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#27 Jan 12 2010 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I would argue that Blood is HARDER due to the 1 rune thing, as optimum threat requires you to use runes as soon as you can. So, on your SHORTEST rotation, you need to use 5 abilities. Unholy and Frost only have to use 3.

On a group of 3 or 4 mobs, you need to be using HS on the proper mob. That means you need to pay much more attention to which mob you are hitting. Frost and Unholy can basically tab without thinking about it. A build that takes the Pestilence glyph will use 6 abilities per rotation. That cuts things VERY short comparatively. If you have to run to a mob, you may very easily lose threat. And not finishing your rotation in the 10 seconds isn't just delaying damage--you risk your last HS doing 25% less on top of the delay.

Blood's margin of error is FAR smaller than the other two. You ***** up your HSs or BBs, and you probably will lose hate. If I don't BB once as Unholy, I have no worries because my diseases and DnD are already putting out way more threat.

Oh, and Blood's BB is only going to do 17% more than Unholy's in most Heroic scenarios.

often enough not following an optimal rotation isn't even going to make you lose aggro)

You are making a big oversight here. The OP, as a new tank, will be running with highly geared players. Even WITH the optimal rotation, he may be losing aggro. So there certainly IS a big probability that the 200-400 TpS that you lose from using BB instead of HS can defintely result in a DpS getting hate. I can put out 5.5K-6K TpS in Unholy, without worrying about it. And I still occasionally have to worry (especially if running with an Arms Warrior).

I'm not saying that Blood is bad (I wouldn't argue that). I'm just saying that Blood requires you to know what you are doing, and it is going to punish someone who doesn't very harshly. Blood and Unholy get quite a bit more passive Threat due to their diseases, and HB makes it up for Frost. Plus Unholy gets more damage from DnD. That makes it much more forgiven, so you can focus on learning to tank instead of learning the perfect rotation. Someone who is trying to learn to tank as Blood just has much more to worry about.

Edited, Jan 12th 2010 10:00pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#28 Jan 12 2010 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I would argue that Blood is HARDER due to the 1 rune thing, as optimum threat requires you to use runes as soon as you can. So, on your SHORTEST rotation, you need to use 5 abilities. Unholy and Frost only have to use 3.

On a group of 3 or 4 mobs, you need to be using HS on the proper mob. That means you need to pay much more attention to which mob you are hitting. Frost and Unholy can basically tab without thinking about it. A build that takes the Pestilence glyph will use 6 abilities per rotation. That cuts things VERY short comparatively. If you have to run to a mob, you may very easily lose threat. And not finishing your rotation in the 10 seconds isn't just delaying damage--you risk your last HS doing 25% less on top of the delay.

Blood's margin of error is FAR smaller than the other two. You ***** up your HSs or BBs, and you probably will lose hate. If I don't BB once as Unholy, I have no worries because my diseases and DnD are already putting out way more threat.

Oh, and Blood's BB is only going to do 17% more than Unholy's in most Heroic scenarios.

You're argueing a moot point. Even if it were harder to optimize your rotation as blood (something I'd argue against as well - more abilities in a rotation matters jack all if you can spam buttons anyway. Unholy and frost are only 'easier' in that they have to spam less but they completely lose that flexibility to deal with tight situations because of this), that wouldn't make it harder to specifically *tank* as blood, due to, like I said in my previous post, the fact that you will easily keep aggro anyway if you miss a HS or launch it against the wrong target by accident.

You are making a big oversight here. The OP, as a new tank, will be running with highly geared players. Even WITH the optimal rotation, he may be losing aggro. So there certainly IS a big probability that the 200-400 TpS that you lose from using BB instead of HS can defintely result in a DpS getting hate. I can put out 5.5K-6K TpS in Unholy, without worrying about it. And I still occasionally have to worry (especially if running with an Arms Warrior).

