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Two new-to-me add-ons...Follow

#1 Jan 07 2010 at 3:13 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
... that you smart peeps probably already knew about, but just in case.

I went on a quest to replace DoTimer. I ended up doing it with 2 add-ons replacing the one, but I'm much happier with the results.

CooldownButtons is small and simple. I can put my cooldowns on as many bars as I want, anyplace I want. So most of them are off where the old DoTimer ones were, but I've got Penance, PoM, and Holy Fire right above my castbar so I can quickly see the moment they go off cooldown (No Moz, no big button that tells me CoH is available Smiley: wink).

Satrina Buff Frames replaced some of what I was doing with both DoTimer and Pitbull. This is an OCD dream - you can define as many buff bars as you want, organize them how you want, and make any of those bars you want invisible unless you mouse over them. I could not stand that untidy mess of icons over my Pitbull frame. Now most of my buffs/debuffs display only when I ask for them, but for the ones I need to know about all the time I'm using Pitbull's Aura Bars (someone put up a screenshot of those here if you're not used to PB 4 yet). Nice and neat and square all the time. Shut UP I am NOT trying to make Pitbull look like Grid! Smiley: wink
#2 Jan 07 2010 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I keep forgetting I can use SBF to keep track of (de)buffs on *other* targets as well. One thing I have really disliked about Pitbull from the moment I got it is the way it handles buffs. When someone gets bone spiked I want their icon to emit a huge neon-light glow saying "BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME OH GOD THE AGONY PLEASE HEAL ME". Pitbull provides me with... nothing at all on this front, making me a lot less useful during encounters like Marrowgar where I have to wait for DBM to tell me who has been spiked and then need to manually find their frame amongst 25 of them. I wonder if SBF can somehow fix this problem for me...
#3 Jan 07 2010 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
When someone gets bone spiked I want their icon to emit a huge neon-light glow saying "BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME OH GOD THE AGONY PLEASE HEAL ME". Pitbull provides me with... nothing at all on this front, making me a lot less useful during encounters like Marrowgar where I have to wait for DBM to tell me who has been spiked and then need to manually find their frame amongst 25 of them. I wonder if SBF can somehow fix this problem for me...

Doesn't the debuff have a name (Impaled or something like that)? You can set an Aura Bar in Pitbull to show you Impaled (or whatever it's called) on your raid frames as a humongous (or whatever size you want) red (or whatever color you want) bar across the top, left, whatever. Set the width to something huge and it'll take up pretty much the whole frame. You can set it to hide the bar when empty so it will only show up when someone has it and your frame will just look normal the rest of the time.

Edited, Jan 7th 2010 5:17pm by teacake
#4 Jan 07 2010 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
I use a combination of OmniCC (Cooldowns on actionbars) and Satrina Buff Frames.

What I do with SBF is to Define one button frames for things like Vampiric Embrace, Devouring Plaque, SW: Pain, ect. I then place each indicator directly above the actionbar button that casts the corresponding spell. It makes it super easy to see the time left or stacks on a spell. I don't have to look one place to see the spell expiring, then another to recast it. Also in SBF, I have my debuffs Large and more promanently positioned.

Regarding Power Auras. I use it for a couple things. I simple "COH" on screen tells me my Circle of Healing is ready. Giant Circles of pulsating Blue or Red doom tell me I'm positive or negative (yea Naxx), and on my mage, a giant "Danger" across the width of the screen tells me my target is doing a spell reflect.

I really enjoy playing with addons. Here's a cool item. Most people know that TomTom is a nice coordinate addon. When I quit using Carbonite, I started using TomTom for the waypoint arrows. But the cool thing is another addon called TomTomPing. You can choose an option to always point on target. My Vuhdo automatically targets anyone I click. Hmmm, click an out of range person needing a heal, and I get an arrow showing the direction to run. Also get a directional arrow to the tank or that pesky player you need to rez. It's pretty cool.

Other favorites of mine.
Profession leveling - Ackis Recipe List. Know all recipes you are missing and where to get them.
IronChef - Auto chef's hat equipper
Mr. Plow - Bag Sorter
Reagent Counter - Auto-buy Reagents
WrongButtonGoAway - Admit it, you've released when you should have used your Soulstone!!

