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When can I heal?Follow

#1 Jan 02 2010 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys,
After leveling a Hunter, Mage and Shaman I thought I'd turn my hand to healing as dps'ing has become a little boring and I thought I'd try something different.
At lvl 44 I'am still Shadow spec dps'ing and havent even had to heal anything else apart from myself.
I geared up in Sp and Int. cloth armour thinking thats what a priest needs only to find out I'am stuck in Shadow for a bit longer and have to concentrate on spellpower and mp5, so the outdated faq here saids.
Although having said that I've seen a lot of priests my level running around in stam/int gear (eagle) over spellpower and sp.
I've also been eating food t gain sp, I'am guessing stop doing that and look at food that gives more spellpower?
The Shadow faq here is extremely outdated and EJ only concentrates on post 80 info for raiding, theres not to much out there pre 80 for advice.
At what level can I put away the Shadow spec and start looking at Disc/Holy?
My plan is to dual spec in both healing specs and become a fully blown out healer.
I understand Shadow is great for leveling but I'am not learning a thing about healing as yet.
Also Shadowform, every priest seems to running around in black but at my lower level I'am not seeing the point.
I have one damage spell and 2 DoT's whilst in Shadowform and I lose the ability to use my 2 other Holy damage spells, Smite and Holy Fire, so this limits me to the amount of damage I can do.
Once MB is cast I'am just standing there waiting for it to be used again instead of using my other damage spells in a rotation.
So I dont really see the point of Shadowform at lvl 44.
Is there any guides worth reading that help in understanding the process to 80?
I'am going to dual spec to Holy now but have read its best to stay with Shadow if you want to level and only concentrate on one spec until in the higher levels.
So far all I've learned has come from outdated info and a lot of trial and error, a step in the right direction would be great.
Thanks for any advice given, I've read the healing guides on here and cant wait to be able to put all that information into practice.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2010 2:37am by RodStorm
#2 Jan 02 2010 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
Smite spec is better for leveling. It enables you to DPS AND heal fairly effectively.
Also, I believe there isn't much SP/mp5-heavy gear around for your level unless that greatly changed in the last two years.

Details of the spec should be somewhere on the first page here.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2010 2:38am by Kalivha
#3 Jan 02 2010 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks mate, to be honest I really have no idea what sort of gear I should be wearing right now..sp, int, spellpower, I'am sort of playing a spec I didnt want to play.
I just wanted to learn to heal, not dps all over again.
I'am going to stick with it as I've invested to much time not to but I want to do it the right way and not the wrong way.
#4 Jan 02 2010 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
#5 Jan 02 2010 at 9:20 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
There is no reason whatsoever that you should spec Shadow if you don't enjoy it. You can heal right this very second if you want to (even as Shadow, btw). There is really no difference at all between Shadow gear and healing gear at level 44. Spec how you want, use that LFG tool, and go for it.

A couple of suggestions for spec(s) to be used for both healing and leveling: Searing Light is the key to the so-called Smite spec. It's a fun spec and worth looking at if Shadow isn't fun for you. And fill in 3/3 Spirit Tap while leveling regardless of spec.

To help with some of your gear/stat questions:

Really it's no different than itemizing for Shadow except you don't need Hit to heal. At level 44 I assure you that whatever gear you have is just fine to heal anything in your level range as long as it's caster gear. A mix of Owl, Eagle, and Whale works great.

Int is never something to kick out of bed for eating crackers. Spirit is your regen stat for Holy. For Disc, mathematically MP5 is better (I think it's something like 3 Spi = 1 MP5), but IMO you really don't need to worry about that distinction until you're 80 and raiding; you're not going to get a lot of choice over what's on your upgrades as you level. Once you get to Outland you'll start seeing meaningful amounts of Spellpower and Crit, and you'll work those into your priorities, but right now there's so little on the old world gear that I wouldn't give up good old Int or Spirit for it. Stamina is good if you're on a PVP server or doing battlegrounds, otherwise I wouldn't particularly pursue it unless you have so little health that AOE in instances is killing you.

My personal priority preference for Holy or Disc is Spellpower - Int - Spirit/MP5 - Crit - Haste. Lots of Disc priests like Int better than Spellpower, and the argument over whether Crit or Haste is better is ongoing because the right answer changes with every patch (I hear Haste is amazing for Disc right now). Where you prioritize Spirit/MP5 is going to depend on what you're doing and whether you're running out of mana doing it, or not. Those are things that you'll get a feel for as you go.

