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Halls of Reflection = blind bearFollow

#27 Feb 07 2010 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
Is he really that bad? He was good at tanking for me at level 30! (lulz, I know.)
#28 Feb 07 2010 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Nah, I'm only writing it to annoy him, if he reads it. His Shaman actually rivals me in DPS, but don't tell him.

And he's a fairly good healer, when he's not casting Divine Intervention on the tank mid-fight. Smiley: lol
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#29 Feb 12 2010 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
I love tanking HoR. I never use the corner unless we completely lack cc. It's like a flashback to TBC 5-man tanking, when skill and coordination rather than just swipe spam were required. Basically, as long as you have one dk/retadin/spriest (healer priest is too busy to shackle)/hunter/mage w improved cs/lock w puppy it's fine.

I don't get how it'd be difficult to heal it as a tree. My shaman has no problem. The passive poison dispel helps but abolish poison ftw too. I feel for holy pallies, must be a nightmare.
#30 Feb 12 2010 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
tuskerdu wrote:
I don't get how it'd be difficult to heal it as a tree.

Most of my problems have stemmed from tanks who want to use LoS, but have problems with the add pickup (not always their fault, darn impatient DPS...). That means no pre-Hotting (else I get smooshed when the tank misses the incoming baddies), and spiky damage on the DPS. Spike damage on a target without a HoT is probably a tree's biggest weakness, and it shows well there.

But ya, it's insanely easy in the center with a party member or two who can CC.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#31 Feb 18 2010 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
I love healing this place.

Give me a pally tank and decent DPS and we're golden.
#32 Feb 24 2010 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
Have a problem with bear a$$. Theres a drink for that! Noggenfogger elixir. Buy a bunch, and chug em down till u get the mini buff. Thats what i do, and it helps tons. Much smaller bear. Only last 10min, and might take a few drinks to get it. But at like 30s a drink its not bad.
#33 Mar 02 2010 at 12:06 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
tuskerdu wrote:
I don't get how it'd be difficult to heal it as a tree. My shaman has no problem. The passive poison dispel helps but abolish poison ftw too. I feel for holy pallies, must be a nightmare.

I have an easier time healing it on my Shaman than my Druid.

Cleansing Totem = win. You don't have to waste GCD on Abolish Poison and can focus on healing instead (at the loss of some 100 mp5, though).

Direct healing = win. You can spam Chain Heal all day long (or at least I can) and keep everyone happy. If the tank starts taking spike damage (from being stunned), you can pop out that 1.2-second 20k Healing Wave crit. As a Druid, you're relying a lot on damage taken being taken slowly enough for the HoTs to work. If someone is taking more damage than the HoTs can heal, they're effectively wasted as you'd need to throw Nourishes in his face to keep him on his legs. Your only "big" heal is Healing Touch, which, unless you put points into it, is gimped as hell.

As mentioned, once I throw a Chain Heal or Riptide, my Healing Wave (Healing Touch equivalent) turns into a 1.2-second cast and can crit for 20k. And I get two of those for each Chain Heal or Riptide I throw. Speaking of which, Riptide is like a Regrowth, but an instant cast one. The cooldown is almost meaningless. And I'd trade Wild Growth for Chain Heal any day after having tried both. Not to mention Shaman get this nifty little talent which causes the person with the lowest health to be healed for 30% of your crits. Toss a 20k Healing Wave crit on the tank and some guy taking damage will be healed for 6,000. Nothing to scoff at and it makes AOE healing just as easy as on a Druid, except most of the healing is direct healing. Direct healing is king in Halls of Reflection.

I've seen tanks in T10, with Regrowth, Rejuvenation and Wild Growth running, drop like rocks in there. The damage output is through the roof and it's like healing your own little 5-man raid. Really good practice, but stressful as hell.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2010 7:12am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#34 Mar 10 2010 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
I've both tanked (as Frost DK) and healed HoR (as Resto Druid and Resto Shammy).

