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Learn 2 tankFollow

#1 Jan 08 2010 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
I rolled a DK and played him solo as DPS to 80. Now I want to play tank spec to get more dungeon runs. I geared up with crafted gear and tried a cookie cutter spec. I still have to get down the priorities and spell, and I read a lot on TankSpot and here on Frost DW and got 2 Cobalt Slicer, and put runes on them (after the last "FAIL" I am sure it was not totally my fault we wiped but it was sad to get kicked from a N UK where the rest of the group were 72s. Do you have any things that can help, and how I can improve as a tank?
#2 Jan 08 2010 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Probably should get defense capped, which is 535 for heroics.

Also you probably want a tanking spec, that might help too.
#3 Jan 08 2010 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Also you probably want a tanking spec, that might help too.

That, really. Because DK tanking specs are so similar to DPS specs (technically, DPS spec + Blade Barrier + Toughness + Anticipation = tank spec), Death Knights *can* tank some 5-man instances in their DPS spec by just wearing tanking gear. Before you really outgear the content you're doing, I really wouldn't recommended it though. You'd need full Ulduar 25 gear or up to do heroics safely that way, I reckon.
#4 Jan 08 2010 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Plus, you didn't say WHAT rotation you were using.

Are you using your CDs?

Do you find yourself struggling with aggro? Taking too much damage? Are your party members complaining about you not grabbing adds, or mobs you lose to them. Do you have target-of-target activated?

I second the talent spec thing. My GS is over 2.5K now, and I wouldn't want to tank in a DpS Spec. ESPECIALLY when not even close to Def cap, with under 30% avoidance.


Two Nerubian Carapace RFs would give you 521 skill. It shouldn't be THAT hard to get the last 14 you'd need to be capped.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE. NC gives 25 Defense SKILL. Gear gives you Defense RATING. You need quite a bit more than 14 rating to get 14 skill.

Also, your health is pitiful. I've gotten hit for your whole health pool in about a second before. You shouldn't be tanking Heroics with that. 20K is my absolute minimum, but others will demand much more.

Run Regulars--you aren't ready for Heroics yet.

Edited, Jan 8th 2010 2:38pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Jan 08 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Also, your health is pitiful lower than ideal.

Be nice. :P
#6 Jan 08 2010 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I don't think "pitiful" is a mean word. Actually, it was the wrong one to use, since it means "deserving pity." I should have used a word that actually is harsh.

I don't pity him his health pool. But the fact is I often see Mage DpSers with higher values. The OP hasn't used any enchants, leg-armors or a belt-buckle. Just a little effort and 200-400 gold would have easily given him at least 1K more health (with the cheapest capped enhancements). That's like 20 minutes of dailies.

There's a point where you have to conclude that they just aren't trying. Babying people who haven't put in any effort isn't going to help anybody. It wastes my time, and probably won't be strong enough to make them understand these things are actually important.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#7 Jan 08 2010 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Idiggory is right - your gear is terribad and your health pool isn't enough for heroics. I'd hate to be the healer that has to keep you alive.

There are several things you can do to improve. Unfortunately enchants aren't going to be enough - you really need better gear. The jewelcrafting gear is good and the tempered saronite stuff is okay but the rest, including the cobalt slicers, really don't cut the mustard.

If you read Tankspot, you'll have seen the dk tank gear list. You've got mining as a profession so that enables you to smelt titansteel, which is excellent for tanks. You could do with the tempered titansteel boots and helm, as well as the titansteel bonecrusher as one weapon. For a 2nd, I recommend the Reaper of Dark Souls, for which you need Revered with Knights of the Ebon Blade.

I'd also suggest getting the titansteel destroyer - the 2-hand weapon. If you have that, you can play at being dps for a while and get into some dungeons fairly safely. Personally, I spent my first week of lvl 80 DK as dps, getting gear from heroics while letting more experienced people do the hard work. Doing it that way also gets you lots of reputation and some free emblems of triumph, which you can spend on excellent gear. Seeing how more experienced tanks handle the heroics will also help when you come to tank those places.

EDIT: I forgot something - if you can get in heroics as dps, you can probably get in some pug raids. Look out for people doing the weekly raid quest. I got one of my rings this way.