You're making an oversight yourself - the thing is that you would have a good point here, were it not for the fact that those overgeared DPS who are most likely to take aggro in AOE situations also ensure that mobs die before you can get your diseases properly up anyway. If you lose aggro when a mob reaches 50%, the mob starts going for a caster and is on 10% by the time he reaches him, it's going to matter jack all whether you can regain aggro or not simply because the mob is going to be dead before you could even use a taunt. If you want to limit the discussion to heroics in particular you'll need to realize TpS means very little.

I'm not saying that Blood is bad (I wouldn't argue that). I'm just saying that Blood requires you to know what you are doing, and it is going to punish someone who doesn't very harshly. Blood and Unholy get quite a bit more passive Threat due to their diseases, and HB makes it up for Frost. Plus Unholy gets more damage from DnD. That makes it much more forgiven, so you can focus on learning to tank instead of learning the perfect rotation. Someone who is trying to learn to tank as Blood just has much more to worry about.

Same thing as I mention earlier - yes, you need to "know what you are doing". But seeing as "knowing what you are doing" as blood means "spamming the HS button" this doesn't specifically make the spec hard on a new tank.

The match really is between "Having to constantly spam a button and having room for error" vs "Having less room for error but only having to push a button every 3 seconds". And unless you've got the IQ of a squirrel you're going to learn tanking easier by taking that button spamming for granted and being flexible rather than getting into problems as soon as something goes wrong.
#29 Jan 12 2010 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
My point about Blood being more difficult was NEVER about Blood as a rotation. It IS harder to learn how to gauge when you need to HS and when to BB, yes. But my point was always that lower AoE threat meant you would be losing more mobs. And that can be really stressful to deal with as a new tank. The least complicated, highest threat spec is going to have a much easier learning curve than one where you have to work hard for the threat, and still lose more mobs.

Furthermore, don't forget that all of this is specifically geared to the OP. His threat, once Def capped, is going to be MUCH lower. I am in an average of 225 gear, have a Quel'Delar and a GS of 2500+. Using the optimal rotation, I usually land around 5.5K TpS in Unholy. When your GS is going to be 1500 or lower, such as when you first start tanking, you will not get anywhere near that threat.

This means that even the lower DpS are going to be pulling threat. So it isn't necessarily 5/6K DpSers that are pulling hate, but could go as low as 2-2.5K DpSers for the starting tank. Especially if your group composition works against you. And the OP will be working with fewer RSs, due to lower avoidance, as well as lower DpS stats. And he'll be working in a build which occasionally gets hit harder than Frost/Unholy due to its physical nature. Even in a DpS sense, it is rarely recommended at the lowest gear levels.

And I disagree greatly that Blood has a superior ability to react to situations. Frost can more easily pick up adds. Both Frost and Unholy have to worry less about using their taunts, as they are less-likely to need them during combat. And it isn't like Rune Tap doesn't have partners in other trees. Unholy has Anti-Magic Zone, which is a godsend when there's a lot of magic damage. Lichborne can be incredibly useful, since fear is used a lot in heroics. Deathchill guarantees a crit, which helps steal aggro back when you need it most.

Blood has NO tools for getting threat back quickly, of for setting firm threat on an add. A bad tank in Frost will result in far fewer group deaths than a bad tank in Blood, simply because a Healer can carry the group as long as the tank is the only one getting hit.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#30 Jan 13 2010 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
My point about Blood being more difficult was NEVER about Blood as a rotation. It IS harder to learn how to gauge when you need to HS and when to BB, yes. But my point was always that lower AoE threat meant you would be losing more mobs. And that can be really stressful to deal with as a new tank. The least complicated, highest threat spec is going to have a much easier learning curve than one where you have to work hard for the threat, and still lose more mobs.

Furthermore, don't forget that all of this is specifically geared to the OP. His threat, once Def capped, is going to be MUCH lower. I am in an average of 225 gear, have a Quel'Delar and a GS of 2500+. Using the optimal rotation, I usually land around 5.5K TpS in Unholy. When your GS is going to be 1500 or lower, such as when you first start tanking, you will not get anywhere near that threat.