All I can say is.... how well the run goes, depends a lot on competent DPS.

As a TANK, HP can drop REALLY fast when I get stunned. It's scary.

As a tree... HoTs is good. You can actually HELP the tank pull, but Hotting the tank who is in the Open and in your LoS, while you hide in the corner. The mobs will be running towards you as you have healing aggro.... right past the path of the tank. Any competent tank will take this opportunity to round them up for AOE.

As resto shamy, cleansing totem is the best. But the 1st boss is a problem :( Tremor doesnt seem to work on the fear.

Now the DPS....
1) these days there are a lot of lazy or incompetent DPS who don't bother use their CC or interrupts. The healers and mages can be killed quickly and negated as long as people interrupt.
2) Many are too happy pushing their meters and grab aggro before the tanks got hold of the mobs --> Dead DPS
3) A lot tend to stand in flamestrike = extra headache for healer (or dead DPS)

I've been in some runs where it's really easy... and it's usually when I get to meet DPS who make good use of their CC skills (stuns, disrupts, dispells)
#35 Mar 11 2010 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
We can't always blame the dps....much as I'd like to. Today I got HoR as my heroic random on my mage. We had a pally tank. Did the hide in corner thing. We kill wave 6. I go back in corner and drink. Pally consecrates. Wave 7 spawns. And a footman attacks me through the wall and kills me.

Note, I didn't cast any spell, didnt evocate or anything. I was just drinking. And the mob ran through consecrate (and the wall). I've had similar things happen on my bear -- I'll swipe, all the mobs will be in range and tagged and yet a clothie gets one-shotted and he claims he didnt do anything. I used to be skeptical but now I think theres a bug.
#36 Mar 16 2010 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
I signed up as kitty for a random heroic this past weekend and it threw me into heroic HoR. Gasp! I had never been in there, and my gear isn't the best, so I was concerned that I would hinder the group. I chimed in at the beginning that I had never been in the place, and someone else said they had never done it on heroic. Still, we went forward.

We got through the initial waves and the first two bosses just fine. Seemed like the healer was going crazy, but they did a great job. I know damage was flying all over the place. I used a healing potion and my herbalism heal (love that I can do that without switching out of cat form) to help out the healer a bit. But when we get to the final run, we just didn't have the dps to pull it off. I feel partly to blame since it was pretty obvious it was a lack of dps that prevented us from finishing the place. Does anyone know what dps you need a feral kitty should be doing in there on that phase? Thanks!

P.S. I'm pretty close to getting 2 more pieces of gear which should help out somewhat...replacing my blue cloak and my ilvl 200 shoulders. And I'm strongly considering buying the Kirin Tor ring(s). Thoughts?
#37 Mar 16 2010 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Don't you have to average like 2k DPS or so to beat it? I'm trying to remember what was the lowest DPS we ever finished with, I know there's been a couple of close calls... :S
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#38 Mar 16 2010 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Don't you have to average like 2k DPS or so to beat it? I'm trying to remember what was the lowest DPS we ever finished with, I know there's been a couple of close calls... :S

At 2800 it's cutting it close, unless you've got a Shaman or something in the group for the first boss and the last wave.

Four or five fears by the first boss guy and your healer won't be able to heal you back up to full (at least I can't), meaning you wipe on the next fear. What's awesome is that you can pop Bloodlust/Heroism on the first boss in there and it'll be ready for the final wave of the gauntlet, if you don't rush too much. I guess if you rush too much, you'll not need 20% haste in the first place.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#39 Mar 16 2010 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Dosgamer wrote:
I signed up as kitty for a random heroic this past weekend and it threw me into heroic HoR. Gasp! I had never been in there, and my gear isn't the best, so I was concerned that I would hinder the group. I chimed in at the beginning that I had never been in the place, and someone else said they had never done it on heroic. Still, we went forward.

