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When can I heal?Follow

#27 Jan 05 2010 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Either works for 5-mans. You can heal any heroic as either. Both have advantages and disadvantages. When you're Disc, you'll miss Circle of Healing. When you're Holy, you'll miss instant Shields and wonder how you could ever have given up Penance. It'll probably come down to what you just like better. As a priest my biggest conundrum tends to be that both are so fun I end up respeccing constantly because I can't choose.

Funnily enough, I never feel this way because Penance has so little synergy with the holy tree.

If I am disc I tend to not spend a lot of time casting and really focus my heals on critical targets. Penance fits in really well here as an instant and big heal to specifically counter critical situations. As holy I spend most of my time constantly healing everyone - I concentrate Flash Heals on one group, build up Serendipity with them, and then launch a Prayer of Healing at a group I've been ignoring up 'till then. Just as the Prayer of Healing lands is the point where Circle of Healing fits in so brilliantly - to tie in with the constant stream of 100% pure global healing you can pop it when PoH finishes to instantly heal a whopping 11 people. You basically use CoH as a 'filler' to make sure you 'keep doing something' while still AOE healing. I'd have a very hard time fitting Penance into a holy playstyle. The only time I'd actually use it is probably if it gave me 3 stacks of Serendipity - I'd be alternating between PoH+ProM and Penancing a tank. Even then though, I'd need CoH to smooth everything out. And that is what I like about our two healing trees; they impact your playstyle so significantly that I rarely find myself actually 'missing' talents from the other tree (aside from niche gimmicks like B&S) because I am simply fulfulling another role.
#28 Jan 05 2010 at 8:43 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
Funnily enough, I never feel this way because Penance has so little synergy with the holy tree.

Yabbut. It's Penance. Smiley: grin

I hear what you're saying. My experience is bound to be different because I only do 5-mans when arm-twisted, don't raid at all anymore, and do most of my healing these days in battlegrounds and other PVP type situations where you don't have healing assignments and neat roles. There's nothing like Holy for being the hero to everyone at once, but when you do need a burst, you're all, "F'kin AY why am I not specced for Penance?" It's one thing if you're healing a tank in a 5-man and already had a Gheal winding up before the damage hit. But if you need a big heal in reaction to damage you weren't already staying ahead of, you're largely out of luck as Holy unless the goddess of RNG particularly smiles upon you.

Of course I'm not saying that Holy should have a big heal comparable to Penance. I agree you're right that it wouldn't fit with the playstyle. And putting both CoH and a heal like that in the same spec would be wrong. Very wrong. Fun, but very very wrong. Smiley: wink I'm just saying that when I'm specced for one, I do tend to miss the good points of the other, because I often need or at least want to be both an effective single-target healer and a kickass AOE healer. I get that I can't and shouldn't be able to do that, but you know, I can't sing backup on tour with Bon Jovi either, but you don't see me backing down on that one.

Edited, Jan 5th 2010 10:04pm by teacake
#29 Jan 05 2010 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You can't sing backup with Bon Jovi? Pff, what scrub priest can't even do that? ;)

I get what you're saying though - I guess the primary reason I have no troubles with being holy is because we have an excellent paladin squad in raids. I'll be bold enough to say that our main paladin healer is one of the three best paladin healers on the server. Which makes me feel old and surpassed, seeing as I got him into the game and explained the basics to him two years ago.
#30 Jan 06 2010 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
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Mozared wrote:
You can't sing backup with Bon Jovi?

Well, I could. Jon just never calls. And every time I call him these days one of his assistants or something comes to my door and hands me this funny paper. Something about 500 yards, blah blah.
#31 Jan 08 2010 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
I saw Bon Jovi at the Melbourne Tennis Centre during the Slippery When Wet world tour back in my very early 20's, does this mean I'll now be an elite priest?????
#32 Jan 08 2010 at 7:25 AM Rating: Excellent
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RodStorm wrote:
I saw Bon Jovi at the Melbourne Tennis Centre during the Slippery When Wet world tour back in my very early 20's, does this mean I'll now be an elite priest?????

Yes. Yes it does. Bad Medicine is, after all, our official theme song.
#33 Jan 08 2010 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Bon Jovi hasn't been cool anymore since they gruesomely raped and murdered it's my life.
Seriously, add a bad haircut and black dye and they can join right in with Tokio Hotel, 30 Seconds To Mars and whatever other absolutely **** emo bands there are around.