My armory so you can see my gear.

Edited, Jan 8th 2010 5:25pm by Leodis
#8 Jan 08 2010 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
One more thing. Frost DW really shouldn't be attempted until you have the gear to put out the hate and take the damage.

So, you really have two options.

Either go as Frost 2-hand (or one of the others, though you'll have an easier time as a Heroic tank in Frost or Unholy). The Titansteel Destroyer that Leodis suggested is an excellent choice. And, like he said, you can get all of the mats yourself as a Miner. Will take 8 days, but you don't need to shell out the cash. I LITERALLY used this weapon for months (like, I used it from when I hit cap to the launch of 3.3). It was enough for me to put out decent threat, and has 105 Stam on it. The hit certainly doesn't hurt.

Or, you can remain Frost DW. But until you can start supplementing your stats with better gear, you really need to use tanking one-handers. They suck for threat, but you really should be trying to make up for DW's shortcomings, when you are already so undergeared. Plus, you need Defense. 2 birds, one stone.

Just fixing your spec and getting your Def cap may be enough to let you start tanking heroics. Try and shoot for at least 24K health. You'll still get crap for it in Heroics, but most people won't even run with you below 22K.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Jan 09 2010 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
Probably should get defense capped, which is 535 for heroics.

Also you probably want a tanking spec, that might help too.

Yes I am trying to get there got good advice here. Sitting at 496 before changes so should not be too hard.

My Spec is 0/53/18 and is a frost tank spec I found in my research.
Plus, you didn't say WHAT rotation you were using.

Are you using your CDs?

I try to stay with HB/IT/PS/BS/BS/OBIT and RS when it is up and FS as my other RP dump. The party leader told me to start with DnD but I read it was not really needed, HB Does much the same thing and helps the frost spells I use.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE. NC gives 25 Defense SKILL. Gear gives you Defense RATING. You need quite a bit more than 14 rating to get 14 skill.

Changing back to a 2H and using NC will stay the same as the 2 1h with NC/FC?
I ran Nexus on Reg and cleared it. The UK run was on Reg, I was losing some aggro but could re-tag them. The wipe was on the Twin Bosses which I think they used the wrong stat, killing the caster first, I thought you had to kill them at the same time.
I don't think "pitiful" is a mean word. Actually, it was the wrong one to use, since it means "deserving pity." I should have used a word that actually is harsh.

I don't pity him his health pool. But the fact is I often see Mage DpSers with higher values. The OP hasn't used any enchants, leg-armors or a belt-buckle. Just a little effort and 200-400 gold would have easily given him at least 1K more health (with the cheapest capped enhancements). That's like 20 minutes of dailies.

There's a point where you have to conclude that they just aren't trying. Babying people who haven't put in any effort isn't going to help anybody. It wastes my time, and probably won't be strong enough to make them understand these things are actually important.

I have been at 80 for 5 days. I knew I was getting some better gear crafted, I might have made better choices but I really am trying and was only looking for ideas. Your posters have given a bunch of excellent ones.
#10 Jan 09 2010 at 3:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Another suggestion from me. Keep questing - there's some decent gear in Icecrown you could use and the money will help you buy other gear from the AH, or enchants or gems or something.
#11 Jan 09 2010 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks Leodis. I did get something put in every slot I could. At 20K armor, 20K health and 519 Defense with 2 weapons, although I am using the 2H for now. I have 4 TS bars made so 4 more for the TS Destroyer. Money is not too bad, probably 4k on main and Myself. Still not able to tank a 80+ elite yet( Chillmaw ) so the priest kicked me and got another priest to do the quest.
#12 Jan 09 2010 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
My Spec is 0/53/18 and is a frost tank spec I found in my research.

That ISN'T a tank spec, and whoever told you it was is an idiot. Unless they like making their tanks take WAY more damage than they should. Every DK tank spec stats off with 5/5/5. That's 10% more armor, 5% Dodge and 5% reduced Damage.