This means that even the lower DpS are going to be pulling threat. So it isn't necessarily 5/6K DpSers that are pulling hate, but could go as low as 2-2.5K DpSers for the starting tank. Especially if your group composition works against you. And the OP will be working with fewer RSs, due to lower avoidance, as well as lower DpS stats. And he'll be working in a build which occasionally gets hit harder than Frost/Unholy due to its physical nature. Even in a DpS sense, it is rarely recommended at the lowest gear levels.

And I disagree greatly that Blood has a superior ability to react to situations. Frost can more easily pick up adds. Both Frost and Unholy have to worry less about using their taunts, as they are less-likely to need them during combat. And it isn't like Rune Tap doesn't have partners in other trees. Unholy has Anti-Magic Zone, which is a godsend when there's a lot of magic damage. Lichborne can be incredibly useful, since fear is used a lot in heroics. Deathchill guarantees a crit, which helps steal aggro back when you need it most.

You're argueing a different point than me. I'm not saying Frost and Unholy don't have usefull cooldowns, I'm saying that they have a harder time dealing with crisis situations in their main rotation simply because of the fact if they throw down a Scourge Strike, they lose two runes, whereas I will only lose *one* rune for a HS and will still have one left to solve tight spots with.

Blood has NO tools for getting threat back quickly, of for setting firm threat on an add. A bad tank in Frost will result in far fewer group deaths than a bad tank in Blood, simply because a Healer can carry the group as long as the tank is the only one getting hit.

Same point again; that depends on what you call 'a bad tank'. If 'a bad tank' is one who has some kind of disease meaning he can only push a button every 3 or 4 seconds, then yes, frost and unholy are going to be better. If 'a bad tank' is one who does nothing but spam one button, then you are definitely going to hold aggro better as blood.
#31 Jan 13 2010 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Yes, but that makes NO difference. It may use 1 rune, but it is the same rune that ALL of your emergency abilities use. SS and Oblit use 2 runes, yes, but they only use 1 rune of the type their defensive abilities need. So they are the same as HS. If I'm Frost, the only thing I can do with an Unholy rune is Plague Strike, unless I'm going to combine them. If I'm Unholy, the only thing I can really do with a Frost rune is Icy Touch. If I'm BLood, the only thing I can do with a Frost or Unholy rune is PS/IT.

So, when it comes down to it, unless we have to apply a disease it doesn't matter any more than Blood if we use our FU ability (compared to their B ability). And if the Frost DK uses the HB glyph, it doesn't matter at all then.

Same point again; that depends on what you call 'a bad tank'. If 'a bad tank' is one who has some kind of disease meaning he can only push a button every 3 or 4 seconds, then yes, frost and unholy are going to be better. If 'a bad tank' is one who does nothing but spam one button, then you are definitely going to hold aggro better as blood.

I JUST said that my argument for why Blood is harder to learn as has nothing to do with rotations. The comments about HS/BB were a specific response to a false claim about it having an easier rotation. You trying to ignore my actual argument isn't helping anything. My point is that Blood will lose more mobs (ESPECIALLY when at low gear levels, like we are talking about), so they will have to stress much more over every action. They have to worry about using which taunt, and when, as well as their interrupts. A wrong action is much less forgiving than with Frost or Unholy. I don't care about the rotation.

And the idea that Blood's is easier (or that it is press-3-over-and-over kind of rotation) is bull. They are not easier than Unholy at all (and for reasons I pointed out in an above post, it is much less forgiving to any kind of stun or if you have to run.


Is Unholy's rune rotation for AoE.


Is Blood's rune rotation for AoE.

Oh, wait...

Single Target?

Unholy w/ Reaping:


The second is, actually, more complicated. Unholy hits the same button 3 times. Blood hits 1 button once, and 1 button 4 times. If you ***** up and hit DS twice, you are losing threat.

