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Fingers are too shortFollow

#1 Jan 19 2010 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
83 posts
2 Years ago Aethien told me to stop clicking lol and i'm finally doing something about it.
I am spending an hour or so a day gradually binding more shots to buttons. I started with binding steady,exp,aimed,serpent and BA to numbers 1 to 6 with R as kill shot Q and E as strafe and mouse for all other movements.

Here begims the problem, I am a one finger right handed typist with very short fingers, i'm finding (especially in panic situations) that any other actions I bind (disengage multi etc) require me to totally move my left hand out of its comfort zone and getting it back to the correct position leads to allsorts of buttons being mashed.

Has anyone else made the transition from clicker to key binder (after 3+years of clicking)?
If so, any advice on how you did it would be greatly appreciated, also ideal positions for bindings for someone whose right hand doesn't know what the left is doing.

Thanks for any help you can give

PS Does the cramp in the left wrist subside after a while ? :)
#2 Jan 19 2010 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
You can always start binding keys to your mouse. I have a mouse with 5 buttons (not including scroll up and down). Now, using those for getaway tricks like disengage and frost arrows, I get the job done. If you just have a 2button mouse, I advise you to get a new one asap. It really helps.

Also, don't forget using modifiers like shift, alt and control, and bind keys to those + a key close to your normal position.
#3 Jan 19 2010 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
83 posts
Yeah Thorpedro i got a steel series wow mouse but gave up as it was too bulky (need a 3 foot wide mouse mat)

I use a 5 button logitech (i think it is) but the 2 buttons on top behind the wheel do not seem to let me bind to them. I use the thumb buttons as target and send pet.
But TY for the advice
#4 Jan 19 2010 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
For the logitec mice, if you download the software for the mice specifically, you should be able to change those 2 small buttons. Instead of increasing and decreasing sensibility, you can set them to $ and µ for example (keys you never use otherwise) and then bind them to those in the WoW interface. Also (yea I have a logited mouse too, probably almost thesame), you can bind things like shift+backward mouse button to disengage and Ctrl+scroll forward, using those you can bind quite alot on a not-so-many-button mouse, like ours. (In comparison with mice like razer naga and stuff).
#5 Jan 19 2010 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
83 posts
LOL I'm so glad I posted now thanks Thorpe
#6 Jan 19 2010 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I am still a clicker but also have a problem of being left handed but do use the ? ( not sure what the proper name/names are ) the arrow keys to move with which may sound weird but as yet i have not been able to find a mouse that is comfortable to use as on rh mice the extra buttons are either impossible to use or are inadvertently touched and so not good.

I guess i should try and find a decent lh mouse but as i am not really interested ( or because i play badly ? ) i am not interested in doing raids as yet so only play solo , mainly as if i make mistakes or are slow i suffer nobody else .

My real question is if i bind keys on my hunter does that mean it will also mess things up for my other alts keys or am i mistaken , or would i have to change the positions of the spells to take advantage of the key binds ?

I hope that makes sense ?.
#7 Jan 19 2010 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
@ Sandra
In the keybinding menu you can switch "Character specific" on, and guess what happens next; you won't mess up your alt's keybinds. Although the wow interface is fine for keybinds, I highly recommend using bindpad or use bartender to modify your bars and place them as you like, and bind your keys on bartender itself. They're both pretty easy to use but take 10 mins to setup when you DL em (well, making keybinds and placing your bars where you like, that's mostly all there is to it.)
#8 Jan 19 2010 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Thanks for the reply i guess i need to take a proper look at some addons then and the interface options

I hope whoever it is that downrates me for asking a simple question gets downrated a lot as i am getting bored for getting downrated for no real reason except that my english is not brilliant.

And yes i expect this will get downrated as well but i no longer really care.
#9 Jan 19 2010 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
`, 1, 2, 3, 4, q, w, e, r, a, s & d
That's 12 buttons, add 3 modifiers and you can bind 48 abilities.

It does however require a mouse with sidescrolling so you can use that to strafe. (I bound mine to mimic [ & ] in WoW and those are bound to strafing)
#10 Jan 19 2010 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Replace your turn keys with strafe, you should be mouse turning anyways.
#11 Jan 26 2010 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
307 posts
I liked keeping my movement keys for movement. I primarily move with mouse, as I have every single ability keybound, and I never click. BUT I do strafe with keyboard and sometimes hold "W" for forward while I'm getting ready to autorun or something of the sort. I don't ever use "A" or "D" to keyboard turn, but I never unbound them, or "Q" or "E" for that matter. I just didn't want to, so don't think you have to do that.