We got through the initial waves and the first two bosses just fine. Seemed like the healer was going crazy, but they did a great job. I know damage was flying all over the place. I used a healing potion and my herbalism heal (love that I can do that without switching out of cat form) to help out the healer a bit. But when we get to the final run, we just didn't have the dps to pull it off. I feel partly to blame since it was pretty obvious it was a lack of dps that prevented us from finishing the place. Does anyone know what dps you need a feral kitty should be doing in there on that phase? Thanks!

P.S. I'm pretty close to getting 2 more pieces of gear which should help out somewhat...replacing my blue cloak and my ilvl 200 shoulders. And I'm strongly considering buying the Kirin Tor ring(s). Thoughts?

I think on the final phase in that fight, coordination among the DPS is more important than how much DPS you're doing (within reason). Especially on the final barrier, you need to be focus-firing mobs to get them down ASAP, or it quickly gets unmanageable when the second half of the wave shows up. You could each be doing 4k+, and still wipe because all the mobs are almost-but-not-quite dead.

Re: the Kirin Tor ring - eeeh, that's a LOT of gold to spend on what's probably a minor upgrade (can't see your Kitty gear on the armory at the moment). Depending on your server, you may be getting into Battered Hilt territory, so if you really have the cash going spare, that could be worth thinking about? If you're currently carrying a really crappy ring, maybe pick up a Titanium Impact Band? I'm not sure how good ArP is for kitties, but it's probably about 1/10th the price of even the basic Band of the Kirin Tor.
#40 Mar 17 2010 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
As far as rings go :-

For 35 triumph badges you can get the Dextrous Brightstone Ring - that is 6-7 random heroics. For the other slot, you can either try and sneak into an Icecrown rep run (or regular PuG) and you will have the friendly ring very quickly or you can aim for a TotC 10/25 ring or even just try for the one from Heroic Pit of Saron (which is only a little worse than the Kirin Tor ring).

#41 Mar 17 2010 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
zhaharik wrote:

Re: the Kirin Tor ring - eeeh, that's a LOT of gold to spend on what's probably a minor upgrade (can't see your Kitty gear on the armory at the moment). Depending on your server, you may be getting into Battered Hilt territory, so if you really have the cash going spare, that could be worth thinking about? If you're currently carrying a really crappy ring, maybe pick up a Titanium Impact Band? I'm not sure how good ArP is for kitties, but it's probably about 1/10th the price of even the basic Band of the Kirin Tor.

I'm ambivalent about this. My rawr values put the H.PoS ring, Triumph ring, KT ring, and ICC ring (in that order) 50-100 DPS higher than the cheap alternatives, and the two 251s are the most reliable way to plan your gear for 10-man raiding. On the other hand, the dungeon finder has stripped away most of the utility of the Dalaran hearthstone - unless you are a gatherer, explorer, or quest completist (or still doing dailies). At this stage, I basically consider it equivalent to the engineering "Dalaran AH", nice to have but probably not worth the gold cost - especially when you can spend it on a Hilt, which is not only a nice 10-man weapon but a fun and unique quest chain you can only unlock with the Hilt, or BoE ilvl-264 drops (which are close to 10k on my server, about the same as the KT rep ring).
#42 Mar 17 2010 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
I haven't looked into the hilt lately, but last I checked it was going for over 15k on our server (that was some weeks ago now). I was also under the impression that the hilt required a raid to complete? I may be mistaken there.

If I can improve a couple more pieces of gear I may just try my hand at some ICC rep runs. Thanks for the tip.

Regarding the waves in H:HoR, I was told by the group leader that it's best to take out the aboms first, so I was focusing on them. I don't know that others were to be honest. It sure seemed to take a while to get them down (like I was getting some help but certainly not everyone's). The first run through I was doing swipes rather than focusing, but the second run I started focusing on aboms...not that it helped. /sigh
#43 Mar 17 2010 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Dosgamer wrote:
Regarding the waves in H:HoR, I was told by the group leader that it's best to take out the aboms first, so I was focusing on them.