I vote for Mötley Crüe's Dr. Feelgood as priest anthem.
Bon Jovi is just a little too poppy for my tastes.

Also, now that I'm linking random music video's, check out this.
Make sure you can't fall out of your chair because it's hilarious.
Just watch their dance moves and listen to the impressive lyrics!
#34 Jan 08 2010 at 7:40 PM Rating: Excellent
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#35 Jan 09 2010 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I wasn't making fun of them, I was stating a fact.
I like It's My Life, it's a great shout along song.
The butchered and decapitated version is gruesome and whiny.
#36 Jan 09 2010 at 7:19 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I wasn't making fun of them, I was stating a fact.

Smiley: banghead

One mediocre song is insignificant in the face of Slippery When Wet.

I'm going to see them this spring. I'll be sure to post pics. Smiley: wink
#37 Jan 11 2010 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Not Living on a Prayer??????

Just out of interest, would a 5 button mouse be a good addition for healing?
I've seen the new Razor I think it is with a crapload of buttons on it, is this something I should be looking at?
What sort of things should I be looking at assigning to the buttons?

Ta guys.

Edited, Jan 12th 2010 6:05am by RodStorm
#38 Jan 12 2010 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
RodStorm wrote:
Not Living on a Prayer??????

Just out of interest, would a 5 button mouse be a good addition for healing?
I've seen the new Razor I think it is with a crapload of buttons on it, is this something I should be looking at?
What sort of things should I be looking at assigning to the buttons?

I highly recommend a 5 button mouse. Personally, I like Logitech. 5 buttons gives you enough so that you can get most of your healing spells on clicks and Shift-clicks, which for me are the most convenient combinations.

As far as the Razor Naga goes, yes 12 buttons on the side of a mouse are really a lot of buttons. I actually have one new and in the box under my desk. I know people love that mouse who get used to it, but for me, half the battle is being able to move the mouse and cast spells while moving. I like my thumb to have a firm grip on the side of the mouse while running and casting spells. Well, I have a hard time doing that if my thumb is supposed to be finding every one of the cast buttons at the same time I'm moving the mouse.

Which spells you put on what buttons is personal choice. Remember the running thing. Which instant cast spells are you most likely to be throwing on the run? Those should be very convenient. Your spells will vary a bit depending on if you are disc or holy.

I'm disc and use the following:
left click: PW: Shield
right click: Renew
Middle: Mass Dispell
Shift Middle: PoM
Side one: Penance
shift side one: Pain Suppression
Side two: Flash Heal when mouseover target, otherwise autorun
Shift side two: Greater Heal
Shift left: dispel magic
Shift right: abolish disease
Alt left: PoH
ctrl left: binding heal

I put the following on keybinds:
Fade, Desperate Prayer (with rocket boosts), Divine Hymn, Shackle, Levitate

I use Vuhdo as my healing frames with automatic targeting turned on, but also have use bindpad and clique to help manage keybindings outside the raidframes.

I have a few offensive spells bound (like shoot for wanding), but rarely use them. Good luck and have fun.

Edited, Jan 12th 2010 6:32am by dadanox
#39 Jan 12 2010 at 5:18 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
As I assume people know by now, I use my mouse for all movement, including strafing.
And as priest I use the 2 side buttons on my G5 for some cooldowns, it's nothing game breaking but more keys to bind stuff to never hurts.

Of course, if you use clique or something similar extra mousebuttons might just be a great addition.
Just go with a mouse you're comfortable with.
#40 Jan 12 2010 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks guys,
I've never really used mouse clicks to much before and have a couple of macro's on my Hunter but thats pretty much it.
Is there that much advantage having a mouseclick over just selecting a spell with your mouse normally?
I looked at the Naga and the pro is you could fit every spell needed onto the 12 side buttons no problem but the con for me is remembering which button has what, not good if your running around and cant find the right cast button.
So isnt just selecting the right spell icon an easier option?
Or is the mouseclick just that much faster to make a difference?
This is going to be my fourth 80 but gee I feel like such a noob asking this stuff.
The way I see it is you guys play the class and have the knowledge and experience, if I can learn from what you guys say it will only make me a better player.
And I can blame the tank if we wipe :)
Once I get this worked out its just a matter of conqueoring Vuhdo and I'am on my way.
Thanks again for the help guys.
#41 Jan 12 2010 at 7:16 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Five buttons are very handy for healing, especially if you're using something like Clique or Healbot. I love my Logitech MX518 more than cupcakes (well, not chocolate cupcakes), but you also don't need an expensive gaming mouse. I got a five button mouse at Best Buy for $15 when I first started healing and would probably be using it still if I hadn't gotten this as a gift.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
As I assume people know by now, I use my mouse for all movement, including strafing.