Getting back on track: Just saying, I DID click for the first 3-4years I played WoW. I went and played Warhammer Online for a month or two, and that taught me the correct way to make use of keybindings and I fell in love never looked back even once. It's disgusting to me to click ANYTHING now. So I'll tell you what I do.

I don't really have small hands by any means, but I still want everything to be easily hit-able in the heat of the moment as I mostly PvP. I'm completely comfortable with near all my keybindings.

I use...

Z-B (The whole bottom row there. Z,X,C,V,B)

That's twelve keybinds, and that's a bar.

I have that bar on my screen four times. The default one... then another one with all the same keybinds but with a shift modifier, one bar with an alt modifier, and another with a ctrl modifier. I have my different types of abilities on different bars in different places so I can keep track of them easier. For example on my Rogue, primarily my "Ctrl" bar is my Finishing Move bar. My default bar is for basic attacks, my "Alt" Bar has all my Engineering equipment and items and my "Shift" bar has defensive abilities on it like trinket, will of the forsaken, evasion, cloak of shadows, etc, etc.

I also have all my powerup abilities bound to my mouse. My mouse has a forwards and a backwards button, both of which can also be used with the three modifiers, so that's eight abilities I can bind to my mouse...I have a whole bar for my mouse as well.

My assist target is "G". Inventory is "I", Character Pane is "P", Talents are "N", Map is "M", Spellbook is still "K" and Quest Log "L".

I never click anything anymore besides a player on my screen.

It will take you some getting used to, but if you could get used to what I've laid out for you here, I promise you that your game would be taken to the next level. I'm 300% better than I was two years ago when I clicked, there's no comparison at all. If I had a dps race with my old self with a fight that required movement and awareness I'd perform noticeably better, not to mention if I dueled my old self I wouldn't even get touched anymore... A keyboard turner just can't keep up with a mouse turning sprinting Rogue, even if he knows how to strafe well.

Hope I helped. ^^



Also... this gets you 48 + 8(If you have a two button mouse) keybinds WITHOUT having to unbind or change your movement keys if you still hit them out of panick, or just out of liking to do so. So in essence, you could slowly attempt to move off of keyboard movement while still having it there if you needed or wanted it. Like I said I don't keyboard turn...but I just didn't bothered with tampering or removing mine. It's just not necessary. Strafing, "W" and despite what some people think even "S" keys all have their uses to a small extent. "A" and "D" are rather useless but you don't really need to change them as I've said if you don't want to, just try not and use them too much. =X

Edited, Jan 26th 2010 11:26pm by LordDrazhar
#12 Jan 27 2010 at 2:05 AM Rating: Good
83 posts
Thanks for that Lord very usefull, I'm persevering with it and making slow but steady progress. (my right hand still gets very twitchy during "oh sh*t moments tho)
#13 Jan 27 2010 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
I used to have a list of my keybinds, but it hasn't been updated since BC, so :/

This is what I had set up during BC, SV on the left for arena, and MM on the right for raiding. If you look really close in the top left, you can see two sets of two little buttons, I had pin/roar of sacrifice/last stand up there (and master's call too for some reason). Everything was clustered around ESDF, and the nothing other than aspects/mounts required me to actually move my fingers. I had the shots laid out in the order of their priority, so I didn't have to waste memory running addons to track that (even though you don't really need to use a priority while in arena). FD and flare were bound on my mouse keys so that I could almost instantaneously FD when someone was almost finished casting a spell at me, and to throw up flares super quick (since you use the mouse to aim them, it makes a lot of sense to have the button itself keybound to your mouse too). Most commonly cast spell was on mousewheel scroll down, so explosive shot. I had viper on wheel up for the same reason, it's just quick to apply. Raiding was pretty much the same, SV spells replaced by MM, I had some stuff like potions on the F keys since they weren't really important.

