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New Tank Warrior Gearing, no PvP?Follow

#1 Jan 05 2010 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
First off, I am enjoying my warrior, and enjoy both PvP and raids.

Getting a decent full set of gear for both takes time and effort of course, but can some one explain why a partial set of PvP gear, or even all PvP gear is met with such antimosity when you try to get PUG for 5 mans etc.

I have compared begining 213ish rating PvP gear to questable blue/greens/auction 175ish rating gear and don't get why it feels like showing up with that gear with far lower overall stats would be met with more aproval.

I am currently arround 50/50 now in PvP and 5 man heroic/emblem gear, slowly replacing PvP with with dungon gear.

#2 Jan 05 2010 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
PvP gear doesn't have avoidance stats. You may be crit capped with resilience, but you do not have the other benefits of the higher defense skill for tanking. Sure pvp gear has a focus towards stamina. But if you always take a hit instead of dodging, parrying or blocking, it's not good.

Looking at your character, you have very low dodge and parry. Your socketing is terrible for either tanking or pvp. You don't want to socket match if you don't need to (hence socket bonuses for meta gems only). Pure stamina gems are itemized min/max the best, but you may want to socket pure defense gems until you have 535-540 defense from gear alone.

It looks like your using your pvp gear for pvp AND tanking. Which means your enchants and gems are not itemized well.

All that aside, you need defense skill over resilience. Resilience just gives crit nullification (when talking about avoidance), defense skill gives miss, dodge, parry and block chance on top of crit nullification.

That's why.

You need tanking gear to tank, not pvp gear.

Yes, you'll probably need to get lower ilvl gear first, but that's the way the game goes.
#3 Jan 06 2010 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the input.

So, let me make sure I got this right.

Boiled down, Def stat is FAR more important to get maxed then any AC/HP/STR etc. (I know resliance is crap for tanking)

So this is far better for tanking do to the 43 Def

Even though the AC is 449 higher, 35 more STR, 51 more STA, and a blue socket with this

-EX EQ player, and in EQ world, AC is king, so WoW has Def as the #1 stat for tanking?
#4 Jan 06 2010 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
584 posts
While I am by no means the be all and end all of warrior knowledge, I will try to help.

Def is by far the most important stat, untill a certain point, then I becomes slightly less usefull.
the example of gloves you gave is not better, because I think you've over simplified it to mean that def > everything. This is not true. You still need a few other stats such as dodge, parry, and block aswell as a hefty amount of stamina.

To be heroic uncrittable you need 535 defense skill, 540 for raids.

While resilience makes you less crittable (and uncrittable in PvE content) it still leaves you soaking damage because you aren't dodging or blocking anything. While i have seen Tanks wearing a full set of resilience gear, it still makes te healers job a little harder because of the lack of avoidance

What i suggest doing is signing up as a dps for heroics, and using the badges you gain from that to purchase tanking gear.

Im not entirely sure if this was helpfull, but I like to try :)

Edited because cold hands means you cant type properly :(

Edited, Jan 6th 2010 1:54pm by Sgriob
#5 Jan 06 2010 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Vileblade wrote:
So, let me make sure I got this right.

Boiled down, Def stat is FAR more important to get maxed then any AC/HP/STR etc. (I know resliance is crap for tanking)

Getting crit immune (whether through Resilience or more commonly through Defense) is considered baseline. If you can be crit by a mob in a heroic or raid, don't tank that heroic or raid.

Once you are crit immune, you want as much HP and Armor as you can possibly get to maximize your Effective Health. If you're getting these on PVE tanking gear, you'll usually end up with enough Avoidance (Dodge / Parry / Miss) to not be a massive pain for your healers to keep up. If you're getting them on PVP gear, you tend to be shy on Avoidance, and are harder to keep up.

Vileblade wrote:
Getting a decent full set of gear for both takes time and effort of course, but can some one explain why a partial set of PvP gear, or even all PvP gear is met with such antimosity when you try to get PUG for 5 mans etc.

If you're talking about your current gear, you're getting animosity because you've got low HP compared with the 'average' tank (who is overgeared at this point). You've also got low avoidance, and many of your pieces are DPS pieces.

In other words, people see your HP at only 26k, then inspect you and see that it looks like you just threw together a set of "whatever I have" to tank. You've got non-ideal enchants, and again many of them are DPS enchants. You're gemming for Avoidance/Defense rather than Stamina. Deserved or not, many people probably assume you don't really know what you're doing as a tank. And a LOT of people unfairly expect to be carried by their tanks in heroics and raids.

That being said, I'm don't usually bail for heroics, but if I came in as a DPS and looked at your gear I'd be ... worried to say the least.

You could pretty easily turn your character into a good tank for heroics. But you need to upgrade some gear pieces, fix enchants and gemming, and of course practice.

Hope this didn't come across as too harsh. Enjoy tanking, and good luck moving forward. :)
#6 Jan 08 2010 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Getting crit immune (whether through Resilience or more commonly through Defense) is considered baseline.


