy spec up as group heals only for now as I'am sure in the next 10 levels the 5 man groups will start coming into play.
And yep the battlegrounds idea is a real good one, "who was that masked man" and no one will ever know whether it was good or bad.
And yes I do hate pvp, did a lot of it on my Mage, but I can see the benfit of giving this a go.
Thanks guys.
#17 Jan 27 2010 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Ok guys here it is so far, keep in mind in Disc. spec I've gone a little deeper in Holy talents for Searing Light and both specs have Spirit Tap for better mana regen.
At 80 I'll change these talents but for now, leveling, it seems a good way to go thanks to the advise I've had :)
If anyone see's something wrong let me know, any advise is always good.

Edited, Jan 28th 2010 1:53am by RodStorm
#18 Jan 27 2010 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
To point out the obvious, there's little point in the glyph of Penance if you don't have Penance. I can imagine you're just not fussed with glyphs and took this in advance, though.

Your disc spec really looks all good - it's hard to get that wrong anyway;
1) Skip Unbreakable Will, Martyrdom, Silent Resolve, Absolution, Imp. Mana Burn and Reflective Shield
2) Grab every other talent in the tree
3) ????
4) Profit

Your holy spec is close enough to the cookie cutter.

All in all, looks solid, I'd say.
#19 Jan 27 2010 at 9:23 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RodStorm wrote:
If anyone see's something wrong let me know

Alliance. Smiley: disappointed

Specs look good. I actually really like Reflective Shield for leveling but I wouldn't call it a must or anything.
#20 Jan 27 2010 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
You are using the disc build for questing, so you are free to spec any talents that seem to make it easier. It's all good.

If you start using disc for healing dungeons, fill up your 57 points in the disc tree before doing anything else.

#21 Jan 28 2010 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Ta guys,
Yep its only a leveling build for both specs not final ones but wanted to make sure I had everyones advise on board.
And yes lol you picked up the penance glyph, I thought I'd have talented up to penance by now so I was gazing into my crystal ball when I got it.
The plan is to use Holy for instances, not Disc. for now.
My Shammy was Horde for a year before I changed him to an Alliance her, the Horde guys on my server are nicer people but all my other toons are Alliance so I transferred him over to help out with trade skills.
Out of interest, are there many Aussies on your US servers where you guys play?
The time difference is a killer but its worth the effort to find good players/friends.
Thanks guys.

Edited, Jan 28th 2010 12:36pm by RodStorm
#22 Feb 02 2010 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys,

During shutdown tonight I thought I'd do a little more priest research, this time on gems and enchants.

So far for when I hit 80 I have the Royal Moonshroud Robe and Braces, Sandals of Consecration, Stiffened Corpse shoulderpads and Sash of Jordan waiting for me so I want to make sure I gem my investments right.

I was thinking of gems that int/sp/mp5 like Seer's Eye of Zul but then I checked Wahu out and saw mainly Spellpower and mp5/int gems.

I didnt think about gemming for spellpower, mainly int. and a mana regen/boost.
So I'am not sure I'am looking at this right again.

I went to for a look and will check out what EJ has to say as well.

At 80 I'll probaly heal with Disc. and use Holy as a backup if need be so Disc. gems is where I'am looking now.
Luminos Amertrine seems good for a red socket and Dazzling Eye/Seer's Eye for everything else?

As for enchants they look pretty straight forward but the wrists have me a bit puzzled.
Would you go for Superior Spellpower over Exceptional Intellect?
Pretty much similar enchants for one handed wep. as well, int. over spellpower?

Thanks guys, almost there :)

Edited, Feb 2nd 2010 1:18pm by RodStorm
#23 Feb 02 2010 at 7:58 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I... can't answer this. Because it's so gear dependant. I imagine for PVE there is a certain point where your mana pool is big enough and you can start gemming/enchanting only for spellpower from that point on. I feel certain that several people here know the answer to this. And I am sure EJ has some math. In general I'd go with Int until you're happy with your mana and then SP, SP, and then some more SP. Use MP5 over Spirit except on any pieces that you're specifically using for your Holy spec (where Spi is superior). I'm of the opinion that the Insighful Earthsiege is by far the best meta, like, ever.