You are trying to make arguments with rotations without even considering how it actually compares. Blood has fewer tools to react to situations, and the exact same disadvantage due to runes that Frost and Unholy have. It may take a different form, sure, but that doesn't mean they don't suffer it.

But, again, my argument was never about rotations. It was purely about threat output. Without even considering what you have to do for your basic rotation, Blood's lower threat output gives them a larger work load and puts more *importance* on the optimal rotation. I don't care how hard that is (and it IS harder than Frost or Unholy once you factor in targeting as well).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#32 Jan 13 2010 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Without trying to sound like an ***, why am I even bothering?

My point 3 posts back was that all of this is a moot point if you're doing heroics. Spamming HS will be enough to keep threat in 90% of the cases. Spamming SS is not and Howling Blast/Obliterate cannot be spammed.
#33 Jan 13 2010 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts

My point 3 posts back was that all of this is a moot point if you're doing heroics. Spamming HS will be enough to keep threat in 90% of the cases. Spamming SS is not and Howling Blast/Obliterate cannot be spammed.

My point is that Blood's threat WON'T be enough when you are first STARTING heroics. I don't give a damn about how they compare later on. But Blood is the most gear-dependent spec we have. And Unholy does, like, 30 less damage with their BBs than Blood does. Seriously. They get a 23% bonus to the damage, where you get 40%, but also get a 14% AP coefficient instead of a 9.5% one. As a result, at low gear levels, you will barely beat out theirs. And your DnD and Diseases do QUITE a bit less. Plus, the Icy Touch glyph is far better for Unholy than for Blood. SS isn't even much of a threat tool, it's just icing on the cake.

When you first start tanking, threat is your number one concern. You need to grab mobs and keep them. A new Unholy or Frost tank has WAY more tools to do this.

At higher gear levels, I don't care. Eventually you won't need to worry about threat in heroics anymore, for any of the specs. But, in the beginning, it is the MOST important part of tanking.

I don't care what the state is at a 2500 GS. The OP isn't anywhere close to that--he needs every last bit of threat he can get right now. If he can just focus on learning to tank, instead of fighting against his spec, he will have a much easiser time. Once he is used to grabbing mobs he loses, and learns how to place his DnD effectively (and is used to the basic DK disease-placing rotation), then he will be able to change to Blood much easier.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#34 Jan 13 2010 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
What makes you think I'm talking about a higher gearscore? No matter how much you're trying to pull numbers into the discussion, the fact is that you can go into a heroic and spam Heart Strike on mob A (and switch to mob B should you lose him) and you will be fine. Purely due to that simple fact Unholy and Frost DK's have a harder time upon first entering heroics - they cannot spam their main ability and will have a slightly harder time. I really don't see why you feel the need to drag it out that much and post me huge walls of text in every response. Unless it's just you, which, having just left the shaman forums, doesn't seem too far off.
#35 Jan 14 2010 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I have a 3k+ gearscore on my DPS set, and barely over 2k..last I checked...on my tank set, I've run Heroics with people who have the same gear as my tank and I grab threat from them all the time in Heroics.

I have almost the same health pool in my T9 DPS set as these tanks just starting to do Heroics, I'm pulling 4k+ DPS and always have to back off so that I don't pull the mob from the tank, which is makes it harder to kill stuff for the group and heal the tank because he's going to be taking more damage because stuff stays alive longer.

The point about threat being the primary concern when first starting is valid, but also having to watch your health and using your Defensive CD's, since you'll have to be using them more often to stay alive due to the lower effective health.

Blood AoE snap threat generation is inferior to Frost AoE snap threat generation. Blood can produce more, but only if given time to do so, and most of the time fights don't last that long and it doesn't take long for someone to be given a new a-hole by a Heroic mob when the tank loses threat because he's ridiculously outgeared by the DPS.