It's not that resilience doesn't crit cap you, it does. It works great for that. But...
4.92 DR = 1 defense skill at level 80 
1 defense skill = 0.04% miss, crit% reduction, dodge, parry and block chance at level 80 
94.3 resilience rating per 1% resilience at level 80  
1 resilience = ~0.01% crit reduction

To get 1% crit reduction we need 25 defense skill.
25 defense skill is 123 defense rating (4.92 / (0.04))
To use the example of the gloves (OP RE:post).

The Demolisher's Grips vrs Deadly Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets
The Demolisher's Grips provide 43 defense rating 
This is 8 defense skill (rounding down) or, 0.32% crit reduction 
The Deadly Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets provide 39 resilience rating 
This is ~0.39% crit reduction.

Now. Looking at that, you'd think that with the superior stats (HP, armor, etc...) the pvp gloves are better. Think again. You also gain 0.32% miss, dodge and parry (0.96% avoidance) and 0.32% block chance with the tank gloves. That's quite a bit of a difference from the 0% that the pvp gloves provide. The major difference is the armor and HP. Is the loss of nearly roughly 1% avoidance worth having a little more armor and HP? Now, I am a HUGE proponent of Armor and Stamina in favor of Avoidance stats. But you need the basic avoidance stats that come along with defense skill. My position on Armor and Stamina over Avoidance is for purposes of selecting from tanking gear with tanking stats.

Better yet, go buy the Daunting Handguards off the AH for cheap.
71 defense rating = 14 defense skill (rounded down).   
14 defense = 0.56 crit avoidance  
(1.68 avoidance and 0.56 block chance)

If you are missing a few points from defense crit cap, you could use pvp gear to supplicate real tank gear. That isn't unreasonable. But for the most part using a pvp and dps set with a few tank pieces thrown in, your asking for animosity.

Edited, Jan 8th 2010 2:44am by devioususer

Edited, May 15th 2010 4:50am by devioususer
#7 Jan 08 2010 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
I found this thread massively helpful when it came to getting crit immune at level 80.

I know it's on the oboards and is aimed at DKs, but it's good for warriors, too.

The bulk of the items can be either quested or bought cheaply off the AH. If you kitted yourself out entirely in items listed in the thread you'd be a bit short on hit points, but chuck in a few emblem items, enchants and stamina gems and you should be okay.

There's also a sticky on the EU tanking oboards, which lists pre-raid tanking plate, trinkets and weapons.
#8 Jan 08 2010 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
I think i'm getting the idea,

Thanks for the info - it's been very helpfull

#9 Mar 09 2010 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Please excuse the bumping of an older post....

When some one says "Defence capped at 540"

What number is that?
When you first look at your stats, you see

Armor XXX
Defence XXX
Dodge XXX
Parry XXX
Block XXX
Resilance XXX

Then if you hover your mouse over the Defence number, you see Defence Rateing YYY -

which number is it?


Edited, Mar 9th 2010 1:38pm by Vileblade
#10 Mar 09 2010 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Vileblade wrote:
Then if you hover your mouse over the Defence number, you see Defence Rateing YYY -

which number is it?

Defense, not Defense Rating. You need at least 689 Defense Rating If you're ever questioning, you need "Reduces change to be hit and critically hit by 5.6%" if you want to be crit immune to a mob at your level +3 (boss mob).
#11 May 11 2010 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
I'm going to hijack this a bit...

Heroics have been done in Level 70 gear.

I used to do my daily Heroics back when heroics where not as ridiculously nerfed as they are now with PvP guildmates in PvP gear and spec and completed our runs regularily without wipes. It was long ago and most of us couldn't afford dual spec since PvP yields very little gold.

Now I leveled my warrior to 80 and que with stronger PvP gear combined with stronger tank items than what was available back then and run into weaker heavily nerfed heroics and I get told I need to be DEF CAPPED for heroics... Shut up! When they don't notice the runs go smooth!

You could argue because we had, probably, 3 of the top 10 healers of our server and 3 of the top 10 tanks. But they where geared in THIS and THIS! and spec into a PvP spec. If you can't outheal that in today's PvE ilvl 240+ healing gear with a PvE healing spec you just suck.

Edited, May 11th 2010 3:31pm by xorq
#12 May 11 2010 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
I used to do my daily Heroics... with PvP guildmates in PvP gear

Key point bolded.

It's not really that heroics can't be done without ideal gear. They can. It's more that in random groups you don't know what you're going to get with the other folks. Healer might not be geared enough to heal through the additional damage (and you do take more in pvp gear), DPS might be slow, etc.

Also if you're new to tanking you're only adding to the difficulty by gimping your gear (without avoid/mitigation).

I still suggest people gear to crit-immune (535 for heroics) when starting tanking especially if they're using the LFG system thingy a lot or mostly.