Here is a DK tank spec for Frost. The 2 points in Virulence are floaters. They can also be put in Morbidity, Epidemic or Subversion. Lichborne can also become Deathchill, but a lot of Heroic mobs use fear. If you want, you can replace Frost Strike with the Howling Blast glyph, which will change your AoE rotation. I'm going to just give you the rotation without it. If you want to take it, let me know and I'll give you a rotation with it. This is obviously a 2-handed build.

I try to stay with HB/IT/PS/BS/BS/OBIT and RS when it is up and FS as my other RP dump. The party leader told me to start with DnD but I read it was not really needed, HB Does much the same thing and helps the frost spells I use.

Okay, single target rotation is:


If HB is up and you have a Rime proc, replace an Oblit with it.

Also macro RS into your BS, OBlit, PS, HB and FS abolities using /cast !Rune Strike. That will make you use it essentially whenever it is up, RP permitting.

You DO have to use DnD if you are having AoE threat issues. Since HB has a 5 second CD, you aren't really replacing anything.

DnD>HB>BB would be your second, and repeat that. But your DnD CD doesn't line up with your rotation, so you need to be dynamic enough to think about that.

A. Rime procs + HB should take priority.
B. Make sure Diseases are up, and spread.
C. If DnD is off CD, and you need it, use it.

Tanking is NOT a matter of making cessations. You can't say "Well, I'm using HB so that should be enough." If your group needs you to put out more threat, and you have the tools to do it, it is your responsibility to put out more threat. Period. That's really all there is to it. If you putting down DnD means the DpS can put out 1K more DpS to each mob, that's a big deal.

The 2-hand verion of Nerubian Carapace is called Stoneskin Gargoyle. It gives 2% Stam and 25 skill (the same as 2x NC).


Lol, I forgot to link the spec.

Edited, Jan 9th 2010 2:08pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#13 Jan 09 2010 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I think you simply mistook two links. Like Diggory said, your spec is definitely not a tank spec. Just look at it yourself - you've picked talents like Blood-Caked Blade, Necrosis and Ravenous Death (more damage and a minor amount of strenght) over talents like Unbreakable Armor, Anticipation, Improved Frost Presence, Frigid Deathplate, Toughness and Blade Barrier (all pure survivability talents). Your spec *avoids* all pure tanking talents that exist. Regardless of what patch we're in or what character or boss we're talking about, a spec that avoids all possible pure tanking stats is never a tanking spec.
#14 Jan 10 2010 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
You are using Fallen Crusader on your weapon... dont. You must use Stoneskin Gargoyle.

I have a "tank spec". It isnt defense capped, and isnt gemmed, enchanted or anything. It is simply the tank items I picked up when no one else wanted them. I have almost 30k hp in that gear, and I wouldnt dream of tanking a Heroic in it because I know that it is laughable.
#15 Jan 10 2010 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
I personally prefer blood over frost for tanking. You get more health, a last stand, and I think the single target threat is way better as well. I also think using a 2h for tanking produces much better results than trying to DW tank. To effectively DW tank you need a TON more expertise (on the order of 35-40) and the gear I save on expertise makes my overall stats that much better. Plus blood gets higher HP numbers than any other spec.
#16 Jan 10 2010 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I personally prefer blood over frost for tanking. You get more health, a last stand, and I think the single target threat is way better as well. I also think using a 2h for tanking produces much better results than trying to DW tank. To effectively DW tank you need a TON more expertise (on the order of 35-40) and the gear I save on expertise makes my overall stats that much better. Plus blood gets higher HP numbers than any other spec.

Blood is by far the hardest spec to learn to tank with. You have almost no AoE threat tools, and any increase in ST threat is pretty negligible nowadays. The increase to health is low before raid levels. We're talking 300 health here.

Plus, while you don't have to worry about hit or expertise like DW does, you have to worry about ArP. And that's a pain as a tank. 2-Hand Frost and Unholy are easier to gear for.

I agree it is hard to start as DW. But it isn't hard enough that you CAN'T do it. I just recommend using a 2-hander unless you have easier access to gear.

Oh, and the expertise soft cap is still 26. Expertise may have a small mitigative boon to DW over 2-hand, since they attack more. But I'd expect the much lower hit chance makes up for it, as miss is above Parry on the hit table. Tanks don't need to stop at 26 expertise like DpS, but it is unwise to aim above it.