If you are geared well enough that the AoE threat you produce as Blood is enough to keep the trash on you all the time, awesome, but Frost and Unholy can do that at lower gear levels....which is what this whole thread is about, a FRESH tank.
#36 Jan 14 2010 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Katchii said exactly what I was trying to point out. The specs DO even out, but the disparity between Blood and the other two is large enough that it can be a serious problem when you FIRST START TANKING.

If you can convince a group to wait 10 seconds at every pull, and to tone down their DpS from that point on, it's fine. But when a Mage has to wait 20 seconds for them to be able to cast Blizzard without getting smacked in the face, they're probably gonna get pissy.

Purely due to that simple fact Unholy and Frost DK's have a harder time upon first entering heroics - they cannot spam their main ability and will have a slightly harder time.

Except that no one cares about their main ability. Obliterate and Scourge Strike aren't major threat tools. They're NICE tools, yes. But Frost and Unholy do NOT rely on them for their AoE threat. They could never Oblit or SS (just leaving those runes unused) and still probably out-threat a Blood tank at lower gear levels. And I mean that seriously.

Unholy would just use DnD, Diseases, a Pest and a BB.
Frost would just use their HB, Diseases, Pest and maybe DnD.

Both would still out-threat Blood's Diseases, BB/HSs, Pest and DnD.

The FU ability is used for single-target hate, and it adds to the margin of error on pack mobs. The real reason you tab through a group is to place a Rune Strike on each. The Oblit/SS you put on them is just an unnecessary "couldn't hurt" ability for the majority of groups. Even at lower gear levels, it is unlikely for those specs that their FU strike to be the difference between losing hate or keeping it.

HAVING to spam an ability to keep hate is much more annoying than being free to not worry about it.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#37 Jan 14 2010 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Very well. You're right, and I'm just so awesome that I've never had threat problems as blood before during all the time I've spend on my Death Knight.

Are you happy now?
#38 Jan 14 2010 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
Mozared, does that mean I can claim to be awesome too?
#39 Jan 14 2010 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Hey it's possible we're all just retarded and Dilbrt and Mozared are awesomazing and everyone they grouped with sucks at DPS so they would never have any problems Tanking.... /shrug.....what was all this about again, I went to the Druid forums because I found the joy of healing and something different to do in WoW.
#40 Jan 14 2010 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
It's also possible that the average DpS is much higher now that it was months ago when Dill, at least, first hit 80.

You know, just maybe.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#41 Jan 14 2010 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Which was going to be my next comment.

With the advent of T9 pieces of gear being acquired like candy on Halloween, the Average DPS can reach the 3k+ DPS really quickly. The argument can be said of course that tanks can get it just as fast though, but the problem comes in the fact that with 10000000000000000 DPS on a realm and 10000 Tanks, if you're one of those tanks who just started, you're obviously going to get at LEAST 1 uber geared DPS who will make Tanking difficult for you, if not 3 on top of the fact that Healers are almost as in short supply as tanks, and some of them suck or are undergeared, you might be having a tough time as a new Tank...just maybe.
#42 Jan 14 2010 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Which brings me back to this;
You're making an oversight yourself - the thing is that you would have a good point here, were it not for the fact that those overgeared DPS who are most likely to take aggro in AOE situations also ensure that mobs die before you can get your diseases properly up anyway. If you lose aggro when a mob reaches 50%, the mob starts going for a caster and is on 10% by the time he reaches him, it's going to matter jack all whether you can regain aggro or not simply because the mob is going to be dead before you could even use a taunt.

The last time I saw any tank lose aggro in a heroic (any tank who was actually doing something, that is) it was indeed to one of these uber DPS (also known as fury warriors who pump out 6K+ AOE damage per trash group). But the thing is, if your DPS do that much damage, threat is going to matter jack all because every mob will die within seconds after the fight starts - as long as you make the pull and grab initial aggro, no one is going to get hurt anyway.