Besides. It's f'ing easy to get crit-immune tanking gear within a couple of hours /played after dinging 80. Really no reason not to IMO.
#13 May 11 2010 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
It's not really that heroics can't be done without ideal gear. They can. It's more that in random groups you don't know what you're going to get with the other folks. Healer might not be geared enough to heal through the additional damage (and you do take more in pvp gear), DPS might be slow, etc.

The less geared healers usually wouldn't even notice. The ones that would usually complain would be decked almost completely in raid drops.

I have no doubt that my guildies play way better. But there's a MONUMENTAL gap in the level of challenge if you take into account:
- The nerfing of the content.
- The spec (pve vs pvp).
- The new imba gear.

I've healed plenty enough to know what healing is like, too.

The only real problem I sometimes have with pugs is that I randomly get or not get people who pull too many adds.

Besides. It's f'ing easy to get crit-immune tanking gear within a couple of hours /played after dinging 80. Really no reason not to IMO.

If you meant you can get def capped in 120 minutes without doing any heroic I totally want to know.

I had a number of tanking items when reaching 80 and filled up the remaining slots with PvP gear. It didn't get me avoidance but did get HP and crit immunity.

Edited, May 11th 2010 11:44pm by xorq

Edited, May 12th 2010 12:26am by xorq
#14 May 11 2010 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Rep gear, crafted gear (and doesn't have to be the really expensive stuff) and ToC-5 Regular. I've done it on 2 plate wearing toons (warrior and pally).

Helm - 46
Chest - 76
Belt - 42
Legs - 60
Shoulders - 29
Boots - 58
Bracers - 27
Hands - 38
Weapon - 26
Cloak - 29
Shield - 64
Trinket - 0
Trinket - 0

Total 495 = 100 Defense.

Toss in enchants and gems and you're done.

Edit: It's even easier if you have some gold to burn on the Ulduar or ICC craftables, which I didn't at the time.

Edited, May 11th 2010 10:36pm by TherionSaysWhat
#15 May 12 2010 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Good list. Rate up.

I think the Relentless Gladiators bracers will help towards crit immunity more than the ones you listed because those have about 50 resil vs 27 def. They dont have the avoidance but have a lot more armor and stamina. The same happens with other slots.

For Neck theres a BoE called burning skull pendant. The PvP could be better like what happens with the bracers but that item should be easy to get from the AH. You forgot to list that one.

I've come across tanks that are hard to heal, but they weren't the ones mix-matching tank gear with PvP gear, they where mix-matching tank gear with PvE DPS gear.

Edited, May 12th 2010 11:28pm by xorq
#16 May 13 2010 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
That was a very quickly tossed together list from what I remember doing on my warrior. Now that I look at it, there are a few pieces that would be better for sure. But if anyone is trying to gear up their fresh 80, they'll be looking **** up anyway. Right?

I've come across tanks that are hard to heal, but they weren't the ones mix-matching tank gear with PvP gear, they where mix-matching tank gear with PvE DPS gear.

And that's a far bigger problem than pvp gear.

Also, to be fair, I should add that my bear had a LOT of pvp gear (still has a few pieces) in his tank set when he dinged. But bears don't gear for defense. Only issue there was threat generation.

I don't mean to give the impression that pvp gear in a tank set is auto-fail. It's just that those pieces are not itemized very well for pve encounters and it's so stupid easy to gear properly that I can't see any reason not to get the right stuff. Your pug healers will thank you.
#17 May 14 2010 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
I don't mean to give the impression that pvp gear in a tank set is auto-fail. It's just that those pieces are not itemized very well for pve encounters and it's so stupid easy to gear properly that I can't see any reason not to get the right stuff. Your pug healers will thank you.

The good reason: If you are 3-5 slots short of filling all slots the PvP gear is overloaded with stamina and resil which do help. If you already happen to do PvP you most likely have the Honor (if not the actual items) so you can put it in and get yourself grabbing badges already rather than waiting for drops.

I will say I queued as DPS for a number runs today just for the heck of it... I did notice that most PuG tanks were terrible. Here's why:

1- Only 4 slots of tanking gear and the rest was pve DPS gear. He pulls, he dies, healer ragequits, game over, that was fast.

2- Low quality tanking gear with a few slots of pve DPS gear. It was ok but he was pulling 2 or more groups at a time without popping any cooldowns and so on. We actually completed that run but with much whining from everyone. We wiped once but it was only because of him idiotically pulling 4 groups, otherwise he was healable. He sucked tho, I was constantly using bladestorm by the healer to pick whole packs of mobs off the healer and bring them to the tank, and the healer kept calling me noob because of it.

3- The only tanking items were a crafted shield and bracer. The rest was a mix of pve dps and pve healing gear. He pulled a huge pack of mobs and the healer couldn't keep up. The healer died too fast too so he was already dead by the time I got into emergency tank mode.

So what I'm getting at is, what I advice is to fill ALL slots with something "tanky", but fill all of them. Mainly defense items, but when you have just a few slots left to fill, put at least PvP gear on them.

Edited, May 14th 2010 12:03pm by xorq
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