What DW needs is more HIT, not more expertise. That's because DKs get a lot of passive threat from our auto-attacks. You need hit to even out that loss.

Parry-hasting is only a 1% increase in attacks. It isn't something you need to worry about in anything but progression raiding.


Note: Blood is harder on the tank, but slightly easier on the healer (basically any DS that doesn't directly result in a nearly equal amount of overhealing, which isn't amazing). Frost is easier for the tank, and slightly easier for the healer. Unholy is slightly harder to use than Frost, but easier on the healer than it as well.

Edited, Jan 10th 2010 2:27pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Jan 10 2010 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
I think you're pretty crazy. I've never in my life seen a tank actually stack armor pen, nor would I ever recommend someone do it. And blood's AoE threat is just fine. First off the only thing that Frost has over Blood (AoE-wise) is howling blast. Even frost's AoE threat comes just as much from Death and Decay, diseases, and blood boil as it does howling blast. Blood has the same disease damage, same Death and Decay damage, and actually has MORE damage than frost when it comes to blood boil (by an order of 30%). If you're having AoE threat problems tanking as blood, that's an indication you're doing something wrong, more than it is a problem with the spec.

Now frost does have the best passive mitigation, more than any other spec, however (at least in my guild) threat generation has always been more important than passive mitigation, as our dps push tanks to their limit. Plus the fact that single target threat is almost always more important than AoE threat. AoE threat helps on trash (in raids and 5-mans), but still most boss fights are against a single target. Most dps don't use their big cooldowns on trash packs, but they unload everything they can on the boss target (again, both in raids and 5-mans). Honestly if people pull aggro on trash packs, they tend to blame the dps long before they blame the tank for lack of threat anyway. AoE threat is nice and all, but it's just not as important as people make it out to be.

The soft-cap expertise is referring to push dodge off the table. Dodges don't really impact you near as much as parry. If a boss dodges you, you miss, nothing special happens. If a boss parries you, however, it can (depending on the boss, some bosses don't do this) reset the bosses swing timer, causing it to swing faster or more often, making you take damage. Since you are using two weapons as opposed to one, DW increases the chance for the boss to parry you, and therefore you need more expertise to compensate for the extra swings. I haven't seen someone get parry-gibbed and killed in months, but it does increase the strain on healers, and you should want to avoid making healers work harder to keep you alive. Death knights are already on the squishier end of the spectrum when it comes to tanking, you don't want to make it worse. Most of the tanks I know shoot for 30ish normally (mainly warriors, since they're physical) and if you were DWing you'd want more than you'd want with a single weapon, and most DW tanks I know shoot for 35-40.

Finally, I don't understand where you're getting off at saying that tanking as blood is hard in any way. One of the biggest reasons why I've always enjoyed tanking as blood as the other specs, is because it is pretty much identical to dpsing as blood, just with using tanking cooldowns in the place of dps ones, and using Death and Decay and blood boil a bit more than I do as dps. The rotation is pretty much identical for single target. This means I can spend all day dpsing, then switch to tanking and not miss a beat.. or I can be tanking all night and then need to switch to dps for a fight and still do well.
#18 Jan 11 2010 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Blood tanking is harder when AOE is involved. Been down that road and I'm not going back.

Howling Blast with the glyph and a Killing Machine proc will glue stuff to your ankles. Blood takes longer to build up the threat on everything and if you've run heroics lately with a Mage/Warlock/Hunter, you'll know that threat build-up is a luxury we tanks can no longer enjoy.

As a healer and tank, I can only recommend that you get 535 defense skill as soon as possible. Not sure if you can dual-wield the new Nerubian enchant, but if you can, do it, at least if you're going dual-wield tanking. There's nothing more dangerous than running heroics when you're not immune to crits. I've seen plate-users fold in one crit from some of the heroic bosses.

And dude, you're wearing spell caster boots. Spell power does nothing for you.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Jan 11 2010 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,634 posts
Reading about tanking is similar to reading about learning to drive. You can only study so much - eventually you just gotta do it.

