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Blood CouncilFollow

#1 Jan 21 2010 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
OK, this is pretty much a mage question. My mage is one of few ranged that we had tonight in ICC. We decided to do blood wing instead of getting destroyed by Festergut for the 40th time.
Got to the bosses with 0 problems, and found out that we need a ranged to tank the shadow lances from Keleseth. The shadow lances, though, were one shotting me.

Is there some mechanic we missed? Is a mage just not capable of tanking that boss?
#2 Jan 21 2010 at 12:46 AM Rating: Excellent
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jaysgsl wrote:
OK, this is pretty much a mage question. My mage is one of few ranged that we had tonight in ICC. We decided to do blood wing instead of getting destroyed by Festergut for the 40th time.
Got to the bosses with 0 problems, and found out that we need a ranged to tank the shadow lances from Keleseth. The shadow lances, though, were one shotting me.

Is there some mechanic we missed? Is a mage just not capable of tanking that boss?

I trust you were getting the debuffs from he Dark Nucleii, right?

Wowwiki wrote:
Any ranged class that can quickly gain snap aggro on the randomly spawning Dark Nucleii will work well for tanking Prince Keleseth, though note he will melee you for 70,000 should you get too close. Dark Nucleii will spawn in the room around Keleseth and the ranged class must get aggro on them and stand near them. They will give the ranged class a stacking debuff that reduces shadow damage taken, allowing the ranged class to survive Empowered Shadow Lance which is cast when Keleseth gains Invocation of Blood. Dark Nucleii should not be hit too hard and also destroy themselves over time, necessitating finding more to keep the shadow resistance buff up. Dark Nucleii will follow whoever hit them last, so other classes hitting them accidently is a good way to get your ranged tank killed. Note that the damage reduction from Dark Nucleii is multiplicative not additive and you will still take damage even with 6 or 7 Nucleii on you.

Edit: Sounds like you'll need at least 3 on you to survive an empowered bolt, though 4 would be much better.

Edited, Jan 20th 2010 11:57pm by Poldaran
#3 Jan 21 2010 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
I was dying before the little void's even pop up. Am I misunderstanding how it works? Am I not supposed to aggro Keleseth until the voids come up?
#4 Jan 21 2010 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
You are supposed to, did you have mage armor up as well? It really is a better fight for a warlock to tank due to their increased threat from searing pain. The Dark Nuclei should have been either already spawned or just need to have more health+shields or something like that. I'm sure the pull will be as fun to learn as Illidari Council was to learn (mage - bop me, run in, instant + spellsteal, spam casts to hold aggro).

How are you guys having so much trouble with festergut? We got him down after 2 hours of attempts in 25man and 1st night in 10man (I wasn't there for it but was told so). Is your raid dps really low? Should be shooting for an avg (in 25man) of about 7k, I assume 10man may be 6k or something.

Oh, and I am freaking jealous that you could get into ICC last night, we couldn't launch any more instances and called it after an hour of trying to get in the door.

Edited, Jan 21st 2010 8:23am by Anobix
#5 Jan 21 2010 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Anobix, Hero of Northrend wrote:
I'm sure the pull will be as fun to learn as Illidari Council was to learn (mage - bop me, run in, instant + spellsteal, spam casts to hold aggro).

Please don't remind me of the most boring fight ever. I had forgotten about that one.
#6 Jan 21 2010 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
We are using a spriest to range tank it, seems to work better than a lock or hunter. I think mages are just too squishy for it, no self heals or anything. Plus, mages are top dps on that fight. :)

But if you are the only ranged and your guild says you keep tanking it, don't wear any SR gear. It keeps you from getting the orbs and doesn't mitigate any of the shadow lance damage. Also, if you have hunters, get them to MD the orbs to you when they can. As Pold said, you need 4 orbs to protect you from the lances.

P.S. mages on festergut: we've been standing still and not collapsing in to get innoculations until the first blight, at which time we IB through it (unless we get the spores, in which case we have to collapse on the group, of course). After the first blight, we have to get innoculated, in case we get a second blight, but this will improve mage dps on this fight.
#7 Jan 21 2010 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
Trilliandent wrote:
We are using a spriest to range tank it, seems to work better than a lock or hunter. I think mages are just too squishy for it, no self heals or anything. Plus, mages are top dps on that fight. :)

But if you are the only ranged and your guild says you keep tanking it, don't wear any SR gear. It keeps you from getting the orbs and doesn't mitigate any of the shadow lance damage. Also, if you have hunters, get them to MD the orbs to you when they can. As Pold said, you need 4 orbs to protect you from the lances.

P.S. mages on festergut: we've been standing still and not collapsing in to get innoculations until the first blight, at which time we IB through it (unless we get the spores, in which case we have to collapse on the group, of course). After the first blight, we have to get innoculated, in case we get a second blight, but this will improve mage dps on this fight.