Edited, Feb 6th 2010 8:54am by dadanox
#5 Jan 07 2010 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Doesn't the debuff have a name (Impaled or something like that)? You can set an Aura Bar in Pitbull to show you Impaled (or whatever it's called) on your raid frames as a humongous (or whatever size you want) red (or whatever color you want) bar across the top, left, whatever. Set the width to something huge and it'll take up pretty much the whole frame. You can set it to hide the bar when empty so it will only show up when someone has it and your frame will just look normal the rest of the time.

While that's one option, it's still not entirely what I'm looking for. Pitbull 3 and apperantly 4 have some kind of 'filter function' as well, but either I'm too stupid to understand it or it's too complicated to be understood, or it just doesn't work correctly - I've never really managed to figure out the option anyway. But aside from that, even if it did work, it would be nice if my frames just gave me a simple highlight to easily pick out people in tight situations. I don't feel like manually filtering all the debuffs that apply, and using the "show all debuffs" option means my entire raidframe gets highlighted when people get sated after a damn Bloodlust.

Still, your idea sounds interesting - I might use it if I can't find anything better.
#6 Jan 07 2010 at 8:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
it would be nice if my frames just gave me a simple highlight to easily pick out people in tight situations. I don't feel like manually filtering all the debuffs that apply, and using the "show all debuffs" option means my entire raidframe gets highlighted when people get sated after a damn Bloodlust.

I believe you can set the highlights to do a specific color for a specified debuff as well, but you're right, configuring it is not intuitive. Always a problem with Pitbull, IMO. But I don't like using highlights for special things like that anyway - the problem is, they overlap. So Pitbull is already giving me a red highlight if there's a disease and a blue highlight for dispellable magic, if I have a yellow highlight for Moz's Super Special Debuff of Doom, it covers the other two, or one of the other two covers it. I prefer to set bars in their own special places to light up the frame in whatever color I want, so I can make sure they don't cover one another up.
#7 Jan 07 2010 at 10:37 PM Rating: Excellent
I tried out both today because I was giving my UI a major overhaul, anyway.

I think I prefer Elkano's BuffBars over Satrina Buff Frames simply because I couldn't find an option to remove the space between individual buffs in the latter and I don't like unnecessary spacing.

I have been looking for a decent cooldown timer, too, so I did try out CooldownButtons, but it's buttons (I swear it is)! I really prefer bars. After a failed attempt at updating an out of date addon that would provide me with those (CooldownWatch), I have now reinstated Natur EnemyCastBars just for cooldowns and apart from the fact that this does feel rather silly, NECB is unfortunately lacking an option to make the texture of the bars Flat and change the colour/opacity. Does anyone here know anything that might suit my needs (or rather wants) better?

Also got my Grid and everything set up fairly decently now.

#8 Jan 08 2010 at 3:33 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
Since I haven't seen this posted on alla before I'll add it to this thread. Most of our guild has started using this now and its great. Its called SnowfallKeypress and basically, what it does is make your spells react to a keydown event instead of a keypress event. This means that your spells will fire when your keyboard button is pressed down as opposed to when the button is pressed and then released. It might not sound much but it does make a difference, especially in classes with lots of instant cast abilities
#9 Jan 08 2010 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Satrina Buff Frames = win.

Which of course does mean it's a lot of work to set up, but it's so sweet.
#10 Jan 08 2010 at 7:04 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mothra wins. I dunno what the prize is, but that is awesome.

Kahliva wrote:
I think I prefer Elkano's BuffBars over Satrina Buff Frames simply because I couldn't find an option to remove the space between individual buffs in the latter and I don't like unnecessary spacing.

There is a section on the Icons tab in SBF that lets you move the buttons closer together. Elkano's is nice-looking but for me that hide on mouseover thing SBF does is key. I'm obsessed with having as little static stuff on my screen as possible. I think it comes from years of playing on a 15 inch laptop with huge healing frames taking up the whole screen and what do you mean I was standing in fire I didn't see any fire? Smiley: lol

For cooldowns, I like bars better too looks-wise (tidy!) but I also have never found one that's quite right. I want the kind of flexibility Cooldown Buttons gives me to define where I want different cooldowns to show up rather than have them all in one fat unreadable blob. So yeah, if anyone has suggestions I'd be interested too. Cooldowns are one thing I've never found the perfect addon to manage.