The situation you are describing where you spam a button, DPS still take aggro and it is actually a problem because the DPS die simply doesn't exist. I've never encountered it before, anyway.
#43 Jan 14 2010 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Why are you assuming ALL the DpS are doing that much? If he's in a group with 2 2K DpS and 1 4K DpS, stuff is going to die plenty slowly, and he will still (at his gear levels in Blood) lose mobs to the one 4K member. I have parties ALL THE TIME with people doing exactly this. It's a perfectly fair assumption. It's nice to use a single scenario (which is fairly unlikely, since the number of lower DpS is larger than the population of high DpS) to support your side. But that doesn't mean it is realistic. And to make a claim that Blood is superior in learning to tank (or hell, even equal), you need to think about what the person will ACTUALLY experience.

A. If you are pumping out 1K DpS, and only have 30% Dodge+Parry, your threat is going to be under 3K per mob. That's easily hit by many DpS. And a group doing 3K is still enough to make fights take a while. And I've seen 80 Mages go down in under 2 seconds to heroic Nexus mobs. It doesn't matter if they die just after they die, if they still die.

Your job as a tank is to keep them from dying.

B. You can't guarantee that your DpS will be giving you time on every pull to ramp up your threat. Yeah, maybe they should. But it doesn't matter what we think they should be doing. What matters is what they WILL do. You can't just say "Well, a DpS is always going to give me time to establish hate, so clearly this is fine." We are talking about what would ACTUALLY be easier for the OP to learn to tank in. Many groups are going to bash him if he asks them to hold on for even 5 seconds. And if just *one* pulls 4K DpS, he's still going to lose the mobs to that one person (and, if the DpS is something like a Mage, where all mobs get damaged somewhat evenly, he's going to lose them all).

I said specifically in an above post, that this wouldn't matter if groups gave him time to gain threat. But because that's not something we can guarantee, and will earn him some public bashing, I wouldn't use that as a standard.

And god forbid someone accidentally pulls a group, and starts DpSing since most will. Or an add wanders into a Mage's Blizz cast.

The situation you are describing where you spam a button, DPS still take aggro and it is actually a problem because the DPS die simply doesn't exist. I've never encountered it before, anyway.

I have no clue why you are talking about button spamming. I really don't. No spec is just "spam this ability." If that's the way you play it, you aren't putting out nearly as much threat as you could be.

But if you are talking about using BB... the situation CERTAINLY exists where a DpS is going to steal hate from you... I don't get what you are talking about.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#44 Jan 14 2010 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
A. If you are pumping out 1K DpS, and only have 30% Dodge+Parry, your threat is going to be under 3K per mob. That's easily hit by many DpS. And a group doing 3K is still enough to make fights take a while. And I've seen 80 Mages go down in under 2 seconds to heroic Nexus mobs. It doesn't matter if they die just after they die, if they still die.

I don't think I've *EVER* lost threat from my main target mob. But lets just say that a mage who doesn't know what Blink or Frost Nova is (since no other class will go down in two hits), is stupid enough to go for the wrong target immediately after the pull, and manages to take aggro, without actually 3-shotting the mob. Assuming my HS's off-target has hit a third mob, (talk about unlikely scenarios...) that's when I use Dark Command or Death Grip. Problem solved, and Blood would perform equal to Frost or Unholy. And I'm not even mentioning the fact that after my taunt, I can throw a HS on the runaway mob (assuming he isn't dead by now) because I've still got runes left after throwing two HS's on my main target.

Your job as a tank is to keep them from dying.

No, my job as a tank is to make sure all mobs we're currently fighting attack me and not them. As long as I'm doing this right, it's their own job to keep them from dying. But yeah, that's off the point.

B. You can't guarantee that your DpS will be giving you time on every pull to ramp up your threat.
I said specifically in an above post, that this wouldn't matter if groups gave him time to gain threat. But because that's not something we can guarantee, and will earn him some public bashing, I wouldn't use that as a standard.