Or you can be one of the cool people that stands still the entire time and has the spore brought to you (or in my case, last time I was allowed to stand in melee range seeing how you only need 9 people at range to not get vomiting targeted). When at range I save my IB for the vomiting to get back to casting. It is easier to save cooldowns and move a bit with spores than to be screwed over by RNG and lose half of your cooldown time disoriented.
#8 Jan 21 2010 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
That's a good idea, Anobix. We bring the spores to the healers, though (and not allowed to stand with melee, alas). I ended up with a lot of vomiting last night, so that's another good idea!
#9 Jan 21 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
have the healers stand in melee, there should be enough room for the 2 tanks, 6-7 melee, 5-6healers, and a couple dps in melee range with 9-10 outside.
#10 Jan 21 2010 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
@ Festergut:
We don't know why we're getting smished. The numbers are all there. One of our tanks is a little undergeared, but by some coincidence he's not the one dying.
Our healers are putting out 4500 HPS each, and we even tried with a third healer.
Our overall raid DPS is at around 33K, which is 1K more than necessary. I know it's scraping by, but numbers wise, we're there.
We found out that we were positioning healers wrong. We had both of them out at range, and apparantly the one healing the tank is supposed to be with the melee. Hopefully we can down him tonight.

@ Blood Council
The irony of it is, normally we DO run with a warlock, just neither of them were there tonight.
My mage is admittedly a little squishy, but she does have 19Kish HP. She technically survives through one shadow lance, as her Ice Barrier absorbs it. The second one just annihilates her.
I wasn't running mage armor, I'm too used to running Molten, so I can give that a try as well.
Would it be wise to start manipulating a macro? I'm thinking something like just as the shadow lance casts, pop a macro that throws up Dampen Magic on the first press, and removes it the second press (so I'm still receiving full heals).

Do the Blood Council heal (sounds like a stupid question, but I don't remember seeing any heals in their description)? If so, would using Amp Magic work on them? Hell, is there any bosses that I can use it on to get a tiny little boost for myself?
#11 Jan 21 2010 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
amp magic is only castable on friendly targets (same with dampen).

I was wrong about using mage armor, resistances do not effect the shadow lance damage. The only helpful builds would be for glyphed ice barrier, prismatic cloak, and frozen core (or any other damage reducing talents). Although it really should not be necessary. I'm surprised that you are getting killed that quickly, granted we haven't tried it yet (as I stated before, instances could not be launched /sigh).
#12 Jan 21 2010 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
We were able to last a LITTLE longer with a warlock, but that warlock admittedly sucked. Hopefully we can gear up this new warlock we have.
#13 Jan 23 2010 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
This hotfix may help:


The first Shadow Resonance should appear earlier in the fight, which will allow the Keleseth tank to have more orbs on him or her if Keleseth is empowered second instead of third. We didn't want which Blood Prince was empowered second to be a major element of the difficulty in the fight.
#14 Jan 23 2010 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Oh, it did. We go them to 90% instead of 95%.
#15 Jan 25 2010 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
Your ranged tank needs to cancel any shadow resistance buffs they have. The resistance can cause you to resist the shadow ticks from the nuclei, which in turn causes you to resist the resonance buff.

Once you have 3+ of the nuclei the damage you take will be negligible. But until you do the range tank will probably need decently big heals since he'll be losing half his health every ~2 sec from the lance casts. The first nucleus pops up relatively quickly so it shouldn't be more than a few seconds of healbombs before you're able to reduce a good chunk of the incoming damage (the ticks from the nuclei are laughably negligible even with ~5 of them on you, which is where you'll probably be at any given time. You don't want to get to 4 or less of them because it's very likely you'll drop to 2 with little warning and if that happens while Keleseth is empowered, you're dead).
#16 Jan 25 2010 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Is this 10 man?

We were able to do this with 2 tanks, which is nice, because we happened to have 2 tanks. He no longer melee's at all, so there's no need for a ranged tank anymore.

So we had the MT (warrior) on both the other guys, the OT (paladin) on the shadow lance guy, the warlock collecting shadow balls and delivering them to the OT (and keeping them out of everyone else's way), the hunter, the s.priest and I on kinetic bomb/kill the boss if you have a GCD free duty (we were split into "territories" to cover, then communicated over vent if we couldn't get to one), the dps DK on boss DPS/fire orb absorption (he ran along with it so we squishy guys didn't have to worry about it) and the healers going balls out on the tank with two bosses. Easy, right?

The key is that there really is no enrage timer, so you can keep going until your healers run out of mana. We eventually slowed down, assigned everyone jobs, didn't worry so much about dps on the bosses and everything worked out. I think I got unlucky and ended up doing most of the kinetic orb juggling at the end (3 at once gets a little tricky) and ended up short of 2000 dps on the fight overall (kinetic bombs adsorb everything), but it went very smoothly.
#17 Jan 25 2010 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
boquaz wrote:
Is this 10 man?