Aethien wrote:
Satrina Buff Frames = win.

Which of course does mean it's a lot of work to set up, but it's so sweet.

I didn't think it took long to set up at all. At least it lets you click and drag stuff around instead of that stupid x-y coordinate crap some add-ons try to pull. (Dear PowerAuras: I know the others love you, but you aren't fooling me. I know you suck.)

Edit: Did y'all check out Mothra's link? The nice man who wrote that add-on also tells you how to make Clique work to do the same thing!

Edited, Jan 8th 2010 8:27am by teacake
#11 Jan 08 2010 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I'll throw in an add-on that I like to use when I am not healing. It can be useful for healing, I guess, I just don't use it that way. It's called Event Horizon. It is not found on Curse, but on WowInterface.

I refer to it as my training wheels. It helps manage your dots and cooldowns. I guess it could also help you manage your hots and cd's for healing, I just never used it that way. It needs no configuring at all. If you don't like the order the spells are displayed, you are out of luck unless you want to edit the program itself.

If you play multiple classes, it is great for its simplicity.
#12 Jan 08 2010 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
Tellmewhen Does this as well.

It does more than just cooldowns, but for cooldowns you can set it to either pop up when the spell becomes available, or to pop up when the spell becomes unavailable and displays the timer of the cooldown.

NeedtoKNow is another good one I use in conjuction with TMW, however it only keeps tracks of buffs and debuffs.
#13 Jan 08 2010 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Last time I tried TellMeWhen I couldn't get it to show me a real timer (just the sweep on the icon, rather than actual numbers). Otherwise I'd have kept that. I used to use it for Surge of Light procs.
#14 Jan 08 2010 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Yeah it shows a countdown now, I use it for my mind blast when I go shadow. I use need to know to keep track of my devouring plague, sw:p, and vampiric touch as shadow, and my serendipity and surge of light procs as holy.
#15 Jan 08 2010 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
Tellmewhen Does this as well.
NOTE: TellMeWhen has a delay of roughly 0.5-1 second in showing you cooldowns.
a.k.a. it only shows your penance being ready 0.5-1 second after it is ready.

Which you can of course compensate for, but I'd rather have my addon be right about the cooldown.

Also rate up for Mothra (even though you don't heal Smiley: mad) that looks like something I definitely want.
#16 Jan 08 2010 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Also rate up for Mothra (even though you don't heal Smiley: mad) that looks like something I definitely want.

IIRC he does heal. On his shaman. Smiley: oyvey But I already installed SnowFallKeyPress and fully expect to be uber now.
#17 Jan 08 2010 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
SynnTastic wrote:
Tellmewhen Does this as well.
NOTE: TellMeWhen has a delay of roughly 0.5-1 second in showing you cooldowns.
a.k.a. it only shows your penance being ready 0.5-1 second after it is ready.

Which you can of course compensate for, but I'd rather have my addon be right about the cooldown.

Also rate up for Mothra (even though you don't heal Smiley: mad) that looks like something I definitely want.

Yeah it has a delay if you set it to show when spell becomes available, which sucks, but if you set it to show when the spell is unavailable, when you cast the spell(and it goes on cooldown) the icon will pop up and the cooldown timer will count down to 0. It works great for my CoH, Mind Blast(as shadow), my shaman's Lava Burst and for a few other abilities on multiple toons.
#18 Jan 09 2010 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
There is a section on the Icons tab in SBF that lets you move the buttons closer together. Elkano's is nice-looking but for me that hide on mouseover thing SBF does is key.
I found it - wasn't on the Icons tab, though. I'm happy now.

As well as setting up SBF to my liking, I scaled down most of my UI a lot more and got a bit more stuff to further improve it today, and I'm quite happy. I bet I'll find more to change tomorrow.

A guildie of mine is always asking about stuff, he's been asking Aeth half the time (my fault) but since Aeth hasn't been online in 2 days (I think), and his journal wasn't enough, I had to explain stuff I don't know about and learned a lot lately. It was fun.

Also, coordinate positioning is awesome for making stuff perfectly symmetrical. I wish Recount and Omen had it.
#19 Jan 09 2010 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Kalivha wrote:
Also, coordinate positioning is awesome for making stuff perfectly symmetrical. I wish Recount and Omen had it.