Common misconception. Abominations spew slime which hurts - a lot. The tank wants to focus on the abominations because a) he knows he can't position them right and a dual-spew in the wrong direction will wipe the group or b) he's afraid he'll die. As a healer and tank, I suggest focusing on the witch doctors first. They do AOE shadow bolt volleys and I've been told they also heal at times (?). Unless the DPS fails badly and stands in front of the abominations, killing the witch doctors first will be easier on the healer as he or she can focus on healing the tank instead of the entire group. Also, the witch doctors casts curses on random people, applying Curse of Doom which only Mages, Shaman (healers) and Druids can dispel. Unless either is in the group (and able to dispel), you'll see more overall damage taken if you don't focus on the witch doctors.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#44 Mar 18 2010 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
The Hilt only requires you to do the 3 new instances. I had the hilt drop in my first 5man after the patch and did the quest straight away - then got the heroic 25man ToGC staff and the hilt weapon has been sitting in my bank since then :( I only used it for one raid...

#45 Mar 18 2010 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Friar RareBeast wrote:
The Hilt only requires you to do the 3 new instances. I had the hilt drop in my first 5man after the patch and did the quest straight away - then got the heroic 25man ToGC staff and the hilt weapon has been sitting in my bank since then :( I only used it for one raid...

That is why I sold the one I got. Hoping to get a new weapon off Rotface shortly. He better drop it for me or I'll be pissed.

edit: We killed him a few ago, WoW just **** out so I have a sec.

I hate you Roatface. GIVE ME MY DAMN WEAPON.

Edited, Mar 18th 2010 3:45am by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#46 Mar 18 2010 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
I may complain about the lost gold potential, but truthfully, I never would have sold it. I would have done the quest chain anyway just to experience it. I could always have grabbed the healing weapon anyway.

#47 Mar 19 2010 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
I'm a quest hound, so I would love to do the hilt quest line. I'll check prices to see if they've fallen any, as I don't want to blow all my gold on buying the hilt.

Good to know about the aboms and witch doctors. If I get in there as dps again I will definitely focus on them. Our guild group tried regular HoR last night for the first time and it didn't go well at all. Two attempts and we couldn't get past the initial waves of trash. We tried to fight in the entry hall, but it's just hard to hide in there and we had enemy casters running amok and damage flying all over the place. It wasn't as hard to heal as I originally thought it would be given that our tank has 32k health buffed, but there sure is a lot of damage being thrown around. We need to spend more time in PoS gearing up with drops/emblems before we make any serious attempt at HoR it seems.
#48 Apr 01 2010 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good
917 posts
Usually I had had quite very smooth runs healing HoR, until a day from hell last week. Seeing that my gear/healing and the mobs/damage were the same, I figured out the difference was due to tanks mostly, and the dps to some lesser extent. I think we only cleared it easily after the first 3 tanks left/dc-ed, and we got a 4th tank and a new melee dps.

On those tries I was getting ALL of the following:

1. Pounded on and killed.
2. Icetrapped.
3. Feared.
4. Stunned.
5. Locked out of nature spell school.

All those while mobs were running around and curses/poisons flying.

Basically when I could do my job, being able to use healing spells for more than a few seconds at a time, there were no problems.
#49 Apr 01 2010 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Having tanked HoR twice now, I seriously wish I had DnD or Concecrate... makes picking up mobs so much easier.
#50 Apr 01 2010 at 4:32 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Having tanked HoR twice now, I seriously wish I had DnD or Concecrate... makes picking up mobs so much easier.

So the God Emperor of the Hunter forums wants to know how to make the run go easier?

Think about it...

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#51 Apr 01 2010 at 5:22 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Having tanked HoR twice now, I seriously wish I had DnD or Concecrate... makes picking up mobs so much easier.

So the God Emperor of the Hunter forums wants to know how to make the run go easier?

Think about it...
Nah, I'm just whining about not having a lolAoE threat tool on my druid.
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