As for how to do the actual healing, do read the Healing Guide sticky.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2010 10:31pm by teacake
#6 Jan 02 2010 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks Teacake thats just what I was looking for.
As with my other toons I do reliase anything pre 80 doesnt really matter to much but I was just after advice what to look for so I get in the right and not the wrong habit when selecting gear/enchants/food etc.
The healing posts here are excellent and more importantly current so I will take that advice onboard when I get higher.
I'am going to spec Holy now and forget about Shadow, I'll keep an eye out on spellpower and int. and take it from there.
I'll use the spec tree from the main healing thread, .
This is a good start point correct?
Thanks again guys for taking the time to help out, really appreciate it.
Its always the tank or heals fault if a group wipes, when I heal I want it to be the tanks fault :)

Edited, Jan 3rd 2010 4:00am by RodStorm
#7 Jan 02 2010 at 10:50 PM Rating: Excellent
RodStorm wrote:
I'll use the spec tree from the main healing thread, .
This is a good start point correct?

That looks fine, but I would suggest spending your first 3 points in Spirit Tap. It's in the shadow tree, sure, but it's first tier and is insanely good for any leveling priest. Combine that with stacking spirit on gear and you won't run out of mana, regardless of spec.
#8 Jan 03 2010 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RodStorm wrote:

I'll use the spec tree from the main healing thread, .
This is a good start point correct?

That's an endgame build, but it would be very painful to level with. I wouldn't recommend it. If you're interested in Holy and will be healing instances while you level, I'd have a build that looked something like this at level 50. If you're not doing instances, it's probably not necessary to pick up Meditation yet, although I still would personally. Then just go straight up the Holy tree as you level.

The key here is that you need Searing Light if you aren't leveling Shadow. And Spirit Tap as well.

If I was leveling Disc, my level 50 build would look something like this. Then straight up the Disc tree.

RodStorm wrote:
Its always the tank or heals fault if a group wipes, when I heal I want it to be the tanks fault :)

Smiley: laugh Spoken like a true DPSer. I look forward to your future posts about dumbass DPS who couldn't stop pulling aggro and then blamed you when they died. Smiley: grin
#9 Jan 03 2010 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
If I was leveling Disc, my level 50 build would look something like this. Then straight up the Disc tree.

Disc has instant shields for everyone. That's what I'd do.
#10 Jan 03 2010 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks guys, awesome advice for a newbie like me starting out.
All I needed was a step in the right direction so thank you everyone very much.
I did spec with Spirit Tap as I noticed with all the sp I currently have my mana regen was very slow so adding ST helped considerably.
I have Searing Light as well and I'll checkout the 2 trees you mentioned.
Two more quick questions, do most people dual spec with one Healing spec and Shadow or dual spec with both Holy and Disc?
All the priests I've seen of late seem to be clad in black but I'am going to aim for both Holy and then dual spec to Disc to see which one suits my gameplay more.
But I'am not sure if thats the general concensus.
Lastly is possible for some of you experienced guys to pm me your toons names so I can see what the end result looks like in the armory so I have an idea of where I need to be post 80 stat and gear wise.
Thank you again everyone, great to see a pro active community here :)

Edited, Jan 3rd 2010 10:48pm by RodStorm
#11 Jan 03 2010 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RodStorm wrote:
do most people dual spec with one Healing spec and Shadow or dual spec with both Holy and Disc?

I really don't think there's a real common trend on this. I believe we have quite a few raiders here who dual spec Holy-Disc so they can change on the fly for different fights depending on what's needed. I think there are probably a lot of Shadow priests who dual spec with a healing spec for when their guild is in a jam or whatnot. People with healing specs sometimes also like to dual with a DPS spec for soloing and dailies and such.

Personally, I'm presently dual specced Disc-Disc, PVP and PVE. That's also a common thing; a lot of people who enjoy PVP go with PVP/PVE specs since most people do at least some PVE. Easier to go straight from Wintergrasp into the Vault that way.

I think your idea of dual speccing Holy and Disc is a great one for someone new to the class. The healing styles really are quite different and I would definitely suggest giving both a good try.

RodStorm wrote:
All the priests I've seen of late seem to be clad in black

Recent changes to Shadow made it more attractive than ever. I very rarely spec Shadow, but it was impossible to resist checking it out for a bit. Smiley: nod

Edited, Jan 3rd 2010 6:27pm by teacake
#12 Jan 03 2010 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
679 posts
I think there are probably a lot of Shadow priests who dual spec with a healing spec for when their guild is in a jam or whatnot.

Yeah its a lot more common than you might think. I've been shadow since I rolled my priest, but have always healed when the guild needed it. In my previous guild I was even healing on progression fights in sunwell when we were short. Dual spec just makes it so more bearable than hearthing out to respec and reglyph all the time. Nowadays I ususally use my offspec for healing 10 mans but its still really useful to have
#13 Jan 03 2010 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
RodStorm wrote:
do most people dual spec with one Healing spec and Shadow or dual spec with both Holy and Disc?