How much time do you need? Assuming you have just 3 seconds you can get both your diseases up on the main target before the first attack lands. Now I'm not sure about your battlegroup, but groups that only give me that little time and actually require a tank (because they don't 4-shot everything) are already rare. Let alone groups for which all the above is true while they also give the tank a public bashing if he's not rushing it. And the only 'groups' that pull faster than that and don't 4-shot mobs are groups with utter noobs in them that will grind any tanks' gears regardless.

And god forbid someone accidentally pulls a group, and starts DpSing since most will.

This is probably the only time where unholy or frost tanks have a slightly easier time, due to HB/stronger D&D. The difference for unholy is barely mentionable though, and it is already a fairly extraordinary situation. I may have encountered this situation ten to twenty times during all heroics I've done (on all my three characters). And even if they do occur, you can still argue that Blood is better to 'learn tanking' with as its small lack of AOE means there's more emphasis on positioning, keeping an eye out and movement - if you learn tanking the 'hard' way you won't have a reliance on expendable talents like HB but will instead learn more quickly how important it is to be aware and take up a good position.

I have no clue why you are talking about button spamming. I really don't. No spec is just "spam this ability." If that's the way you play it, you aren't putting out nearly as much threat as you could be.

Obviously no spec is about 'spamming this ability'. What I am saying is that Blood tanking is 'easier' due to the simple fact that you can spam HS like a maniac and still hold threat, which is something you can't do as unholy.
#45 Jan 15 2010 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
Diggory, do you actually tank, or just like to work in theoretics? Or is it just that you don't like being argued with?

You can't plan for every scenario, there's always going to be someone who does something stupid and makes life harder on you and themselves. But assuming things go well (which is even what we're doing when we theorycraft!), Blood is no more complicated than either of the other specs and has better survival options baked in for cases where the healer is a little slack or something DOES go wrong.

People have to learn sometime and learning to tank using a rhythm that you likely won't ever see again when you get into raids and NEED those blood talents for the tight moments is, in a word, dumb. Practice is part of learning, and if it means losing a few trash groups while you get into the practice of what is (arguably) currently the most well-rounded tanking spec for the class, then I really fail to see the harm in it. Eventually it'll become second nature and won't be a problem.

And ArPen for tanking? Seriously?

I don't mean to sound rude. It's just puzzling why you're arguing based on points regarding other people doing dumb things, rather than simply sticking to a modus operandi and letting the rest sort itself out.

Edited, Jan 15th 2010 9:22am by Norellicus
#46 Jan 15 2010 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I won't agree or disagree with any of these points, rather I'll just give my experiences on the matter.

I DPS as Blood and Tank as Frost, been that way ever since I got Dual-Spec.

I love DPS'ing as Blood becaue I have good gear and do well at it. I am not such a fan of tanking because that's just not how I like to play, but I did it to get into groups and farm badges (also my guild initially needed another tank, but now they don't).

I learn to play my class not only by what abilities I should be using at certain times but also setting up my UI/ button lay-out in an intuitive manner and since when you change specs, your UI changes to what you have set for the spec your playing.

I have all of the abilities I use set-up based on priority so that while in DPS I know that when I'm supposed to do XYZ, I hit buttons 1-2-3, but when in Tank mode, different moves have the same priority but they go in the same place...

Hard to explain and I haven't tanked in a while and I haven't grouped with my DK in a while because I'm focusing on leveling my Druid atm so I don't really remember what abilities I have placed exactly in what slots.

What I mean to say is, because of how I set-up my UI I don't have any issues with switching specs for DPS and Tanking, I DPS better because my gear is better, but for all of the Heroics excluding ToC and the new 5-mans, I can breeze through them as a tank no problem. ToC just needs a good, well equipped healer and I just need better gear for the new 5 mans as I only have about 29k Health in my tanking gear.
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