Edit: And like I said above, you'll be mouse turning so having strafe on the turn keys frees up a lot of space and you'll never be tempted to KEYBOARD turn. Keybinding your movement keys to ESDF instead of WASD is personal choice, I liked it for WoW because of how fast I needed to access my binds, but I can't use it with any other games.

Edited, Jan 27th 2010 5:19pm by Yuppley
#14 Jan 27 2010 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
80 posts
Yuppley wrote:
you'll never be tempted to mouse turn.

Yea, pro's use their faceroll skills to turn when they've unbinded their mouse-turn.

OT: I have thesame binds for certain attacks on different chars, making it way easier to remember. Shift + T is always my opener, shift + G is always a nifty getaway trick, mouse buttons are all my "ohs*%t" buttons. So when I've been playing my pvp main and then switch to an alt to relax and lvl in STV, I instantly know what moves are binded where, and then it's just my reflexes using those binds and hopefully taking care of gankers.
#15 Jan 27 2010 at 4:17 PM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
Yea, pro's use their faceroll skills to turn when they've unbinded their mouse-turn.

As if I just said that...

Now I know why I get down-rated so often.

L2proofread yuppley.
#16 Jan 29 2010 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
`, 1, 2, 3, 4, q, w, e, r, a, s & d
That's 12 buttons, add 3 modifiers and you can bind 48 abilities.

It does however require a mouse with sidescrolling so you can use that to strafe. (I bound mine to mimic [ & ] in WoW and those are bound to strafing)

Creepy, that’s pretty much the exact same set up as mine. Mates have seen me play and said "WFT is that kind of setup?", but it as always severed me well.

I think I have just about everything macro'ed to hell as well. I am looking forward to expansions and all, but not trying to find places to fit in any new abilities >.<
#17 Jan 30 2010 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
80 posts
Now I know why I get down-rated so often.

I swear I didn't even move my mouse close to your downrate arrow, heck,I only got near it when I rated you up because you made me feel sorry :(.

Edited, Jan 30th 2010 5:40am by Thorpedro
#18 Jan 31 2010 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Using WASD for anything other than movement seems odd to me. I'd never be able to only use my mouse for movement. D and A work as turn keys, but if you hold down the right mouse button, you strafe instead. Been rolling like that for ages and would never be able to do it any other way.

For spells and stuff, I use 1-5, E (Q is reserved for Examiner), R, T, F, V, C and ½ (~ tilde for you US people). Shift, Ctrl and Alt are used as modifiers, so that's 33 keybindings or so, right? Some of the abilities don't have keybindings, though. I use an addon for the various trackings, one for aspects and one for pet stuff. Clickity.

I'm old school so Z and X still have their old /sit and (un)sheathe functions. I use the two mouse buttons to select and move, third mouse button (not the center one) for auto-run and fourth (still not center) for run/walk toggle.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Jan 31 2010 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
902 posts
I have PTT bound to a click of the scroll wheel, works really well.
#20 Jan 31 2010 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
scrollwheel click is autorun for me.
PTT is capslock, which isn't ideal but works.
#21 Jan 31 2010 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
902 posts
Aethien playing WoW:

Ingame: so guyS WHATS UP ARe wE RAIdinG TOnighT Or whaT?

Vent: Lol my guild sucks/I'm the best/Look at how awesome I am/Hunters are neat/I'm a durid
#22 Jan 31 2010 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I haven't been on vent in weeks.
#23 Jan 31 2010 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I haven't been on vent in weeks.

Mostly because push to talk or setting up Vent differently is too much work though, amirite?
#24 Feb 01 2010 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Since it is Hunter stuff go with what Aeth said.

On other class forums I take him as the color announcer as opposed to the good announcer guy. Using basketball as an analogy of course.

For basketball announcers he is like Bill Walton when he would do games; brutally honest, insightful and a dry sense of humor.

I wish he still did games. Was extra funny when he did Laker's games since he would bash his kid all the time.

That being said f the Lakers go Celtics.

So Aeth you are the Bill Walton of the hunter forums.

I think, I been drinkin.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#25 Feb 01 2010 at 5:57 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Kalivha wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I haven't been on vent in weeks.

Mostly because push to talk or setting up Vent differently is too much work though, amirite?
No, it's because I'm on Skype half the time anyway.

Also Horse... What the ****?
#26 Feb 01 2010 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
Aeth, that's what I meant.

Horse, I don't get it.
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