People do both. It depends on your goals. I was disc / holy, and would switch out for some fights. I've since geared up a bit and no longer have the need or desire to swap healing specs. I've got a nice disc / shadow arrangement for when I want to do dps. I'm thinking that will work out well for questing with the next expansion. I change things up every so often, so I wouldn't exclude the possibility of my having a holy build in the future.

The choice is yours.
#14 Jan 04 2010 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Disc/Disc ftw.
#15 Jan 05 2010 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks again guys, one more question, does Disc. and Holy use the same gear?
Does one need gear with more sp. or int. over the other or some other different atributes?
On my Hunter I can use the same gear for any spec, for my Mage and Shammy I need different gear for different specs.
So can I get aay with one lot of gear for both specs or do I need to have 2 different sets?
Thanks again.
#16 Jan 05 2010 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Holy likes spirit a lot more than disc, but otherwise I think they're fairly close.

Edit: And you can't use the same gear for all specs for a hunter.
I've got three different sets of gear for mine.

Edited, Jan 5th 2010 10:13am by Aethien
#17 Jan 05 2010 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
If someone is dual spec, disc / holy, although a holy may want more haste vs disc crit, and more spirit, I'd focus on getting really good gear on your main spec first. The off spec will still be ok. It's more critical to have a second set of gear (with some hit) if shadow is your off spec.
#18 Jan 05 2010 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Or if your offspec is a PvP spec Smiley: tongue
#19 Jan 05 2010 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks guys, main will be Holy with off-spec Disc. so by the sounds of it the gear is similar.
Int. and Sp. seem to be the main things to lookout for.
And pve only :)
Almost 50 now and things are taking shape, really enjoying playing the class.
As for the Hunter remark, I'am MM and probaly need more ArP than when I was SV but apart from that its pretty much the same.
I only use BM for exotic pets so havent used it for raiding/instances.
Sorry, got a little sidetracked there :)

Edited, Jan 5th 2010 12:37pm by RodStorm
#20 Jan 05 2010 at 6:35 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Agree that the gear is pretty similar and as long as your gear is strong for your main spec I wouldn't worry about getting a second set unless you have a specific reason. That said, your priorities are likely to be different for that main set depending on spec. I'd focus more on Crit and Spirit for Holy than I would for Disc, and Disc favors MP5 over Spirit. Crit and Haste are good for both, but Crit doubles as a regen stat for Holy.
#21 Jan 05 2010 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks again for the help, just out of interest which addon is preferred for healing, Grid, Healbot or something else?
I use Grid but its a little intense at times to setup and I tend to forget what I setup in corners, never used Healbot so dont know what its like but it seems basic.
I read up on Vuhdo and it looks pretty good as well, not sure whats the most useful to be using.

Edited, Jan 5th 2010 1:56pm by RodStorm
#22 Jan 05 2010 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RodStorm wrote:
Thanks again for the help, just out of interest which addon is preferred for healing, Grid or Healbot?
I use Grid but its a little intense at times to setup, never used Healbot so dont know what its like.
I think theres Vuhdo or something like that as well, not sure whats the most useful to be using.

Well, now you've done it. Expect the following:

1. Dadanox will tell you to use Vuhdo.
2. Several other people will say Grid.
3. Someone will point out that Healbot is much more sophisticated than it used to be and that people who dismiss it out of hand are just being healy snobs.
4. Someone will say, "Nuh-uh."
5. Someone else will say, "Yah-ha."
6. The thread devolves into a "I know you are but what am I?" cascade.

I kid. But only because this is the nice forum. Smiley: cool Other people who aren't as nice as these ones seem to be oddly attached to their method as the One True Way. At some point somebody will tell you that you're doing it wrong and that their way is the right way. Try their way if it sounds like something that might work, but don't buy into the right/wrong thing. A UI is as personal a choice as breakfast cereal.

I would recommend you download Vuhdo, Grid (oops, I see you already have that one), and Healbot. Since getting groups for instances is so easy now, set each one up and heal one or two instances with it. That will take time and may seem like unnecessary effort, but chances are you'll try all of them at some point, so you might as well do it up front. They all have most of their features in common, but there is probably one that will just make more sense to you and feel more comfortable than the others.

Since you already use Grid, you've probably also used Clique with it. Another option is to use that in conjunction with any unit frames you like (Pitbull, etc.) without having an add-on that's dedicated to healing per se. It's my understanding that it can be difficult to use a method like this for higher-end raiding, though, so if that's where you're headed you should probably start getting used to one of the healing tools now.

Personally, I use my regular Pitbull frames with a combination of Clique and macros. My macros only use Target and ToT, but you can use mouseovers as well (plus you're a mage, so Focus is already ingrained). If you're a macro kind of person this might also be an option.