Enchants are a bit easier because there are fewer choices. I use SP for bracers, gloves, and weapon. Stats for chest. Tuskarr's for boots. I would assume Haste for back for PVE unless you're a tailor. I have used the Int enchant on bracers instead but only when I have concerns about mana. The SP one is the stronger enchant, by which I mean, you get more spellpower benefit from it than you get Int benefit from the Int one. If that makes sense.

#24 Feb 02 2010 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks Teacake,

Can you ever have to much Int?

Well I just read the whole Ultimate Healing thread by Mozared and mate its an awesome piece of information.
I made my own notes from the thread so thanks mate for taking the time to compile all the info in one place.

As a Disc. healer I can see where Spellpower comes into it going by Teacake's comments and why Wahu spec'd the way he did.
I can also see the pro's and cons of Haste, something I think I'll acrue without trying to so I dont jeopardise other stats.

So Spellpower gems for red slots and a combination of the Zul gems looks the right way to go to maximise my healing output and regen.
Also more crit for Disc. looks handy.

Time to boost the Engineering up to help out as well :)

Edited, Feb 2nd 2010 2:20pm by RodStorm
#25 Feb 02 2010 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RodStorm wrote:
I can also see the pro's and cons of Haste

Good point, I hadn't thought of this. I always gem for what I consider the basics - Int, SP, Spi/MP5, Stamina, Resil - versus things like Hit or Crit or Haste. I don't know why. Somewhere I got in the habit of thinking that was "better" and I've more-or-less clung to it, with the exception of Spell Pen on my PVP gear because I have no other way to get it.

But I keep hearing that Haste for Disc is like a pint of Haagen Dazs Cherry Vanilla and a big fat spoon. Do any of y'all gem for it?

RodStorm wrote:
Can you ever have to much Int?

Me personally? No. All my gems are Int, Int/SP, Int/MP5, or Int/Sta (excep the Resil ones on my PVP gear). But I think mathematically there must be a point where your gear gets good enough that you are never going to run out of mana and any more would be a waste. Whereas I don't know how there could be overkill on Spellpower. The amount of mana you need may have a finite boundary, but as long as you know how to manage them efficiently, I can see no way for bigger heals to be bad.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2010 9:37am by teacake
#26 Feb 02 2010 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
As discipline, I’ll take Haste over spirit, stamina, hit or Mp5, but I’d much rather have crit, int, or best of all spellpower. The only time Haste is of much use is when I’m spamming Flash Heal on a raid tank; in most other circumstances, I have the knack of ordering my Power Word: Shield, my other instant casts, Penance, and my timed casts so that Borrowed Time is up most of the time, meaning I’m usually operating at 30-35% haste. In theory, I could get 15% more haste rating and enjoy a global cooldown of 1 sec on all my instants while borrowed time is up, but as things stand the limiting factor is often my reaction time anyway. I’d rather make the spells I cast have more effect than increase the rate at which I cast them.

Spellpower’s the grail at endgame for discipline IMHO, since Power Word: Shield gets no benefit from crit or haste.

Cam you have too much intellect? Well,’s fun to spam Holy Nova on trash in 5-man instances...but between rapture, replenishment, shadowfiend, hymn of hope and as a last resort runic manic injectors with engineering bonus, there definitely comes a time when you just don’t expect to run out of mana in a raid boss fight. I put orange in my yellow sockets, luminous amenterine, and I’m considering switching to crit/SP there, instead of int/SP. In blue sockets I use pure spellpower gems--the socket bonuses plus a little spirit or stamina aren’t worth it. I use the +spellpower/+2% int metagem and the +spellpower cloak tinker from engineering. Other than that, my PVE choices are about the same as Teacake’s.

PVP is a completely different beast, of course. There I stack all the resilience I can, gemming and enchanting for it first, spellpower second, stamina third.

My PVE glyphs are Penance, Power Word: Shield and Prayer of Healing. The extra HoT on Prayer of Heaing makes an already excellent spell amazing, though it loses a little of its allure if you’re casting it on the same party more than once every six seconds.
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