Do what the guys said above... Learn the rules of the road. After that - it's all about taking it slow and hopefully not killing anyone.

#20 Jan 11 2010 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Blood tanking is harder when AOE is involved. Been down that road and I'm not going back.

Howling Blast with the glyph and a Killing Machine proc will glue stuff to your ankles. Blood takes longer to build up the threat on everything and if you've run heroics lately with a Mage/Warlock/Hunter, you'll know that threat build-up is a luxury we tanks can no longer enjoy.

This is what I meant. Blood is better now than before, but you basically HAVE to take the DnD glyph, and knowing when to switch from HS to BB can be tricky. And even if you completely prioritize BB over HS, you're going to put out lower AoE threat than the other two specs, at the cost of single-target threat (a more severe loss, since you lose your main strike to use BB when HB does almost the same damage as Oblit on a non-crit and Unholy only loses their Blood Strikes).

As Unholy, I've never lost a boss to another DpS. But my AoE threat is superior to Blood, and I have lost trash mobs. And they HURT in the Frozen Halls heroics.

As Unholy, I can use my Death Grip to help position groups. I'd be worried about doing that as Blood.

I'm not saying Blood is a bad spec--they're all pretty well balanced at this point. I'm just saying Blood is much harder to use if you aren't used to tanking yet.

And, btw, every tank spec uses a very similar rotation to DpS. That isn't unique to Blood. Actually, Frost's rotation is even closer to their DpS one than Blood, due to the fact they don't have to use DnD on trash packs (they CAN, but they don't HAVE to like Unholy/Blood do).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#21 Jan 11 2010 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I started tanking with a Frost spec to get the hang of it and learn the dungeons from a tanks point of view, tried switching to Blood and failed miserably because the rotation and things to watch for are completely different in each spec, Blood you really have to pay attention to AoE threat whereas with Frost you need to watch for single target threat, at least that's how I played it, but switching from AoE mindset to Single target mindset on bosses is easier than vice versa IMO.

Anyway, I swicthed back to Frost and never looked back, got a decent set of gear, crit capped my Defense for Heroics and gemmed and enchanted all my gear til I was sitting at about 29k health, which to me was good enough to tank any Heroic. Now with the new LFD system and I see tanks with 36k+ health I just want to cry, but I switched my focus to DPS since that's what I want to do anyway.

I ran through all of the Heroics as DPS to gear up and get badges, then once I had a full gear set with enchants and gems I started tanking. Unfortunate for you, but fortunate for the groups tanks run with is that you really can't start tanking when you're undergeared since it's one of those pass/fail things for tanks. Healers kind of suffer the same way, but not to the same extreme whereas DPS can suck big time and you still be able to get thtough an instance with a decent tank and healer pulling the group along.
#22 Jan 12 2010 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
I changed my spec to what Idigory showed. I did compare and look at what I had chosen. It must have been a bad link.
The boots were a mistake. A guildie was making the gear and had trouble finding what I wanted and I ended up with it all wrong.
Question: I am getting some Champion's seals and wondered about that gear. I think 2-3 pieces would be better than what I have. Also Titansteel Destroyer or Claymore of the Prophet. For the price and the added hit, the sword looks better.
#23 Jan 12 2010 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I'd stay with the TTSD. Haste isn't an important stats for DKs (especially not 2-handed Frost). It's slightly better for DW Frost, Unholy and Blood (but not awesome). The extra hit doesn't make up for the loss of weapon damage. You get 20 more damage for each strike. Each point is rated much higher than hit, so the TTSD is still probably better.

That said, if you don't want to farm the TTSD and have the seals (and don't want BoA items, or the other crap) then go for it. The TTSD isn't ENOUGH of an increase to bother with if you can grab the sword easily. But if you'll have to farm seals for a week anyway, you might as well just farm the mats for the mace.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#24 Jan 12 2010 at 1:53 PM Rating: Excellent
I guess I could see your point in that it requires a couple extra brain cells firing to know when to use blood boil and when to heart strike is enough (2=HS, 3+=BB) and no you just can't faceroll tank with it, but it is completely identical to dpsing with AoE. If I'm dps I use the same exact line of thinking as to which skill to use as when I would if I'm tanking. If you can figure out how to dps, just do that in frost presence, and use your tanking cooldowns instead of dps ones. It really is that simple. I also have never needed (nor recommended) the use of the use of the DnD glyph, Blood Boil is absolutely plenty.