Edited, Jan 5th 2010 9:09am by teacake
#23 Jan 05 2010 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Oooohhhh...didnt want to cause an argument lol :)
I find Grid hard to work at times, I know its just me and not the addon, but it doesnt always do what I want it to.
I downloaded the pipes addon for it so I can replace some blocks with text so that may help.
Vuhdo seems pretty good though, I watched some vids on using/setting it up and it seems easier to use so I'll give it a go as well.
I want to get use to one healing addon though so it becomes second nature in time.
I'am not real good with macro's as far as writing them goes so for me that wouldnt be a good thing although its something I've wanted to learn.
I tried Pitbull as well but failed badly so went to Stuf which I found a lot easier to use.
It looks the same and has pretty much the same functions.
You are right though it is a personal choice which one to use.
I just like to be good at what I do and anything that helps is a bonus :)
But nothing beats trial and error, 15 years of marriage has taught me that lol.

Edited, Jan 5th 2010 2:46pm by RodStorm
#24 Jan 05 2010 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
I agree with Teacake. Oh, and...... use Vuhdo.

But seriously, I think Grid and Vuhdo are the front runners. The only reason I don't mention healbot is that the last time I checked, the indicator for PW: Shield did not disappear until it timed out, not when it was used up early.

The main things you want from a raid frame as a healer are:
Show everyone's health and mana.
Show buffs and debuffs, including those you define.
Let debuffs you define and special raid debuffs show up as something easy to see, like turning the unit frame bright red.
Show Magic and Disease as different colors, so you can easily dispel magic or abolish disease.
Give counts and timers for buffs and debuffs, like how many seconds until Weakened Soul wears off.
Indicate missing raid buffs.
Show when someone gets agro.
Allow you to bind spells or macros to mousebuttons, set your target for keybinding, or use mouseover macros.
Allow you to show target of target.

I agree you should find a healing raidframe you are comfortable with at a lower level, then as you get into higher content, your setup will be very comfortable for you. My preference is a 5 button mouse and setting up your healing addon to use mouseclicks to heal.

Edited, Jan 5th 2010 10:36am by dadanox
#25 Jan 05 2010 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks mate for the feedback, I did a bit of research on Healbot as well and on the Curse site theres a few angry people with the new version saying its buggy so I'll give that one a miss for now.
The interface I'am using is someone elses that I downloaded via the EJ site who was a healer as well.
I had to change his settings around to accomodate my Hunter originally and now I have changed it back to healing.
So my Grid knowledge only comes from what someone else has setup and me trying to work it out.
I'll give Vuhdo a go over Grid as to me its new and I might hopefully find it a bit easier to manage.
Plus the setup gui looked easy to use and has all the features you mentioned in what I need.
But the key to me is its easier to setup, if I get that right then it will work fine.
Also is there any Holy priests out there willing to pm me thier toons name so I can look it up on the Armoury for numbers and gear so I have an idea of where to aim for post 80?
I looked up Wahu for Disc. so now I have an idea with that spec but as I'd like to go Holy as main spec it would be great to see what others have done with themselves.
And I'am right in assuming Disc. is more about preventing, mitigating, damage then healing the MT or OT whereas Holy is purely group heals?
So Holy would be great for 5 man Heroics and for 10/25man Disc. would be a better option so ideally learning/dual speccing both would be advantageous.
Thanks again for the help guys, appreciate it.
#26 Jan 05 2010 at 6:53 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
RodStorm wrote:
And I'am right in assuming Disc. is more about preventing, mitigating, damage then healing the MT or OT whereas Holy is purely group heals?
So Holy would be great for 5 man Heroics and for 10/25man Disc. would be a better option so ideally learning/dual speccing both would be advantageous.

Raid wise, I believe the general rule is still that Disc priests are tank (or tankish) healers and Holy priests are raid healers. From a Holy perspective (since your main interest is there at the moment), Circle of Healing and the instant Flash Heals you get from Surge of Light make you an extremely effective healer when the AOE hits the fan. Hotkey a macro that does Circle of Healing, Inner Focus, and Prayer of Healing and see all those health bars go shooting back up at once. It's a fun spec if you like hearing the stunned silence on Vent when everyone thought they were going to die and you went spazwild with your Holy mojo and nobody did.

Either works for 5-mans. You can heal any heroic as either. Both have advantages and disadvantages. When you're Disc, you'll miss Circle of Healing. When you're Holy, you'll miss instant Shields and wonder how you could ever have given up Penance. It'll probably come down to what you just like better. As a priest my biggest conundrum tends to be that both are so fun I end up respeccing constantly because I can't choose. Smiley: clown

Edit: I'm not a raider so can't help with an armory link, but I imagine if you looked up a few of the top guilds on your server you'd find a Holy priest or two among their ranks to check out.

Edited, Jan 5th 2010 8:32pm by teacake
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