Yabbut. Math. I don't do math. I do British lit, 80's trivia and Plantagenet kings.
#20 Jan 11 2010 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Hi guys.

Try this addon. It beeps at you when you are standing in the bad stuff, and may get you out of it a second or two sooner. Seriously, you will thank me.
#21 Jan 11 2010 at 7:13 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Hi guys.

Try this addon. It beeps at you when you are standing in the bad stuff, and may get you out of it a second or two sooner. Seriously, you will thank me.

Awesome name! Smiley: lol

I used to have trouble with standing in fire a mite too long until I'd done a fight a few times. I thought it was because I just inherently suck, but it's amazing how much better "I" got after I got a computer that could have the spell detail above zero and a monitor I could actually see the picture in.
#22 Jan 11 2010 at 7:16 AM Rating: Excellent
teacake wrote:
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Hi guys.

Try this addon. It beeps at you when you are standing in the bad stuff, and may get you out of it a second or two sooner. Seriously, you will thank me.

Awesome name! Smiley: lol

I used to have trouble with standing in fire a mite too long until I'd done a fight a few times. I thought it was because I just inherently suck, but it's amazing how much better "I" got after I got a computer that could have the spell detail above zero and a monitor I could actually see the picture in.

Just sayin, try it anyway. We healers tend to get tunnel vision. I've had the alarm go off when I had no idea I was supposed to move. If nothing else, it can shave a few seconds off your response time. If you don't like if after a couple days, take it off.

Edited, Jan 11th 2010 8:54am by dadanox
#23 Jan 11 2010 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:

Just sayin, try it anyway. We healers tend to get tunnel vision. I've had the alarm go off when I had no idea I was supposed to move. If nothing else, it can shave a few seconds off your response time. If you don't like if after a couple days, take it off.

Oh no, that was meant to be an endorsement of it. I've already downloaded it. My point was just that this is the kind of thing that helps close the gap between those with access to better technology and those without. If I'd had some kind of cue then, maybe I'd have gotten out of the stupid cloud on time. Cues are our friends. And adding auditory cues to visual is even better. Especially for healers who have lots of competition for where to look.

Edited, Jan 11th 2010 8:54am by teacake
#24 Jan 11 2010 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
On the Ick fight in PoS where the guy throws green **** toward you, the audible alarm actually goes off before it hits the ground where you are standing, and in HoR, some of the stuff on the ground isn't the easiest to see. In any event, It's an addon I really like.

Edited, Jan 11th 2010 11:05pm by dadanox
#25 Jan 13 2010 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
I'm late in posting again *sigh*

synntastic wrote:
NeedtoKnow is another good one I use in conjuction with TMW, however it only keeps tracks of buffs and debuffs.

I love it, for shadow at least, I am horrible about casting MB after my VT has dropped... I'll have to check out TMW. I used to use surgetracker when I was holy.

dadanox wrote:
WrongButtonGoAway - Admit it, you've released when you should have used your Soulstone!!

I admit it and this addon has helped me save face a couple of times...

teacake wrote:
CooldownButtons is small and simple. I can put my cooldowns on as many bars as I want, anyplace I want.

Also, Teacake, doesn't Dominos give you a timer option on your spells? Maybe it is SBF, but if I use anything that has a cd I get a count down on the action bar icon. I can see if my fiend still needs "1m" or if penn is up in "3s".

An addon mentioned on (which was new for me at least) was EveryQuest, it shows you what quests you have and have not completed in each zone. It works with LightHeaded (not on curse? but on wowinterface) to give you information from in game about each quest. Great for anyone trying to complete loremaster or if you are leveling.

#26 Jan 13 2010 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Amallthia wrote:
An addon mentioned on (which was new for me at least) was EveryQuest, it shows you what quests you have and have not completed in each zone. It works with LightHeaded (not on curse? but on wowinterface) to give you information from in game about each quest. Great for anyone trying to complete loremaster or if you are leveling.

That is awesome.

Dominos probably would give me a timer if I asked for it, now that you mention it. But then I'd have to make separate toolbars for the things that I want in special places and the perfect symmetry of my Dominos toolbars would be destroyed and then a black hole opens up in the universe and swallows a unicorn.
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