I've leveled, tanked, and dps as every spec possible (ok, except shadowfrost DW back in naxx days) and there is a learning curve when switching from either a blood or unholy situation (their rotations are the most similar) to frost and vice-versa. If you are used to dpsing or tanking as frost, then I am not the least bit surprised to hear someone struggling with blood, you're just not used to that type of rotation. The nice thing about blood is that you're not having to focus on every little proc (do I have KM? do I have Rime? Do I have both?) and there is less cost to doing it wrong (the difference between someone doing procs correct as frost and incorrect is HUGE) which frees you up to watch boss mechanics a bit more.

If you really want to go down the road of 'what spec is easiest to a new tank' then I honestly would ask what spec the person leveled as first. If the person leveled as blood, they probably have blood down pretty well and so would be able to slip into blood tanking with an absolute minimum of learning curve. If they leveled as frost, then they probably should start off as frost. However if you've been 80 a while and try to mark yourself as knowing your class, you can't really use the excuse that something is too difficult and so you should do something else, that's just the sign of a player that's not able to adapt. Having preference of one way of doing things is fine, but you shouldn't use the excuse that something is difficult.

RIP unholy tank spec, I still miss you.
#25 Jan 12 2010 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I guess I could see your point in that it requires a couple extra brain cells firing to know when to use blood boil and when to heart strike is enough (2=HS, 3+=BB) and no you just can't faceroll tank with it, but it is completely identical to dpsing with AoE. If I'm dps I use the same exact line of thinking as to which skill to use as when I would if I'm tanking. If you can figure out how to dps, just do that in frost presence, and use your tanking cooldowns instead of dps ones. It really is that simple. I also have never needed (nor recommended) the use of the use of the DnD glyph, Blood Boil is absolutely plenty.

Actually, no. Smart HSing is superior AoE threat until you have 4 or 5 mobs. BBing is far easier, yes. But it does NOT produce superior threat. So playing Blood may be simple if you are taking the easy way out, yes. But doing it properly is quite difficult. And even spamming BB, you'll need to grab mobs more often.

Effective Blood tanking usually involves mixing BBs and HSs as necessary. It is far more difficult to master than the other specs. And, even when you have mastered it, still provides less AoE threat. And they no longer have a ST advantage (at least not a very noticeable one).

I'm not saying the spec is bad (and I firmly don't think it is), just that it will be much easier to learn how to tank in a different spec (due to the intense AoE damage flying around nowadays) and then switch to Blood if you wish to. It may be harder to learn the spec itself, but at least you won't be worrying about learning how to position mobs and you'll be comfortable with tanking enough that your reflexes will let you grab lost mobs faster. And, most importantly, if you have tanked as Unholy you'll have learned how to effectively place DnD.


And, again, ALL DK tanking is nearly identical to DpS. That is not unique to Blood at all.

Edited, Jan 12th 2010 4:14pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#26 Jan 12 2010 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Effective Blood tanking usually involves mixing BBs and HSs as necessary. It is far more difficult to master than the other specs. And, even when you have mastered it, still provides less AoE threat. And they no longer have a ST advantage (at least not a very noticeable one).

The 'hard bits' you are talking about are AOE situations where you are solo tanking 5-6 non-AOE mobs and have to use Blood Boil and a rotation of "HS mob A+B > HS mob C+D > HS mob E+F" to keep optimal aggro (often enough not following an optimal rotation isn't even going to make you lose aggro). This is hard, but not particularly impossible. Thing is though, that these situations are so extremely rare you can barely call Blood "a hard tanking spec" because of them. In fact, I'd argue Blood is the easiest spec to (learn to) tank with because it has A) the easiest rotation (HS, HS, HS, HS - oh what's that? DS!) and B) more room for error due to the fact that your main attack (HS) costs only one rune while Scourge Strike and Obliterate both require two.
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