I used to do this too but once I ditched mouseover macros I needed Clique to heal anyone other than my target or ToT.

Edit: you replied while I was replying. :)

I do not recommend you click spells on your action bars, whatever else you do. You'll be surprised how it can make the difference between saving the day and a wipe.

First, I highly recommend binding your action buttons to keys. It's a lot faster to just hit Q than it is to move your mouse over to your action bar and click a button.

Second, the problem with clicking an action button versus using an add-on or some other method is targeting. It's not like DPS where your actions will apply to the same target, or to few enough targets that you can just tab between them. You need to be able to heal any one of 40 people quickly. You do not want to take the time to click to target, then press a key or click a button. Once you have VuhDo set up you can click once on their frame to heal them up, then move to the next frame that needs your attention. Worlds faster.

I used to have the same concern about remembering what everything is bound to, especially under pressure. The answer to that is to set up your mouse clicks and key bindings, and then practice until you're hitting the right one without even thinking about it. This is easier than you think it will be; muscle memory is a great thing. I always suggest people practicing healing do so in battlegrounds, even if they otherwise hate PVP. It's fast paced and low pressure (nobody really knows when you ***** up, and they're happy to just have a healer there anyway). Two hours in Alterac Valley with a new setup and I have absolutely no trouble hitting the right key fast.

Edited, Jan 12th 2010 8:37am by teacake
#42 Jan 12 2010 at 7:47 AM Rating: Excellent
There are several ways to accomplish what everyone is talking about.

You mentioned Vuhdo, and it has a built in configuration for binding mouseclicks to spells and macros.

If you use something like Grid or another unitframe, adding Clique gives you a super easy way to do this.

Some people use mouseover macros, where you hover your mouse over a person in your raidframe and simultaneously press a key.

Still others click a person in the raidframe to target them, then press a key to cast the spell (the way I worked for a long time).

The one thing you should not do, is to click a person to select them, then move your mouse to your action bar to cast the spell. That's ok for a couple things, maybe bringing out your shadow fiend or buffing people. However, do not do this as your way of casting shields or heals. The lost time will cause people to die.
#43 Jan 12 2010 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Ok thanks guys, makes a lot more sense.
When I get home from work tomorrow I'll try and set Vuhdo up with mouseclicks as it seems the best way to do this.
I do have Clique as well but to be honest have never used it, the whole mouseclick thing is a little new to me still but I'am willing to learn it.
I sent you a pm about Vudho Dadanox so if you get time mate have a look at it.
I dual spec'd both Holy and Disc. and used Teacakes up to lvl 50 tree's for both and am now using Wahu's Disc. tree to level out on my way to 80.
Just hit 60 so a little way to go yet.
Thanks for the help guys, its always nice to make new friends :)
#44 Jan 12 2010 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good

I need a mouse with more than three buttons. I'm usually fast enough for low level dungeons with clicking the unit frame and then the corresponding key, and I used to raid like that when I did raid but being more efficient is always good.
#45 Jan 12 2010 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
Lulz, above was me, I posted from the wrong account. Sorry about that.
#46 Jan 12 2010 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts

Kalivha wrote:
Lulz, above was me, I posted from the wrong account. Sorry about that.

So the 6k posts is just a cover for a much deeper problem...

#47 Jan 12 2010 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:

Kalivha wrote:
Lulz, above was me, I posted from the wrong account. Sorry about that.

So the 6k posts is just a cover for a much deeper problem...

If you call my boyfriend a problem, yes.
#48 Jan 12 2010 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Kalivha wrote:
teacake wrote:

Kalivha wrote:
Lulz, above was me, I posted from the wrong account. Sorry about that.

So the 6k posts is just a cover for a much deeper problem...

If you call my boyfriend a problem, yes.

Smiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lol

I wouldn't if you wouldn't!
#49 Jan 12 2010 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
Also, yes, I hooked up with someone from Allakhazam. And I'm living with his family now. Yay!
#50 Jan 13 2010 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Forum have to love it :)
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