We were able to do this with 2 tanks, which is nice, because we happened to have 2 tanks. He no longer melee's at all, so there's no need for a ranged tank anymore.


You understand that Keleseth still has a completely normal aggro table and if he isn't tanked he'll just start shadowlancing whoever he pleases?

Or am I misunderstanding you.

Edited, Jan 25th 2010 6:25pm by Norellicus
#18 Jan 25 2010 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
E misunderstanding as he said they had a pally OTing with a warlock bringing the orbs to him.
#19 Jan 25 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
Ah, so I see.

That's a lot of incoming damage, the other two don't exactly hit like girls. I wouldn't recommend it, it's quite easy to range tank, especially if you have instant spells you can toss on the nuclei while moving about.
#20 Jan 25 2010 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
That's a lot of incoming damage, the other two don't exactly hit like girls. I wouldn't recommend it, it's quite easy to range tank, especially if you have instant spells you can toss on the nuclei while moving about.

A Paladin will take less damage than a Ranged... He no longer Auto-attacks, and only uses Shadow Bolts or summons Resonances. A Paladin will take less damage from the non-empowered Shadow Bolts, will pump out more threat than a Warlock and has a chance to live if you don't get Resonances in time.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#21 Jan 26 2010 at 3:21 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Right, Paladin worked out well, but Norellicus hit right on the problem with what we did. Having the MT take both the other guys was a huge risk. We did wipe at least once when the MT just ended up taking a big melee hit at the same time from each. In his opinion, it was OK to do it with the MT having both, but it was "a major gear check" and we ended up with two healers on him. Overall, I think it would have been a much quicker fight if we had used what seems like the "normal" strategy.

My main point was, if you only worry about staying alive, the fight becomes easier. You'll get them down eventually.
#22 Jan 26 2010 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Ah, I see.

Though, in that case, wouldn't it still be easier to 3-tank it? Less incoming damage and the threat-threshold on Kel will be much higher. It isn't exactly to pull hate from a Lock...

Or do they share health pools or something?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#23 Jan 26 2010 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
After thinking about it, it probably would have been easier to 3 tank, but our RL is usually very good and we tend not to argue with him. It's hard to explain... he has a very calm, soothing voice (many PUGs have commented that he should go into radio), you just inherently trust him (or fall asleep during his explanations and then aren't in a position to argue), and this was his strategy.

On the other hand, this thread is all about how much difficulty jaysgsl had tanking with his mage...
#24 Jan 26 2010 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
Ah, I see.

Though, in that case, wouldn't it still be easier to 3-tank it? Less incoming damage and the threat-threshold on Kel will be much higher. It isn't exactly to pull hate from a Lock...

Or do they share health pools or something?

They do share health pools in the sense that there is only one health pool to deplete, but the damage you're dealing to Keleseth if he's not Empowered counts for nothing toward the council's death (but it does count for full threat).

Having been a regular tank who had to tank Keleseth (we did it in a pinch cause we couldn't figure out why range tank was dying...this is before we figured out the problem with shadow resistance), I'll say it sucks big time, as we just don't have enough tools to get the Nuclei to us and tank Keleseth effectively.

Though this was while he still melee'd and I had to play keep away, so if he straight up doesn't melee anymore and won't forcibly maintain a 10 yard gap then a normal tank could probably do much better. You're not going to be getting a lot of rage though (and unless perma-plea works on spell hits, Paladins will be running out of mana), so your threat won't exactly be stellar either. The best thing to do is just whoever is tanking Keleseth should be getting every bit of Tricks and Misdirection the group has, as soon as Keleseth becomes Empowered. If you do that it shouldn't even matter what you have tanking it, because they should have a pretty good threat lead to begin with from the first and possibly second Empowerment shifts, plus the threat redirects. Ideally they'll have also gathered enough Nuclei that they can stand still and open up on him to allow maximum dps uptime for the duration of the Empowerment.

It won't be less incoming damage to have a real tank on him, because the lances are unresistable. I'm pretty sure not even the reduction talents that you get as a tank (Protector of the Pack/Defensive Stance/etc) help, as I recall getting 15k hits in the first period before the Nuclei appear.
#25 Jan 26 2010 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts

It won't be less incoming damage to have a real tank on him, because the lances are unresistable. I'm pretty sure not even the reduction talents that you get as a tank (Protector of the Pack/Defensive Stance/etc) help, as I recall getting 15k hits in the first period before the Nuclei appear.

Whoa, really? That's REALLY stupid.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#26 Jan 26 2010 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
Inconvenient, maybe, but it's a good way to enforce using the mechanics of the fight the way they intended Smiley: tongue
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